/* This file is part of Ingen. * Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Dave Robillard <http://drobilla.net> * * Ingen is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the * terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * Ingen is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include <cassert> #include <iostream> #include <unistd.h> #include "interface/ClientInterface.hpp" #include "ClientBroadcaster.hpp" #include "PluginImpl.hpp" #include "ConnectionImpl.hpp" #include "EngineStore.hpp" #include "ObjectSender.hpp" #include "util.hpp" using namespace std; using namespace Raul; using Ingen::Shared::ClientInterface; namespace Ingen { /** Register a client to receive messages over the notification band. */ void ClientBroadcaster::register_client(const URI& uri, ClientInterface* client) { Clients::iterator i = _clients.find(uri); if (i == _clients.end()) { _clients[uri] = client; cout << "[ClientBroadcaster] Registered client: " << uri << endl; } else { cout << "[ClientBroadcaster] Client already registered: " << uri << endl; } } /** Remove a client from the list of registered clients. * * @return true if client was found and removed. */ bool ClientBroadcaster::unregister_client(const URI& uri) { size_t erased = _clients.erase(uri); if (erased > 0) cout << "Unregistered client: " << uri << endl; else cout << "Failed to find client to unregister: " << uri << endl; return (erased > 0); } /** Looks up the client with the given @a source address (which is used as the * unique identifier for registered clients). * * (A responder is passed to remove the dependency on liblo addresses in request * events, in anticipation of libom and multiple ways of responding to clients). */ ClientInterface* ClientBroadcaster::client(const URI& uri) { Clients::iterator i = _clients.find(uri); if (i != _clients.end()) { return (*i).second; } else { return NULL; } } void ClientBroadcaster::bundle_begin() { for (Clients::const_iterator i = _clients.begin(); i != _clients.end(); ++i) (*i).second->bundle_begin(); } void ClientBroadcaster::bundle_end() { for (Clients::const_iterator i = _clients.begin(); i != _clients.end(); ++i) (*i).second->bundle_end(); } void ClientBroadcaster::send_error(const string& msg) { for (Clients::const_iterator i = _clients.begin(); i != _clients.end(); ++i) (*i).second->error(msg); } void ClientBroadcaster::send_plugins_to(ClientInterface* client, const NodeFactory::Plugins& plugins) { client->transfer_begin(); for (NodeFactory::Plugins::const_iterator i = plugins.begin(); i != plugins.end(); ++i) { const PluginImpl* const plugin = i->second; client->new_plugin(plugin->uri(), plugin->type_uri(), plugin->symbol()); } client->transfer_end(); } void ClientBroadcaster::send_plugins(const NodeFactory::Plugins& plugins) { for (Clients::const_iterator c = _clients.begin(); c != _clients.end(); ++c) send_plugins_to((*c).second, plugins); } void ClientBroadcaster::send_deleted(const Path& path) { for (Clients::const_iterator i = _clients.begin(); i != _clients.end(); ++i) (*i).second->del(path); } void ClientBroadcaster::send_clear_patch(const Path& patch_path) { for (Clients::const_iterator i = _clients.begin(); i != _clients.end(); ++i) (*i).second->clear_patch(patch_path); } void ClientBroadcaster::send_connection(const SharedPtr<const ConnectionImpl> c) { for (Clients::const_iterator i = _clients.begin(); i != _clients.end(); ++i) (*i).second->connect(c->src_port()->path().str(), c->dst_port()->path().str()); } void ClientBroadcaster::send_disconnection(const Path& src_port_path, const Path& dst_port_path) { for (Clients::const_iterator i = _clients.begin(); i != _clients.end(); ++i) (*i).second->disconnect(src_port_path, dst_port_path); } void ClientBroadcaster::send_put(const Raul::URI& subject, const Shared::Resource::Properties& properties) { for (Clients::const_iterator i = _clients.begin(); i != _clients.end(); ++i) (*i).second->put(subject, properties); } /** Send notification of a property update. * * Like control changes, does not send update to client that set the property, if applicable. */ void ClientBroadcaster::send_property_change(const URI& subject, const URI& key, const Atom& value) { for (Clients::const_iterator i = _clients.begin(); i != _clients.end(); ++i) (*i).second->set_property(subject, key, value); } /** Send notification of a control change. * * If responder is specified, the notification will not be send to the address of * that responder (to avoid sending redundant information back to clients and * forcing clients to ignore things to avoid feedback loops etc). */ void ClientBroadcaster::send_port_value(const Path& port_path, const Raul::Atom& value) { for (Clients::const_iterator i = _clients.begin(); i != _clients.end(); ++i) (*i).second->set_port_value(port_path, value); } void ClientBroadcaster::send_activity(const Path& path) { for (Clients::const_iterator i = _clients.begin(); i != _clients.end(); ++i) (*i).second->activity(path); } /** Send an object. * * @param p Object to send * @param recursive If true send all children of object */ void ClientBroadcaster::send_object(const GraphObjectImpl* p, bool recursive) { for (Clients::const_iterator i = _clients.begin(); i != _clients.end(); ++i) ObjectSender::send_object((*i).second, p, recursive); } /** Sends notification of an GraphObject's renaming */ void ClientBroadcaster::send_move(const Path& old_path, const Path& new_path) { for (Clients::const_iterator i = _clients.begin(); i != _clients.end(); ++i) (*i).second->move(old_path, new_path); } } // namespace Ingen