/* search.c Free software by Richard W.E. Furse. Do with as you will. No warranty. */ /*****************************************************************************/ #include <dirent.h> #include <dlfcn.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <unistd.h> /*****************************************************************************/ #include "ladspa.h" #include "utils.h" /*****************************************************************************/ /* Search just the one directory. */ static void LADSPADirectoryPluginSearch (const char * pcDirectory, LADSPAPluginSearchCallbackFunction fCallbackFunction) { char * pcFilename; DIR * psDirectory; LADSPA_Descriptor_Function fDescriptorFunction; long lDirLength; long iNeedSlash; struct dirent * psDirectoryEntry; void * pvPluginHandle; lDirLength = strlen(pcDirectory); if (!lDirLength) return; if (pcDirectory[lDirLength - 1] == '/') iNeedSlash = 0; else iNeedSlash = 1; psDirectory = opendir(pcDirectory); if (!psDirectory) return; while (1) { psDirectoryEntry = readdir(psDirectory); if (!psDirectoryEntry) { closedir(psDirectory); return; } pcFilename = malloc(lDirLength + strlen(psDirectoryEntry->d_name) + 1 + iNeedSlash); strcpy(pcFilename, pcDirectory); if (iNeedSlash) strcat(pcFilename, "/"); strcat(pcFilename, psDirectoryEntry->d_name); pvPluginHandle = dlopen(pcFilename, RTLD_LAZY); if (pvPluginHandle) { /* This is a file and the file is a shared library! */ dlerror(); fDescriptorFunction = (LADSPA_Descriptor_Function)dlsym(pvPluginHandle, "ladspa_descriptor"); if (dlerror() == NULL && fDescriptorFunction) { /* We've successfully found a ladspa_descriptor function. Pass it to the callback function. */ fCallbackFunction(pcFilename, pvPluginHandle, fDescriptorFunction); } else { /* It was a library, but not a LADSPA one. Unload it. */ dlclose(pcFilename); } } free(pcFilename); } } /*****************************************************************************/ void LADSPAPluginSearch(LADSPAPluginSearchCallbackFunction fCallbackFunction) { char * pcBuffer; const char * pcEnd; const char * pcLADSPAPath; const char * pcStart; pcLADSPAPath = getenv("LADSPA_PATH"); if (!pcLADSPAPath) { /* fprintf(stderr, */ /* "Warning: You do not have a LADSPA_PATH " */ /* "environment variable set.\n"); */ return; } pcStart = pcLADSPAPath; while (*pcStart != '\0') { pcEnd = pcStart; while (*pcEnd != ':' && *pcEnd != '\0') pcEnd++; pcBuffer = malloc(1 + pcEnd - pcStart); if (pcEnd > pcStart) strncpy(pcBuffer, pcStart, pcEnd - pcStart); pcBuffer[pcEnd - pcStart] = '\0'; LADSPADirectoryPluginSearch(pcBuffer, fCallbackFunction); free(pcBuffer); pcStart = pcEnd; if (*pcStart == ':') pcStart++; } } /*****************************************************************************/ /* EOF */