/* This file is part of Ingen. * Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Dave Robillard * * Ingen is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the * terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * Ingen is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "SetMetadataEvent.hpp" #include #include #include "Responder.hpp" #include "Engine.hpp" #include "PortImpl.hpp" #include "ClientBroadcaster.hpp" #include "GraphObjectImpl.hpp" #include "PatchImpl.hpp" #include "PluginImpl.hpp" #include "EngineStore.hpp" using namespace std; using namespace Raul; namespace Ingen { SetMetadataEvent::SetMetadataEvent( Engine& engine, SharedPtr responder, SampleCount timestamp, bool meta, const URI& subject, const Shared::Resource::Properties& properties) : QueuedEvent(engine, responder, timestamp) , _error(NO_ERROR) , _subject(subject) , _properties(properties) , _object(NULL) , _patch(NULL) , _compiled_patch(NULL) , _is_meta(meta) , _success(false) { } void SetMetadataEvent::pre_process() { if (_subject.scheme() == Path::scheme && Path::is_valid(_subject.str())) _object = _engine.engine_store()->find_object(Path(_subject.str())); else _object = _engine.node_factory()->plugin(_subject); if (_object == NULL) { _error = NOT_FOUND; QueuedEvent::pre_process(); return; } /*cerr << "SET " << _object->path() << (_property ? " PROP " : " VAR ") << _key << " :: " << _value.type() << endl;*/ _types.reserve(_properties.size()); typedef Shared::Resource::Properties Properties; for (Properties::iterator p = _properties.begin(); p != _properties.end(); ++p) { const Raul::URI& key = p->first; const Raul::Atom& value = p->second; GraphObjectImpl* obj = dynamic_cast(_object); if (obj) { if (_is_meta) obj->meta().set_property(key, value); else obj->set_property(key, value); _patch = dynamic_cast(_object); if (key.str() == "ingen:broadcast") { _types.push_back(ENABLE_BROADCAST); } else if (_patch) { if (key.str() == "ingen:enabled") { if (value.type() == Atom::BOOL) { _types.push_back(ENABLE); if (value.get_bool() && !_patch->compiled_patch()) _compiled_patch = _patch->compile(); } else { _error = BAD_TYPE; } } else if (key.str() == "ingen:polyphonic") { if (value.type() == Atom::BOOL) { _types.push_back(POLYPHONIC); } else { _error = BAD_TYPE; } } else if (key.str() == "ingen:polyphony") { if (value.type() == Atom::INT) { _types.push_back(POLYPHONY); _patch->prepare_internal_poly(value.get_int32()); } else { _error = BAD_TYPE; } } else { _types.push_back(NONE); } if (_error != NO_ERROR) break; } } else { _types.push_back(NONE); } _object->set_property(key, value); } QueuedEvent::pre_process(); } void SetMetadataEvent::execute(ProcessContext& context) { if (_error != NO_ERROR) return; typedef Shared::Resource::Properties Properties; std::vector::const_iterator t = _types.begin(); for (Properties::iterator p = _properties.begin(); p != _properties.end(); ++p, ++t) { const Raul::Atom& value = p->second; PortImpl* port = 0; GraphObjectImpl* object = 0; switch (*t) { case ENABLE_BROADCAST: if ((port = dynamic_cast(_object))) port->broadcast(value.get_bool()); break; case ENABLE: if (value.get_bool()) { if (!_patch->compiled_patch()) _patch->compiled_patch(_compiled_patch); _patch->enable(); } else { _patch->disable(); } break; case POLYPHONIC: if ((object = dynamic_cast(_object))) if (!object->set_polyphonic(*_engine.maid(), value.get_bool())) _error = INTERNAL; break; case POLYPHONY: if (!_patch->apply_internal_poly(*_engine.maid(), value.get_int32())) _error = INTERNAL; break; default: _success = true; } } QueuedEvent::execute(context); } void SetMetadataEvent::post_process() { switch (_error) { case NO_ERROR: _responder->respond_ok(); _engine.broadcaster()->send_put(_subject, _properties); break; case NOT_FOUND: _responder->respond_error((boost::format( "Unable to find object '%1%'") % _subject).str()); case INTERNAL: _responder->respond_error("Internal error"); break; case BAD_TYPE: _responder->respond_error("Bad type for predicate"); break; } } } // namespace Ingen