path: root/src/Serialiser.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Serialiser.cpp')
1 files changed, 545 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Serialiser.cpp b/src/Serialiser.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2114cc00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Serialiser.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+ This file is part of Ingen.
+ Copyright 2007-2012 David Robillard <>
+ Ingen is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+ terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
+ Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version.
+ Ingen is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
+ A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+ along with Ingen. If not, see <>.
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <string>
+#include <utility>
+#include <glib.h>
+#include <glib/gstdio.h>
+#include <glibmm/convert.h>
+#include <glibmm/fileutils.h>
+#include <glibmm/miscutils.h>
+#include <glibmm/module.h>
+#include "ingen/Arc.hpp"
+#include "ingen/Interface.hpp"
+#include "ingen/Log.hpp"
+#include "ingen/Node.hpp"
+#include "ingen/Plugin.hpp"
+#include "ingen/Resource.hpp"
+#include "ingen/Serialiser.hpp"
+#include "ingen/Store.hpp"
+#include "ingen/URIMap.hpp"
+#include "ingen/URIs.hpp"
+#include "ingen/World.hpp"
+#include "lv2/"
+#include "lv2/"
+#include "raul/Path.hpp"
+#include "sord/sordmm.hpp"
+#include "sratom/sratom.h"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace Sord;
+using namespace Ingen;
+namespace Ingen {
+struct Serialiser::Impl {
+ typedef Resource::Properties Properties;
+ explicit Impl(World& world)
+ : _root_path("/")
+ , _world(world)
+ , _model(NULL)
+ , _sratom(sratom_new(&_world.uri_map().urid_map_feature()->urid_map))
+ {}
+ ~Impl() {
+ sratom_free(_sratom);
+ }
+ enum class Mode { TO_FILE, TO_STRING };
+ void start_to_filename(const std::string& filename);
+ void serialise_graph(SPtr<const Node> p,
+ const Sord::Node& id);
+ void serialise_block(SPtr<const Node> n,
+ const Sord::Node& class_id,
+ const Sord::Node& id);
+ void serialise_port(const Node* p,
+ Resource::Graph context,
+ const Sord::Node& id);
+ void serialise_properties(Sord::Node id,
+ const Resource::Properties& props);
+ void write_bundle(SPtr<const Node> graph,
+ const std::string& uri);
+ Sord::Node path_rdf_node(const Raul::Path& path);
+ void write_manifest(const std::string& bundle_path,
+ SPtr<const Node> graph,
+ const std::string& graph_symbol);
+ void serialise_arc(const Sord::Node& parent,
+ SPtr<const Arc> a)
+ throw (std::logic_error);
+ std::string finish();
+ Raul::Path _root_path;
+ Mode _mode;
+ std::string _base_uri;
+ World& _world;
+ Sord::Model* _model;
+ Sratom* _sratom;
+Serialiser::Serialiser(World& world)
+ : me(new Impl(world))
+ delete me;
+Serialiser::Impl::write_manifest(const std::string& bundle_path,
+ SPtr<const Node> graph,
+ const std::string& graph_symbol)
+ const string manifest_path(Glib::build_filename(bundle_path, "manifest.ttl"));
+ const string binary_path(Glib::Module::build_path("", "ingen_lv2"));
+ start_to_filename(manifest_path);
+ Sord::World& world = _model->world();
+ const URIs& uris = _world.uris();
+ const string filename(graph_symbol + ".ttl");
+ const Sord::URI subject(world, filename, _base_uri);
+ _model->add_statement(subject,
+ Sord::URI(world, uris.rdf_type),
+ Sord::URI(world, uris.ingen_Graph));
+ _model->add_statement(subject,
+ Sord::URI(world, uris.rdf_type),
+ Sord::URI(world, uris.lv2_Plugin));
+ _model->add_statement(subject,
+ Sord::URI(world, uris.rdfs_seeAlso),
+ Sord::URI(world, filename, _base_uri));
+ _model->add_statement(subject,
+ Sord::URI(world, uris.lv2_prototype),
+ Sord::URI(world, uris.ingen_GraphPrototype));
+ finish();
+Serialiser::write_bundle(SPtr<const Node> graph,
+ const std::string& path)
+ me->write_bundle(graph, path);
+Serialiser::Impl::write_bundle(SPtr<const Node> graph,
+ const std::string& a_path)
+ std::string path = Glib::filename_from_uri(a_path);
+ if (Glib::file_test(path, Glib::FILE_TEST_EXISTS)
+ && !Glib::file_test(path, Glib::FILE_TEST_IS_DIR)) {
+ path = Glib::path_get_dirname(path);
+ }
+ _world.log().info(fmt("Writing bundle %1%\n") % path);
+ if (path[path.length() - 1] != '/')
+ path.append("/");
+ g_mkdir_with_parents(path.c_str(), 0744);
+ string symbol = Glib::path_get_basename(path);
+ symbol = symbol.substr(0, symbol.find("."));
+ const string root_file = Glib::build_filename(path, symbol + ".ttl");
+ start_to_filename(root_file);
+ const Raul::Path old_root_path = _root_path;
+ _root_path = graph->path();
+ serialise_graph(graph, Sord::URI(_model->world(), root_file, _base_uri));
+ _root_path = old_root_path;
+ finish();
+ write_manifest(path, graph, symbol);
+/** Begin a serialization to a file.
+ *
+ * This must be called before any serializing methods.
+ */
+Serialiser::Impl::start_to_filename(const string& filename)
+ assert(filename.find(":") == string::npos || filename.substr(0, 5) == "file:");
+ if (filename.find(":") == string::npos) {
+ _base_uri = "file://" + filename;
+ } else {
+ _base_uri = filename;
+ }
+ _model = new Sord::Model(*_world.rdf_world(), _base_uri);
+ _mode = Mode::TO_FILE;
+Serialiser::start_to_string(const Raul::Path& root, const string& base_uri)
+ me->_root_path = root;
+ me->_base_uri = base_uri;
+ me->_model = new Sord::Model(*me->_world.rdf_world(), base_uri);
+ me->_mode = Impl::Mode::TO_STRING;
+Serialiser::start_to_file(const Raul::Path& root, const string& filename)
+ me->_root_path = root;
+ me->start_to_filename(filename);
+ return me->finish();
+ string ret = "";
+ if (_mode == Mode::TO_FILE) {
+ SerdStatus st = _model->write_to_file(_base_uri, SERD_TURTLE);
+ if (st) {
+ _world.log().error(fmt("Error writing file %1% (%2%)\n")
+ % _base_uri % serd_strerror(st));
+ }
+ } else {
+ ret = _model->write_to_string(_base_uri, SERD_TURTLE);
+ }
+ delete _model;
+ _model = NULL;
+ _base_uri = "";
+ return ret;
+Serialiser::Impl::path_rdf_node(const Raul::Path& path)
+ assert(_model);
+ assert(path == _root_path || path.is_child_of(_root_path));
+ return Sord::URI(_model->world(),
+ path.substr(_root_path.base().length()),
+ _base_uri);
+Serialiser::serialise(SPtr<const Node> object) throw (std::logic_error)
+ if (!me->_model)
+ throw std::logic_error("serialise called without serialisation in progress");
+ if (object->graph_type() == Node::GraphType::GRAPH) {
+ me->serialise_graph(object, me->path_rdf_node(object->path()));
+ } else if (object->graph_type() == Node::GraphType::BLOCK) {
+ const Sord::URI plugin_id(me->_model->world(), object->plugin()->uri());
+ me->serialise_block(object, plugin_id, me->path_rdf_node(object->path()));
+ } else if (object->graph_type() == Node::GraphType::PORT) {
+ me->serialise_port(object.get(),
+ Resource::Graph::DEFAULT,
+ me->path_rdf_node(object->path()));
+ } else {
+ me->serialise_properties(me->path_rdf_node(object->path()),
+ object->properties());
+ }
+Serialiser::Impl::serialise_graph(SPtr<const Node> graph,
+ const Sord::Node& graph_id)
+ Sord::World& world = _model->world();
+ const URIs& uris = _world.uris();
+ _model->add_statement(graph_id,
+ Sord::URI(world, uris.rdf_type),
+ Sord::URI(world, uris.ingen_Graph));
+ _model->add_statement(graph_id,
+ Sord::URI(world, uris.rdf_type),
+ Sord::URI(world, uris.lv2_Plugin));
+ _model->add_statement(graph_id,
+ Sord::URI(world, uris.lv2_extensionData),
+ Sord::URI(world, LV2_STATE__interface));
+ _model->add_statement(graph_id,
+ Sord::URI(world, LV2_UI__ui),
+ Sord::URI(world, ""));
+ // Always write a symbol (required by Ingen)
+ Raul::Symbol symbol("_");
+ Node::Properties::const_iterator s = graph->properties().find(uris.lv2_symbol);
+ if (s == graph->properties().end()
+ || s->second.type() != _world.forge().String
+ || !Raul::Symbol::is_valid(s->second.ptr<char>())) {
+ const std::string base = Glib::path_get_basename(
+ _model->base_uri().to_c_string());
+ symbol = Raul::Symbol::symbolify(base.substr(0, base.find('.')));
+ _model->add_statement(
+ graph_id,
+ Sord::URI(world, uris.lv2_symbol),
+ Sord::Literal(world, symbol.c_str()));
+ } else {
+ symbol = Raul::Symbol::symbolify(s->second.ptr<char>());
+ }
+ // If the graph has no doap:name (required by LV2), use the symbol
+ if (graph->properties().find(uris.doap_name) == graph->properties().end())
+ _model->add_statement(graph_id,
+ Sord::URI(world, uris.doap_name),
+ Sord::Literal(world, symbol.c_str()));
+ const Node::Properties props = graph->properties(Resource::Graph::INTERNAL);
+ serialise_properties(graph_id, props);
+ const Store::const_range kids =>children_range(graph);
+ for (Store::const_iterator n = kids.first; n != kids.second; ++n) {
+ if (n->first.parent() != graph->path())
+ continue;
+ if (n->second->graph_type() == Node::GraphType::GRAPH) {
+ SPtr<Node> subgraph = n->second;
+ SerdURI base_uri;
+ serd_uri_parse((const uint8_t*)_base_uri.c_str(), &base_uri);
+ const string sub_bundle_path = subgraph->path().substr(1) + ".ingen";
+ SerdURI subgraph_uri;
+ SerdNode subgraph_node = serd_node_new_uri_from_string(
+ (const uint8_t*)sub_bundle_path.c_str(),
+ &base_uri,
+ &subgraph_uri);
+ const Sord::URI subgraph_id(world, (const char*)subgraph_node.buf);
+ // Save our state
+ std::string my_base_uri = _base_uri;
+ Sord::Model* my_model = _model;
+ // Write child bundle within this bundle
+ write_bundle(subgraph, subgraph_id.to_string());
+ // Restore our state
+ _base_uri = my_base_uri;
+ _model = my_model;
+ // Serialise reference to graph block
+ const Sord::Node block_id(path_rdf_node(subgraph->path()));
+ _model->add_statement(graph_id,
+ Sord::URI(world, uris.ingen_block),
+ block_id);
+ serialise_block(subgraph, subgraph_id, block_id);
+ } else if (n->second->graph_type() == Node::GraphType::BLOCK) {
+ SPtr<const Node> block = n->second;
+ const Sord::URI class_id(world, block->plugin()->uri());
+ const Sord::Node block_id(path_rdf_node(n->second->path()));
+ _model->add_statement(graph_id,
+ Sord::URI(world, uris.ingen_block),
+ block_id);
+ serialise_block(block, class_id, block_id);
+ }
+ }
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < graph->num_ports(); ++i) {
+ Node* p = graph->port(i);
+ const Sord::Node port_id = path_rdf_node(p->path());
+ // Ensure lv2:name always exists so Graph is a valid LV2 plugin
+ if (p->properties().find(uris.lv2_name) == p->properties().end())
+ p->set_property(uris.lv2_name,
+ _world.forge().alloc(p->symbol().c_str()));
+ _model->add_statement(graph_id,
+ Sord::URI(world, LV2_CORE__port),
+ port_id);
+ serialise_port(p, Resource::Graph::INTERNAL, port_id);
+ }
+ for (const auto& a : graph->arcs()) {
+ serialise_arc(graph_id, a.second);
+ }
+Serialiser::Impl::serialise_block(SPtr<const Node> block,
+ const Sord::Node& class_id,
+ const Sord::Node& block_id)
+ const URIs& uris = _world.uris();
+ _model->add_statement(block_id,
+ Sord::URI(_model->world(), uris.rdf_type),
+ Sord::URI(_model->world(), uris.ingen_Block));
+ _model->add_statement(block_id,
+ Sord::URI(_model->world(), uris.ingen_prototype),
+ class_id);
+ const Node::Properties props = block->properties(Resource::Graph::EXTERNAL);
+ serialise_properties(block_id, props);
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < block->num_ports(); ++i) {
+ Node* const p = block->port(i);
+ const Sord::Node port_id = path_rdf_node(p->path());
+ serialise_port(p, Resource::Graph::EXTERNAL, port_id);
+ _model->add_statement(block_id,
+ Sord::URI(_model->world(), uris.lv2_port),
+ port_id);
+ }
+Serialiser::Impl::serialise_port(const Node* port,
+ Resource::Graph context,
+ const Sord::Node& port_id)
+ URIs& uris = _world.uris();
+ Sord::World& world = _model->world();
+ Node::Properties props = port->properties(context);
+ if (context == Resource::Graph::INTERNAL) {
+ // Always write lv2:symbol for Graph ports (required for lv2:Plugin)
+ _model->add_statement(port_id,
+ Sord::URI(world, uris.lv2_symbol),
+ Sord::Literal(world, port->path().symbol()));
+ } else {
+ // Never write lv2:index for plugin instances (not persistent/stable)
+ props.erase(uris.lv2_index);
+ }
+ if (context == Resource::Graph::INTERNAL &&
+ port->has_property(uris.rdf_type, uris.lv2_ControlPort) &&
+ port->has_property(uris.rdf_type, uris.lv2_InputPort))
+ {
+ const Atom& val = port->get_property(uris.ingen_value);
+ if (val.is_valid()) {
+ props.insert(make_pair(uris.lv2_default, val));
+ } else {
+ _world.log().warn("Control input has no value, lv2:default omitted.\n");
+ }
+ } else if (context != Resource::Graph::INTERNAL &&
+ !port->has_property(uris.rdf_type, uris.lv2_InputPort)) {
+ props.erase(uris.ingen_value);
+ }
+ serialise_properties(port_id, props);
+Serialiser::serialise_arc(const Sord::Node& parent,
+ SPtr<const Arc> arc)
+ throw (std::logic_error)
+ return me->serialise_arc(parent, arc);
+Serialiser::Impl::serialise_arc(const Sord::Node& parent,
+ SPtr<const Arc> arc)
+ throw (std::logic_error)
+ if (!_model)
+ throw std::logic_error(
+ "serialise_arc called without serialisation in progress");
+ Sord::World& world = _model->world();
+ const URIs& uris = _world.uris();
+ const Sord::Node src = path_rdf_node(arc->tail_path());
+ const Sord::Node dst = path_rdf_node(arc->head_path());
+ const Sord::Node arc_id = Sord::Node::blank_id(*_world.rdf_world());
+ _model->add_statement(arc_id,
+ Sord::URI(world, uris.ingen_tail),
+ src);
+ _model->add_statement(arc_id,
+ Sord::URI(world, uris.ingen_head),
+ dst);
+ if (parent.is_valid()) {
+ _model->add_statement(parent,
+ Sord::URI(world, uris.ingen_arc),
+ arc_id);
+ } else {
+ _model->add_statement(arc_id,
+ Sord::URI(world, uris.rdf_type),
+ Sord::URI(world, uris.ingen_Arc));
+ }
+static bool
+skip_property(Ingen::URIs& uris, const Sord::Node& predicate)
+ return (predicate.to_string() == INGEN__file ||
+ predicate.to_string() == uris.ingen_arc ||
+ predicate.to_string() == uris.ingen_block ||
+ predicate.to_string() == uris.lv2_port);
+Serialiser::Impl::serialise_properties(Sord::Node id,
+ const Node::Properties& props)
+ LV2_URID_Unmap* unmap = &_world.uri_map().urid_unmap_feature()->urid_unmap;
+ SerdNode base = serd_node_from_string(SERD_URI,
+ (const uint8_t*)_base_uri.c_str());
+ SerdEnv* env = serd_env_new(&base);
+ SordInserter* inserter = sord_inserter_new(_model->c_obj(), env);
+ sratom_set_sink(_sratom, _base_uri.c_str(),
+ (SerdStatementSink)sord_inserter_write_statement, NULL,
+ inserter);
+ sratom_set_pretty_numbers(_sratom, true);
+ for (const auto& p : props) {
+ const Sord::URI key(_model->world(), p.first);
+ if (!skip_property(_world.uris(), key)) {
+ sratom_write(_sratom, unmap, 0,
+ sord_node_to_serd_node(id.c_obj()),
+ sord_node_to_serd_node(key.c_obj()),
+ p.second.type(), p.second.size(), p.second.get_body());
+ }
+ }
+ sord_inserter_free(inserter);
+ serd_env_free(env);
+} // namespace Ingen