This file is part of Ingen.
Copyright 2007-2015 David Robillard
Ingen is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version.
Ingen is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with Ingen. If not, see .
#include "ingen/Configuration.hpp"
#include "ingen/Log.hpp"
#include "ingen/ingen.h"
#include "sord/sordmm.hpp"
#include "sratom/sratom.h"
namespace Ingen {
Configuration::Configuration(Forge& forge)
: _forge(forge)
, _shortdesc("A realtime modular audio processor.")
, _desc(
"Ingen is a flexible modular system that be used in various ways.\n"
"The engine can run as a server controlled via a network protocol,\n"
"as an LV2 plugin, or in a monolithic process with a GUI. The GUI\n"
"may be run separately to control a remote engine, and many clients\n"
"may connect to an engine at once.\n\n"
" ingen -e # Run engine, listen for connections\n"
" ingen -g # Run GUI, connect to running engine\n"
" ingen -eg # Run engine and GUI in one process\n"
" ingen -eg foo.ingen # Run engine and GUI and load a graph")
, _max_name_length(0)
add("atomicBundles", "atomic-bundles", 'a', "Execute bundles atomically", SESSION, forge.Bool, forge.make(false));
add("clientPort", "client-port", 'C', "Client port", SESSION, forge.Int, Atom());
add("connect", "connect", 'c', "Connect to engine URI", SESSION, forge.String, forge.alloc("unix:///tmp/ingen.sock"));
add("engine", "engine", 'e', "Run (JACK) engine", SESSION, forge.Bool, forge.make(false));
add("enginePort", "engine-port", 'E', "Engine listen port", SESSION, forge.Int, forge.make(16180));
add("socket", "socket", 'S', "Engine socket path", SESSION, forge.String, forge.alloc("/tmp/ingen.sock"));
add("gui", "gui", 'g', "Launch the GTK graphical interface", SESSION, forge.Bool, forge.make(false));
add("", "help", 'h', "Print this help message", SESSION, forge.Bool, forge.make(false));
add("", "version", 'V', "Print version information", SESSION, forge.Bool, forge.make(false));
add("jackName", "jack-name", 'n', "JACK name", SESSION, forge.String, forge.alloc("ingen"));
add("jackServer", "jack-server", 's', "JACK server name", GLOBAL, forge.String, forge.alloc(""));
add("uuid", "uuid", 'u', "JACK session UUID", SESSION, forge.String, Atom());
add("load", "load", 'l', "Load graph", SESSION, forge.String, Atom());
add("serverLoad", "server-load", 'i', "Load graph (server side)", SESSION, forge.String, Atom());
add("save", "save", 'o', "Save graph", SESSION, forge.String, Atom());
add("execute", "execute", 'x', "File of commands to execute", SESSION, forge.String, Atom());
add("path", "path", 'L', "Target path for loaded graph", SESSION, forge.String, Atom());
add("queueSize", "queue-size", 'q', "Event queue size", GLOBAL, forge.Int, forge.make(4096));
add("flushLog", "flush-log", 'f', "Flush logs after every entry", SESSION, forge.Bool, forge.make(false));
add("dump", "dump", 'd', "Dump communication", SESSION, forge.Bool, forge.make(false));
add("trace", "trace", 't', "Show LV2 plugin trace messages", SESSION, forge.Bool, forge.make(false));
add("humanNames", "human-names", 0, "Show human names in GUI", GUI, forge.Bool, forge.make(true));
add("portLabels", "port-labels", 0, "Show port labels in GUI", GUI, forge.Bool, forge.make(true));
add("graphDirectory", "graph-directory", 0, "Default directory for opening graphs", GUI, forge.String, Atom());
Configuration::add(const std::string& key,
const std::string& name,
char letter,
const std::string& desc,
Scope scope,
const LV2_URID type,
const Atom& value)
assert(value.type() == type || value.type() == 0);
_max_name_length = std::max(_max_name_length, name.length());
_options.insert(make_pair(name, Option(key, name, letter, desc, scope, type, value)));
if (!key.empty()) {
_keys.insert(make_pair(key, name));
if (letter != '\0') {
_short_names.insert(make_pair(letter, name));
return *this;
Configuration::variable_string(LV2_URID type) const
if (type == _forge.String) {
return "=STRING";
} else if (type == _forge.Int) {
return "=INT";
return "";
Configuration::print_usage(const std::string& program, std::ostream& os)
os << "Usage: " << program << " [OPTION]... [GRAPH]" << std::endl;
os << _shortdesc << std::endl << std::endl;
os << _desc << std::endl << std::endl;
os << "Options:" << std::endl;
for (const auto& o : _options) {
const Option& option = o.second;
os << " ";
if (option.letter != '\0')
os << "-" << option.letter << ", ";
os << " ";
os.width(_max_name_length + 11);
os << std::left;
os << (std::string("--") + o.first + variable_string(option.type));
os << option.desc << std::endl;
Configuration::set_value_from_string(Configuration::Option& option,
const std::string& value)
throw (Configuration::OptionError)
if (option.type == _forge.Int) {
char* endptr = NULL;
int intval = static_cast(strtol(value.c_str(), &endptr, 10));
if (endptr && *endptr == '\0') {
option.value = _forge.make(intval);
} else {
throw OptionError(
(fmt("Option `%1%' has non-integer value `%2%'")
% option.name % value).str());
} else if (option.type == _forge.String) {
option.value = _forge.alloc(value.c_str());
assert(option.value.type() == _forge.String);
} else if (option.type == _forge.Bool) {
option.value = _forge.make(bool(!strcmp(value.c_str(), "true")));
assert(option.value.type() == _forge.Bool);
} else {
throw OptionError(
(fmt("Bad option type `%1%'") % option.name).str());
/** Parse command line arguments. */
Configuration::parse(int argc, char** argv) throw (Configuration::OptionError)
for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {
if (argv[i][0] != '-' || !strcmp(argv[i], "-")) {
// File argument
const Options::iterator o = _options.find("load");
if (!o->second.value.is_valid()) {
_options.find("load")->second.value = _forge.alloc(argv[i]);
} else {
throw OptionError("Multiple graphs specified");
} else if (argv[i][1] == '-') {
// Long option
std::string name = std::string(argv[i]).substr(2);
const char* equals = strchr(argv[i], '=');
if (equals) {
name = name.substr(0, name.find('='));
const Options::iterator o = _options.find(name);
if (o == _options.end()) {
throw OptionError(
(fmt("Unrecognized option `%1%'") % name).str());
} else if (o->second.type == _forge.Bool) { // --flag
o->second.value = _forge.make(true);
} else if (equals) { // --opt=val
set_value_from_string(o->second, equals + 1);
} else if (++i < argc) { // --opt val
set_value_from_string(o->second, argv[i]);
} else {
throw OptionError(
(fmt("Missing value for `%1%'") % name).str());
} else {
// Short option
const size_t len = strlen(argv[i]);
for (size_t j = 1; j < len; ++j) {
const char letter = argv[i][j];
const ShortNames::iterator n = _short_names.find(letter);
if (n == _short_names.end()) {
throw OptionError(
(fmt("Unrecognized option `%1%'") % letter).str());
const Options::iterator o = _options.find(n->second);
if (j < len - 1) { // Non-final POSIX style flag
if (o->second.type != _forge.Bool) {
throw OptionError(
(fmt("Missing value for `%1%'") % letter).str());
o->second.value = _forge.make(true);
} else if (o->second.type == _forge.Bool) { // -f
o->second.value = _forge.make(true);
} else if (++i < argc) { // -v val
set_value_from_string(o->second, argv[i]);
} else {
throw OptionError(
(fmt("Missing value for `%1%'") % letter).str());
Configuration::load(const std::string& path)
if (!Glib::file_test(path, Glib::FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) {
return false;
SerdNode node = serd_node_new_file_uri(
(const uint8_t*)path.c_str(), NULL, NULL, true);
const std::string uri((const char*)node.buf);
Sord::World world;
Sord::Model model(world, uri, SORD_SPO, false);
SerdEnv* env = serd_env_new(&node);
model.load_file(env, SERD_TURTLE, uri, uri);
Sord::Node nodemm(world, Sord::Node::URI, (const char*)node.buf);
Sord::Node nil;
for (Sord::Iter i = model.find(nodemm, nil, nil); !i.end(); ++i) {
const Sord::Node& pred = i.get_predicate();
const Sord::Node& obj = i.get_object();
if (pred.to_string().substr(0, sizeof(INGEN_NS) - 1) == INGEN_NS) {
const std::string key = pred.to_string().substr(sizeof(INGEN_NS) - 1);
const Keys::iterator k = _keys.find(key);
if (k != _keys.end() && obj.type() == Sord::Node::LITERAL) {
return true;
Configuration::save(URIMap& uri_map,
const std::string& app,
const std::string& filename,
unsigned scopes)
throw (FileError)
// Save to file if it is absolute, otherwise save to user config dir
std::string path = filename;
if (!Glib::path_is_absolute(path)) {
path = Glib::build_filename(
Glib::build_filename(Glib::get_user_config_dir(), app), filename);
// Create parent directories if necessary
const std::string dir = Glib::path_get_dirname(path);
if (g_mkdir_with_parents(dir.c_str(), 0755) < 0) {
throw FileError((fmt("Error creating directory %1% (%2%)")
% dir % strerror(errno)).str());
// Attempt to open file for writing
FILE* file = fopen(path.c_str(), "w");
if (!file) {
throw FileError((fmt("Failed to open file %1% (%2%)")
% path % strerror(errno)).str());
// Use the file's URI as the base URI
SerdURI base_uri;
SerdNode base = serd_node_new_file_uri(
(const uint8_t*)path.c_str(), NULL, &base_uri, true);
// Create environment with ingen prefix
SerdEnv* env = serd_env_new(&base);
env, (const uint8_t*)"ingen", (const uint8_t*)INGEN_NS);
// Create Turtle writer
SerdWriter* writer = serd_writer_new(
// Write a prefix directive for each prefix in the environment
serd_env_foreach(env, (SerdPrefixSink)serd_writer_set_prefix, writer);
// Create an atom serialiser and connect it to the Turtle writer
Sratom* sratom = sratom_new(&uri_map.urid_map_feature()->urid_map);
sratom_set_pretty_numbers(sratom, true);
sratom_set_sink(sratom, (const char*)base.buf,
(SerdStatementSink)serd_writer_write_statement, NULL,
// Write a statement for each valid option
for (auto o : _options) {
const Atom& value = o.second.value;
if (!(o.second.scope & scopes) ||
o.second.key.empty() ||
!value.is_valid()) {
const std::string key(std::string("ingen:") + o.second.key);
SerdNode pred = serd_node_from_string(
SERD_CURIE, (const uint8_t*)key.c_str());
sratom_write(sratom, &uri_map.urid_unmap_feature()->urid_unmap, 0,
&base, &pred, value.type(), value.size(), value.get_body());
return path;
Configuration::load_default(const std::string& app,
const std::string& filename)
std::list loaded;
const std::vector dirs = Glib::get_system_config_dirs();
for (auto d : dirs) {
const std::string path = Glib::build_filename(
Glib::build_filename(d, app), filename);
if (load(path)) {
const std::string path = Glib::build_filename(
Glib::build_filename(Glib::get_user_config_dir(), app), filename);
if (load(path)) {
return loaded;
const Atom&
Configuration::option(const std::string& long_name) const
static const Atom nil;
Options::const_iterator o = _options.find(long_name);
if (o == _options.end()) {
return nil;
} else {
return o->second.value;
Configuration::set(const std::string& long_name, const Atom& value)
Options::iterator o = _options.find(long_name);
if (o != _options.end()) {
o->second.value = value;
return true;
return false;
} // namespace Ingen