path: root/waflib/extras/unity.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'waflib/extras/unity.py')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 108 deletions
diff --git a/waflib b/waflib
new file mode 160000
+Subproject 2314e236ca6e7d94a26c3c17091da0f25f5867f
diff --git a/waflib/extras/unity.py b/waflib/extras/unity.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 78128ed..0000000
--- a/waflib/extras/unity.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python
-# encoding: utf-8
-Compile whole groups of C/C++ files at once
-(C and C++ files are processed independently though).
-To enable globally::
- def options(opt):
- opt.load('compiler_cxx')
- def build(bld):
- bld.load('compiler_cxx unity')
-To enable for specific task generators only::
- def build(bld):
- bld(features='c cprogram unity', source='main.c', ...)
-The file order is often significant in such builds, so it can be
-necessary to adjust the order of source files and the batch sizes.
-To control the amount of files processed in a batch per target
-(the default is 50)::
- def build(bld):
- bld(features='c cprogram', unity_size=20)
-from waflib import Task, Options
-from waflib.Tools import c_preproc
-from waflib import TaskGen
-EXTS_C = ('.c',)
-EXTS_CXX = ('.cpp','.cc','.cxx','.C','.c++')
-def options(opt):
- global MAX_BATCH
- opt.add_option('--batchsize', action='store', dest='batchsize', type='int', default=MAX_BATCH,
- help='default unity batch size (0 disables unity builds)')
-def batch_size(self):
- default = getattr(Options.options, 'batchsize', MAX_BATCH)
- if default < 1:
- return 0
- return getattr(self, 'unity_size', default)
-class unity(Task.Task):
- color = 'BLUE'
- scan = c_preproc.scan
- def to_include(self, node):
- ret = node.path_from(self.outputs[0].parent)
- ret = ret.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('"', '\\"')
- return ret
- def run(self):
- lst = ['#include "%s"\n' % self.to_include(node) for node in self.inputs]
- txt = ''.join(lst)
- self.outputs[0].write(txt)
- def __str__(self):
- node = self.outputs[0]
- return node.path_from(node.ctx.launch_node())
-def bind_unity(obj, cls_name, exts):
- if not 'mappings' in obj.__dict__:
- obj.mappings = dict(obj.mappings)
- for j in exts:
- fun = obj.mappings[j]
- if fun.__name__ == 'unity_fun':
- raise ValueError('Attempt to bind unity mappings multiple times %r' % j)
- def unity_fun(self, node):
- cnt = self.batch_size()
- if cnt <= 1:
- return fun(self, node)
- x = getattr(self, 'master_%s' % cls_name, None)
- if not x or len(x.inputs) >= cnt:
- x = self.create_task('unity')
- setattr(self, 'master_%s' % cls_name, x)
- cnt_cur = getattr(self, 'cnt_%s' % cls_name, 0)
- c_node = node.parent.find_or_declare('unity_%s_%d_%d.%s' % (self.idx, cnt_cur, cnt, cls_name))
- x.outputs = [c_node]
- setattr(self, 'cnt_%s' % cls_name, cnt_cur + 1)
- fun(self, c_node)
- x.inputs.append(node)
- obj.mappings[j] = unity_fun
-def single_unity(self):
- lst = self.to_list(self.features)
- if 'c' in lst:
- bind_unity(self, 'c', EXTS_C)
- if 'cxx' in lst:
- bind_unity(self, 'cxx', EXTS_CXX)
-def build(bld):
- if bld.env.CC_NAME:
- bind_unity(TaskGen.task_gen, 'c', EXTS_C)
- if bld.env.CXX_NAME:
- bind_unity(TaskGen.task_gen, 'cxx', EXTS_CXX)