path: root/src/clients/OSCListener.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/clients/OSCListener.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 413 deletions
diff --git a/src/clients/OSCListener.cpp b/src/clients/OSCListener.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 503be47d..00000000
--- a/src/clients/OSCListener.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,413 +0,0 @@
-/* This file is part of Om. Copyright (C) 2005 Dave Robillard.
- *
- * Om is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
- * terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
- * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
- * version.
- *
- * Om is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
- * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
- * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- */
-#include "OSCListener.h"
-//#include "NodeModel.h"
-//#include "PluginModel.h"
-#include <list>
-#include <cassert>
-#include <cstring>
-#include <iostream>
-using std::cerr; using std::cout; using std::endl;
-namespace LibOmClient {
-/** Construct a OSCListener with a user-provided ModelClientInterface object for notification
- * of engine events.
- */
-OSCListener::OSCListener(int listen_port)
-: _listen_port(listen_port),
- _st(NULL)//,
-// _receiving_node(false),
-// _receiving_node_model(NULL),
-// _receiving_node_num_ports(0),
-// _num_received_ports(0)
- start();
- stop();
- if (_st != NULL)
- return;
- if (_listen_port == 0) {
- _st = lo_server_thread_new(NULL, error_cb);
- _listen_port = lo_server_thread_get_port(_st);
- } else {
- char port_str[8];
- snprintf(port_str, 8, "%d", _listen_port);
- _st = lo_server_thread_new(port_str, error_cb);
- }
- if (_st == NULL) {
- cerr << "[OSCListener] Could not start OSC listener. Aborting." << endl;
- } else {
- cout << "[OSCListener] Started OSC listener on port " << lo_server_thread_get_port(_st) << endl;
- }
- // FIXME
- lo_server_thread_add_method(_st, NULL, NULL, generic_cb, NULL);
- //lo_server_thread_add_method(_st, "/om/response/ok", "i", om_response_ok_cb, this);
- //lo_server_thread_add_method(_st, "/om/response/error", "is", om_responseerror_cb, this);
- setup_callbacks();
- // Display any uncaught messages to the console
- //lo_server_thread_add_method(_st, NULL, NULL, unknown_cb, NULL);
- lo_server_thread_start(_st);
- if (_st != NULL) {
- //unregister_client();
- lo_server_thread_free(_st);
- _st = NULL;
- }
-OSCListener::generic_cb(const char* path, const char* types, lo_arg** argv, int argc, void* data, void* user_data)
- printf("[OSCMsg] %s (%s)\t", path, types);
- for (int i=0; i < argc; ++i) {
- lo_arg_pp(lo_type(types[i]), argv[i]);
- printf("\t");
- }
- printf("\n");
- /*for (int i=0; i < argc; ++i) {
- printf(" '%c' ", types[i]);
- lo_arg_pp(lo_type(types[i]), argv[i]);
- printf("\n");
- }
- printf("\n");*/
- return 1; // not handled
-OSCListener::error_cb(int num, const char* msg, const char* path)
- cerr << "Got error from server: " << msg << endl;
-OSCListener::unknown_cb(const char* path, const char* types, lo_arg** argv, int argc, void* data, void* user_data)
- string msg = "Received unknown OSC message: ";
- msg += path;
- cerr << msg << endl;
- return 0;
- lo_server_thread_add_method(_st, "/om/num_plugins", "i", num_plugins_cb, this);
- lo_server_thread_add_method(_st, "/om/plugin", "sss", plugin_cb, this);
- lo_server_thread_add_method(_st, "/om/new_patch", "si", new_patch_cb, this);
- lo_server_thread_add_method(_st, "/om/destroyed", "s", destroyed_cb, this);
- lo_server_thread_add_method(_st, "/om/patch_enabled", "s", patch_enabled_cb, this);
- lo_server_thread_add_method(_st, "/om/patch_disabled", "s", patch_disabled_cb, this);
- lo_server_thread_add_method(_st, "/om/patch_cleared", "s", patch_cleared_cb, this);
- lo_server_thread_add_method(_st, "/om/object_renamed", "ss", object_renamed_cb, this);
- lo_server_thread_add_method(_st, "/om/new_connection", "ss", connection_cb, this);
- lo_server_thread_add_method(_st, "/om/disconnection", "ss", disconnection_cb, this);
- lo_server_thread_add_method(_st, "/om/new_node", "sssii", new_node_cb, this);
- lo_server_thread_add_method(_st, "/om/new_port", "ssi", new_port_cb, this);
- lo_server_thread_add_method(_st, "/om/metadata/update", "sss", metadata_update_cb, this);
- lo_server_thread_add_method(_st, "/om/control_change", "sf", control_change_cb, this);
- lo_server_thread_add_method(_st, "/om/program_add", "siis", program_add_cb, this);
- lo_server_thread_add_method(_st, "/om/program_remove", "sii", program_remove_cb, this);
-/** Catches errors that aren't a direct result of a client request.
- */
-OSCListener::m_error_cb(const char* path, const char* types, lo_arg** argv, int argc, lo_message msg)
- cerr << "ERROR: " << argv[0]->s << endl;
- // FIXME
- //error((char*)argv[0]);
- return 0;
-OSCListener::m_new_patch_cb(const char* path, const char* types, lo_arg** argv, int argc, lo_message msg)
- new_patch(&argv[0]->s, argv[1]->i); // path, poly
- return 0;
-OSCListener::m_destroyed_cb(const char* path, const char* types, lo_arg** argv, int argc, lo_message msg)
- object_destroyed((const char*)&argv[0]->s);
- return 0;
-OSCListener::m_patch_enabled_cb(const char* path, const char* types, lo_arg** argv, int argc, lo_message msg)
- patch_enabled((const char*)&argv[0]->s);
- return 0;
-OSCListener::m_patch_disabled_cb(const char* path, const char* types, lo_arg** argv, int argc, lo_message msg)
- patch_disabled((const char*)&argv[0]->s);
- return 0;
-OSCListener::m_patch_cleared_cb(const char* path, const char* types, lo_arg** argv, int argc, lo_message msg)
- patch_cleared((const char*)&argv[0]->s);
- return 0;
-OSCListener::m_object_renamed_cb(const char* path, const char* types, lo_arg** argv, int argc, lo_message msg)
- object_renamed((const char*)&argv[0]->s, (const char*)&argv[1]->s);
- return 0;
-OSCListener::m_connection_cb(const char* path, const char* types, lo_arg** argv, int argc, lo_message msg)
- const char* const src_port_path = &argv[0]->s;
- const char* const dst_port_path = &argv[1]->s;
- connection(src_port_path, dst_port_path);
- return 0;
-OSCListener::m_disconnection_cb(const char* path, const char* types, lo_arg** argv, int argc, lo_message msg)
- const char* src_port_path = &argv[0]->s;
- const char* dst_port_path = &argv[1]->s;
- disconnection(src_port_path, dst_port_path);
- return 0;
-/** Notification of a new node creation.
- */
-OSCListener::m_new_node_cb(const char* path, const char* types, lo_arg** argv, int argc, lo_message msg)
- const char* type = &argv[0]->s;
- const char* uri = &argv[1]->s;
- const char* node_path = &argv[2]->s;
- const int32_t poly = argv[3]->i;
- const int32_t num_ports = argv[4]->i;
- new_node(type, uri, node_path, poly, num_ports);
- /*_receiving_node_model = new NodeModel(node_path);
- _receiving_node_model->polyphonic((poly == 1));
- _receiving_node_num_ports = num_ports;
- PluginModel* pi = new PluginModel(type, uri);
- _receiving_node_model->plugin(pi);
- _receiving_node = true;
- _num_received_ports = 0;
- */
- return 0;
-/** Notification of a new port creation.
- */
-OSCListener::m_new_port_cb(const char* path, const char* types, lo_arg** argv, int argc, lo_message msg)
- const char* port_path = &argv[0]->s;
- const char* type = &argv[1]->s;
- bool is_output = (argv[2]->i == 1);
- /*const char* direction = &argv[2]->s;
- const char* hint = &argv[3]->s;
- float default_val = argv[4]->f;
- float min_val = argv[5]->f;
- float max_val = argv[6]->f;*/
- new_port(port_path, type, is_output);
-#if 0
- PortModel::Type ptype = PortModel::CONTROL;
- if (!strcmp(type, "AUDIO")) ptype = PortModel::AUDIO;
- else if (!strcmp(type, "CONTROL")) ptype = PortModel::CONTROL;
- else if (!strcmp(type, "MIDI")) ptype = PortModel::MIDI;
- else cerr << "[OSCListener] WARNING: Unknown port type received (" << type << ")" << endl;
-#if 0
- PortModel::Direction pdir = PortModel::INPUT;
- if (!strcmp(direction, "INPUT")) pdir = PortModel::INPUT;
- else if (!strcmp(direction, "OUTPUT")) pdir = PortModel::OUTPUT;
- else cerr << "[OSCListener] WARNING: Unknown port direction received (" << direction << ")" << endl;
- PortModel::Direction pdir = is_output ? PortModel::OUTPUT : PortModel::INPUT;
- PortModel::Hint phint = PortModel::NONE;
- if (!strcmp(hint, "LOGARITHMIC")) phint = PortModel::LOGARITHMIC;
- else if (!strcmp(hint, "INTEGER")) phint = PortModel::INTEGER;
- else if (!strcmp(hint, "TOGGLE")) phint = PortModel::TOGGLE;
- PortModel* port_model = new PortModel(port_path, ptype, pdir, phint, default_val, min_val, max_val);
- PortModel* port_model = new PortModel(port_path, ptype, pdir);
- if (m_receiving_node) {
- assert(m_receiving_node_model);
- m_receiving_node_model->add_port(port_model);
- ++m_num_received_ports;
- // If transmission is done, send new node to client
- if (m_num_received_ports == m_receiving_node_num_ports) {
- new_node_model(m_receiving_node_model);
- m_receiving_node = false;
- m_receiving_node_model = NULL;
- m_num_received_ports = 0;
- }
- } else {
- new_port_model(port_model);
- }
- return 0;
-/** Notification of a new or updated piece of metadata.
- */
-OSCListener::m_metadata_update_cb(const char* path, const char* types, lo_arg** argv, int argc, lo_message msg)
- const char* obj_path = &argv[0]->s;
- const char* key = &argv[1]->s;
- const char* value = &argv[2]->s;
- metadata_update(obj_path, key, value);
- return 0;
-OSCListener::m_control_change_cb(const char* path, const char* types, lo_arg** argv, int argc, lo_message msg)
- const char* const port_path = &argv[0]->s;
- const float value = argv[1]->f;
- control_change(port_path, value);
- return 0;
-/** Number of plugins in engine, should precede /om/plugin messages in response
- * to a /om/send_plugins
- */
-OSCListener::m_num_plugins_cb(const char* path, const char* types, lo_arg** argv, int argc, lo_message msg)
- /** Not worth it implementing a ModelClientInterface callback for this (?)
- * Or I'm just lazy. FIXME? */
- num_plugins(argv[0]->i);
- return 0;
-/** A plugin info response from the server, in response to a /send_plugins
- */
-OSCListener::m_plugin_cb(const char* path, const char* types, lo_arg** argv, int argc, lo_message msg)
- assert(argc == 3 && !strcmp(types, "sss"));
- new_plugin(&argv[0]->s, &argv[1]->s, &argv[2]->s); // type, uri
- return 0;
-OSCListener::m_program_add_cb(const char* path, const char* types, lo_arg** argv, int argc, lo_message msg)
- const char* node_path = &argv[0]->s;
- int32_t bank = argv[1]->i;
- int32_t program = argv[2]->i;
- const char* name = &argv[3]->s;
- program_add(node_path, bank, program, name);
- return 0;
-OSCListener::m_program_remove_cb(const char* path, const char* types, lo_arg** argv, int argc, lo_message msg)
- const char* node_path = &argv[0]->s;
- int32_t bank = argv[1]->i;
- int32_t program = argv[2]->i;
- program_remove(node_path, bank, program);
- return 0;
-} // namespace LibOmClient