/* This file is part of Ingen. * Copyright 2007-2011 David Robillard <http://drobilla.net> * * Ingen is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the * terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * Ingen is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include <sstream> #include "raul/log.hpp" #include "lv2/lv2plug.in/ns/ext/event/event.h" #include "shared/LV2URIMap.hpp" #include "shared/LV2Features.hpp" #include "shared/LV2Atom.hpp" #include "shared/World.hpp" #include "AudioBuffer.hpp" #include "ClientBroadcaster.hpp" #include "ControlBindings.hpp" #include "Driver.hpp" #include "Engine.hpp" #include "EngineStore.hpp" #include "EventBuffer.hpp" #include "MessageContext.hpp" #include "NodeImpl.hpp" #include "ObjectBuffer.hpp" #include "PortImpl.hpp" #include "ProcessContext.hpp" #include "ProcessContext.hpp" #include "Request.hpp" #include "SetPortValue.hpp" using namespace std; using namespace Raul; namespace Ingen { namespace Server { namespace Events { SetPortValue::SetPortValue(Engine& engine, SharedPtr<Request> request, bool queued, SampleCount timestamp, const Raul::Path& port_path, const Raul::Atom& value) : QueuedEvent(engine, request, timestamp) , _queued(queued) , _port_path(port_path) , _value(value) , _port(NULL) { } /** Internal */ SetPortValue::SetPortValue(Engine& engine, SharedPtr<Request> request, SampleCount timestamp, PortImpl* port, const Raul::Atom& value) : QueuedEvent(engine, request, timestamp) , _queued(false) , _port_path(port->path()) , _value(value) , _port(port) { } SetPortValue::~SetPortValue() { } void SetPortValue::pre_process() { if (_queued) { if (_port == NULL) _port = _engine.engine_store()->find_port(_port_path); if (_port == NULL) _error = PORT_NOT_FOUND; } // Port is a message context port, set its value and // call the plugin's message run function once if (_port && _port->context() == Context::MESSAGE) { apply(*_engine.message_context()); _port->parent_node()->set_port_valid(_port->index()); _engine.message_context()->run(_port->parent_node(), _engine.driver()->frame_time() + _engine.driver()->block_length()); } if (_port) { _port->set_value(_value); _port->set_property(_engine.world()->uris()->ingen_value, _value); } QueuedEvent::pre_process(); } void SetPortValue::execute(ProcessContext& context) { Event::execute(context); assert(_time >= context.start() && _time <= context.end()); if (_port && _port->context() == Context::MESSAGE) return; apply(context); _engine.control_bindings()->port_value_changed(context, _port); } void SetPortValue::apply(Context& context) { uint32_t start = context.start(); if (_error == NO_ERROR && !_port) _port = _engine.engine_store()->find_port(_port_path); if (!_port) { if (_error == NO_ERROR) _error = PORT_NOT_FOUND; /*} else if (_port->buffer(0)->capacity() < _data_size) { _error = NO_SPACE;*/ } else { Buffer* const buf = _port->buffer(0).get(); AudioBuffer* const abuf = dynamic_cast<AudioBuffer*>(buf); if (abuf) { if (_value.type() != Atom::FLOAT) { _error = TYPE_MISMATCH; return; } for (uint32_t v = 0; v < _port->poly(); ++v) { ((AudioBuffer*)_port->buffer(v).get())->set_value( _value.get_float(), start, _time); } return; } Ingen::Shared::LV2URIMap& uris = *_engine.world()->uris().get(); EventBuffer* const ebuf = dynamic_cast<EventBuffer*>(buf); if (ebuf && _value.type() == Atom::BLOB) { const uint32_t frames = std::max(uint32_t(_time - start), ebuf->latest_frames()); // Size 0 event, pass it along to the plugin as a typed but empty event if (_value.data_size() == 0) { const uint32_t type_id = uris.uri_to_id(NULL, _value.get_blob_type()); ebuf->append(frames, 0, type_id, 0, NULL); _port->raise_set_by_user_flag(); return; } else if (!strcmp(_value.get_blob_type(), "http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/midi#MidiEvent")) { ebuf->prepare_write(context); ebuf->append(frames, 0, uris.global_to_event(uris.midi_MidiEvent.id).second, _value.data_size(), (const uint8_t*)_value.get_blob()); _port->raise_set_by_user_flag(); return; } } ObjectBuffer* const obuf = dynamic_cast<ObjectBuffer*>(buf); if (obuf) { obuf->atom()->size = obuf->size() - sizeof(LV2_Atom); if (Ingen::Shared::LV2Atom::from_atom(uris, _value, obuf->atom())) { debug << "Converted atom " << _value << " :: " << obuf->atom()->type << " * " << obuf->atom()->size << " @ " << obuf->atom() << endl; return; } else { warn << "Failed to convert atom to LV2 object" << endl; } } warn << "Unknown value type " << (int)_value.type() << endl; } } void SetPortValue::post_process() { string msg; std::ostringstream ss; switch (_error) { case NO_ERROR: assert(_port != NULL); _request->respond_ok(); _engine.broadcaster()->set_property(_port_path, _engine.world()->uris()->ingen_value, _value); break; case TYPE_MISMATCH: ss << "Illegal value type " << _value.type() << " for port " << _port_path << endl; _request->respond_error(ss.str()); break; case PORT_NOT_FOUND: msg = "Unable to find port "; msg.append(_port_path.str()).append(" to set value"); _request->respond_error(msg); break; case NO_SPACE: ss << "Attempt to write " << _value.data_size() << " bytes to " << _port_path.str() << ", with capacity " << _port->buffer_size() << endl; _request->respond_error(ss.str()); break; } } } // namespace Server } // namespace Ingen } // namespace Events