path: root/src
diff options
authorDavid Robillard <>2012-04-22 19:13:49 +0000
committerDavid Robillard <>2012-04-22 19:13:49 +0000
commit99b6cbfe6fdc0f7012cf0c89e49e2c71ef4dc79c (patch)
treeae8cedb93dbaf39e08520dbf4d75de2d1d9dc72b /src
parente1fd01fb8b7899ff257de69ad05583e29d0dd1e0 (diff)
Fix crash when showing properties window (fix #828).
git-svn-id: a436a847-0d15-0410-975c-d299462d15a1
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
2 files changed, 13 insertions, 62 deletions
diff --git a/src/gui/PropertiesWindow.cpp b/src/gui/PropertiesWindow.cpp
index a8f1e030..40089ab1 100644
--- a/src/gui/PropertiesWindow.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/PropertiesWindow.cpp
@@ -34,7 +34,6 @@ namespace GUI {
PropertiesWindow::PropertiesWindow(BaseObjectType* cobject,
const Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Builder>& xml)
: Window(cobject)
- , _initialised(false)
xml->get_widget("properties_vbox", _vbox);
xml->get_widget("properties_scrolledwindow", _scrolledwindow);
@@ -54,33 +53,6 @@ PropertiesWindow::PropertiesWindow(BaseObjectType* cobject,
- Forge& forge = _app->forge();
- Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *_type_choices->append();
- row[_type_cols.type] = forge.Int;
- row[_type_cols.choice] = "Int";
- row = *_type_choices->append();
- row[_type_cols.type] = forge.Float;
- row[_type_cols.choice] = "Float";
- row = *_type_choices->append();
- row[_type_cols.type] = forge.Bool;
- row[_type_cols.choice] = "Bool";
- row = *_type_choices->append();
- row[_type_cols.type] = forge.URI;
- row[_type_cols.choice] = "URI";
- row = *_type_choices->append();
- row[_type_cols.type] = forge.String;
- row[_type_cols.choice] = "String";
- _initialised = true;
@@ -125,25 +97,17 @@ PropertiesWindow::set_object(SharedPtr<const ObjectModel> model)
Gtk::Label* lab = manage(
new Gtk::Label(world->rdf_world()->prefixes().qualify(i->first.str()),
0.0, 0.5));
- _table->attach(*lab, 0, 1, n_rows, n_rows + 1, Gtk::FILL|Gtk::SHRINK, Gtk::SHRINK);
- // Column 1: Type
- Gtk::ComboBox* combo = manage(new Gtk::ComboBox());
- combo->set_model(_type_choices);
- combo->pack_start(_type_cols.choice);
- const char path[] = { static_cast<int>(value.type()) - 1 + '0', '\0' };
- combo->set_active(_type_choices->get_iter(path));
- Gtk::Alignment* align = manage(new Gtk::Alignment(0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 1.0));
- align->add(*combo);
- _table->attach(*align, 1, 2, n_rows, n_rows + 1, Gtk::FILL|Gtk::SHRINK, Gtk::SHRINK);
- // Column 2: Value
- align = manage(new Gtk::Alignment(0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 0.0));
+ _table->attach(*lab, 0, 1, n_rows, n_rows + 1,
+ Gtk::FILL|Gtk::SHRINK, Gtk::SHRINK);
+ // Column 1: Value
+ Gtk::Alignment* align = manage(new Gtk::Alignment(0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 0.0));
Gtk::Widget* value_widget = create_value_widget(i->first, value);
if (value_widget)
- _table->attach(*align, 2, 3, n_rows, n_rows + 1, Gtk::FILL|Gtk::EXPAND, Gtk::SHRINK);
- _records.insert(make_pair(i->first, Record(value, combo, align, n_rows)));
+ _table->attach(*align, 1, 2, n_rows, n_rows + 1,
+ Gtk::FILL|Gtk::EXPAND, Gtk::SHRINK);
+ _records.insert(make_pair(i->first, Record(value, align, n_rows)));
@@ -263,7 +227,7 @@ PropertiesWindow::value_edited(const Raul::URI& predicate)
Forge& forge = _app->forge();
Record& record = r->second;
- Raul::Atom::TypeID type = (*record.type_widget->get_active())[_type_cols.type];
+ Raul::Atom::TypeID type = record.value.type();
if (type == forge.Int) {
Gtk::SpinButton* widget = dynamic_cast<Gtk::SpinButton*>(record.value_widget->get_child());
if (!widget) goto bad_type;
diff --git a/src/gui/PropertiesWindow.hpp b/src/gui/PropertiesWindow.hpp
index 7b3464c4..03babf36 100644
--- a/src/gui/PropertiesWindow.hpp
+++ b/src/gui/PropertiesWindow.hpp
@@ -48,25 +48,16 @@ public:
/** Record of a property (row in the table) */
struct Record {
- Record(const Raul::Atom& v, Gtk::ComboBox* tw, Gtk::Alignment* vw, int r)
- : value(v), type_widget(tw), value_widget(vw), row(r)
+ Record(const Raul::Atom& v, Gtk::Alignment* vw, int r)
+ : value(v), value_widget(vw), row(r)
Raul::Atom value;
- Gtk::ComboBox* type_widget;
Gtk::Alignment* value_widget;
int row;
- /** Columns for type combo in treeview */
- class TypeColumns : public Gtk::TreeModel::ColumnRecord {
- public:
- TypeColumns() { add(type); add(choice); }
- Gtk::TreeModelColumn<Raul::Atom::TypeID> type;
- Gtk::TreeModelColumn<Glib::ustring> choice;
- };
- Gtk::Widget* create_value_widget(const Raul::URI& uri, const Raul::Atom& value);
+ Gtk::Widget* create_value_widget(const Raul::URI& uri,
+ const Raul::Atom& value);
void init();
void reset();
@@ -83,9 +74,6 @@ private:
typedef std::map<Raul::URI, Record> Records;
Records _records;
- TypeColumns _type_cols;
- Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::ListStore> _type_choices;
SharedPtr<const ObjectModel> _model;
sigc::connection _property_connection;
Gtk::VBox* _vbox;
@@ -94,7 +82,6 @@ private:
Gtk::Button* _cancel_button;
Gtk::Button* _apply_button;
Gtk::Button* _ok_button;
- bool _initialised : 1;
} // namespace GUI