  This file is part of Ingen.
  Copyright 2007-2015 David Robillard <http://drobilla.net/>

  Ingen is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
  terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
  Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version.

  Ingen is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
  WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
  A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Affero General Public License for details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
  along with Ingen.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.


#include <string>
#include <set>

#include <boost/optional.hpp>

#include "ingen/Node.hpp"
#include "ingen/ingen.h"
#include "raul/Path.hpp"
#include "raul/URI.hpp"
#include "sord/sordmm.hpp"

namespace Ingen {

class Interface;
class World;

   Read Ingen objects from Turtle files or strings.

   @ingroup Ingen
class INGEN_API Parser {
	explicit Parser() {}

	virtual ~Parser() {}

	typedef Node::Properties Properties;

	/** Record of a resource listed in a bundle manifest. */
	struct ResourceRecord {
		inline ResourceRecord(const std::string& u, const std::string& f)
			: uri(u), filename(f)

		inline bool operator<(const ResourceRecord& r) const {
			return uri < r.uri;

		std::string uri;       ///< URI of resource (e.g. a Graph)
		std::string filename;  ///< Path of describing file (seeAlso)

	/** Find all resources of a given type listed in a manifest file. */
	virtual std::set<ResourceRecord> find_resources(
		Sord::World&       world,
		const std::string& manifest_uri,
		const Raul::URI&   type_uri);

	/** Parse a graph from RDF into a Interface (engine or client).
	 * If `path` is a file path, then the graph is loaded from that
	 * file.  If it is a directory, then the manifest.ttl from that directory
	 * is used instead.  In either case, any rdfs:seeAlso files are loaded and
	 * the graph parsed from the resulting combined model.
	 * @return whether or not load was successful.
	virtual bool parse_file(
		World*                        world,
		Interface*                    target,
		const std::string&            path,
		boost::optional<Raul::Path>   parent = boost::optional<Raul::Path>(),
		boost::optional<Raul::Symbol> symbol = boost::optional<Raul::Symbol>(),
		boost::optional<Properties>   data   = boost::optional<Properties>());

	virtual boost::optional<Raul::URI> parse_string(
		World*                        world,
		Interface*                    target,
		const std::string&            str,
		const std::string&            base_uri,
		boost::optional<Raul::Path>   parent = boost::optional<Raul::Path>(),
		boost::optional<Raul::Symbol> symbol = boost::optional<Raul::Symbol>(),
		boost::optional<Properties>   data   = boost::optional<Properties>());

} // namespace Ingen