path: root/src/clients/gtk/ConnectWindow.cpp
diff options
authorDavid Robillard <>2006-06-10 02:43:54 +0000
committerDavid Robillard <>2006-06-10 02:43:54 +0000
commit47246db7e9d71ba694b719001033fba1766a58c4 (patch)
tree25614ea4f2c92033a3cd37f6413df742f09a5369 /src/clients/gtk/ConnectWindow.cpp
parent98fe0e7056e6697396249531785d3899f94d79be (diff)
More juggling
git-svn-id: a436a847-0d15-0410-975c-d299462d15a1
Diffstat (limited to 'src/clients/gtk/ConnectWindow.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 170 deletions
diff --git a/src/clients/gtk/ConnectWindow.cpp b/src/clients/gtk/ConnectWindow.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 15bab62c..00000000
--- a/src/clients/gtk/ConnectWindow.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
-/* This file is part of Om. Copyright (C) 2006 Dave Robillard.
- *
- * Om is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
- * terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
- * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
- * version.
- *
- * Om is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
- * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
- * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- */
-#include "ConnectWindow.h"
-#include <string>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include "interface/ClientKey.h"
-#include "interface/ClientInterface.h"
-#include "ThreadedSigClientInterface.h"
-#include "Controller.h"
-#include "OSCListener.h"
-#include "Store.h"
-namespace OmGtk {
-ConnectWindow::ConnectWindow(BaseObjectType* cobject, const Glib::RefPtr<Gnome::Glade::Xml>& xml)
-: Gtk::Dialog(cobject)
-, _client(NULL)
- xml->get_widget("connect_progress_bar", _progress_bar);
- xml->get_widget("connect_label", _label);
- xml->get_widget("connect_launch_button", _launch_button);
- xml->get_widget("connect_cancel_button", _cancel_button);
- assert(_progress_bar);
- assert(_label);
- assert(_launch_button);
- assert(_cancel_button);
- _launch_button->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(this, &ConnectWindow::launch_engine));
- _cancel_button->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::ptr_fun(&Gtk::Main::quit));
-ConnectWindow::start(CountedPtr<Om::Shared::ClientInterface> client)
- _client = client;
- Glib::signal_timeout().connect(
- sigc::mem_fun(this, &ConnectWindow::gtk_callback), 100);
- resize(100, 100);
- if (fork() == 0) {
- //cerr << "Launching engine..";
- execlp("om", NULL);
- }
- /* This isn't very nice (isn't threaded), but better than no dialog at
- * all like before :)
- */
- // Timing stuff for repeated attach attempts
- timeval now;
- gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
- static timeval last = now;
- static int stage = 0;
- /* Connecting to engine */
- if (stage == 0) {
- // FIXME
- //assert(!Controller::instance().is_attached());
- _label->set_text(string("Connecting to engine at ").append(
- Controller::instance().engine_url()).append("..."));
- present();
- Controller::instance().attach();
- ++stage;
- } else if (stage == 1) {
- if (Controller::instance().is_attached()) {
- Controller::instance().activate();
- ++stage;
- } else {
- const float ms_since_last = (now.tv_sec - last.tv_sec) * 1000.0f +
- (now.tv_usec - last.tv_usec) * 0.001f;
- if (ms_since_last > 1000) {
- Controller::instance().attach();
- last = now;
- }
- }
- } else if (stage == 2) {
- _label->set_text(string("Registering as client..."));
- //Controller::instance().register_client(Controller::instance().client_hooks());
- // FIXME
- //auto_ptr<ClientInterface> client(new ThreadedSigClientInterface();
- Controller::instance().register_client(ClientKey(), _client);
- Controller::instance().load_plugins();
- ++stage;
- } else if (stage == 3) {
- // Register idle callback to process events and whatnot
- // (Gtk refreshes at priority G_PRIORITY_HIGH_IDLE+20)
- /*Glib::signal_timeout().connect(
- sigc::mem_fun(this, &App::idle_callback), 100, G_PRIORITY_HIGH_IDLE);*/
- //Glib::signal_idle().connect(sigc::mem_fun(this, &App::idle_callback));
- /* Glib::signal_timeout().connect(
- sigc::mem_fun((ThreadedSigClientInterface*)_client, &ThreadedSigClientInterface::emit_signals),
- _label->set_text(string("Requesting plugins..."));
- Controller::instance().request_plugins();
- ++stage;
- } else if (stage == 4) {
- // Wait for first plugins message
- if (Store::instance().plugins().size() > 0) {
- _label->set_text(string("Receiving plugins..."));
- ++stage;
- }
- } else if (stage == 5) {
- // FIXME
- /*if (Store::instance().plugins().size() < _client->num_plugins()) {
- static char buf[32];
- snprintf(buf, 32, "%zu/%zu", Store::instance().plugins().size(),
- ThreadedSigClientInterface::instance()->num_plugins());
- _progress_bar->set_text(Glib::ustring(buf));
- _progress_bar->set_fraction(
- Store::instance().plugins().size() / (double)_client->num_plugins());
- } else {*/
- _progress_bar->set_text("");
- ++stage;
- //}
- } else if (stage == 6) {
- _label->set_text(string("Waiting for root patch..."));
- Controller::instance().request_all_objects();
- ++stage;
- } else if (stage == 7) {
- if (Store::instance().num_objects() > 0)
- ++stage;
- } else if (stage == 8) {
- stage = -1;
- hide(); // FIXME: actually destroy window to save mem?
- }
- if (stage != 5) // yeah, ew
- _progress_bar->pulse();
- if (stage == -1) { // finished connecting
- return false; // deregister this callback
- } else {
- return true;
- }
-} // namespace OmGtk