@prefix doap: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix foaf: . @prefix hi: . a doap:Project, hi:Host ; doap:name "Ingen" ; doap:shortdesc "A modular audio processing environment." ; doap:homepage ; doap:bug-database ; doap:license ; doap:developer [ a foaf:Person ; foaf:homepage ; foaf:mbox_sha1sum "253b3c58086250260bac1232d744d150274ad308" ; foaf:name "Dave Robillard" ] ; doap:programming-language "C", "C++" ; doap:repository [ a doap:SVNRepository ; doap:browse ; doap:location ] ; hi:supportsExtension [ hi:extension ; ] , [ hi:extension ; ] , [ hi:extension ; ] , [ hi:extension ; ] ; doap:description """ A modular audio processing environment, where most functionality is provided by generic plugins. Patching of audio, MIDI, and control data is supported. The engine and UI are completely separated in a network transparent way, making it possible to run one or more GUIs on separate machines from the engine. Ingen is closely based on LV2 plugin technology; Ingen patches are RDF documents in Turtle in a very similar format to the RDF definition of an LV2 plugin. """ .