path: root/src/World.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/World.cpp')
1 files changed, 320 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/World.cpp b/src/World.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c7ce14ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/World.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+ This file is part of Ingen.
+ Copyright 2007-2012 David Robillard <>
+ Ingen is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+ terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
+ Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version.
+ Ingen is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
+ A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+ along with Ingen. If not, see <>.
+#include <map>
+#include <string>
+#include <glibmm/fileutils.h>
+#include <glibmm/miscutils.h>
+#include <glibmm/module.h>
+#include "ingen/Configuration.hpp"
+#include "ingen/LV2Features.hpp"
+#include "ingen/Module.hpp"
+#include "ingen/URIMap.hpp"
+#include "ingen/URIs.hpp"
+#include "ingen/World.hpp"
+#include "ingen/runtime_paths.hpp"
+#include "lilv/lilv.h"
+#include "raul/log.hpp"
+#include "sord/sordmm.hpp"
+#define LOG(s) (s("[World] "))
+using namespace std;
+namespace Ingen {
+class EngineBase;
+class Interface;
+class Store;
+namespace Serialisation { class Parser; class Serialiser; }
+/** Load a dynamic module from the default path.
+ *
+ * This will check in the directories specified in the environment variable
+ * INGEN_MODULE_PATH (typical colon delimited format), then the default module
+ * installation directory (ie /usr/local/lib/ingen), in that order.
+ *
+ * \param name The base name of the module, e.g. "ingen_serialisation"
+ */
+ingen_load_module(const string& name)
+ Glib::Module* module = NULL;
+ // Search INGEN_MODULE_PATH first
+ bool module_path_found;
+ string module_path = Glib::getenv("INGEN_MODULE_PATH", module_path_found);
+ if (module_path_found) {
+ string dir;
+ istringstream iss(module_path);
+ while (getline(iss, dir, G_SEARCHPATH_SEPARATOR)) {
+ string filename = Ingen::module_path(name, dir);
+ if (Glib::file_test(filename, Glib::FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) {
+ module = new Glib::Module(filename);
+ if (*module) {
+ LOG(Raul::info)(Raul::fmt("Loading %1%\n") % filename);
+ return module;
+ } else {
+ Raul::error << Glib::Module::get_last_error() << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Try default directory if not found
+ module = new Glib::Module(Ingen::module_path(name));
+ if (*module) {
+ LOG(Raul::info)(Raul::fmt("Loading %1%\n") % Ingen::module_path(name));
+ return module;
+ } else if (!module_path_found) {
+ LOG(Raul::error)(Raul::fmt("Unable to find %1% (%2%)\n")
+ % name % Glib::Module::get_last_error());
+ return NULL;
+ } else {
+ LOG(Raul::error)(Raul::fmt("Unable to load %1% from %2% (%3%)\n")
+ % name % module_path % Glib::Module::get_last_error());
+ LOG(Raul::error)("Is Ingen installed?\n");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+class World::Impl {
+ Impl(int& a_argc,
+ char**& a_argv,
+ LV2_URID_Map* map,
+ LV2_URID_Unmap* unmap)
+ : argc(a_argc)
+ , argv(a_argv)
+ , lv2_features(NULL)
+ , rdf_world(new Sord::World())
+ , uri_map(new URIMap(map, unmap))
+ , forge(new Forge(*uri_map))
+ , uris(new URIs(*forge, uri_map))
+ , lilv_world(lilv_world_new())
+ {
+ conf.parse(argc, argv);
+ lv2_features = new LV2Features();
+ lv2_features->add_feature(uri_map->urid_map_feature());
+ lv2_features->add_feature(uri_map->urid_unmap_feature());
+ lilv_world_load_all(lilv_world);
+ // Set up RDF namespaces
+ rdf_world->add_prefix("atom", "");
+ rdf_world->add_prefix("patch", "");
+ rdf_world->add_prefix("doap", "");
+ rdf_world->add_prefix("ingen", "");
+ rdf_world->add_prefix("lv2", "");
+ rdf_world->add_prefix("lv2ev", "");
+ rdf_world->add_prefix("midi", "");
+ rdf_world->add_prefix("owl", "");
+ rdf_world->add_prefix("rdfs", "");
+ rdf_world->add_prefix("xsd", "");
+ }
+ ~Impl()
+ {
+ serialiser.reset();
+ parser.reset();
+ interface.reset();
+ engine.reset();
+ store.reset();
+ interface_factories.clear();
+ script_runners.clear();
+ delete rdf_world;
+ delete lv2_features;
+ delete uris;
+ delete forge;
+ delete uri_map;
+ lilv_world_free(lilv_world);
+ for (Modules::iterator i = modules.begin(); i != modules.end(); ++i) {
+ // Keep a reference to the library
+ Glib::Module* lib = i->second->library;
+ // Destroy the Ingen module
+ delete i->second;
+ // Now all references to library code should be done, close it
+ delete lib;
+ }
+ }
+ typedef std::map<const std::string, Module*> Modules;
+ Modules modules;
+ typedef std::map<const std::string, World::InterfaceFactory> InterfaceFactories;
+ InterfaceFactories interface_factories;
+ typedef bool (*ScriptRunner)(World* world, const char* filename);
+ typedef std::map<const std::string, ScriptRunner> ScriptRunners;
+ ScriptRunners script_runners;
+ int& argc;
+ char**& argv;
+ Configuration conf;
+ LV2Features* lv2_features;
+ Sord::World* rdf_world;
+ URIMap* uri_map;
+ Forge* forge;
+ URIs* uris;
+ SharedPtr<Interface> interface;
+ SharedPtr<EngineBase> engine;
+ SharedPtr<Serialisation::Serialiser> serialiser;
+ SharedPtr<Serialisation::Parser> parser;
+ SharedPtr<Store> store;
+ LilvWorld* lilv_world;
+ std::string jack_uuid;
+World::World(int& argc,
+ char**& argv,
+ LV2_URID_Map* map,
+ LV2_URID_Unmap* unmap)
+ : _impl(new Impl(argc, argv, map, unmap))
+ delete _impl;
+void World::set_engine(SharedPtr<EngineBase> e) { _impl->engine = e; }
+void World::set_interface(SharedPtr<Interface> i) { _impl->interface = i; }
+void World::set_parser(SharedPtr<Serialisation::Parser> p) { _impl->parser = p; }
+void World::set_serialiser(SharedPtr<Serialisation::Serialiser> s) { _impl->serialiser = s; }
+void World::set_store(SharedPtr<Store> s) { _impl->store = s; }
+SharedPtr<EngineBase> World::engine() { return _impl->engine; }
+SharedPtr<Interface> World::interface() { return _impl->interface; }
+SharedPtr<Serialisation::Parser> World::parser() { return _impl->parser; }
+SharedPtr<Serialisation::Serialiser> World::serialiser() { return _impl->serialiser; }
+SharedPtr<Store> World::store() { return _impl->store; }
+int& World::argc() { return _impl->argc; }
+char**& World::argv() { return _impl->argv; }
+Configuration& World::conf() { return _impl->conf; }
+Sord::World* World::rdf_world() { return _impl->rdf_world; }
+LilvWorld* World::lilv_world() { return _impl->lilv_world; }
+LV2Features& World::lv2_features() { return *_impl->lv2_features; }
+Forge& World::forge() { return *_impl->forge; }
+URIs& World::uris() { return *_impl->uris; }
+URIMap& World::uri_map() { return *_impl->uri_map; }
+World::load_module(const char* name)
+ Impl::Modules::iterator i = _impl->modules.find(name);
+ if (i != _impl->modules.end()) {
+ LOG(Raul::info)(Raul::fmt("Module `%1%' already loaded\n") % name);
+ return true;
+ }
+ Glib::Module* lib = ingen_load_module(name);
+ Ingen::Module* (*module_load)() = NULL;
+ if (lib && lib->get_symbol("ingen_module_load", (void*&)module_load)) {
+ Module* module = module_load();
+ if (module) {
+ module->library = lib;
+ module->load(this);
+ _impl->modules.insert(make_pair(string(name), module));
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ LOG(Raul::error)(Raul::fmt("Failed to load module `%1%'\n") % name);
+ delete lib;
+ return false;
+World::run_module(const char* name)
+ Impl::Modules::iterator i = _impl->modules.find(name);
+ if (i == _impl->modules.end()) {
+ LOG(Raul::error) << "Attempt to run unloaded module `" << name << "'" << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ i->second->run(this);
+ return true;
+ _impl->modules.clear();
+/** Get an interface for a remote engine at @a url
+ */
+World::new_interface(const std::string& engine_url,
+ SharedPtr<Interface> respondee)
+ const string scheme = engine_url.substr(0, engine_url.find(":"));
+ const Impl::InterfaceFactories::const_iterator i = _impl->interface_factories.find(scheme);
+ if (i == _impl->interface_factories.end()) {
+ Raul::warn << "Unknown URI scheme `" << scheme << "'" << endl;
+ return SharedPtr<Interface>();
+ }
+ return i->second(this, engine_url, respondee);
+/** Run a script of type @a mime_type at filename @a filename */
+World::run(const std::string& mime_type, const std::string& filename)
+ const Impl::ScriptRunners::const_iterator i = _impl->script_runners.find(mime_type);
+ if (i == _impl->script_runners.end()) {
+ Raul::warn << "Unknown script MIME type `" << mime_type << "'" << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ return i->second(this, filename.c_str());
+World::add_interface_factory(const std::string& scheme, InterfaceFactory factory)
+ _impl->interface_factories.insert(make_pair(scheme, factory));
+World::set_jack_uuid(const std::string& uuid)
+ _impl->jack_uuid = uuid;
+ return _impl->jack_uuid;
+} // namespace Ingen