/** @mainpage

@section Overview

SLV2 is a host library to simplify the discovery, loading, and use of LV2
plugins (http://lv2plug.in).

SLV2 is written in standard C99, and depends only on the Redland RDF library
(http://librdf.org).  It should be portable to any system, and is tested on various
GNU/Linux distributions (often), and Mac OSX (occasionally).

The public interface of SLV2 is documented in several sections.  The RDF and shared
library functionality is strictly divided so it is simple to understand when each is
being used (e.g. it is possible to discover/investigate plugins and related data
without loading any shared libraries, avoiding the associated risks).

\li \link world World \endlink - Global library initialisation, state, plugin discovery, etc.

\li \link util Util \endlink - Generally useful utility functions

\li \link collections Collections \endlink - Collections of values (literals and URIs) and objects

\li \link data Data \endlink - Access to plugin RDF data

\li \link lib Library \endlink - Access to plugin shared libraries
