/* SLV2
 * Copyright (C) 2007-2011 David Robillard <http://drobilla.net>
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
 * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
 * any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

#include "slv2-config.h"

#ifndef SLV2_INTERNAL_H__
#define SLV2_INTERNAL_H__

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include <dlfcn.h>

#include <glib.h>

#include "serd/serd.h"
#include "sord/sord.h"

#include "lv2/lv2plug.in/ns/ext/dyn-manifest/dyn-manifest.h"

#include "slv2/slv2.h"
#ifdef SLV2_WITH_UI
#include "slv2/ui.h"

#define SLV2_NS_DOAP (const uint8_t*)"http://usefulinc.com/ns/doap#"
#define SLV2_NS_RDFS (const uint8_t*)"http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#"
#define SLV2_NS_SLV2 (const uint8_t*)"http://drobilla.net/ns/slv2#"
#define SLV2_NS_LV2  (const uint8_t*)"http://lv2plug.in/ns/lv2core#"
#define SLV2_NS_XSD  (const uint8_t*)"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#"
#define SLV2_NS_RDF  (const uint8_t*)"http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"

typedef SordIter SLV2Matches;
typedef SordNode SLV2Node;

#define FOREACH_MATCH(iter) \
	for (; !sord_iter_end(iter); sord_iter_next(iter))

static inline SLV2Node
slv2_match_subject(SLV2Matches iter) {
	SordQuad tup;
	sord_iter_get(iter, tup);
	return tup[SORD_SUBJECT];

static inline SLV2Node
slv2_match_object(SLV2Matches iter) {
	SordQuad tup;
	sord_iter_get(iter, tup);
	return tup[SORD_OBJECT];

static inline void
slv2_match_end(SLV2Matches iter)

/* ********* PORT ********* */

/** Reference to a port on some plugin. */
struct _SLV2Port {
	uint32_t   index;   ///< lv2:index
	SLV2Value  symbol;  ///< lv2:symbol
	SLV2Values classes; ///< rdf:type

SLV2Port slv2_port_new(SLV2World world, uint32_t index, const char* symbol);
void     slv2_port_free(SLV2Port port);

/* ********* Plugin ********* */

/** Header of an SLV2Plugin, SLV2PluginClass, or SLV2UI.
 * Any of these structs may be safely casted to _SLV2Header, which is used to
 * implement sequences without code duplication (see slv2_sequence_get_by_uri).
struct _SLV2Header {
	struct _SLV2World* world;
	SLV2Value          uri;
/** Record of an installed/available plugin.
 * A simple reference to a plugin somewhere on the system. This just holds
 * paths of relevant files, the actual data therein isn't loaded into memory.
struct _SLV2Plugin {
	struct _SLV2World* world;
	SLV2Value          plugin_uri;
	SLV2Value          bundle_uri; ///< Bundle directory plugin was loaded from
	SLV2Value          binary_uri; ///< lv2:binary
	SLV2Value          dynman_uri; ///< dynamic manifest binary
	SLV2PluginClass    plugin_class;
	SLV2Values         data_uris; ///< rdfs::seeAlso
	SLV2Port*          ports;
	uint32_t           num_ports;
	bool               loaded;

SLV2Plugin slv2_plugin_new(SLV2World world, SLV2Value uri, SLV2Value bundle_uri);
void       slv2_plugin_load_if_necessary(SLV2Plugin p);
void       slv2_plugin_free(SLV2Plugin plugin);

slv2_plugin_get_unique(SLV2Plugin p,
                       SLV2Node   subject,
                       SLV2Node   predicate);

/* ********* Plugins ********* */

/** Create a new, empty plugin list.
 * Returned object must be freed with slv2_plugins_free.

/* ********* Instance ********* */

/** Pimpl portion of SLV2Instance */
struct _SLV2InstanceImpl {
	void* lib_handle;

/* ********* UI Instance ********* */

#ifdef SLV2_WITH_UI
struct _SLV2UIInstance {
	void*                   lib_handle;
	const LV2UI_Descriptor* lv2ui_descriptor;
	LV2UI_Handle            lv2ui_handle;
	LV2UI_Widget            widget;

/* ********* Plugin Class ********* */

struct _SLV2PluginClass {
	struct _SLV2World* world;
	SLV2Value          uri;
	SLV2Value          parent_uri;
	SLV2Value          label;

SLV2PluginClass slv2_plugin_class_new(SLV2World   world,
                                      SLV2Node    parent_uri,
                                      SLV2Node    uri,
                                      const char* label);

void slv2_plugin_class_free(SLV2PluginClass plugin_class);

/* ********* Plugin Classes ********* */

SLV2PluginClasses slv2_plugin_classes_new();
void              slv2_plugin_classes_free();

/* ********* World ********* */

/** Model of LV2 (RDF) data loaded from bundles.
struct _SLV2World {
	Sord              model;
	SerdReader        reader;
	SerdEnv           namespaces;
	unsigned          n_read_files;
	SLV2PluginClass   lv2_plugin_class;
	SLV2PluginClasses plugin_classes;
	SLV2Plugins       plugins;
	SLV2Node          dyn_manifest_node;
	SLV2Node          lv2_specification_node;
	SLV2Node          lv2_plugin_node;
	SLV2Node          lv2_binary_node;
	SLV2Node          lv2_default_node;
	SLV2Node          lv2_minimum_node;
	SLV2Node          lv2_maximum_node;
	SLV2Node          lv2_port_node;
	SLV2Node          lv2_portproperty_node;
	SLV2Node          lv2_reportslatency_node;
	SLV2Node          lv2_index_node;
	SLV2Node          lv2_symbol_node;
	SLV2Node          rdf_a_node;
	SLV2Node          rdf_value_node;
	SLV2Node          rdfs_class_node;
	SLV2Node          rdfs_label_node;
	SLV2Node          rdfs_seealso_node;
	SLV2Node          rdfs_subclassof_node;
	SLV2Node          slv2_bundleuri_node;
	SLV2Node          slv2_dmanifest_node;
	SLV2Node          xsd_boolean_node;
	SLV2Node          xsd_decimal_node;
	SLV2Node          xsd_integer_node;
	SLV2Value         doap_name_val;
	SLV2Value         lv2_name_val;
	bool              filter_language;

const uint8_t*
slv2_world_blank_node_prefix(SLV2World world);

slv2_world_load_file(SLV2World world, const char* file_uri);

/* ********* Plugin UI ********* */

#ifdef SLV2_WITH_UI

struct _SLV2UI {
	struct _SLV2World* world;
	SLV2Value          uri;
	SLV2Value          bundle_uri;
	SLV2Value          binary_uri;
	SLV2Values         classes;

SLV2UIs slv2_uis_new();
slv2_ui_new(SLV2World world,
            SLV2Value uri,
            SLV2Value type_uri,
            SLV2Value binary_uri);

void slv2_ui_free(SLV2UI ui);

#endif /* SLV2_WITH_UI */

/* ********* Value ********* */

typedef enum _SLV2ValueType {
} SLV2ValueType;

struct _SLV2Value {
	SLV2ValueType type;
	char*         str_val; ///< always present
	union {
		int       int_val;
		float     float_val;
		bool      bool_val;
		SLV2Node  uri_val;
	} val;

SLV2Value slv2_value_new(SLV2World world, SLV2ValueType type, const char* val);
SLV2Value slv2_value_new_from_node(SLV2World world, SLV2Node node);
SLV2Node  slv2_value_as_node(SLV2Value value);

slv2_header_compare_by_uri(const void* a, const void* b, void* user_data);

static inline void
slv2_sequence_insert(GSequence* seq, void* value)
	g_sequence_insert_sorted(seq, value, slv2_header_compare_by_uri, NULL);

static inline void
slv2_array_append(GPtrArray* array, void* value) {
	g_ptr_array_add(array, value);

struct _SLV2Header*
slv2_sequence_get_by_uri(GSequence* seq, SLV2Value uri);

static inline SLV2Node slv2_node_copy(SLV2Node node) {
	return node;

static inline void slv2_node_free(SLV2Node node) {

/* ********* Scale Points ********* */

struct _SLV2ScalePoint {
	SLV2Value value;
	SLV2Value label;

SLV2ScalePoint slv2_scale_point_new(SLV2Value value, SLV2Value label);
void           slv2_scale_point_free(SLV2ScalePoint point);

/* ********* Query Results ********* */

SLV2Matches slv2_plugin_find_statements(SLV2Plugin plugin,
                                        SLV2Node   subject,
                                        SLV2Node   predicate,
                                        SLV2Node   object);

static inline bool slv2_matches_next(SLV2Matches matches) {
	return sord_iter_next(matches);

static inline bool slv2_matches_end(SLV2Matches matches) {
	return sord_iter_end(matches);

SLV2Values slv2_values_from_stream_objects(SLV2Plugin  p,
                                           SLV2Matches stream);

/* ********* Utilities ********* */

char*    slv2_strjoin(const char* first, ...);
char*    slv2_get_lang();
uint8_t* slv2_qname_expand(SLV2Plugin p, const char* qname);

typedef void (*VoidFunc)();

/** dlsym wrapper to return a function pointer (without annoying warning) */
static inline VoidFunc
slv2_dlfunc(void* handle, const char* symbol)
	typedef VoidFunc (*VoidFuncGetter)(void*, const char*);
	VoidFuncGetter dlfunc = (VoidFuncGetter)dlsym;
	return dlfunc(handle, symbol);

/* ********* Dynamic Manifest ********* */
static const LV2_Feature* const dman_features = { NULL };

#define SLV2_ERROR(str)       fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: %s: " str, __func__)
#define SLV2_ERRORF(fmt, ...) fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: %s: " fmt, __func__, __VA_ARGS__)

#define SLV2_WARN(str) fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: %s: " str, __func__)
#define SLV2_WARNF(fmt, ...) fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: %s: " fmt, __func__, __VA_ARGS__)

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* SLV2_INTERNAL_H__ */