/* Copyright 2007-2016 David Robillard <http://drobilla.net> Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef LILV_INTERNAL_H #define LILV_INTERNAL_H #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #include <stddef.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <float.h> #ifdef _WIN32 # include <windows.h> # include <direct.h> # define dlopen(path, flags) LoadLibrary(path) # define dlclose(lib) FreeLibrary((HMODULE)lib) # define unlink(path) _unlink(path) # define rmdir(path) _rmdir(path) # ifdef _MSC_VER # define __func__ __FUNCTION__ # define snprintf _snprintf # endif #ifndef INFINITY # define INFINITY DBL_MAX + DBL_MAX #endif #ifndef NAN # define NAN INFINITY - INFINITY #endif static inline const char* dlerror(void) { return "Unknown error"; } #else # include <dlfcn.h> # include <unistd.h> #endif #include "serd/serd.h" #include "sord/sord.h" #include "zix/tree.h" #include "lilv_config.h" #include "lilv/lilv.h" #ifdef LILV_DYN_MANIFEST # include "lv2/lv2plug.in/ns/ext/dynmanifest/dynmanifest.h" #endif /* * * Types * */ typedef struct LilvSpecImpl LilvSpec; typedef void LilvCollection; struct LilvPortImpl { LilvNode* node; ///< RDF node uint32_t index; ///< lv2:index LilvNode* symbol; ///< lv2:symbol LilvNodes* classes; ///< rdf:type }; struct LilvSpecImpl { SordNode* spec; SordNode* bundle; LilvNodes* data_uris; struct LilvSpecImpl* next; }; /** Header of an LilvPlugin, LilvPluginClass, or LilvUI. Any of these structs may be safely casted to LilvHeader, which is used to implement collections using the same comparator. */ struct LilvHeader { LilvWorld* world; LilvNode* uri; }; #ifdef LILV_DYN_MANIFEST typedef struct { LilvNode* bundle; void* lib; LV2_Dyn_Manifest_Handle handle; uint32_t refs; } LilvDynManifest; #endif typedef struct { LilvWorld* world; LilvNode* uri; char* bundle_path; void* lib; LV2_Descriptor_Function lv2_descriptor; const LV2_Lib_Descriptor* desc; uint32_t refs; } LilvLib; struct LilvPluginImpl { LilvWorld* world; LilvNode* plugin_uri; LilvNode* bundle_uri; ///< Bundle plugin was loaded from LilvNode* binary_uri; ///< lv2:binary #ifdef LILV_DYN_MANIFEST LilvDynManifest* dynmanifest; #endif const LilvPluginClass* plugin_class; LilvNodes* data_uris; ///< rdfs::seeAlso LilvPort** ports; uint32_t num_ports; bool loaded; bool parse_errors; bool replaced; }; struct LilvPluginClassImpl { LilvWorld* world; LilvNode* uri; LilvNode* parent_uri; LilvNode* label; }; struct LilvInstancePimpl { LilvWorld* world; LilvLib* lib; }; typedef struct { bool dyn_manifest; bool filter_language; } LilvOptions; struct LilvWorldImpl { SordWorld* world; SordModel* model; SerdReader* reader; unsigned n_read_files; LilvPluginClass* lv2_plugin_class; LilvPluginClasses* plugin_classes; LilvSpec* specs; LilvPlugins* plugins; LilvPlugins* zombies; LilvNodes* loaded_files; ZixTree* libs; struct { SordNode* dc_replaces; SordNode* dman_DynManifest; SordNode* doap_name; SordNode* lv2_Plugin; SordNode* lv2_Specification; SordNode* lv2_appliesTo; SordNode* lv2_binary; SordNode* lv2_default; SordNode* lv2_designation; SordNode* lv2_extensionData; SordNode* lv2_index; SordNode* lv2_latency; SordNode* lv2_maximum; SordNode* lv2_microVersion; SordNode* lv2_minimum; SordNode* lv2_minorVersion; SordNode* lv2_name; SordNode* lv2_optionalFeature; SordNode* lv2_port; SordNode* lv2_portProperty; SordNode* lv2_reportsLatency; SordNode* lv2_requiredFeature; SordNode* lv2_symbol; SordNode* lv2_prototype; SordNode* owl_Ontology; SordNode* pset_value; SordNode* rdf_a; SordNode* rdf_value; SordNode* rdfs_Class; SordNode* rdfs_label; SordNode* rdfs_seeAlso; SordNode* rdfs_subClassOf; SordNode* xsd_base64Binary; SordNode* xsd_boolean; SordNode* xsd_decimal; SordNode* xsd_double; SordNode* xsd_integer; SordNode* null_uri; } uris; LilvOptions opt; }; typedef enum { LILV_VALUE_URI, LILV_VALUE_STRING, LILV_VALUE_INT, LILV_VALUE_FLOAT, LILV_VALUE_BOOL, LILV_VALUE_BLANK, LILV_VALUE_BLOB } LilvNodeType; struct LilvNodeImpl { LilvWorld* world; SordNode* node; LilvNodeType type; union { int int_val; float float_val; bool bool_val; } val; }; struct LilvScalePointImpl { LilvNode* value; LilvNode* label; }; struct LilvUIImpl { LilvWorld* world; LilvNode* uri; LilvNode* bundle_uri; LilvNode* binary_uri; LilvNodes* classes; }; typedef struct LilvVersion { int minor; int micro; } LilvVersion; /* * * Functions * */ LilvPort* lilv_port_new(LilvWorld* world, const SordNode* node, uint32_t index, const char* symbol); void lilv_port_free(const LilvPlugin* plugin, LilvPort* port); LilvPlugin* lilv_plugin_new(LilvWorld* world, LilvNode* uri, LilvNode* bundle_uri); void lilv_plugin_clear(LilvPlugin* plugin, LilvNode* bundle_uri); void lilv_plugin_load_if_necessary(const LilvPlugin* p); void lilv_plugin_free(LilvPlugin* plugin); LilvNode* lilv_plugin_get_unique(const LilvPlugin* p, const SordNode* subject, const SordNode* predicate); void lilv_collection_free(LilvCollection* collection); unsigned lilv_collection_size(const LilvCollection* collection); LilvIter* lilv_collection_begin(const LilvCollection* collection); void* lilv_collection_get(const LilvCollection* collection, const LilvIter* i); LilvPluginClass* lilv_plugin_class_new(LilvWorld* world, const SordNode* parent_uri, const SordNode* uri, const char* label); void lilv_plugin_class_free(LilvPluginClass* plugin_class); LilvLib* lilv_lib_open(LilvWorld* world, const LilvNode* uri, const char* bundle_path, const LV2_Feature*const* features); const LV2_Descriptor* lilv_lib_get_plugin(LilvLib* lib, uint32_t index); void lilv_lib_close(LilvLib* lib); LilvNodes* lilv_nodes_new(void); LilvPlugins* lilv_plugins_new(void); LilvScalePoints* lilv_scale_points_new(void); LilvPluginClasses* lilv_plugin_classes_new(void); LilvUIs* lilv_uis_new(void); LilvNode* lilv_world_get_manifest_uri(LilvWorld* world, const LilvNode* bundle_uri); const uint8_t* lilv_world_blank_node_prefix(LilvWorld* world); SerdStatus lilv_world_load_file(LilvWorld* world, SerdReader* reader, const LilvNode* uri); SerdStatus lilv_world_load_graph(LilvWorld* world, SordNode* graph, const LilvNode* uri); LilvUI* lilv_ui_new(LilvWorld* world, LilvNode* uri, LilvNode* type_uri, LilvNode* binary_uri); void lilv_ui_free(LilvUI* ui); LilvNode* lilv_node_new(LilvWorld* world, LilvNodeType type, const char* val); LilvNode* lilv_node_new_from_node(LilvWorld* world, const SordNode* node); int lilv_header_compare_by_uri(const void* a, const void* b, void* user_data); int lilv_lib_compare(const void* a, const void* b, void* user_data); int lilv_ptr_cmp(const void* a, const void* b, void* user_data); int lilv_resource_node_cmp(const void* a, const void* b, void* user_data); static inline int lilv_version_cmp(const LilvVersion* a, const LilvVersion* b) { if (a->minor == b->minor && a->micro == b->micro) { return 0; } else if ((a->minor < b->minor) || (a->minor == b->minor && a->micro < b->micro)) { return -1; } else { return 1; } } struct LilvHeader* lilv_collection_get_by_uri(const ZixTree* seq, const LilvNode* uri); LilvScalePoint* lilv_scale_point_new(LilvNode* value, LilvNode* label); void lilv_scale_point_free(LilvScalePoint* point); SordIter* lilv_world_query_internal(LilvWorld* world, const SordNode* subject, const SordNode* predicate, const SordNode* object); bool lilv_world_ask_internal(LilvWorld* world, const SordNode* subject, const SordNode* predicate, const SordNode* object); LilvNodes* lilv_world_find_nodes_internal(LilvWorld* world, const SordNode* subject, const SordNode* predicate, const SordNode* object); SordModel* lilv_world_filter_model(LilvWorld* world, SordModel* model, const SordNode* subject, const SordNode* predicate, const SordNode* object, const SordNode* graph); #define FOREACH_MATCH(iter) \ for (; !sord_iter_end(iter); sord_iter_next(iter)) LilvNodes* lilv_nodes_from_stream_objects(LilvWorld* w, SordIter* stream, SordQuadIndex field); char* lilv_strjoin(const char* first, ...); char* lilv_strdup(const char* str); char* lilv_get_lang(void); char* lilv_expand(const char* path); char* lilv_dirname(const char* path); int lilv_copy_file(const char* src, const char* dst); bool lilv_path_exists(const char* path, void* ignored); char* lilv_path_absolute(const char* path); bool lilv_path_is_absolute(const char* path); char* lilv_get_latest_copy(const char* path, const char* copy_path); char* lilv_path_relative_to(const char* path, const char* base); bool lilv_path_is_child(const char* path, const char* dir); int lilv_flock(FILE* file, bool lock); char* lilv_realpath(const char* path); int lilv_symlink(const char* oldpath, const char* newpath); int lilv_mkdir_p(const char* path); char* lilv_path_join(const char* a, const char* b); bool lilv_file_equals(const char* a_path, const char* b_path); char* lilv_find_free_path(const char* in_path, bool (*exists)(const char*, void*), void* user_data); void lilv_dir_for_each(const char* path, void* data, void (*f)(const char* path, const char* name, void* data)); typedef void (*LilvVoidFunc)(void); /** dlsym wrapper to return a function pointer (without annoying warning) */ static inline LilvVoidFunc lilv_dlfunc(void* handle, const char* symbol) { #ifdef _WIN32 return (LilvVoidFunc)GetProcAddress((HMODULE)handle, symbol); #else typedef LilvVoidFunc (*VoidFuncGetter)(void*, const char*); VoidFuncGetter dlfunc = (VoidFuncGetter)dlsym; return dlfunc(handle, symbol); #endif } #ifdef LILV_DYN_MANIFEST static const LV2_Feature* const dman_features = { NULL }; #endif #define LILV_ERROR(str) fprintf(stderr, "%s(): error: " str, \ __func__) #define LILV_ERRORF(fmt, ...) fprintf(stderr, "%s(): error: " fmt, \ __func__, __VA_ARGS__) #define LILV_WARN(str) fprintf(stderr, "%s(): warning: " str, \ __func__) #define LILV_WARNF(fmt, ...) fprintf(stderr, "%s(): warning: " fmt, \ __func__, __VA_ARGS__) #define LILV_NOTE(str) fprintf(stderr, "%s(): note: " str, \ __func__) #define LILV_NOTEF(fmt, ...) fprintf(stderr, "%s(): note: " fmt, \ __func__, __VA_ARGS__) #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* LILV_INTERNAL_H */