/* This file is part of Ingen. * Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Dave Robillard <http://drobilla.net> * * Ingen is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the * terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * Ingen is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include <algorithm> #include <cassert> #include <cmath> #include <cstdlib> // atof #include <cstring> #include <fstream> #include <locale.h> #include <stdexcept> #include <string> #include <utility> // pair, make_pair #include <vector> #include <glib.h> #include <glib/gstdio.h> #include <glibmm/convert.h> #include "raul/log.hpp" #include "raul/Atom.hpp" #include "raul/AtomRDF.hpp" #include "raul/Path.hpp" #include "raul/TableImpl.hpp" #include "redlandmm/Model.hpp" #include "redlandmm/Node.hpp" #include "redlandmm/World.hpp" #include "module/World.hpp" #include "interface/EngineInterface.hpp" #include "interface/Plugin.hpp" #include "interface/Patch.hpp" #include "interface/Node.hpp" #include "interface/Port.hpp" #include "interface/Connection.hpp" #include "shared/ResourceImpl.hpp" #include "shared/LV2URIMap.hpp" #include "Serialiser.hpp" #define LOG(s) s << "[Serialiser] " using namespace std; using namespace Raul; using namespace Redland; using namespace Ingen; using namespace Ingen::Shared; namespace Ingen { namespace Serialisation { #define META_PREFIX "#" Serialiser::Serialiser(Shared::World& world, SharedPtr<Shared::Store> store) : _root_path("/") , _store(store) , _world(world) { } void Serialiser::to_file(const Record& record) { SharedPtr<GraphObject> object = record.object; const string& filename = record.uri; _root_path = object->path(); start_to_filename(filename); serialise(object); finish(); } static std::string uri_to_symbol(const std::string& uri) { string symbol = uri; symbol = symbol.substr(symbol.find_last_of("/") + 1); symbol = symbol.substr(0, symbol.find(".")); symbol = Path::nameify(symbol); return symbol; } void Serialiser::write_manifest(const std::string& bundle_uri, const Records& records) { const string filename = Glib::filename_from_uri(bundle_uri) + "manifest.ttl"; start_to_filename(filename); _model->set_base_uri(bundle_uri); for (Records::const_iterator i = records.begin(); i != records.end(); ++i) { SharedPtr<Patch> patch = PtrCast<Patch>(i->object); if (patch) { const Redland::Resource subject(_model->world(), uri_to_symbol(i->uri)); _model->add_statement(subject, "rdf:type", Redland::Resource(_model->world(), "ingen:Patch")); _model->add_statement(subject, "rdf:type", Redland::Resource(_model->world(), "lv2:Plugin")); _model->add_statement(subject, "rdfs:seeAlso", Redland::Resource(_model->world(), i->uri)); } } finish(); } void Serialiser::write_bundle(const Record& record) { SharedPtr<GraphObject> object = record.object; string bundle_uri = record.uri; if (bundle_uri[bundle_uri.length()-1] != '/') bundle_uri.append("/"); g_mkdir_with_parents(Glib::filename_from_uri(bundle_uri).c_str(), 0744); Records records; string symbol = uri_to_symbol(record.uri); const string root_file = bundle_uri + symbol + ".ingen.ttl"; start_to_filename(root_file); serialise(object); finish(); records.push_back(Record(object, bundle_uri + symbol + ".ingen.ttl")); write_manifest(bundle_uri, records); } string Serialiser::to_string(SharedPtr<GraphObject> object, const string& base_uri, const GraphObject::Properties& extra_rdf) { start_to_string(object->path(), base_uri); serialise(object); Redland::Resource base_rdf_node(_model->world(), base_uri); for (GraphObject::Properties::const_iterator v = extra_rdf.begin(); v != extra_rdf.end(); ++v) { if (v->first.find(":") != string::npos) { _model->add_statement(base_rdf_node, v->first.str(), AtomRDF::atom_to_node(*_model, v->second)); } else { LOG(warn) << "Not serialising extra RDF with key '" << v->first << "'" << endl; } } return finish(); } /** Begin a serialization to a file. * * This must be called before any serializing methods. */ void Serialiser::start_to_filename(const string& filename) { setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C"); assert(filename.find(":") == string::npos || filename.substr(0, 5) == "file:"); if (filename.find(":") == string::npos) _base_uri = "file://" + filename; else _base_uri = filename; _model = new Redland::Model(*_world.rdf_world); _model->set_base_uri(_base_uri); _mode = TO_FILE; } /** Begin a serialization to a string. * * This must be called before any serializing methods. * * The results of the serialization will be returned by the finish() method after * the desired objects have been serialised. * * All serialized paths will have the root path chopped from their prefix * (therefore all serialized paths must be descendants of the root) */ void Serialiser::start_to_string(const Raul::Path& root, const string& base_uri) { setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C"); _root_path = root; _base_uri = base_uri; _model = new Redland::Model(*_world.rdf_world); _model->set_base_uri(base_uri); _mode = TO_STRING; } /** Finish a serialization. * * If this was a serialization to a string, the serialization output * will be returned, otherwise the empty string is returned. */ string Serialiser::finish() { string ret = ""; if (_mode == TO_FILE) { _model->serialise_to_file(_base_uri); } else { char* c_str = _model->serialise_to_string(); if (c_str != NULL) { ret = c_str; free(c_str); } } delete _model; _base_uri = ""; return ret; } Redland::Node Serialiser::instance_rdf_node(const Path& path) { assert(_model); assert(path.is_child_of(_root_path)); if (path == _root_path) return Redland::Resource(_model->world(), _base_uri); else return Redland::Resource(_model->world(), path.substr(_root_path.base().length())); } Redland::Node Serialiser::class_rdf_node(const Path& path) { assert(_model); assert(path.is_child_of(_root_path)); if (path == _root_path) return Redland::Resource(_model->world(), _base_uri); else return Redland::Resource(_model->world(), string(META_PREFIX) + path.relative_to_base(_root_path).chop_start("/")); } void Serialiser::serialise(SharedPtr<GraphObject> object) throw (std::logic_error) { if (!_model) throw std::logic_error("serialise called without serialization in progress"); SharedPtr<Shared::Patch> patch = PtrCast<Shared::Patch>(object); if (patch) { if (patch->path() == _root_path) { const Redland::Resource patch_id(_model->world(), _base_uri); serialise_patch(patch, patch_id); } else { const Redland::Resource patch_id(_model->world(), string(META_PREFIX) + patch->path().chop_start("/")); serialise_patch(patch, patch_id); serialise_node(patch, patch_id, instance_rdf_node(patch->path())); } return; } SharedPtr<Shared::Node> node = PtrCast<Shared::Node>(object); if (node) { const Redland::Resource plugin_id(_model->world(), node->plugin()->uri().str()); serialise_node(node, plugin_id, instance_rdf_node(node->path())); return; } SharedPtr<Shared::Port> port = PtrCast<Shared::Port>(object); if (port) { serialise_port(port.get(), instance_rdf_node(port->path())); return; } LOG(warn) << "Unsupported object type, " << object->path() << " not serialised." << endl; } void Serialiser::serialise_patch(SharedPtr<Shared::Patch> patch, const Redland::Node& patch_id) { assert(_model); _model->add_statement(patch_id, "rdf:type", Redland::Resource(_model->world(), "ingen:Patch")); _model->add_statement(patch_id, "rdf:type", Redland::Resource(_model->world(), "lv2:Plugin")); GraphObject::Properties::const_iterator s = patch->properties().find("lv2:symbol"); // If symbol is stored as a property, write that if (s != patch->properties().end() && s->second.is_valid()) { _model->add_statement(patch_id, "lv2:symbol", Redland::Literal(_model->world(), s->second.get_string())); // Otherwise take the one from our path (if possible) } else if (!patch->path().is_root()) { _model->add_statement(patch_id, "lv2:symbol", Redland::Literal(_model->world(), patch->path().symbol())); } else { LOG(warn) << "Patch has no lv2:symbol" << endl; } serialise_properties(patch_id, NULL, patch->meta().properties()); for (Store::const_iterator n = _store->children_begin(patch); n != _store->children_end(patch); ++n) { if (n->first.parent() != patch->path()) continue; SharedPtr<Shared::Patch> subpatch = PtrCast<Shared::Patch>(n->second); SharedPtr<Shared::Node> node = PtrCast<Shared::Node>(n->second); if (subpatch) { const Redland::Resource class_id(_model->world(), string(META_PREFIX) + subpatch->path().chop_start("/")); const Redland::Node node_id(instance_rdf_node(n->second->path())); _model->add_statement(patch_id, "ingen:node", node_id); serialise_patch(subpatch, class_id); serialise_node(subpatch, class_id, node_id); } else if (node) { const Redland::Resource class_id(_model->world(), node->plugin()->uri().str()); const Redland::Node node_id(instance_rdf_node(n->second->path())); _model->add_statement(patch_id, "ingen:node", node_id); serialise_node(node, class_id, node_id); } } bool root = (patch->path() == _root_path); for (uint32_t i=0; i < patch->num_ports(); ++i) { Port* p = patch->port(i); const Redland::Node port_id = root ? instance_rdf_node(p->path()) : class_rdf_node(p->path()); // Ensure lv2:name always exists so Patch is a valid LV2 plugin if (p->properties().find("http://lv2plug.in/ns/lv2core#name") == p->properties().end()) p->set_property("http://lv2plug.in/ns/lv2core#name", Atom(p->symbol().c_str())); _model->add_statement(patch_id, "http://lv2plug.in/ns/lv2core#port", port_id); serialise_port_meta(p, port_id); if (root) serialise_properties(port_id, &p->meta(), p->properties()); } for (Shared::Patch::Connections::const_iterator c = patch->connections().begin(); c != patch->connections().end(); ++c) { serialise_connection(patch, *c); } } void Serialiser::serialise_plugin(const Shared::Plugin& plugin) { assert(_model); const Redland::Node plugin_id = Redland::Resource(_model->world(), plugin.uri().str()); _model->add_statement(plugin_id, "rdf:type", Redland::Resource(_model->world(), plugin.type_uri().str())); } void Serialiser::serialise_node(SharedPtr<Shared::Node> node, const Redland::Node& class_id, const Redland::Node& node_id) { _model->add_statement(node_id, "rdf:type", Redland::Resource(_model->world(), "ingen:Node")); _model->add_statement(node_id, "rdf:instanceOf", class_id); _model->add_statement(node_id, "lv2:symbol", Redland::Literal(_model->world(), node->path().symbol())); serialise_properties(node_id, &node->meta(), node->properties()); for (uint32_t i=0; i < node->num_ports(); ++i) { Port* p = node->port(i); const Redland::Node port_id = instance_rdf_node(p->path()); serialise_port(p, port_id); _model->add_statement(node_id, "lv2:port", port_id); } } /** Serialise a port on a Node */ void Serialiser::serialise_port(const Port* port, const Redland::Node& port_id) { if (port->is_input()) _model->add_statement(port_id, "rdf:type", Redland::Resource(_model->world(), "lv2:InputPort")); else _model->add_statement(port_id, "rdf:type", Redland::Resource(_model->world(), "lv2:OutputPort")); _model->add_statement(port_id, "rdf:type", Redland::Resource(_model->world(), port->type().uri().str())); if (dynamic_cast<Patch*>(port->graph_parent())) _model->add_statement(port_id, "rdf:instanceOf", class_rdf_node(port->path())); serialise_properties(port_id, &port->meta(), port->properties()); } /** Serialise a port on a Patch */ void Serialiser::serialise_port_meta(const Port* port, const Redland::Node& port_id) { if (port->is_input()) _model->add_statement(port_id, "rdf:type", Redland::Resource(_model->world(), "lv2:InputPort")); else _model->add_statement(port_id, "rdf:type", Redland::Resource(_model->world(), "lv2:OutputPort")); _model->add_statement(port_id, "rdf:type", Redland::Resource(_model->world(), port->type().uri().str())); _model->add_statement(port_id, "lv2:index", AtomRDF::atom_to_node(*_model, Atom((int)port->index()))); if (!port->get_property("http://lv2plug.in/ns/lv2core#default").is_valid()) { if (port->is_input()) { if (port->value().is_valid()) { _model->add_statement(port_id, "lv2:default", AtomRDF::atom_to_node(*_model, Atom(port->value()))); } else if (port->type() == PortType::CONTROL) { LOG(warn) << "Port " << port->path() << " has no lv2:default" << endl; } } } serialise_properties(port_id, NULL, port->meta().properties()); } void Serialiser::serialise_connection(SharedPtr<GraphObject> parent, SharedPtr<Connection> connection) throw (std::logic_error) { if (!_model) throw std::logic_error("serialise_connection called without serialization in progress"); bool top = (parent->path() == _root_path); const Redland::Node src_node = top ? instance_rdf_node(connection->src_port_path()) : class_rdf_node(connection->src_port_path()); const Redland::Node dst_node = top ? instance_rdf_node(connection->dst_port_path()) : class_rdf_node(connection->dst_port_path()); const Redland::Node connection_node = _world.rdf_world->blank_id(); _model->add_statement(connection_node, "ingen:source", src_node); _model->add_statement(connection_node, "ingen:destination", dst_node); if (parent) { const Redland::Node parent_node = class_rdf_node(parent->path()); _model->add_statement(parent_node, "ingen:connection", connection_node); } else { _model->add_statement(connection_node, "rdf:type", Redland::Resource(_model->world(), "ingen:Connection")); } } void Serialiser::serialise_properties( Redland::Node subject, const Shared::Resource* meta, const GraphObject::Properties& properties) { for (GraphObject::Properties::const_iterator v = properties.begin(); v != properties.end(); ++v) { if (v->second.is_valid()) { if (!meta || !meta->has_property(v->first.str(), v->second)) { const Redland::Resource key(_model->world(), v->first.str()); const Redland::Node value(AtomRDF::atom_to_node(*_model, v->second)); if (value.is_valid()) { _model->add_statement(subject, key, value); } else { LOG(warn) << "Can not serialise variable '" << v->first << "' :: " << (int)v->second.type() << endl; } } } else { LOG(warn) << "Property '" << v->first << "' has no value" << endl; } } } } // namespace Serialisation } // namespace Ingen