/* This file is part of Ingen. * Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Dave Robillard <http://drobilla.net> * * Ingen is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the * terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * Ingen is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "raul/PathTable.hpp" #include "ClientStore.hpp" #include "ObjectModel.hpp" #include "PatchModel.hpp" #include "NodeModel.hpp" #include "PortModel.hpp" #include "PluginModel.hpp" #include "PatchModel.hpp" #include "SigClientInterface.hpp" using namespace std; using namespace Raul; namespace Ingen { using namespace Shared; namespace Client { ClientStore::ClientStore(SharedPtr<EngineInterface> engine, SharedPtr<SigClientInterface> emitter) : _engine(engine) , _emitter(emitter) , _plugins(new Plugins()) { _handle_orphans = (engine && emitter); if (!emitter) return; emitter->signal_object_deleted.connect(sigc::mem_fun(this, &ClientStore::del)); emitter->signal_object_moved.connect(sigc::mem_fun(this, &ClientStore::move)); emitter->signal_put.connect(sigc::mem_fun(this, &ClientStore::put)); emitter->signal_clear_patch.connect(sigc::mem_fun(this, &ClientStore::clear_patch)); emitter->signal_connection.connect(sigc::mem_fun(this, &ClientStore::connect)); emitter->signal_disconnection.connect(sigc::mem_fun(this, &ClientStore::disconnect)); emitter->signal_property_change.connect(sigc::mem_fun(this, &ClientStore::set_property)); emitter->signal_port_value.connect(sigc::mem_fun(this, &ClientStore::set_port_value)); emitter->signal_voice_value.connect(sigc::mem_fun(this, &ClientStore::set_voice_value)); emitter->signal_activity.connect(sigc::mem_fun(this, &ClientStore::activity)); } void ClientStore::clear() { Store::clear(); _plugins->clear(); } void ClientStore::add_object(SharedPtr<ObjectModel> object) { // If we already have "this" object, merge the existing one into the new // one (with precedence to the new values). iterator existing = find(object->path()); if (existing != end()) { PtrCast<ObjectModel>(existing->second)->set(object); } else { if (!object->path().is_root()) { SharedPtr<ObjectModel> parent = this->object(object->path().parent()); if (parent) { assert(object->path().is_child_of(parent->path())); object->set_parent(parent); parent->add_child(object); assert(parent && (object->parent() == parent)); (*this)[object->path()] = object; signal_new_object.emit(object); #if 0 resolve_property_orphans(parent); resolve_orphans(parent); SharedPtr<PortModel> port = PtrCast<PortModel>(object); if (port) resolve_connection_orphans(port); #endif } else { //add_orphan(object); } } else { (*this)[object->path()] = object; signal_new_object.emit(object); } } for (Resource::Properties::const_iterator i = object->meta().properties().begin(); i != object->meta().properties().end(); ++i) object->signal_property(i->first, i->second); for (Resource::Properties::const_iterator i = object->properties().begin(); i != object->properties().end(); ++i) object->signal_property(i->first, i->second); /*cout << "[Store] Added " << object->path() << " {" << endl; for (iterator i = begin(); i != end(); ++i) { cout << "\t" << i->first << endl; } cout << "}" << endl;*/ } SharedPtr<ObjectModel> ClientStore::remove_object(const Path& path) { iterator i = find(path); if (i != end()) { assert((*i).second->path() == path); SharedPtr<ObjectModel> result = PtrCast<ObjectModel>((*i).second); assert(result); //erase(i); iterator descendants_end = find_descendants_end(i); SharedPtr<Store::Objects> removed = yank(i, descendants_end); /*cout << "[Store] Removing " << i->first << " {" << endl; for (iterator i = removed.begin(); i != removed.end(); ++i) { cout << "\t" << i->first << endl; } cout << "}" << endl;*/ if (result) result->signal_destroyed.emit(); if (!result->path().is_root()) { assert(result->parent()); SharedPtr<ObjectModel> parent = this->object(result->path().parent()); if (parent) { parent->remove_child(result); } } assert(!object(path)); return result; } else { return SharedPtr<ObjectModel>(); } } SharedPtr<PluginModel> ClientStore::plugin(const URI& uri) { assert(uri.length() > 0); Plugins::iterator i = _plugins->find(uri); if (i == _plugins->end()) return SharedPtr<PluginModel>(); else return (*i).second; } SharedPtr<ObjectModel> ClientStore::object(const Path& path) { assert(path.length() > 0); iterator i = find(path); if (i == end()) { return SharedPtr<ObjectModel>(); } else { SharedPtr<ObjectModel> model = PtrCast<ObjectModel>(i->second); assert(model); assert(model->path().is_root() || model->parent()); return model; } } SharedPtr<Resource> ClientStore::resource(const URI& uri) { if (uri.scheme() == Path::scheme && Path::is_valid(uri.str())) return object(uri.str()); else return plugin(uri); } void ClientStore::add_plugin(SharedPtr<PluginModel> pm) { // FIXME: dupes? merge, like with objects? (*_plugins)[pm->uri()] = pm; signal_new_plugin(pm); //cerr << "Plugin: " << pm->uri() << ", # plugins: " << _plugins->size() << endl; } /* ****** Signal Handlers ******** */ void ClientStore::del(const Path& path) { SharedPtr<ObjectModel> removed = remove_object(path); removed.reset(); //cerr << "[ClientStore] removed object " << path << ", count: " << removed.use_count(); } void ClientStore::move(const Path& old_path_str, const Path& new_path_str) { Path old_path(old_path_str); Path new_path(new_path_str); iterator parent = find(old_path); if (parent == end()) { cerr << "[Store] Failed to find object " << old_path << " to move." << endl; return; } iterator descendants_end = find_descendants_end(parent); SharedPtr< Table<Path, SharedPtr<Shared::GraphObject> > > removed = yank(parent, descendants_end); assert(removed->size() > 0); for (Table<Path, SharedPtr<Shared::GraphObject> >::iterator i = removed->begin(); i != removed->end(); ++i) { const Path& child_old_path = i->first; assert(Path::descendant_comparator(old_path, child_old_path)); Path child_new_path; if (child_old_path == old_path) child_new_path = new_path; else child_new_path = new_path.base() + child_old_path.substr(old_path.length()+1); cerr << "[Store] Renamed " << child_old_path << " -> " << child_new_path << endl; PtrCast<ObjectModel>(i->second)->set_path(child_new_path); i->first = child_new_path; } cram(*removed.get()); //cerr << "[Store] Table:" << endl; //for (size_t i=0; i < removed.size(); ++i) { // cerr << removed[i].first << "\t\t: " << removed[i].second << endl; //} /*for (iterator i = begin(); i != end(); ++i) { cerr << i->first << "\t\t: " << i->second << endl; }*/ } void ClientStore::put(const URI& uri, const Resource::Properties& properties) { typedef Resource::Properties::const_iterator iterator; /*cerr << "CLIENT PUT " << uri << " {" << endl; for (iterator i = properties.begin(); i != properties.end(); ++i) cerr << "\t" << i->first << " = " << i->second << " :: " << i->second.type() << endl; cerr << "}" << endl;*/ bool is_path = Path::is_valid(uri.str()); bool is_meta = uri.substr(0, 6) == "meta:#"; if (!(is_path || is_meta)) { const URI& type_uri = properties.find("rdf:type")->second.get_uri(); if (Plugin::type_from_uri(type_uri.str()) != Plugin::NIL) { SharedPtr<PluginModel> p(new PluginModel(uri, type_uri, properties)); add_plugin(p); return; } } string path_str = is_meta ? (string("/") + uri.chop_start("#")) : uri.str(); if (!Path::is_valid(path_str)) { cerr << "ERROR: Bad path: " << uri.str() << " - " << path_str << endl; return; } Path path(is_meta ? (string("/") + uri.chop_start("#")) : uri.str()); SharedPtr<ObjectModel> obj = PtrCast<ObjectModel>(object(path)); if (obj) { obj->set_properties(properties); return; } bool is_patch, is_node, is_port, is_output; DataType data_type(DataType::UNKNOWN); ResourceImpl::type(properties, is_patch, is_node, is_port, is_output, data_type); if (is_patch) { uint32_t poly = 1; iterator p = properties.find("ingen:polyphony"); if (p != properties.end() && p->second.is_valid() && p->second.type() == Atom::INT) poly = p->second.get_int32(); SharedPtr<PatchModel> model(new PatchModel(path, poly)); model->set_properties(properties); add_object(model); } else if (is_node) { const Resource::Properties::const_iterator p = properties.find("rdf:instanceOf"); SharedPtr<PluginModel> plug; if (p->second.is_valid() && p->second.type() == Atom::URI) { if ((plug = plugin(p->second.get_uri()))) { SharedPtr<NodeModel> n(new NodeModel(plug, path)); n->set_properties(properties); add_object(n); } else { SharedPtr<NodeModel> n(new NodeModel(p->second.get_uri(), path)); n->set_properties(properties); //add_plugin_orphan(n); add_object(n); } } else { cerr << "ERROR: Plugin with no type" << endl; } } else if (is_port) { if (data_type != DataType::UNKNOWN) { PortModel::Direction pdir = is_output ? PortModel::OUTPUT : PortModel::INPUT; SharedPtr<PortModel> p(new PortModel(path, 0, data_type, pdir)); p->set_properties(properties); add_object(p); } else { cerr << "WARNING: Port " << path << " has no type" << endl; } } else { cerr << "WARNING: Ignoring object " << path << " with unknown type " << is_patch << " " << is_node << " " << is_port << endl; } } void ClientStore::clear_patch(const Path& path) { iterator i = find(path); if (i != end()) { assert((*i).second->path() == path); SharedPtr<PatchModel> patch = PtrCast<PatchModel>(i->second); iterator first_descendant = i; ++first_descendant; iterator descendants_end = find_descendants_end(i); SharedPtr< Table<Path, SharedPtr<Shared::GraphObject> > > removed = yank(first_descendant, descendants_end); for (iterator i = removed->begin(); i != removed->end(); ++i) { SharedPtr<ObjectModel> model = PtrCast<ObjectModel>(i->second); assert(model); model->signal_destroyed.emit(); if (model->parent() == patch) patch->remove_child(model); } } else { cerr << "[Store] Unable to find patch " << path << " to clear." << endl; } } void ClientStore::set_property(const URI& subject_uri, const URI& predicate, const Atom& value) { SharedPtr<Resource> subject = resource(subject_uri); size_t hash = subject_uri.find("#"); if (!value.is_valid()) { cerr << "ERROR: Property '" << predicate << "' is invalid" << endl; } else if (subject) { subject->set_property(predicate, value); } else if (subject_uri.substr(0, 6) == "meta:#") { Path instance_path = string("/") + subject_uri.substr(hash + 1); SharedPtr<ObjectModel> om = PtrCast<ObjectModel>(subject); if (om) om->meta().set_property(predicate, value); } else { SharedPtr<PluginModel> plugin = this->plugin(subject_uri); if (plugin) plugin->set_property(predicate, value); else cerr << "WARNING: Property '" << predicate << "' for unknown object " << subject_uri << endl; } } void ClientStore::set_port_value(const Path& port_path, const Atom& value) { SharedPtr<PortModel> port = PtrCast<PortModel>(object(port_path)); if (port) port->value(value); else cerr << "ERROR: Control change for non-existent port " << port_path << endl; } void ClientStore::set_voice_value(const Path& port_path, uint32_t voice, const Atom& value) { SharedPtr<PortModel> port = PtrCast<PortModel>(object(port_path)); if (port) port->value(voice, value); else cerr << "ERROR: Polyphonic control change for non-existent port " << port_path << endl; } void ClientStore::activity(const Path& path) { SharedPtr<PortModel> port = PtrCast<PortModel>(object(path)); if (port) port->signal_activity.emit(); else cerr << "ERROR: Activity for non-existent port " << path << endl; } SharedPtr<PatchModel> ClientStore::connection_patch(const Path& src_port_path, const Path& dst_port_path) { SharedPtr<PatchModel> patch; if (src_port_path.parent() == dst_port_path.parent()) patch = PtrCast<PatchModel>(this->object(src_port_path.parent())); if (!patch && src_port_path.parent() == dst_port_path.parent().parent()) patch = PtrCast<PatchModel>(this->object(src_port_path.parent())); if (!patch && src_port_path.parent().parent() == dst_port_path.parent()) patch = PtrCast<PatchModel>(this->object(dst_port_path.parent())); if (!patch) patch = PtrCast<PatchModel>(this->object(src_port_path.parent().parent())); if (!patch) cerr << "ERROR: Unable to find connection patch " << src_port_path << " -> " << dst_port_path << endl; return patch; } bool ClientStore::attempt_connection(const Path& src_port_path, const Path& dst_port_path, bool add_orphan) { SharedPtr<PortModel> src_port = PtrCast<PortModel>(object(src_port_path)); SharedPtr<PortModel> dst_port = PtrCast<PortModel>(object(dst_port_path)); if (src_port && dst_port) { assert(src_port->parent()); assert(dst_port->parent()); SharedPtr<PatchModel> patch = connection_patch(src_port_path, dst_port_path); assert(patch); SharedPtr<ConnectionModel> cm(new ConnectionModel(src_port, dst_port)); src_port->connected_to(dst_port); dst_port->connected_to(src_port); patch->add_connection(cm); return true; } else if (add_orphan) { //add_connection_orphan(make_pair(src_port_path, dst_port_path)); } return false; } void ClientStore::connect(const Path& src_port_path, const Path& dst_port_path) { attempt_connection(src_port_path, dst_port_path, true); } void ClientStore::disconnect(const Path& src_port_path, const Path& dst_port_path) { // Find the ports and create a ConnectionModel just to get at the parent path // finding logic in ConnectionModel. So I'm lazy. SharedPtr<PortModel> src_port = PtrCast<PortModel>(object(src_port_path)); SharedPtr<PortModel> dst_port = PtrCast<PortModel>(object(dst_port_path)); if (src_port) src_port->disconnected_from(dst_port); else cerr << "WARNING: Disconnection from non-existent src port " << src_port_path << endl; if (dst_port) dst_port->disconnected_from(dst_port); else cerr << "WARNING: Disconnection from non-existent dst port " << dst_port_path << endl; SharedPtr<PatchModel> patch = connection_patch(src_port_path, dst_port_path); if (patch) patch->remove_connection(src_port_path, dst_port_path); else cerr << "ERROR: Disconnection in non-existent patch: " << src_port_path << " -> " << dst_port_path << endl; } } // namespace Client } // namespace Ingen