/* This file is part of Ingen. * Copyright 2007-2011 David Robillard <http://drobilla.net> * * Ingen is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the * terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * Ingen is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include <set> #include <boost/format.hpp> #include <glibmm/thread.h> #include "raul/Array.hpp" #include "raul/Maid.hpp" #include "raul/Path.hpp" #include "ClientBroadcaster.hpp" #include "ConnectionImpl.hpp" #include "Engine.hpp" #include "EngineStore.hpp" #include "InputPort.hpp" #include "NodeImpl.hpp" #include "OutputPort.hpp" #include "PatchImpl.hpp" #include "PortImpl.hpp" #include "events/Disconnect.hpp" #include "events/DisconnectAll.hpp" #include "util.hpp" using namespace std; using namespace Raul; namespace Ingen { namespace Server { namespace Events { DisconnectAll::DisconnectAll(Engine& engine, ClientInterface* client, int32_t id, SampleCount timestamp, const Path& parent_path, const Path& node_path) : Event(engine, client, id, timestamp) , _parent_path(parent_path) , _path(node_path) , _parent(NULL) , _node(NULL) , _port(NULL) , _compiled_patch(NULL) , _deleting(false) { } /** Internal version for use by other events. */ DisconnectAll::DisconnectAll(Engine& engine, PatchImpl* parent, GraphObjectImpl* object) : Event(engine) , _parent_path(parent->path()) , _path(object->path()) , _parent(parent) , _node(dynamic_cast<NodeImpl*>(object)) , _port(dynamic_cast<PortImpl*>(object)) , _compiled_patch(NULL) , _deleting(true) { } DisconnectAll::~DisconnectAll() { for (Impls::iterator i = _impls.begin(); i != _impls.end(); ++i) delete (*i); } void DisconnectAll::pre_process() { Glib::RWLock::WriterLock lock(_engine.engine_store()->lock(), Glib::NOT_LOCK); if (!_deleting) { lock.acquire(); _parent = _engine.engine_store()->find_patch(_parent_path); if (_parent == NULL) { _error = PARENT_NOT_FOUND; Event::pre_process(); return; } GraphObjectImpl* object = _engine.engine_store()->find_object(_path); if (object == NULL) { _error = OBJECT_NOT_FOUND; Event::pre_process(); return; } if (object->parent_patch() != _parent && object->parent()->parent_patch() != _parent) { _error = INVALID_PARENT_PATH; Event::pre_process(); return; } // Only one of these will succeed _node = dynamic_cast<NodeImpl*>(object); _port = dynamic_cast<PortImpl*>(object); assert((_node || _port) && !(_node && _port)); } // Find set of connections to remove std::set<ConnectionImpl*> to_remove; for (Patch::Connections::const_iterator i = _parent->connections().begin(); i != _parent->connections().end(); ++i) { ConnectionImpl* const c = (ConnectionImpl*)i->second.get(); if (_node) { if (c->src_port()->parent_node() == _node || c->dst_port()->parent_node() == _node) { to_remove.insert(c); } } else { assert(_port); if (c->src_port() == _port || c->dst_port() == _port) { to_remove.insert(c); } } } // Create disconnect events (which erases from _parent->connections()) for (std::set<ConnectionImpl*>::const_iterator i = to_remove.begin(); i != to_remove.end(); ++i) { _impls.push_back(new Disconnect::Impl( _engine, _parent, dynamic_cast<OutputPort*>((*i)->src_port()), dynamic_cast<InputPort*>((*i)->dst_port()))); } if (!_deleting && _parent->enabled()) _compiled_patch = _parent->compile(); Event::pre_process(); } void DisconnectAll::execute(ProcessContext& context) { Event::execute(context); if (_error == NO_ERROR) { for (Impls::iterator i = _impls.begin(); i != _impls.end(); ++i) { (*i)->execute(context, !_deleting || ((*i)->dst_port()->parent_node() != _node)); } } _engine.maid()->push(_parent->compiled_patch()); _parent->compiled_patch(_compiled_patch); } void DisconnectAll::post_process() { if (_error == NO_ERROR) { respond_ok(); _engine.broadcaster()->disconnect_all(_parent_path, _path); } else { boost::format fmt("Unable to disconnect %1% (%2%)"); fmt % _path; switch (_error) { case INVALID_PARENT_PATH: fmt % string("Invalid parent path: ").append(_parent_path.str()); break; case PARENT_NOT_FOUND: fmt % string("Unable to find parent: ").append(_parent_path.str()); break; case OBJECT_NOT_FOUND: fmt % string("Unable to find object"); default: break; } respond_error(fmt.str()); } } } // namespace Server } // namespace Ingen } // namespace Events