This file is part of Ingen.
Copyright 2007-2012 David Robillard
Ingen is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version.
Ingen is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with Ingen. If not, see .
#include "ingen/Configuration.hpp"
#include "raul/fmt.hpp"
#include "sord/sordmm.hpp"
#define NS_INGEN "http://drobilla.net/ns/ingen#"
namespace Ingen {
Configuration::Configuration(Forge& forge)
: _forge(forge)
, _shortdesc("A realtime modular audio processor.")
, _desc(
"Ingen is a flexible modular system that be used in various ways.\n"
"The engine can run as a stand-alone server controlled via network protocol,\n"
"or internal to another process (e.g. the GUI). The GUI, or other\n"
"clients, can communicate with the engine via any supported protocol, or host the\n"
"engine in the same process. Many clients can connect to an engine at once.\n\n"
" ingen -e # Run an engine, listen for connections\n"
" ingen -g # Run a GUI, connect to running engine\n"
" ingen -eg # Run an engine and a GUI in one process\n"
" ingen -egl foo.ttl # Run an engine and a GUI and load a graph\n"
" ingen -egl foo.ingen # Run an engine and a GUI and load a graph")
, _max_name_length(0)
add("clientPort", "client-port", 'C', "Client port", forge.Int, Raul::Atom());
add("connect", "connect", 'c', "Connect to engine URI", forge.String, forge.alloc("unix:///tmp/ingen.sock"));
add("engine", "engine", 'e', "Run (JACK) engine", forge.Bool, forge.make(false));
add("enginePort", "engine-port", 'E', "Engine listen port", forge.Int, forge.make(16180));
add("socket", "socket", 'S', "Engine socket path", forge.String, forge.alloc("/tmp/ingen.sock"));
add("gui", "gui", 'g', "Launch the GTK graphical interface", forge.Bool, forge.make(false));
add("", "help", 'h', "Print this help message", forge.Bool, forge.make(false));
add("jackName", "jack-name", 'n', "JACK name", forge.String, forge.alloc("ingen"));
add("jackServer", "jack-server", 's', "JACK server name", forge.String, forge.alloc(""));
add("uuid", "uuid", 'u', "JACK session UUID", forge.String, Raul::Atom());
add("load", "load", 'l', "Load graph", forge.String, Raul::Atom());
add("path", "path", 'L', "Target path for loaded graph", forge.String, Raul::Atom());
add("queueSize", "queue-size", 'q', "Event queue size", forge.Int, forge.make(4096));
add("run", "run", 'r', "Run script", forge.String, Raul::Atom());
add("humanNames", "human-names", 0, "Show human names in GUI", forge.Bool, forge.make(true));
add("portLabels", "port-labels", 0, "Show port labels in GUI", forge.Bool, forge.make(true));
Configuration::add(const std::string& key,
const std::string& name,
char letter,
const std::string& desc,
const Raul::Atom::TypeID type,
const Raul::Atom& value)
assert(value.type() == type || value.type() == 0);
_max_name_length = std::max(_max_name_length, name.length());
_options.insert(make_pair(name, Option(name, letter, desc, type, value)));
if (!key.empty()) {
_keys.insert(make_pair(key, name));
if (letter != '\0') {
_short_names.insert(make_pair(letter, name));
return *this;
Configuration::print_usage(const std::string& program, std::ostream& os)
os << "Usage: " << program << " [OPTION]..." << std::endl;
os << _shortdesc << std::endl << std::endl;
os << _desc << std::endl << std::endl;
os << "Options:" << std::endl;
for (Options::iterator o = _options.begin(); o != _options.end(); ++o) {
Option& option = o->second;
os << " ";
if (option.letter != '\0')
os << "-" << option.letter << ", ";
os << " ";
os.width(_max_name_length + 4);
os << std::left << (std::string("--") + o->first);
os << option.desc << std::endl;
Configuration::set_value_from_string(Configuration::Option& option,
const std::string& value)
throw (Configuration::CommandLineError)
if (option.type == _forge.Int) {
char* endptr = NULL;
int intval = static_cast(strtol(value.c_str(), &endptr, 10));
if (endptr && *endptr == '\0') {
option.value = _forge.make(intval);
} else {
throw CommandLineError(
(Raul::fmt("option `%1%' has non-integer value `%2%'")
% option.name % value).str());
} else if (option.type == _forge.String) {
option.value = _forge.alloc(value.c_str());
assert(option.value.type() == _forge.String);
} else if (option.type == _forge.Bool) {
option.value = _forge.make(bool(!strcmp(value.c_str(), "true")));
assert(option.value.type() == _forge.Bool);
} else {
throw CommandLineError(
(Raul::fmt("bad option type `%1%'") % option.name).str());
/** Parse command line arguments. */
Configuration::parse(int argc, char** argv) throw (Configuration::CommandLineError)
for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {
if (argv[i][0] != '-' || !strcmp(argv[i], "-")) {
} else if (argv[i][1] == '-') {
const std::string name = std::string(argv[i]).substr(2);
Options::iterator o = _options.find(name);
if (o == _options.end()) {
throw CommandLineError(
(Raul::fmt("unrecognized option `%1%'") % name).str());
if (o->second.type == _forge.Bool) {
o->second.value = _forge.make(true);
} else {
if (++i >= argc)
throw CommandLineError(
(Raul::fmt("missing value for `%1'") % name).str());
set_value_from_string(o->second, argv[i]);
} else {
const size_t len = strlen(argv[i]);
for (size_t j = 1; j < len; ++j) {
char letter = argv[i][j];
ShortNames::iterator n = _short_names.find(letter);
if (n == _short_names.end())
throw CommandLineError(
(Raul::fmt("unrecognized option `%1%'") % letter).str());
Options::iterator o = _options.find(n->second);
if (j < len - 1) {
if (o->second.type != _forge.Bool)
throw CommandLineError(
(Raul::fmt("missing value for `%1%'") % letter).str());
o->second.value = _forge.make(true);
} else {
if (o->second.type == _forge.Bool) {
o->second.value = _forge.make(true);
} else {
if (++i >= argc)
throw CommandLineError(
(Raul::fmt("missing value for `%1%'") % letter).str());
set_value_from_string(o->second, argv[i]);
Configuration::load(const std::string& path)
if (!Glib::file_test(path, Glib::FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) {
return false;
SerdNode node = serd_node_new_file_uri(
(const uint8_t*)path.c_str(), NULL, NULL, true);
const std::string uri((const char*)node.buf);
Sord::World world;
Sord::Model model(world, uri, SORD_SPO, false);
SerdEnv* env = serd_env_new(&node);
model.load_file(env, SERD_TURTLE, uri, uri);
Sord::Node nodemm(world, Sord::Node::URI, (const char*)node.buf);
Sord::Node nil;
for (Sord::Iter i = model.find(nodemm, nil, nil); !i.end(); ++i) {
const Sord::Node& pred = i.get_predicate();
const Sord::Node& obj = i.get_object();
if (pred.to_string().substr(0, sizeof(NS_INGEN) - 1) == NS_INGEN) {
const std::string key = pred.to_string().substr(sizeof(NS_INGEN) - 1);
const Keys::iterator k = _keys.find(key);
if (k != _keys.end() && obj.type() == Sord::Node::LITERAL) {
return true;
Configuration::load_default(const std::string& app, const std::string& file)
std::list loaded;
const std::vector dirs = Glib::get_system_config_dirs();
for (std::vector::const_iterator i = dirs.begin();
i != dirs.end();
++i) {
const std::string path = Glib::build_filename(*i, app, file);
if (load(path)) {
const std::string path = Glib::build_filename(
Glib::get_user_config_dir(), app, file);
if (load(path)) {
return loaded;
const Raul::Atom&
Configuration::option(const std::string& long_name) const
static const Raul::Atom nil;
Options::const_iterator o = _options.find(long_name);
if (o == _options.end()) {
return nil;
} else {
return o->second.value;
Configuration::set(const std::string& long_name, const Raul::Atom& value)
Options::iterator o = _options.find(long_name);
if (o != _options.end()) {
o->second.value = value;
return true;
return false;
} // namespace Ingen