/* This file is part of Ingen. * Copyright 2007-2011 David Robillard <http://drobilla.net> * * Ingen is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the * terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * Ingen is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include <cassert> #include "ingen-config.h" #include "raul/log.hpp" #include "raul/Atom.hpp" #include "ingen/EngineInterface.hpp" #include "shared/LV2URIMap.hpp" #include "client/PatchModel.hpp" #include "client/NodeModel.hpp" #include "client/PluginModel.hpp" #include "client/PluginUI.hpp" #include "App.hpp" #include "GladeFactory.hpp" #include "NodeControlWindow.hpp" #include "NodeModule.hpp" #include "PatchCanvas.hpp" #include "PatchWindow.hpp" #include "Port.hpp" #include "RenameWindow.hpp" #include "SubpatchModule.hpp" #include "WindowFactory.hpp" #include "Configuration.hpp" #include "NodeMenu.hpp" using namespace std; using namespace Raul; namespace Ingen { namespace GUI { NodeModule::NodeModule(boost::shared_ptr<PatchCanvas> canvas, SharedPtr<NodeModel> node) : FlowCanvas::Module(canvas, node->path().symbol(), 0, 0, true, canvas->show_port_names()) , _node(node) , _gui_widget(NULL) , _gui_window(NULL) { assert(_node); node->signal_new_port.connect( sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(this, &NodeModule::add_port), true)); node->signal_removed_port.connect( sigc::hide_return(sigc::mem_fun(this, &NodeModule::remove_port))); node->signal_property.connect( sigc::mem_fun(this, &NodeModule::property_changed)); node->signal_moved.connect( sigc::mem_fun(this, &NodeModule::rename)); PluginModel* plugin = dynamic_cast<PluginModel*>(node->plugin()); if (plugin) { plugin->signal_changed.connect(sigc::mem_fun(this, &NodeModule::plugin_changed)); } } NodeModule::~NodeModule() { NodeControlWindow* win = App::instance().window_factory()->control_window(_node); delete win; // Will be removed from window factory via signal } void NodeModule::create_menu() { Glib::RefPtr<Gnome::Glade::Xml> xml = GladeFactory::new_glade_reference(); xml->get_widget_derived("object_menu", _menu); _menu->init(_node); _menu->signal_embed_gui.connect( sigc::mem_fun(this, &NodeModule::embed_gui)); _menu->signal_popup_gui.connect( sigc::hide_return(sigc::mem_fun(this, &NodeModule::popup_gui))); set_menu(_menu); } boost::shared_ptr<NodeModule> NodeModule::create(boost::shared_ptr<PatchCanvas> canvas, SharedPtr<NodeModel> node, bool human) { boost::shared_ptr<NodeModule> ret; SharedPtr<PatchModel> patch = PtrCast<PatchModel>(node); if (patch) ret = boost::shared_ptr<NodeModule>(new SubpatchModule(canvas, patch)); else ret = boost::shared_ptr<NodeModule>(new NodeModule(canvas, node)); for (GraphObject::Properties::const_iterator m = node->properties().begin(); m != node->properties().end(); ++m) ret->property_changed(m->first, m->second); for (NodeModel::Ports::const_iterator p = node->ports().begin(); p != node->ports().end(); ++p) ret->add_port(*p, false); ret->set_stacked_border(node->polyphonic()); if (human) ret->show_human_names(human); // FIXME: double port iteration else ret->resize(); return ret; } void NodeModule::show_human_names(bool b) { const LV2URIMap& uris = App::instance().uris(); if (b && node()->plugin()) { const Raul::Atom& name_property = node()->get_property(uris.lv2_name); if (name_property.type() == Atom::STRING) set_name(name_property.get_string()); else set_name(node()->plugin_model()->human_name()); } else { b = false; set_name(node()->symbol().c_str()); } for (PortVector::const_iterator i = ports().begin(); i != ports().end(); ++i) { SharedPtr<Ingen::GUI::Port> port = PtrCast<Ingen::GUI::Port>(*i); Glib::ustring label(port->model()->symbol().c_str()); if (b) { const Raul::Atom& name_property = port->model()->get_property(uris.lv2_name); if (name_property.type() == Atom::STRING) { label = name_property.get_string(); } else { Glib::ustring hn = node()->plugin_model()->port_human_name( port->model()->index()); if (!hn.empty()) label = hn; } } (*i)->set_name(label); } resize(); } void NodeModule::value_changed(uint32_t index, const Atom& value) { if (!_plugin_ui) return; float float_val = 0.0f; switch (value.type()) { case Atom::FLOAT: float_val = value.get_float(); _plugin_ui->port_event(index, 4, 0, &float_val); break; case Atom::STRING: _plugin_ui->port_event(index, strlen(value.get_string()), 0, value.get_string()); break; default: break; } } void NodeModule::plugin_changed() { for (PortVector::iterator p = ports().begin(); p != ports().end(); ++p) PtrCast<Ingen::GUI::Port>(*p)->update_metadata(); } void NodeModule::embed_gui(bool embed) { const LV2URIMap& uris = App::instance().uris(); if (embed) { if (_gui_window) { warn << "LV2 GUI already popped up, cannot embed" << endl; return; } if (!_plugin_ui) { const PluginModel* const pm = dynamic_cast<const PluginModel*>(_node->plugin()); _plugin_ui = pm->ui(App::instance().world(), _node); } if (_plugin_ui) { GtkWidget* c_widget = (GtkWidget*)_plugin_ui->get_widget(); _gui_widget = Glib::wrap(c_widget); Gtk::Container* container = new Gtk::EventBox(); container->set_name("ingen_embedded_node_gui_container"); container->add(*_gui_widget); FlowCanvas::Module::embed(container); } else { error << "Failed to create LV2 UI" << endl; } if (_gui_widget) { _gui_widget->show_all(); for (NodeModel::Ports::const_iterator p = _node->ports().begin(); p != _node->ports().end(); ++p) if ((*p)->is_output() && App::instance().can_control(p->get())) App::instance().engine()->set_property((*p)->path(), uris.ingen_broadcast, true); } } else { // un-embed FlowCanvas::Module::embed(NULL); _plugin_ui.reset(); for (NodeModel::Ports::const_iterator p = _node->ports().begin(); p != _node->ports().end(); ++p) if ((*p)->is_output() && App::instance().can_control(p->get())) App::instance().engine()->set_property((*p)->path(), uris.ingen_broadcast, false); } if (embed && _embed_item) { set_control_values(); set_base_color(0x212222FF); } else { set_default_base_color(); } resize(); } void NodeModule::rename() { if (App::instance().configuration()->name_style() == Configuration::PATH) { set_name(_node->path().symbol()); resize(); } } void NodeModule::add_port(SharedPtr<PortModel> port, bool resize_to_fit) { Module::add_port(Port::create(PtrCast<NodeModule>(shared_from_this()), port, App::instance().configuration()->name_style() == Configuration::HUMAN)); port->signal_value_changed.connect(sigc::bind<0>( sigc::mem_fun(this, &NodeModule::value_changed), port->index())); if (resize_to_fit) resize(); } boost::shared_ptr<Port> NodeModule::port(boost::shared_ptr<PortModel> model) { for (PortVector::const_iterator p = ports().begin(); p != ports().end(); ++p) { SharedPtr<Port> port = PtrCast<Port>(*p); if (port->model() == model) return port; } return boost::shared_ptr<Port>(); } void NodeModule::remove_port(SharedPtr<PortModel> model) { SharedPtr<Port> p = port(model); if (p) { Module::remove_port(p); p.reset(); } else { warn << "Failed to find port on module " << model->path() << endl; } } bool NodeModule::popup_gui() { #ifdef HAVE_SLV2 if (_node->plugin() && _node->plugin()->type() == PluginModel::LV2) { if (_plugin_ui) { warn << "LV2 GUI already embedded, cannot pop up" << endl; return false; } const PluginModel* const plugin = dynamic_cast<const PluginModel*>(_node->plugin()); assert(plugin); _plugin_ui = plugin->ui(App::instance().world(), _node); if (_plugin_ui) { GtkWidget* c_widget = (GtkWidget*)_plugin_ui->get_widget(); _gui_widget = Glib::wrap(c_widget); _gui_window = new Gtk::Window(); _gui_window->set_title(_node->path().chop_scheme() + " UI - Ingen"); _gui_window->set_role("plugin_ui"); _gui_window->add(*_gui_widget); _gui_widget->show_all(); set_control_values(); _gui_window->signal_unmap().connect( sigc::mem_fun(this, &NodeModule::on_gui_window_close)); _gui_window->present(); return true; } else { warn << "No LV2 GUI for " << _node->path().chop_scheme() << endl; } } #endif return false; } void NodeModule::on_gui_window_close() { delete _gui_window; _gui_window = NULL; _plugin_ui.reset(); _gui_widget = NULL; } void NodeModule::set_control_values() { uint32_t index = 0; for (NodeModel::Ports::const_iterator p = _node->ports().begin(); p != _node->ports().end(); ++p) { if (App::instance().can_control(p->get())) value_changed(index, (*p)->value()); ++index; } } void NodeModule::show_control_window() { App::instance().window_factory()->present_controls(_node); } void NodeModule::on_double_click(GdkEventButton* ev) { if ( ! popup_gui() ) show_control_window(); } void NodeModule::store_location() { const float x = static_cast<float>(property_x()); const float y = static_cast<float>(property_y()); const LV2URIMap& uris = App::instance().uris(); const Atom& existing_x = _node->get_property(uris.ingenui_canvas_x); const Atom& existing_y = _node->get_property(uris.ingenui_canvas_y); if (existing_x.type() != Atom::FLOAT || existing_y.type() != Atom::FLOAT || existing_x.get_float() != x || existing_y.get_float() != y) { Resource::Properties remove; remove.insert(make_pair(uris.ingenui_canvas_x, uris.wildcard)); remove.insert(make_pair(uris.ingenui_canvas_y, uris.wildcard)); Resource::Properties add; add.insert(make_pair(uris.ingenui_canvas_x, Atom(x))); add.insert(make_pair(uris.ingenui_canvas_y, Atom(y))); App::instance().engine()->delta(_node->path(), remove, add); // FIXME: context } } void NodeModule::property_changed(const URI& key, const Atom& value) { const Shared::LV2URIMap& uris = App::instance().uris(); switch (value.type()) { case Atom::FLOAT: if (key == uris.ingenui_canvas_x) { move_to(value.get_float(), property_y()); } else if (key == uris.ingenui_canvas_y) { move_to(property_x(), value.get_float()); } break; case Atom::BOOL: if (key == uris.ingen_polyphonic) { set_stacked_border(value.get_bool()); } else if (key == uris.ingen_selected) { if (value.get_bool() != selected()) { if (value.get_bool()) _canvas.lock()->select_item(shared_from_this()); else _canvas.lock()->unselect_item(shared_from_this()); } } break; case Atom::STRING: if (key == uris.lv2_name && App::instance().configuration()->name_style() == Configuration::HUMAN) { set_name(value.get_string()); } default: break; } } void NodeModule::set_selected(bool b) { const App& app = App::instance(); const LV2URIMap& uris = app.uris(); if (b != selected()) { Module::set_selected(b); if (b) { PatchWindow* win = app.window_factory()->parent_patch_window(node()); if (win) { const std::string& doc = node()->plugin_model()->documentation(); if (!doc.empty()) { win->doc_textview()->get_buffer()->set_text(doc); win->doc_textview()->show(); } else { win->doc_textview()->hide(); } } } if (App::instance().signal()) App::instance().engine()->set_property(_node->path(), uris.ingen_selected, b); } } } // namespace GUI } // namespace Ingen