/* This file is part of Ingen. * Copyright (C) 2007 Dave Robillard * * Ingen is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the * terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * Ingen is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include "redlandmm/Model.hpp" #include "redlandmm/Node.hpp" #include "redlandmm/Query.hpp" #include "raul/TableImpl.hpp" #include "raul/Atom.hpp" #include "raul/AtomRDF.hpp" #include "interface/EngineInterface.hpp" #include "Parser.hpp" using namespace std; using namespace Raul; using namespace Ingen::Shared; namespace Ingen { namespace Serialisation { #define NS_INGEN "http://drobilla.net/ns/ingen#" #define NS_LV2 "http://lv2plug.in/ns/lv2core#" #define NS_LV2EV "http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/event#" Glib::ustring Parser::relative_uri(Glib::ustring base, const Glib::ustring uri, bool leading_slash) { base = base.substr(0, base.find_last_of("/")+1); Glib::ustring ret; if (uri.length() >= base.length() && uri.substr(0, base.length()) == base) ret = uri.substr(base.length()); else ret = uri; if (leading_slash && (ret == "" || ret[0] != '/')) ret = "/" + ret; else if (!leading_slash && ret != "" && ret[0] == '/') ret = ret.substr(1); return ret; } static void normalise_uri(Glib::ustring& uri) { size_t dotslash = string::npos; while ((dotslash = uri.find("./")) != string::npos) uri = uri.substr(0, dotslash) + uri.substr(dotslash + 2); } /** Parse a patch from RDF into a CommonInterface (engine or client). * @return whether or not load was successful. */ bool Parser::parse_document( Ingen::Shared::World* world, Ingen::Shared::CommonInterface* target, Glib::ustring document_uri, boost::optional data_path, boost::optional parent, boost::optional symbol, boost::optional data) { normalise_uri(document_uri); Redland::Model model(*world->rdf_world, document_uri, document_uri); cout << "[Parser] Parsing document " << document_uri << endl; if (data_path) cout << "[Parser] Document path: " << *data_path << endl; if (parent) cout << "[Parser] Parent: " << *parent << endl; if (symbol) cout << "[Parser] Symbol: " << *symbol << endl; boost::optional parsed_path = parse(world, target, model, document_uri, data_path, parent, symbol, data); if (parsed_path) { target->set_variable(*parsed_path, "ingen:document", Atom(document_uri.c_str())); } else { cerr << "WARNING: document URI lost" << endl; } return parsed_path; } bool Parser::parse_string( Ingen::Shared::World* world, Ingen::Shared::CommonInterface* target, const Glib::ustring& str, const Glib::ustring& base_uri, boost::optional data_path, boost::optional parent, boost::optional symbol, boost::optional data) { Redland::Model model(*world->rdf_world, str.c_str(), str.length(), base_uri); cout << "Parsing " << (data_path ? (string)*data_path : "*") << " from string (base " << base_uri << ")" << endl; cout << "Parent: " << (parent ? *parent : "/no/bo/dy") << endl;; bool ret = parse(world, target, model, base_uri, data_path, parent, symbol, data); const Glib::ustring subject = Glib::ustring("<") + base_uri + Glib::ustring(">"); parse_connections(world, target, model, subject, parent ? *parent : "/"); return ret; } bool Parser::parse_update( Ingen::Shared::World* world, Shared::CommonInterface* target, const Glib::ustring& str, const Glib::ustring& base_uri, boost::optional data_path, boost::optional parent, boost::optional symbol, boost::optional data) { Redland::Model model(*world->rdf_world, str.c_str(), str.length(), base_uri); // Delete anything explicitly declared to not exist Glib::ustring query_str = Glib::ustring("SELECT DISTINCT ?o WHERE { ?o a owl:Nothing }"); Redland::Query query(*world->rdf_world, query_str); Redland::Query::Results results = query.run(*world->rdf_world, model, base_uri); for (Redland::Query::Results::iterator i = results.begin(); i != results.end(); ++i) { const Redland::Node& object = (*i)["o"]; target->destroy(object.to_string()); } // Variable settings query = Redland::Query(*world->rdf_world, "SELECT DISTINCT ?path ?varkey ?varval WHERE {\n" "?path lv2var:variable ?variable .\n" "?variable rdf:predicate ?varkey ;\n" " rdf:value ?varval .\n" "}"); results = Redland::Query::Results(query.run(*world->rdf_world, model, base_uri)); for (Redland::Query::Results::iterator i = results.begin(); i != results.end(); ++i) { world->rdf_world->mutex().lock(); const string obj_path = (*i)["path"].to_string(); const string key = world->rdf_world->prefixes().qualify((*i)["varkey"].to_string()); const Redland::Node& val_node = (*i)["varval"]; const Atom a(AtomRDF::node_to_atom(val_node)); world->rdf_world->mutex().unlock(); if (key != "") target->set_variable(obj_path, key, a); } // Connections parse_connections(world, target, model, base_uri, "/"); // Port values query = Redland::Query(*world->rdf_world, "SELECT DISTINCT ?path ?value WHERE {\n" "?path ingen:value ?value .\n" "}"); results = Redland::Query::Results(query.run(*world->rdf_world, model, base_uri)); for (Redland::Query::Results::iterator i = results.begin(); i != results.end(); ++i) { world->rdf_world->mutex().lock(); const string obj_path = (*i)["path"].to_string(); const Redland::Node& val_node = (*i)["value"]; const Atom a(AtomRDF::node_to_atom(val_node)); world->rdf_world->mutex().unlock(); target->set_port_value(obj_path, a); } return parse(world, target, model, base_uri, data_path, parent, symbol, data); } boost::optional Parser::parse( Ingen::Shared::World* world, Ingen::Shared::CommonInterface* target, Redland::Model& model, Glib::ustring document_uri, boost::optional data_path, boost::optional parent, boost::optional symbol, boost::optional data) { const Redland::Node::Type res = Redland::Node::RESOURCE; const Glib::ustring query_str = data_path ? Glib::ustring("SELECT DISTINCT ?t WHERE { <") + data_path->substr(1) + "> a ?t . }" : Glib::ustring("SELECT DISTINCT ?s ?t WHERE { ?s a ?t . }"); Redland::Query query(*world->rdf_world, query_str); Redland::Query::Results results(query.run(*world->rdf_world, model, document_uri)); const Redland::Node patch_class (*world->rdf_world, res, NS_INGEN "Patch"); const Redland::Node node_class (*world->rdf_world, res, NS_INGEN "Node"); const Redland::Node internal_class (*world->rdf_world, res, NS_INGEN "Internal"); const Redland::Node ladspa_class (*world->rdf_world, res, NS_INGEN "LADSPAPlugin"); const Redland::Node in_port_class (*world->rdf_world, res, NS_LV2 "InputPort"); const Redland::Node out_port_class (*world->rdf_world, res, NS_LV2 "OutputPort"); const Redland::Node lv2_class (*world->rdf_world, res, NS_LV2 "Plugin"); const Redland::Node subject_node = (data_path && *data_path != "/") ? Redland::Node(*world->rdf_world, res, data_path->substr(1)) : model.base_uri(); std::string path_str; boost::optional ret; boost::optional root_path; for (Redland::Query::Results::iterator i = results.begin(); i != results.end(); ++i) { const Redland::Node& subject = (data_path ? subject_node : (*i)["s"]); const Redland::Node& rdf_class = (*i)["t"]; //cout << "SUBJECT: " << subject.to_c_string() << endl; //cout << "CLASS: " << rdf_class.to_c_string() << endl; if (!data_path) path_str = relative_uri(document_uri, subject.to_c_string(), true); else if (path_str == "" || path_str[0] != '/') path_str = "/" + path_str; if (!Path::is_valid(path_str)) { cerr << "WARNING: Invalid path '" << path_str << "', object skipped" << endl; continue; } const bool is_plugin = (rdf_class == ladspa_class) || (rdf_class == lv2_class) || (rdf_class == internal_class); const bool is_object = (rdf_class == patch_class) || (rdf_class == node_class) || (rdf_class == in_port_class) || (rdf_class == out_port_class); const Glib::ustring subject_uri_tok = Glib::ustring("<").append(subject).append(">"); if (is_object) { string path; if (parent && symbol) { path = parent->base() + *symbol; } else { path = (parent ? parent->base() : "/") + path_str.substr(1); } if (!Path::is_valid(path)) { cerr << "WARNING: Invalid path '" << path << "' transformed to /" << endl; path = "/"; } if (rdf_class == patch_class) { ret = parse_patch(world, target, model, subject, parent, symbol, data); } else if (rdf_class == node_class) { ret = parse_node(world, target, model, subject, path, data); } else if (rdf_class == in_port_class || rdf_class == out_port_class) { ret = parse_port(world, target, model, subject, path, data); } if (!ret) { cerr << "Failed to parse object " << path << endl; return boost::optional(); } if (data_path && subject.to_string() == *data_path) root_path = ret; } else if (is_plugin) { if (path_str.length() > 0) target->set_property(path_str, "rdf:type", Atom(Atom::URI, rdf_class.to_c_string())); } } return root_path; } boost::optional Parser::parse_patch( Ingen::Shared::World* world, Ingen::Shared::CommonInterface* target, Redland::Model& model, const Redland::Node& subject_node, boost::optional parent, boost::optional a_symbol, boost::optional data) { std::set created; uint32_t patch_poly = 0; /* Use parameter overridden polyphony, if given */ if (data) { GraphObject::Variables::iterator poly_param = data.get().find("ingen:polyphony"); if (poly_param != data.get().end() && poly_param->second.type() == Atom::INT) patch_poly = poly_param->second.get_int32(); } const Glib::ustring subject = subject_node.to_turtle_token(); //cout << "Parse patch " << subject << endl; /* Get polyphony from file (mandatory if not specified in parameters) */ if (patch_poly == 0) { Redland::Query query(*world->rdf_world, Glib::ustring( "SELECT DISTINCT ?poly WHERE { ") + subject + " ingen:polyphony ?poly }"); Redland::Query::Results results = query.run(*world->rdf_world, model); if (results.size() == 0) { cerr << "[Parser] ERROR: No polyphony found!" << endl; cerr << "Query was:" << endl << query.string() << endl; return boost::optional(); } const Redland::Node& poly_node = (*results.begin())["poly"]; assert(poly_node.is_int()); patch_poly = static_cast(poly_node.to_int()); } const Glib::ustring base_uri = model.base_uri().to_string(); string symbol; if (a_symbol) { symbol = *a_symbol; } else { // Guess symbol from base URI (filename) if we need to symbol = base_uri.substr(base_uri.find_last_of("/") + 1); symbol = symbol.substr(0, symbol.find(".")); if (symbol != "") symbol = Path::nameify(symbol); } const Path patch_path(parent ? parent->base() + symbol : "/"); target->new_patch(patch_path, patch_poly); /* Plugin nodes */ Redland::Query query(*world->rdf_world, Glib::ustring( "SELECT DISTINCT ?name ?plugin ?varkey ?varval ?poly WHERE {\n") + subject + " ingen:node ?node .\n" "?node lv2:symbol ?name ;\n" " rdf:instanceOf ?plugin ;\n" " ingen:polyphonic ?poly .\n" "OPTIONAL { ?node lv2var:variable ?variable .\n" " ?variable rdf:predicate ?varkey ;\n" " rdf:value ?varval .\n" " }" "}"); Redland::Query::Results results = query.run(*world->rdf_world, model, base_uri); for (Redland::Query::Results::iterator i = results.begin(); i != results.end(); ++i) { world->rdf_world->mutex().lock(); const string node_name = (*i)["name"].to_string(); const Path node_path = patch_path.base() + node_name; if (created.find(node_path) == created.end()) { const string node_plugin = (*i)["plugin"].to_string(); bool node_polyphonic = false; const Redland::Node& poly_node = (*i)["poly"]; if (poly_node.is_bool() && poly_node.to_bool() == true) node_polyphonic = true; world->rdf_world->mutex().unlock(); target->new_node(node_path, node_plugin); target->set_property(node_path, "ingen:polyphonic", node_polyphonic); created.insert(node_path); world->rdf_world->mutex().lock(); } const string key = world->rdf_world->prefixes().qualify((*i)["varkey"].to_string()); const Redland::Node& val_node = (*i)["varval"]; world->rdf_world->mutex().unlock(); if (key != "") target->set_variable(node_path, key, AtomRDF::node_to_atom(val_node)); } /* Load subpatches */ query = Redland::Query(*world->rdf_world, Glib::ustring( "SELECT DISTINCT ?subpatch ?symbol WHERE {\n") + subject + " ingen:node ?subpatch .\n" "?subpatch a ingen:Patch ;\n" " lv2:symbol ?symbol .\n" "}"); results = query.run(*world->rdf_world, model, base_uri); for (Redland::Query::Results::iterator i = results.begin(); i != results.end(); ++i) { world->rdf_world->mutex().lock(); const string symbol = (*i)["symbol"].to_string(); const string subpatch = (*i)["subpatch"].to_string(); world->rdf_world->mutex().unlock(); const Path subpatch_path = patch_path.base() + symbol; if (created.find(subpatch_path) == created.end()) { /*const string subpatch_rel = relative_uri(base_uri, subpatch); string sub_base = engine_base; if (sub_base[sub_base.length()-1] == '/') sub_base = sub_base.substr(sub_base.length()-1); sub_base.append("/").append(symbol);*/ created.insert(subpatch_path); parse_patch(world, target, model, (*i)["subpatch"], patch_path, Symbol(symbol)); } } /* Set node port control values */ query = Redland::Query(*world->rdf_world, Glib::ustring( "SELECT DISTINCT ?nodename ?portname ?portval WHERE {\n") + subject + " ingen:node ?node .\n" "?node lv2:symbol ?nodename ;\n" " lv2:port ?port .\n" "?port lv2:symbol ?portname ;\n" " ingen:value ?portval .\n" "FILTER ( datatype(?portval) = xsd:decimal )\n" "}"); results = query.run(*world->rdf_world, model, base_uri); for (Redland::Query::Results::iterator i = results.begin(); i != results.end(); ++i) { world->rdf_world->mutex().lock(); const string node_name = (*i)["nodename"].to_string(); const string port_name = (*i)["portname"].to_string(); world->rdf_world->mutex().unlock(); assert(Path::is_valid_name(node_name)); assert(Path::is_valid_name(port_name)); const Path port_path = patch_path.base() + node_name + "/" + port_name; target->set_port_value(port_path, AtomRDF::node_to_atom((*i)["portval"])); } /* Load this patch's ports */ query = Redland::Query(*world->rdf_world, Glib::ustring( "SELECT DISTINCT ?port ?type ?name ?datatype ?varkey ?varval ?portval WHERE {\n") + subject + " lv2:port ?port .\n" "?port a ?type ;\n" " a ?datatype ;\n" " lv2:symbol ?name .\n" " FILTER (?type != ?datatype && ((?type = lv2:InputPort) || (?type = lv2:OutputPort)))\n" "OPTIONAL { ?port ingen:value ?portval . \n" " FILTER ( datatype(?portval) = xsd:decimal ) }\n" "OPTIONAL { ?port lv2var:variable ?variable .\n" " ?variable rdf:predicate ?varkey ;\n" " rdf:value ?varval .\n" " }" "}"); results = query.run(*world->rdf_world, model, base_uri); for (Redland::Query::Results::iterator i = results.begin(); i != results.end(); ++i) { world->rdf_world->mutex().lock(); const string name = (*i)["name"].to_string(); const string type = world->rdf_world->qualify((*i)["type"].to_string()); const string datatype = world->rdf_world->qualify((*i)["datatype"].to_string()); world->rdf_world->mutex().unlock(); assert(Path::is_valid_name(name)); const Path port_path = patch_path.base() + name; if (created.find(port_path) == created.end()) { // TODO: read index for plugin wrapper bool is_output = (type == "lv2:OutputPort"); target->new_port(port_path, datatype, 0, is_output); created.insert(port_path); } world->rdf_world->mutex().lock(); const Redland::Node& val_node = (*i)["portval"]; world->rdf_world->mutex().unlock(); target->set_port_value(patch_path.base() + name, AtomRDF::node_to_atom(val_node)); world->rdf_world->mutex().lock(); const string key = world->rdf_world->prefixes().qualify((*i)["varkey"].to_string()); const Redland::Node& var_val_node = (*i)["varval"]; world->rdf_world->mutex().unlock(); if (key != "") target->set_variable(patch_path.base() + name, key, AtomRDF::node_to_atom(var_val_node)); } created.clear(); parse_connections(world, target, model, subject, patch_path); parse_variables(world, target, model, subject_node, patch_path, data); /* Enable */ query = Redland::Query(*world->rdf_world, Glib::ustring( "SELECT DISTINCT ?enabled WHERE { ") + subject + " ingen:enabled ?enabled }"); results = query.run(*world->rdf_world, model, base_uri); for (Redland::Query::Results::iterator i = results.begin(); i != results.end(); ++i) { world->rdf_world->mutex().lock(); const Redland::Node& enabled_node = (*i)["enabled"]; world->rdf_world->mutex().unlock(); if (enabled_node.is_bool() && enabled_node) { target->set_property(patch_path, "ingen:enabled", (bool)true); break; } else { cerr << "WARNING: Unknown type for property ingen:enabled" << endl; } } return patch_path; } boost::optional Parser::parse_node( Ingen::Shared::World* world, Ingen::Shared::CommonInterface* target, Redland::Model& model, const Redland::Node& subject, const Raul::Path& path, boost::optional data) { /* Get plugin */ Redland::Query query(*world->rdf_world, Glib::ustring( "SELECT DISTINCT ?plug WHERE { ") + subject.to_turtle_token() + " rdf:instanceOf ?plug }"); Redland::Query::Results results = query.run(*world->rdf_world, model); if (results.size() == 0) { cerr << "[Parser] ERROR: Node missing mandatory rdf:instanceOf property" << endl; return boost::optional(); } const Redland::Node& plugin_node = (*results.begin())["plug"]; if (plugin_node.type() != Redland::Node::RESOURCE) { cerr << "[Parser] ERROR: node's rdf:instanceOf property is not a resource" << endl; return boost::optional(); } target->new_node(path, world->rdf_world->expand_uri(plugin_node.to_c_string())); parse_variables(world, target, model, subject, path, data); return path; } boost::optional Parser::parse_port( Ingen::Shared::World* world, Ingen::Shared::CommonInterface* target, Redland::Model& model, const Redland::Node& subject_node, const Raul::Path& path, boost::optional data) { const Glib::ustring subject = subject_node.to_turtle_token(); Redland::Query query(*world->rdf_world, Glib::ustring( "SELECT DISTINCT ?type ?datatype ?value WHERE {\n") + subject + " a ?type ;\n" " a ?datatype .\n" " FILTER (?type != ?datatype && ((?type = lv2:InputPort) || (?type = lv2:OutputPort)))\n" "OPTIONAL { " + subject + " ingen:value ?value . }\n" "}"); Redland::Query::Results results = query.run(*world->rdf_world, model); world->rdf_world->mutex().lock(); for (Redland::Query::Results::iterator i = results.begin(); i != results.end(); ++i) { const string type = world->rdf_world->qualify((*i)["type"].to_string()); const string datatype = world->rdf_world->qualify((*i)["datatype"].to_string()); // TODO: read index for plugin wrapper bool is_output = (type == "lv2:OutputPort"); target->new_port(path, datatype, 0, is_output); const Redland::Node& val_node = (*i)["value"]; if (val_node.to_string() != "") target->set_port_value(path, AtomRDF::node_to_atom(val_node)); } world->rdf_world->mutex().unlock(); parse_variables(world, target, model, subject_node, path, data); return path; } bool Parser::parse_connections( Ingen::Shared::World* world, Ingen::Shared::CommonInterface* target, Redland::Model& model, const Glib::ustring& subject, const Raul::Path& parent) { Redland::Query query(*world->rdf_world, Glib::ustring( "SELECT DISTINCT ?src ?dst WHERE {\n") + subject + " ingen:connection ?connection .\n" "?connection ingen:source ?src ;\n" " ingen:destination ?dst .\n" "}"); const Glib::ustring& base_uri = model.base_uri().to_string(); const Glib::ustring& base = base_uri.substr(0, base_uri.find_last_of("/") + 1); Redland::Query::Results results = query.run(*world->rdf_world, model); for (Redland::Query::Results::iterator i = results.begin(); i != results.end(); ++i) { const string src_path = parent.base() + relative_uri(base, (*i)["src"].to_string(), false); if (!Path::is_valid(src_path)) { cerr << "ERROR: Invalid path in connection: " << src_path << endl; continue; } const string dst_path = parent.base() + relative_uri(base, (*i)["dst"].to_string(), false); if (!Path::is_valid(dst_path)) { cerr << "ERROR: Invalid path in connection: " << dst_path << endl; continue; } target->connect(src_path, dst_path); } return true; } bool Parser::parse_variables( Ingen::Shared::World* world, Ingen::Shared::CommonInterface* target, Redland::Model& model, const Redland::Node& subject_node, const Raul::Path& path, boost::optional data) { const Glib::ustring& subject = subject_node.to_turtle_token(); Redland::Query query(*world->rdf_world, Glib::ustring( "SELECT DISTINCT ?varkey ?varval WHERE {\n") + subject + " lv2var:variable ?variable .\n" "?variable rdf:predicate ?varkey ;\n" " rdf:value ?varval .\n" "}"); Redland::Query::Results results = query.run(*world->rdf_world, model); for (Redland::Query::Results::iterator i = results.begin(); i != results.end(); ++i) { const string key = world->rdf_world->prefixes().qualify(string((*i)["varkey"])); const Redland::Node& val_node = (*i)["varval"]; if (key != "") target->set_variable(path, key, AtomRDF::node_to_atom(val_node)); } query = Redland::Query(*world->rdf_world, Glib::ustring( "SELECT DISTINCT ?key ?val WHERE {\n") + subject + " ingen:property ?property .\n" "?property rdf:predicate ?key ;\n" " rdf:value ?val .\n" "}"); results = query.run(*world->rdf_world, model); for (Redland::Query::Results::iterator i = results.begin(); i != results.end(); ++i) { const string key = world->rdf_world->prefixes().qualify(string((*i)["key"])); const Redland::Node& val_node = (*i)["val"]; if (key != "") target->set_property(path, key, AtomRDF::node_to_atom(val_node)); } // Set passed variables last to override any loaded values if (data) for (GraphObject::Variables::const_iterator i = data.get().begin(); i != data.get().end(); ++i) target->set_variable(path, i->first, i->second); return true; } } // namespace Serialisation } // namespace Ingen