@prefix ingen: . @prefix internals: . @prefix lv2: . @prefix owl: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix ui: . ingen: a owl:Ontology ; rdfs:seeAlso . ingen:GraphPrototype a lv2:PluginBase ; lv2:binary ; rdfs:comment """Template for all Ingen graphs. Saved Ingen graphs always set this as their lv2:prototype. When Ingen is installed, a bundle is installed which included the Ingen LV2 binary and a description of ingen:GraphPrototype which links to it. This way, Ingen graphs can be loaded by LV2 hosts without including binaries or symbolic links in saved Ingen bundles. """ . ingen:GraphUIGtk2 a ui:GtkUI ; ui:binary ; rdfs:comment "The Ingen patcher interface." . internals:Controller a ingen:Plugin ; rdfs:seeAlso . internals:Trigger a ingen:Plugin ; rdfs:seeAlso . internals:Note a ingen:Plugin ; rdfs:seeAlso . internals:Transport a ingen:Plugin ; rdfs:seeAlso . a ingen:Graph , lv2:Plugin ; lv2:prototype ingen:GraphPrototype ; rdfs:seeAlso . a ingen:Graph , lv2:Plugin ; lv2:prototype ingen:GraphPrototype ; rdfs:seeAlso . a ingen:Graph , lv2:Plugin ; lv2:prototype ingen:GraphPrototype ; rdfs:seeAlso . a ingen:Graph , lv2:Plugin ; lv2:prototype ingen:GraphPrototype ; rdfs:seeAlso .