/* This file is part of Ingen. Copyright 2007-2012 David Robillard <http://drobilla.net/> Ingen is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version. Ingen is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with Ingen. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <algorithm> #include <cassert> #include <set> #include <string> #include <gtkmm/label.h> #include <gtkmm/spinbutton.h> #include "App.hpp" #include "PropertiesWindow.hpp" #include "ingen/Interface.hpp" #include "ingen/World.hpp" #include "ingen/client/NodeModel.hpp" #include "ingen/client/PluginModel.hpp" #include "raul/log.hpp" #define LOG(s) s << "[PropertiesWindow] " using namespace std; using namespace Raul; namespace Ingen { using namespace Client; namespace GUI { typedef std::set<Raul::URI> URISet; PropertiesWindow::PropertiesWindow(BaseObjectType* cobject, const Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Builder>& xml) : Window(cobject) { xml->get_widget("properties_vbox", _vbox); xml->get_widget("properties_scrolledwindow", _scrolledwindow); xml->get_widget("properties_table", _table); xml->get_widget("properties_key_combo", _key_combo); xml->get_widget("properties_value_combo", _value_combo); xml->get_widget("properties_add_button", _add_button); xml->get_widget("properties_cancel_button", _cancel_button); xml->get_widget("properties_apply_button", _apply_button); xml->get_widget("properties_ok_button", _ok_button); _key_store = Gtk::ListStore::create(_combo_columns); _key_combo->set_model(_key_store); _key_combo->pack_start(_combo_columns.label_col); _value_store = Gtk::ListStore::create(_combo_columns); _value_combo->set_model(_value_store); _value_combo->pack_start(_combo_columns.label_col); _key_combo->signal_changed().connect( sigc::mem_fun(this, &PropertiesWindow::key_changed)); _add_button->signal_clicked().connect( sigc::mem_fun(this, &PropertiesWindow::add_clicked)); _cancel_button->signal_clicked().connect( sigc::mem_fun(this, &PropertiesWindow::cancel_clicked)); _apply_button->signal_clicked().connect( sigc::mem_fun(this, &PropertiesWindow::apply_clicked)); _ok_button->signal_clicked().connect( sigc::mem_fun(this, &PropertiesWindow::ok_clicked)); } void PropertiesWindow::reset() { _table->children().clear(); _table->resize(1, 3); _table->property_n_rows() = 1; _records.clear(); _key_store->clear(); _value_store->clear(); _property_connection.disconnect(); _model.reset(); } void PropertiesWindow::present(SharedPtr<const ObjectModel> model) { set_object(model); Gtk::Window::present(); } /** Get all the types which this model is an instance of */ static URISet get_types(World* world, SharedPtr<const ObjectModel> model) { typedef Resource::Properties::const_iterator PropIter; typedef std::pair<PropIter, PropIter> PropRange; // Start with every rdf:type URISet types; PropRange range = model->properties().equal_range(world->uris().rdf_type); for (PropIter t = range.first; t != range.second; ++t) { types.insert(t->second.get_uri()); } LilvNode* rdfs_subClassOf = lilv_new_uri( world->lilv_world(), LILV_NS_RDFS "subClassOf"); /* Add super-classes until no new super-classes are encountered. Really slow, but won't loop forever even if subClassOf loops exist. */ unsigned added = 0; do { added = 0; URISet supers; for (URISet::iterator t = types.begin(); t != types.end(); ++t) { LilvNode* type = lilv_new_uri(world->lilv_world(), t->c_str()); LilvNodes* sups = lilv_world_find_nodes( world->lilv_world(), type, rdfs_subClassOf, NULL); LILV_FOREACH(nodes, s, sups) { const LilvNode* super_node = lilv_nodes_get(sups, s); if (lilv_node_is_uri(super_node)) { Raul::URI super = lilv_node_as_uri(super_node); if (!types.count(super)) { ++added; supers.insert(super); } } } lilv_nodes_free(sups); lilv_node_free(type); } types.insert(supers.begin(), supers.end()); } while (added > 0); lilv_node_free(rdfs_subClassOf); return types; } /** Get all the properties with domains appropriate to this model */ static URISet get_properties(World* world, SharedPtr<const ObjectModel> model) { URISet properties; URISet types = get_types(world, model); LilvNode* rdf_type = lilv_new_uri(world->lilv_world(), LILV_NS_RDF "type"); LilvNode* rdf_Property = lilv_new_uri(world->lilv_world(), LILV_NS_RDF "Property"); LilvNode* rdfs_domain = lilv_new_uri(world->lilv_world(), LILV_NS_RDFS "domain"); LilvNodes* props = lilv_world_find_nodes( world->lilv_world(), NULL, rdf_type, rdf_Property); LILV_FOREACH(nodes, p, props) { const LilvNode* prop = lilv_nodes_get(props, p); if (lilv_node_is_uri(prop)) { LilvNodes* domains = lilv_world_find_nodes( world->lilv_world(), prop, rdfs_domain, NULL); unsigned n_matching_domains = 0; LILV_FOREACH(nodes, d, domains) { const LilvNode* domain_node = lilv_nodes_get(domains, d); const Raul::URI domain(lilv_node_as_uri(domain_node)); if (types.count(domain)) { ++n_matching_domains; } } if (n_matching_domains > 0 && n_matching_domains == lilv_nodes_size(domains)) { properties.insert(lilv_node_as_uri(prop)); } lilv_nodes_free(domains); } } lilv_node_free(rdfs_domain); lilv_node_free(rdf_Property); lilv_node_free(rdf_type); return properties; } static Glib::ustring get_label(World* world, const LilvNode* node) { LilvNode* rdfs_label = lilv_new_uri( world->lilv_world(), LILV_NS_RDFS "label"); LilvNodes* labels = lilv_world_find_nodes( world->lilv_world(), node, rdfs_label, NULL); const LilvNode* first = lilv_nodes_get_first(labels); Glib::ustring label = first ? lilv_node_as_string(first) : ""; lilv_nodes_free(labels); lilv_node_free(rdfs_label); return label; } void PropertiesWindow::add_property(const Raul::URI& uri, const Raul::Atom& value) { World* world = _app->world(); const unsigned n_rows = _table->property_n_rows() + 1; _table->property_n_rows() = n_rows; // Column 0: Property LilvNode* prop = lilv_new_uri(world->lilv_world(), uri.c_str()); Glib::ustring lab_text = get_label(world, prop); if (lab_text.empty()) { lab_text = world->rdf_world()->prefixes().qualify(uri.str()); } lab_text = Glib::ustring("<a href=\"") + uri.str() + "\">" + lab_text + "</a>"; Gtk::Label* lab = manage(new Gtk::Label(lab_text, 1.0, 0.5)); lab->set_use_markup(true); _table->attach(*lab, 0, 1, n_rows, n_rows + 1, Gtk::FILL|Gtk::SHRINK, Gtk::SHRINK); lilv_node_free(prop); // Column 1: Value Gtk::Alignment* align = manage(new Gtk::Alignment(0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 0.0)); Gtk::Widget* val_widget = create_value_widget(uri, value); if (val_widget) { align->add(*val_widget); } _table->attach(*align, 1, 2, n_rows, n_rows + 1, Gtk::FILL|Gtk::EXPAND, Gtk::SHRINK); _records.insert(make_pair(uri, Record(value, align, n_rows))); } /** Set the node this window is associated with. * This function MUST be called before using this object in any way. */ void PropertiesWindow::set_object(SharedPtr<const ObjectModel> model) { reset(); _model = model; set_title(model->path().str() + " Properties - Ingen"); World* world = _app->world(); LilvNode* rdfs_range = lilv_new_uri( world->lilv_world(), LILV_NS_RDFS "range"); LilvNode* rdf_type = lilv_new_uri( world->lilv_world(), LILV_NS_RDF "type"); // Populate key combo const URISet props = get_properties(world, model); for (URISet::const_iterator p = props.begin(); p != props.end(); ++p) { LilvNode* prop = lilv_new_uri(world->lilv_world(), p->c_str()); const Glib::ustring label = get_label(world, prop); if (label.empty()) { continue; } LilvNodes* ranges = lilv_world_find_nodes( world->lilv_world(), prop, rdfs_range, NULL); LILV_FOREACH(nodes, r, ranges) { const LilvNode* range = lilv_nodes_get(ranges, r); LilvNodes* objects = lilv_world_find_nodes( world->lilv_world(), NULL, rdf_type, range); if (lilv_nodes_get_first(objects)) { // At least one applicable object, add property to key combo Gtk::ListStore::iterator ki = _key_store->append(); Gtk::ListStore::Row row = *ki; row[_combo_columns.uri_col] = p->str(); row[_combo_columns.label_col] = label; break; } lilv_nodes_free(objects); } lilv_node_free(prop); } lilv_node_free(rdfs_range); lilv_node_free(rdf_type); for (ObjectModel::Properties::const_iterator i = model->properties().begin(); i != model->properties().end(); ++i) { add_property(i->first, i->second); } _table->show_all(); _property_connection = model->signal_property().connect( sigc::mem_fun(this, &PropertiesWindow::property_changed)); } Gtk::Widget* PropertiesWindow::create_value_widget(const Raul::URI& uri, const Raul::Atom& value) { Ingen::Forge& forge = _app->forge(); if (value.type() == forge.Int) { Gtk::SpinButton* widget = manage(new Gtk::SpinButton(0.0, 0)); widget->property_numeric() = true; widget->set_range(INT_MIN, INT_MAX); widget->set_increments(1, 10); widget->set_value(value.get_int32()); widget->signal_value_changed().connect(sigc::bind( sigc::mem_fun(this, &PropertiesWindow::value_edited), uri)); return widget; } else if (value.type() == forge.Float) { Gtk::SpinButton* widget = manage(new Gtk::SpinButton(0.0, 4)); widget->property_numeric() = true; widget->set_snap_to_ticks(false); widget->set_range(DBL_MIN, DBL_MAX); widget->set_value(value.get_float()); widget->set_increments(0.1, 1.0); widget->signal_value_changed().connect(sigc::bind( sigc::mem_fun(this, &PropertiesWindow::value_edited), uri)); return widget; } else if (value.type() == forge.Bool) { Gtk::CheckButton* widget = manage(new Gtk::CheckButton()); widget->set_active(value.get_bool()); widget->signal_toggled().connect(sigc::bind( sigc::mem_fun(this, &PropertiesWindow::value_edited), uri)); return widget; } else if (value.type() == forge.URI) { Gtk::Entry* widget = manage(new Gtk::Entry()); widget->set_text(value.get_uri()); widget->signal_changed().connect(sigc::bind( sigc::mem_fun(this, &PropertiesWindow::value_edited), uri)); return widget; } else if (value.type() == forge.String) { Gtk::Entry* widget = manage(new Gtk::Entry()); widget->set_text(value.get_string()); widget->signal_changed().connect(sigc::bind( sigc::mem_fun(this, &PropertiesWindow::value_edited), uri)); return widget; } LOG(error) << "Unable to create widget for value " << forge.str(value) << endl; return NULL; } void PropertiesWindow::on_show() { static const int WIN_PAD = 64; static const int VBOX_PAD = 16; int width = 0; int height = 0; Gtk::Requisition req; typedef Gtk::Box_Helpers::BoxList Children; for (Children::const_iterator i = _vbox->children().begin(); i != _vbox->children().end(); ++i) { req = (*i).get_widget()->size_request(); if ((*i).get_widget() != _scrolledwindow) { width = std::max(width, req.width); height += req.height + VBOX_PAD; } } req = _table->size_request(); width = std::max(width, req.width); height += req.height; set_default_size(width + WIN_PAD, height + WIN_PAD); resize(width + WIN_PAD, height + WIN_PAD); Gtk::Window::on_show(); } void PropertiesWindow::property_changed(const Raul::URI& predicate, const Raul::Atom& value) { Records::iterator r = _records.find(predicate); if (r == _records.end()) { add_property(predicate, value); _table->show_all(); return; } Record& record = r->second; Gtk::Widget* value_widget = create_value_widget(predicate, value); record.value_widget->remove(); if (value_widget) { record.value_widget->add(*value_widget); value_widget->show(); } record.value = value; } void PropertiesWindow::value_edited(const Raul::URI& predicate) { Records::iterator r = _records.find(predicate); if (r == _records.end()) { LOG(error) << "Unknown property `" << predicate << "' edited" << endl; return; } Forge& forge = _app->forge(); Record& record = r->second; Raul::Atom::TypeID type = record.value.type(); if (type == forge.Int) { Gtk::SpinButton* widget = dynamic_cast<Gtk::SpinButton*>(record.value_widget->get_child()); if (!widget) goto bad_type; record.value = _app->forge().make(widget->get_value_as_int()); } else if (type == forge.Float) { Gtk::SpinButton* widget = dynamic_cast<Gtk::SpinButton*>(record.value_widget->get_child()); if (!widget) goto bad_type; record.value = _app->forge().make(static_cast<float>(widget->get_value())); } else if (type == forge.Bool) { Gtk::CheckButton* widget = dynamic_cast<Gtk::CheckButton*>(record.value_widget->get_child()); if (!widget) goto bad_type; record.value = _app->forge().make(widget->get_active()); } else if (type == forge.URI) { Gtk::Entry* widget = dynamic_cast<Gtk::Entry*>(record.value_widget->get_child()); if (!widget) goto bad_type; record.value = _app->forge().alloc_uri(widget->get_text()); } else if (type == forge.String) { Gtk::Entry* widget = dynamic_cast<Gtk::Entry*>(record.value_widget->get_child()); if (!widget) goto bad_type; record.value = _app->forge().alloc(widget->get_text()); } return; bad_type: LOG(error) << "Property `" << predicate << "' value widget has wrong type" << endl; return; } void PropertiesWindow::key_changed() { World* world = _app->world(); const Gtk::ListStore::Row row = *(_key_combo->get_active()); Glib::ustring prop_uri = row[_combo_columns.uri_col]; if (prop_uri.empty()) { return; } _value_store->clear(); LilvNode* rdfs_range = lilv_new_uri( world->lilv_world(), LILV_NS_RDFS "range"); LilvNode* rdf_type = lilv_new_uri( world->lilv_world(), LILV_NS_RDF "type"); LilvNode* prop = lilv_new_uri( world->lilv_world(), prop_uri.c_str()); LilvNodes* ranges = lilv_world_find_nodes( world->lilv_world(), prop, rdfs_range, NULL); LILV_FOREACH(nodes, r, ranges) { const LilvNode* range = lilv_nodes_get(ranges, r); LilvNodes* objects = lilv_world_find_nodes( world->lilv_world(), NULL, rdf_type, range); LILV_FOREACH(nodes, o, objects) { const LilvNode* object = lilv_nodes_get(objects, o); const Glib::ustring label = get_label(world, object); if (!label.empty()) { Gtk::ListStore::iterator vi = _value_store->append(); Gtk::ListStore::Row vrow = *vi; vrow[_combo_columns.uri_col] = lilv_node_as_string(object); vrow[_combo_columns.label_col] = label; } } } lilv_node_free(prop); lilv_node_free(rdf_type); lilv_node_free(rdfs_range); } void PropertiesWindow::add_clicked() { if (!_key_combo->get_active() || !_value_combo->get_active()) { return; } const Gtk::ListStore::Row krow = *(_key_combo->get_active()); const Gtk::ListStore::Row vrow = *(_value_combo->get_active()); Glib::ustring key_uri = krow[_combo_columns.uri_col]; Glib::ustring value_uri = vrow[_combo_columns.uri_col]; Raul::Atom value = _app->forge().alloc_uri(value_uri); Resource::Properties properties; properties.insert(make_pair(key_uri.c_str(), value)); _app->interface()->put(_model->uri(), properties); } void PropertiesWindow::cancel_clicked() { reset(); Gtk::Window::hide(); } void PropertiesWindow::apply_clicked() { LOG(debug) << "apply {" << endl; Resource::Properties properties; for (Records::const_iterator r = _records.begin(); r != _records.end(); ++r) { const Raul::URI& uri = r->first; const Record& record = r->second; if (!_model->has_property(uri, record.value)) { LOG(debug) << "\t" << uri << " = " << _app->forge().str(record.value) << endl; properties.insert(make_pair(uri, record.value)); } } _app->interface()->put(_model->uri(), properties); LOG(debug) << "}" << endl; } void PropertiesWindow::ok_clicked() { apply_clicked(); cancel_clicked(); } } // namespace GUI } // namespace Ingen