/* This file is part of Ingen. Copyright (C) 2006 Dave Robillard. * * Ingen is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the * terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * Ingen is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include // pair, make_pair #include #include #include #include // atof #include #include #include "Serializer.h" #include "PatchModel.h" #include "NodeModel.h" #include "ConnectionModel.h" #include "PortModel.h" #include "PresetModel.h" #include "ModelEngineInterface.h" #include "PluginModel.h" #include "util/Path.h" #include "util/Atom.h" #include "util/RedlandAtom.h" #define U(x) ((const unsigned char*)(x)) using std::string; using std::vector; using std::pair; using std::cerr; using std::cout; using std::endl; namespace Ingen { namespace Client { Serializer::Serializer(CountedPtr engine) : _serializer(NULL) , _string_output(NULL) , _patch_search_path(".") , _engine(engine) { //_prefixes["xsd"] = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#"; _prefixes["rdf"] = "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"; _prefixes["ingen"] = "http://codeson.net/ns/ingen#"; _prefixes["ingenuity"] = "http://codeson.net/ns/ingenuity#"; } Serializer::~Serializer() { } /** Begin a serialization to a file. * * This must be called before any serializing methods. */ void Serializer::start_to_filename(const string& filename) { raptor_init(); _serializer = raptor_new_serializer("rdfxml-abbrev"); setup_prefixes(); raptor_serialize_start_to_filename(_serializer, filename.c_str()); } /** Begin a serialization to a string. * * This must be called before any serializing methods. * * The results of the serialization will be returned by the finish() method after * the desired objects have been serialized. */ void Serializer::start_to_string() { _serializer = raptor_new_serializer("rdfxml-abbrev"); setup_prefixes(); raptor_serialize_start_to_string(_serializer, NULL /*base_uri*/, (void**)&_string_output, NULL /*size*/); } /** Finish a serialization. * * If this was a serialization to a string, the serialization output * will be returned, otherwise the empty string is returned. */ string Serializer::finish() throw(std::logic_error) { string ret = ""; if (!_serializer) throw std::logic_error("finish() called with no serialization in progress"); raptor_serialize_end(_serializer); if (_string_output) { ret = string((char*)_string_output); free(_string_output); _string_output = NULL; } raptor_free_serializer(_serializer); _serializer = NULL; return ret; } void Serializer::setup_prefixes() { for (map::const_iterator i = _prefixes.begin(); i != _prefixes.end(); ++i) { raptor_serialize_set_namespace(_serializer, raptor_new_uri(U(i->second.c_str())), U(i->first.c_str())); } } /** Expands the prefix of URI, if the prefix is registered. * * If uri is not a valid URI, the empty string is returned (so invalid URIs won't be serialized). */ string Serializer::expand_uri(const string& uri) { // FIXME: slow, stupid for (map::const_iterator i = _prefixes.begin(); i != _prefixes.end(); ++i) if (uri.substr(0, i->first.length()+1) == i->first + ":") return i->second + uri.substr(i->first.length()+1); // FIXME: find a correct way to validate a URI if (uri.find(":") == string::npos && uri.find("/") == string::npos) return ""; else return uri; } /** Searches for the filename passed in the path, returning the full * path of the file, or the empty string if not found. * * This function tries to be as friendly a black box as possible - if the path * passed is an absolute path and the file is found there, it will return * that path, etc. * * additional_path is a list (colon delimeted as usual) of additional * directories to look in. ie the directory the parent patch resides in would * be a good idea to pass as additional_path, in the case of a subpatch. */ string Serializer::find_file(const string& filename, const string& additional_path) { string search_path = additional_path + ":" + _patch_search_path; // Try to open the raw filename first std::ifstream is(filename.c_str(), std::ios::in); if (is.good()) { is.close(); return filename; } string directory; string full_patch_path = ""; while (search_path != "") { directory = search_path.substr(0, search_path.find(':')); if (search_path.find(':') != string::npos) search_path = search_path.substr(search_path.find(':')+1); else search_path = ""; full_patch_path = directory +"/"+ filename; std::ifstream is; is.open(full_patch_path.c_str(), std::ios::in); if (is.good()) { is.close(); return full_patch_path; } else { cerr << "[Serializer] Could not find patch file " << full_patch_path << endl; } } return ""; } void Serializer::add_resource_to_rdf(raptor_serializer* rdf, const string& subject_uri, const string& predicate_uri, const string& object_uri) { raptor_statement triple; triple.subject = (void*)raptor_new_uri((const unsigned char*)subject_uri.c_str()); triple.subject_type = RAPTOR_IDENTIFIER_TYPE_RESOURCE; triple.predicate = (void*)raptor_new_uri((const unsigned char*)predicate_uri.c_str()); triple.predicate_type = RAPTOR_IDENTIFIER_TYPE_RESOURCE; triple.object = (void*)raptor_new_uri((const unsigned char*)object_uri.c_str()); triple.object_type = RAPTOR_IDENTIFIER_TYPE_RESOURCE; raptor_serialize_statement(rdf, &triple); } #if 0 void Serializer::add_resource_to_rdf(raptor_serializer* rdf librdf_node* subject, const string& predicate_uri, const string& object_uri) { cerr << "FIXME: serialize blank node\n"; /* raptor_statement triple; triple.subject = (void*)raptor_new_uri((const unsigned char*)subject_uri.c_str()); triple.subject_type = RAPTOR_IDENTIFIER_TYPE_RESOURCE; triple.predicate = (void*)raptor_new_uri((const unsigned char*)predicate_uri.c_str()); triple.predicate_type = RAPTOR_IDENTIFIER_TYPE_RESOURCE; triple.object = (void*)raptor_new_uri((const unsigned char*)object_uri.c_str()); triple.object_type = RAPTOR_IDENTIFIER_TYPE_RESOURCE; raptor_serialize_statement(rdf, triple); librdf_node* predicate = librdf_new_node_from_uri_string(_world, U(predicate_uri.c_str())); librdf_node* object = librdf_new_node_from_uri_string(_world, U(object_uri.c_str())); librdf_model_add(rdf, subject, predicate, object); */ } #endif void Serializer::add_atom_to_rdf(raptor_serializer* rdf, const string& subject_uri, const string& predicate_uri, const Atom& atom) { raptor_statement triple; triple.subject = (void*)raptor_new_uri((const unsigned char*)subject_uri.c_str()); triple.subject_type = RAPTOR_IDENTIFIER_TYPE_RESOURCE; triple.predicate = (void*)raptor_new_uri((const unsigned char*)predicate_uri.c_str()); triple.predicate_type = RAPTOR_IDENTIFIER_TYPE_RESOURCE; RedlandAtom::atom_to_triple_object(&triple, atom); raptor_serialize_statement(rdf, &triple); } void Serializer::serialize_patch(CountedPtr patch) throw (std::logic_error) { if (!_serializer) throw std::logic_error("serialize_patch called without serialization in progress"); const string uri = "#"; add_resource_to_rdf(_serializer, uri.c_str(), NS_RDF("type"), NS_INGEN("Patch")); if (patch->path().name().length() > 0) { add_atom_to_rdf(_serializer, uri.c_str(), NS_INGEN("name"), Atom(patch->path().name().c_str())); } add_atom_to_rdf(_serializer, uri.c_str(), NS_INGEN("polyphony"), Atom((int)patch->poly())); for (NodeModelMap::const_iterator n = patch->nodes().begin(); n != patch->nodes().end(); ++n) { add_node_to_rdf(_serializer, n->second, "#"); add_resource_to_rdf(_serializer, "#", NS_INGEN("node"), uri + n->second->path().name()); } for (PortModelList::const_iterator p = patch->ports().begin(); p != patch->ports().end(); ++p) { add_port_to_rdf(_serializer, *p, uri); add_resource_to_rdf(_serializer, "#", NS_INGEN("port"), uri + (*p)->path().name()); } for (ConnectionList::const_iterator c = patch->connections().begin(); c != patch->connections().end(); ++c) { add_connection_to_rdf(_serializer, *c, uri); } //_engine->set_metadata(patch->path(), "uri", uri); } void Serializer::add_node_to_rdf(raptor_serializer* rdf, CountedPtr node, const string ns_prefix) { const string node_uri = ns_prefix + node->path().name(); add_resource_to_rdf(_serializer, node_uri.c_str(), NS_RDF("type"), NS_INGEN("Node")); /*add_atom_to_rdf(_serializer, node_uri_ref.c_str(), NS_INGEN("name"), Atom(node->path().name()));*/ for (PortModelList::const_iterator p = node->ports().begin(); p != node->ports().end(); ++p) { add_port_to_rdf(_serializer, *p, node_uri + "/"); add_resource_to_rdf(_serializer, node_uri, NS_INGEN("port"), node_uri + "/" + (*p)->path().name()); } for (MetadataMap::const_iterator m = node->metadata().begin(); m != node->metadata().end(); ++m) { if (expand_uri(m->first) != "") { add_atom_to_rdf(_serializer, node_uri.c_str(), expand_uri(m->first.c_str()).c_str(), m->second); } } } void Serializer::add_port_to_rdf(raptor_serializer* rdf, CountedPtr port, const string ns_prefix) { const string port_uri_ref = ns_prefix + port->path().name(); add_resource_to_rdf(_serializer, port_uri_ref.c_str(), NS_RDF("type"), NS_INGEN("Port")); for (MetadataMap::const_iterator m = port->metadata().begin(); m != port->metadata().end(); ++m) { if (expand_uri(m->first) != "") { add_atom_to_rdf(_serializer, port_uri_ref.c_str(), expand_uri(m->first).c_str(), m->second); } } } void Serializer::add_connection_to_rdf(raptor_serializer* rdf, CountedPtr connection, const string ns_prefix) { cerr << "FIXME: serialize connection\n"; #if 0 librdf_node* c = librdf_new_node(_world); const string src_port_rel_path = connection->src_port_path().substr(connection->patch_path().length()); const string dst_port_rel_path = connection->dst_port_path().substr(connection->patch_path().length()); librdf_statement* s = librdf_new_statement_from_nodes(_world, c, librdf_new_node_from_uri_string(_world, U(NS_INGEN("source"))), librdf_new_node_from_uri_string(_world, U((ns_prefix + src_port_rel_path).c_str()))); librdf_model_add_statement(_serializer, s); librdf_statement* d = librdf_new_statement_from_nodes(_world, c, librdf_new_node_from_uri_string(_world, U(NS_INGEN("destination"))), librdf_new_node_from_uri_string(_world, U((ns_prefix + dst_port_rel_path).c_str()))); librdf_model_add_statement(_serializer, d); add_resource_to_rdf(_serializer, c, NS_RDF("type"), NS_INGEN("Connection")); #endif } /** Load a patch in to the engine (and client) from a patch file. * * The name and poly from the passed PatchModel are used. If the name is * the empty string, the name will be loaded from the file. If the poly * is 0, it will be loaded from file. Otherwise the given values will * be used. * * @param wait If true the patch will be checked for existence before * loading everything in to it (to prevent messing up existing patches * that exist at the path this one should load as). * * @param existing If true, the patch will be loaded into a currently * existing patch (ie a merging will take place). Errors will result * if Nodes of conflicting names exist. * * @param parent_path Patch to load this patch as a child of (empty string to load * to the root patch) * * @param name Name of this patch (loaded/generated if the empty string) * * @param initial_data will be set last, so values passed there will override * any values loaded from the patch file. * * Returns the path of the newly created patch. */ string Serializer::load_patch(const string& filename, const string& parent_path, const string& name, size_t poly, MetadataMap initial_data, bool existing) { #if 0 cerr << "[Serializer] Loading patch " << filename << "" << endl; Path path = "/"; // path of the new patch const bool load_name = (name == ""); const bool load_poly = (poly == 0); if (initial_data.find("filename") == initial_data.end()) initial_data["filename"] = Atom(filename.c_str()); // FIXME: URL? xmlDocPtr doc = xmlParseFile(filename.c_str()); if (!doc) { cerr << "Unable to parse patch file." << endl; return ""; } xmlNodePtr cur = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc); if (!cur) { cerr << "Empty document." << endl; xmlFreeDoc(doc); return ""; } if (xmlStrcmp(cur->name, (const xmlChar*) "patch")) { cerr << "File is not an Ingen patch file (root node != )" << endl; xmlFreeDoc(doc); return ""; } xmlChar* key = NULL; cur = cur->xmlChildrenNode; // Load Patch attributes while (cur != NULL) { key = xmlNodeListGetString(doc, cur->xmlChildrenNode, 1); if ((!xmlStrcmp(cur->name, (const xmlChar*)"name"))) { if (load_name) { assert(key != NULL); if (parent_path != "") path = Path(parent_path).base() + Path::nameify((char*)key); } } else if ((!xmlStrcmp(cur->name, (const xmlChar*)"polyphony"))) { if (load_poly) { poly = atoi((char*)key); } } else if (xmlStrcmp(cur->name, (const xmlChar*)"connection") && xmlStrcmp(cur->name, (const xmlChar*)"node") && xmlStrcmp(cur->name, (const xmlChar*)"subpatch") && xmlStrcmp(cur->name, (const xmlChar*)"filename") && xmlStrcmp(cur->name, (const xmlChar*)"preset")) { // Don't know what this tag is, add it as metadata without overwriting // (so caller can set arbitrary parameters which will be preserved) if (key) if (initial_data.find((const char*)cur->name) == initial_data.end()) initial_data[(const char*)cur->name] = (const char*)key; } xmlFree(key); key = NULL; // Avoid a (possible?) double free cur = cur->next; } if (poly == 0) poly = 1; // Create it, if we're not merging if (!existing) _engine->create_patch_with_data(path, poly, initial_data); // Load nodes cur = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc)->xmlChildrenNode; while (cur != NULL) { if ((!xmlStrcmp(cur->name, (const xmlChar*)"node"))) load_node(path, doc, cur); cur = cur->next; } // Load subpatches cur = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc)->xmlChildrenNode; while (cur != NULL) { if ((!xmlStrcmp(cur->name, (const xmlChar*)"subpatch"))) { load_subpatch(path, doc, cur); } cur = cur->next; } // Load connections cur = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc)->xmlChildrenNode; while (cur != NULL) { if ((!xmlStrcmp(cur->name, (const xmlChar*)"connection"))) { load_connection(path, doc, cur); } cur = cur->next; } // Load presets (control values) cerr << "FIXME: load preset\n"; /*cur = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc)->xmlChildrenNode; while (cur != NULL) { if ((!xmlStrcmp(cur->name, (const xmlChar*)"preset"))) { load_preset(pm, doc, cur); assert(preset_model != NULL); if (preset_model->name() == "default") _engine->set_preset(pm->path(), preset_model); } cur = cur->next; } */ xmlFreeDoc(doc); xmlCleanupParser(); // Done above.. late enough? //_engine->set_metadata_map(path, initial_data); if (!existing) _engine->enable_patch(path); _load_path_translations.clear(); return path; #endif return "/FIXME"; } } // namespace Client } // namespace Ingen