// Copyright 2012-2019 David Robillard <d@drobilla.net> // SPDX-License-Identifier: ISC #include "lilv_internal.h" #include "lilv/lilv.h" #include "lv2/core/lv2.h" #include "serd/serd.h" #include "zix/tree.h" #ifndef _WIN32 # include <dlfcn.h> #endif #include <stdint.h> #include <stdlib.h> LilvLib* lilv_lib_open(LilvWorld* world, const LilvNode* uri, const char* bundle_path, const LV2_Feature* const* features) { ZixTreeIter* i = NULL; const LilvLib key = { world, (LilvNode*)uri, (char*)bundle_path, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0}; if (!zix_tree_find(world->libs, &key, &i)) { LilvLib* llib = (LilvLib*)zix_tree_get(i); ++llib->refs; return llib; } const char* const lib_uri = lilv_node_as_uri(uri); char* const lib_path = (char*)serd_file_uri_parse((const uint8_t*)lib_uri, NULL); if (!lib_path) { return NULL; } dlerror(); void* lib = dlopen(lib_path, RTLD_NOW); if (!lib) { LILV_ERRORF("Failed to open library %s (%s)\n", lib_path, dlerror()); serd_free(lib_path); return NULL; } LV2_Descriptor_Function df = (LV2_Descriptor_Function)lilv_dlfunc(lib, "lv2_descriptor"); LV2_Lib_Descriptor_Function ldf = (LV2_Lib_Descriptor_Function)lilv_dlfunc(lib, "lv2_lib_descriptor"); const LV2_Lib_Descriptor* desc = NULL; if (ldf) { desc = ldf(bundle_path, features); if (!desc) { LILV_ERRORF("Call to %s:lv2_lib_descriptor failed\n", lib_path); dlclose(lib); serd_free(lib_path); return NULL; } } else if (!df) { LILV_ERRORF("No `lv2_descriptor' or `lv2_lib_descriptor' in %s\n", lib_path); dlclose(lib); serd_free(lib_path); return NULL; } serd_free(lib_path); LilvLib* llib = (LilvLib*)malloc(sizeof(LilvLib)); llib->world = world; llib->uri = lilv_node_duplicate(uri); llib->bundle_path = lilv_strdup(bundle_path); llib->lib = lib; llib->lv2_descriptor = df; llib->desc = desc; llib->refs = 1; zix_tree_insert(world->libs, llib, NULL); return llib; } const LV2_Descriptor* lilv_lib_get_plugin(LilvLib* lib, uint32_t index) { if (lib->lv2_descriptor) { return lib->lv2_descriptor(index); } if (lib->desc) { return lib->desc->get_plugin(lib->desc->handle, index); } return NULL; } void lilv_lib_close(LilvLib* lib) { if (--lib->refs == 0) { dlclose(lib->lib); ZixTreeIter* i = NULL; if (lib->world->libs && !zix_tree_find(lib->world->libs, lib, &i)) { zix_tree_remove(lib->world->libs, i); } lilv_node_free(lib->uri); free(lib->bundle_path); free(lib); } }