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1 files changed, 51 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/src/world.c b/src/world.c
index 76751ee..ae9d57f 100644
--- a/src/world.c
+++ b/src/world.c
@@ -517,13 +517,12 @@ slv2_world_load_all(SLV2World world)
// Find all plugins and associated data files
- unsigned char* query_string = (unsigned char*)
+ const unsigned char* query_string = (unsigned char*)
"PREFIX : <>\n"
"PREFIX rdfs: <>\n"
"PREFIX slv2: <>\n"
"SELECT DISTINCT ?plugin ?data ?bundle\n"
"WHERE { ?plugin a :Plugin; slv2:bundleURI ?bundle; rdfs:seeAlso ?data }\n";
- //"ORDER BY ?plugin\n";
librdf_query* q = librdf_new_query(world->world, "sparql",
NULL, query_string, NULL);
@@ -531,7 +530,6 @@ slv2_world_load_all(SLV2World world)
librdf_query_results* results = librdf_query_execute(q, world->model);
while (!librdf_query_results_finished(results)) {
librdf_node* plugin_node = librdf_query_results_get_binding_value(results, 0);
librdf_uri* plugin_uri = librdf_node_get_uri(plugin_node);
librdf_node* data_node = librdf_query_results_get_binding_value(results, 1);
@@ -539,27 +537,60 @@ slv2_world_load_all(SLV2World world)
librdf_node* bundle_node = librdf_query_results_get_binding_value(results, 2);
librdf_uri* bundle_uri = librdf_node_get_uri(bundle_node);
- assert(plugin_uri);
- assert(data_uri);
+ if (plugin_uri && data_uri) {
+ SLV2Plugin plugin = NULL;
- SLV2Value uri = slv2_value_new_librdf_uri(world, plugin_uri);
- SLV2Plugin plugin = slv2_plugins_get_by_uri(world->plugins, uri);
+ // Check if this is another match for the last plugin (avoid search)
+ const unsigned n_plugins = raptor_sequence_size(world->plugins);
+ if (n_plugins >= 1) {
+ SLV2Plugin prev = raptor_sequence_get_at(world->plugins, n_plugins - 1);
+ if (librdf_uri_equals(plugin_uri, prev->plugin_uri->val.uri_val))
+ plugin = prev;
+ }
- // Create a new SLV2Plugin
- if (!plugin) {
- plugin = slv2_plugin_new(world, uri, bundle_uri);
- raptor_sequence_push(world->plugins, plugin);
- // FIXME: Slow! ORDER BY broken in certain versions of redland?
- raptor_sequence_sort(world->plugins, slv2_plugin_compare_by_uri);
- } else {
- slv2_value_free(uri);
- }
+ SLV2Value uri = slv2_value_new_librdf_uri(world, plugin_uri);
+ // If this plugin differs from the last, append a new SLV2Plugin
+ if (!plugin) {
+ if (n_plugins == 0) {
+ plugin = slv2_plugin_new(world, uri, bundle_uri);
+ raptor_sequence_push(world->plugins, plugin);
+ } else {
+ SLV2Plugin first = raptor_sequence_get_at(world->plugins, 0);
+ SLV2Plugin prev = raptor_sequence_get_at(world->plugins, n_plugins - 1);
+ // If the URI is > the last in the list, just append (avoid sort)
+ if (strcmp(
+ slv2_value_as_string(slv2_plugin_get_uri(prev)),
+ librdf_uri_as_string(plugin_uri)) < 0) {
+ plugin = slv2_plugin_new(world, uri, bundle_uri);
+ raptor_sequence_push(world->plugins, plugin);
+ // If the URI is < the first in the list, just prepend (avoid sort)
+ } else if (strcmp(
+ slv2_value_as_string(slv2_plugin_get_uri(first)),
+ librdf_uri_as_string(plugin_uri)) > 0) {
+ plugin = slv2_plugin_new(world, uri, bundle_uri);
+ raptor_sequence_shift(world->plugins, plugin);
+ // Otherwise the query engine is giving us unsorted results :/
+ } else {
+ plugin = slv2_plugins_get_by_uri(world->plugins, uri);
+ if (!plugin) {
+ plugin = slv2_plugin_new(world, uri, bundle_uri);
+ raptor_sequence_push(world->plugins, plugin);
+ raptor_sequence_sort(world->plugins, slv2_plugin_compare_by_uri);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
- plugin->world = world;
+ plugin->world = world;
- // FIXME: check for duplicates
- raptor_sequence_push(plugin->data_uris,
- slv2_value_new_librdf_uri(plugin->world, data_uri));
+ // FIXME: check for duplicates
+ raptor_sequence_push(plugin->data_uris,
+ slv2_value_new_librdf_uri(plugin->world, data_uri));
+ }