/* This file is part of Ingen. Copyright 2007-2015 David Robillard <http://drobilla.net/> Ingen is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version. Ingen is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with Ingen. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "ingen/URIs.hpp" #include "lv2/lv2plug.in/ns/ext/atom/util.h" #include "raul/Array.hpp" #include "raul/Maid.hpp" #include "BlockImpl.hpp" #include "Buffer.hpp" #include "BufferFactory.hpp" #include "Engine.hpp" #include "Driver.hpp" #include "PortImpl.hpp" #include "PortType.hpp" #include "ThreadManager.hpp" using namespace std; namespace Ingen { namespace Server { static const uint32_t monitor_rate = 25.0; // Hz /** The length of time between monitor updates in frames */ static inline uint32_t monitor_period(const Engine& engine) { return std::max(engine.driver()->block_length(), engine.driver()->sample_rate() / monitor_rate); } PortImpl::PortImpl(BufferFactory& bufs, BlockImpl* const block, const Raul::Symbol& name, uint32_t index, uint32_t poly, PortType type, LV2_URID buffer_type, const Atom& value, size_t buffer_size) : NodeImpl(bufs.uris(), block, name) , _bufs(bufs) , _index(index) , _poly(poly) , _buffer_size(buffer_size) , _frames_since_monitor(0) , _monitor_value(0.0f) , _peak(0.0f) , _type(type) , _buffer_type(buffer_type) , _value(value) , _min(bufs.forge().make(0.0f)) , _max(bufs.forge().make(1.0f)) , _voices(new Raul::Array<Voice>(static_cast<size_t>(poly))) , _prepared_voices(NULL) , _monitored(false) , _force_monitor_update(false) , _set_by_user(false) , _is_morph(false) , _is_auto_morph(false) , _is_logarithmic(false) , _is_sample_rate(false) , _is_toggled(false) , _is_driver_port(false) { assert(block != NULL); assert(_poly > 0); const Ingen::URIs& uris = bufs.uris(); set_type(type, buffer_type); set_property(uris.lv2_index, bufs.forge().make((int32_t)index)); if (has_value()) { set_property(uris.ingen_value, value); } if (type == PortType::ATOM) { set_property(uris.atom_bufferType, bufs.forge().make_urid(buffer_type)); } } PortImpl::~PortImpl() { delete _voices; } void PortImpl::set_type(PortType port_type, LV2_URID buffer_type) { const Ingen::URIs& uris = _bufs.uris(); Ingen::World* world = _bufs.engine().world(); // Update type properties so clients are aware of current type remove_property(uris.rdf_type, uris.lv2_AudioPort); remove_property(uris.rdf_type, uris.lv2_CVPort); remove_property(uris.rdf_type, uris.lv2_ControlPort); remove_property(uris.rdf_type, uris.atom_AtomPort); add_property(uris.rdf_type, world->forge().make_urid(port_type.uri())); // Update audio thread types _type = port_type; _buffer_type = buffer_type; if (!_buffer_type) { switch (_type.id()) { case PortType::CONTROL: _buffer_type = uris.atom_Float; break; case PortType::AUDIO: case PortType::CV: _buffer_type = uris.atom_Sound; break; default: break; } } _buffer_size = std::max(_buffer_size, _bufs.default_size(_buffer_type)); } bool PortImpl::has_value() const { return (_type == PortType::CONTROL || _type == PortType::CV || (_type == PortType::ATOM && _value.type() == _bufs.uris().atom_Float)); } bool PortImpl::supports(const URIs::Quark& value_type) const { return has_property(_bufs.uris().atom_supports, value_type); } void PortImpl::activate(BufferFactory& bufs) { setup_buffers(bufs, _poly, false); connect_buffers(); clear_buffers(); /* Set the time since the last monitor update to a random value within the monitor period, to spread the load out over time. Otherwise, every port would try to send an update at exactly the same time, every time. */ const double srate = bufs.engine().driver()->sample_rate(); const uint32_t period = srate / monitor_rate; _frames_since_monitor = bufs.engine().frand() * period; _monitor_value = 0.0f; _peak = 0.0f; } void PortImpl::deactivate() { if (is_output() && !_is_driver_port) { for (uint32_t v = 0; v < _poly; ++v) { if (_voices->at(v).buffer) { _voices->at(v).buffer->clear(); } } } _monitor_value = 0.0f; _peak = 0.0f; } Raul::Array<PortImpl::Voice>* PortImpl::set_voices(ProcessContext& context, Raul::Array<Voice>* voices) { Raul::Array<Voice>* ret = NULL; if (voices != _voices) { ret = _voices; _voices = voices; } connect_buffers(); return ret; } void PortImpl::cache_properties() { _is_logarithmic = has_property(_bufs.uris().lv2_portProperty, _bufs.uris().pprops_logarithmic); _is_sample_rate = has_property(_bufs.uris().lv2_portProperty, _bufs.uris().lv2_sampleRate); _is_toggled = has_property(_bufs.uris().lv2_portProperty, _bufs.uris().lv2_toggled); } void PortImpl::set_control_value(const Context& context, FrameTime time, Sample value) { for (uint32_t v = 0; v < _poly; ++v) { set_voice_value(context, v, time, value); } } void PortImpl::set_voice_value(const Context& context, uint32_t voice, FrameTime time, Sample value) { switch (_type.id()) { case PortType::CONTROL: buffer(voice)->samples()[0] = value; _voices->at(voice).set_state.set(context, context.start(), value); break; case PortType::AUDIO: case PortType::CV: { // Time may be at end so internal blocks can set triggers assert(time >= context.start()); assert(time <= context.start() + context.nframes()); const FrameTime offset = time - context.start(); if (offset < context.nframes()) { buffer(voice)->set_block(value, offset, context.nframes()); } /* else, this is a set at context.nframes(), used to reset a CV port's value for the next block, particularly for triggers on the last frame of a block (set nframes-1 to 1, then nframes to 0). */ _voices->at(voice).set_state.set(context, time, value); } break; case PortType::ATOM: if (buffer(voice)->is_sequence()) { const FrameTime offset = time - context.start(); // Same deal as above if (offset < context.nframes()) { buffer(voice)->append_event(offset, sizeof(value), _bufs.uris().atom_Float, (const uint8_t*)&value); } _voices->at(voice).set_state.set(context, time, value); } else { fprintf(stderr, "error: %s set non-sequence atom port value (buffer type %u)\n", path().c_str(), buffer(voice)->type()); } default: break; } } void PortImpl::update_set_state(Context& context, uint32_t v) { Voice& voice = _voices->at(v); SetState& state = voice.set_state; BufferRef buf = voice.buffer; switch (state.state) { case SetState::State::SET: break; case SetState::State::SET_CYCLE_1: if (state.time < context.start() && buf->is_sequence() && buf->value_type() == _bufs.uris().atom_Float && !_parent->path().is_root()) { buf->clear(); state.time = context.start(); } state.state = SetState::State::SET; break; case SetState::State::HALF_SET_CYCLE_1: state.state = SetState::State::HALF_SET_CYCLE_2; break; case SetState::State::HALF_SET_CYCLE_2: if (buf->is_sequence()) { buf->clear(); buf->append_event( 0, sizeof(float), _bufs.uris().atom_Float, (const uint8_t*)&state.value); } else { buf->set_block(state.value, 0, context.nframes()); } state.state = SetState::State::SET_CYCLE_1; break; } } bool PortImpl::prepare_poly(BufferFactory& bufs, uint32_t poly) { ThreadManager::assert_thread(THREAD_PRE_PROCESS); if (_is_driver_port || _parent->path().is_root() || (_type == PortType::ATOM && !_value.is_valid())) { return false; } if (_poly == poly) { return true; } if (_prepared_voices && _prepared_voices->size() != poly) { delete _prepared_voices; _prepared_voices = NULL; } if (!_prepared_voices) _prepared_voices = new Raul::Array<Voice>(poly, *_voices, Voice()); get_buffers(bufs, _prepared_voices, _prepared_voices->size(), false); return true; } bool PortImpl::apply_poly(ProcessContext& context, Raul::Maid& maid, uint32_t poly) { if (_parent->path().is_root() || (_type == PortType::ATOM && !_value.is_valid())) { return false; } if (!_prepared_voices) { return true; } assert(poly == _prepared_voices->size()); _poly = poly; // Apply a new set of voices from a preceding call to prepare_poly maid.dispose(set_voices(context, _prepared_voices)); assert(_voices == _prepared_voices); _prepared_voices = NULL; if (is_a(PortType::CONTROL) || is_a(PortType::CV)) { set_control_value(context, context.start(), _value.get<float>()); } assert(_voices->size() >= poly); assert(this->poly() == poly); assert(!_prepared_voices); return true; } void PortImpl::set_buffer_size(Context& context, BufferFactory& bufs, size_t size) { _buffer_size = size; for (uint32_t v = 0; v < _poly; ++v) _voices->at(v).buffer->resize(size); connect_buffers(); } void PortImpl::connect_buffers(SampleCount offset) { for (uint32_t v = 0; v < _poly; ++v) PortImpl::parent_block()->set_port_buffer(v, _index, buffer(v), offset); } void PortImpl::recycle_buffers() { for (uint32_t v = 0; v < _poly; ++v) _voices->at(v).buffer = NULL; } void PortImpl::set_is_driver_port(BufferFactory& bufs) { _is_driver_port = true; } void PortImpl::clear_buffers() { switch (_type.id()) { case PortType::CONTROL: case PortType::CV: for (uint32_t v = 0; v < _poly; ++v) { Buffer* buf = buffer(v).get(); buf->set_block(_value.get<float>(), 0, buf->nframes()); SetState& state = _voices->at(v).set_state; state.state = SetState::State::SET; state.value = _value.get<float>(); state.time = 0; } break; case PortType::AUDIO: default: for (uint32_t v = 0; v < _poly; ++v) { buffer(v)->clear(); } } } void PortImpl::monitor(Context& context, bool send_now) { if (!context.must_notify(this)) { return; } const uint32_t period = monitor_period(context.engine()); _frames_since_monitor += context.nframes(); const bool time_to_send = send_now || _frames_since_monitor >= period; const bool is_sequence = (_type.id() == PortType::ATOM && _buffer_type == _bufs.uris().atom_Sequence); if (!time_to_send && !(is_sequence && _monitored) && (!is_sequence && buffer(0)->value())) { return; } Forge& forge = context.engine().world()->forge(); URIs& uris = context.engine().world()->uris(); LV2_URID key = 0; float val = 0.0f; switch (_type.id()) { case PortType::UNKNOWN: break; case PortType::AUDIO: key = uris.ingen_activity; val = _peak = std::max(_peak, buffer(0)->peak(context)); break; case PortType::CONTROL: case PortType::CV: key = uris.ingen_value; val = buffer(0)->value_at(0); break; case PortType::ATOM: if (_buffer_type == _bufs.uris().atom_Sequence) { const LV2_Atom* atom = buffer(0)->get<const LV2_Atom>(); const LV2_Atom* value = buffer(0)->value(); if (atom->type != _bufs.uris().atom_Sequence) { /* Buffer contents are not actually a Sequence. Probably an uninitialized Chunk, so do nothing. */ } else if (_monitored) { /* Sequence explicitly monitored, send everything. */ const LV2_Atom_Sequence* seq = (const LV2_Atom_Sequence*)atom; LV2_ATOM_SEQUENCE_FOREACH(seq, ev) { context.notify(uris.ingen_activity, context.start() + ev->time.frames, this, ev->body.size, ev->body.type, LV2_ATOM_BODY(&ev->body)); } } else if (value && value->type == _bufs.uris().atom_Float) { /* Float sequence, monitor as a control. */ key = uris.ingen_value; val = ((LV2_Atom_Float*)buffer(0)->value())->body; } else if (atom->size > sizeof(LV2_Atom_Sequence_Body)) { /* General sequence, send activity for blinkenlights. */ const int32_t one = 1; context.notify(uris.ingen_activity, context.start(), this, sizeof(int32_t), (LV2_URID)uris.atom_Bool, &one); _force_monitor_update = false; } } } _frames_since_monitor = _frames_since_monitor % period; if (key && val != _monitor_value) { if (context.notify(key, context.start(), this, sizeof(float), forge.Float, &val)) { /* Update frames since last update to conceptually zero, but keep the remainder to preserve load balancing. */ _frames_since_monitor = _frames_since_monitor % period; _peak = 0.0f; _monitor_value = val; } // Otherwise failure, leave old value and try again next time } } BufferRef PortImpl::value_buffer(uint32_t voice) { return buffer(voice)->value_buffer(); } SampleCount PortImpl::next_value_offset(SampleCount offset, SampleCount end) const { return end; } } // namespace Server } // namespace Ingen