/* Copyright 2007-2012 David Robillard <http://drobilla.net> Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include <errno.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include "lv2/lv2plug.in/ns/ext/atom/atom.h" #include "lv2/lv2plug.in/ns/ext/atom/forge.h" #include "lv2/lv2plug.in/ns/ext/state/state.h" #include "lilv_config.h" #include "lilv_internal.h" #include "sratom/sratom.h" #define NS_ATOM "http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/atom#" #define NS_PSET "http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/presets#" #define NS_STATE "http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/state#" #define USTR(s) ((const uint8_t*)(s)) typedef struct { void* value; ///< Value/Object size_t size; ///< Size of value uint32_t key; ///< Key/Predicate (URID) uint32_t type; ///< Type of value (URID) uint32_t flags; ///< State flags (POD, etc) } Property; typedef struct { char* symbol; ///< Symbol of port void* value; ///< Value of port uint32_t size; ///< Size of value uint32_t type; ///< Type of value (URID) } PortValue; typedef struct { char* abs; ///< Absolute path of actual file char* rel; ///< Abstract path (relative path in state dir) } PathMap; struct LilvStateImpl { LilvNode* plugin_uri; ///< Plugin URI char* dir; ///< Save directory (if saved) char* file_dir; ///< Directory for files created by plugin char* copy_dir; ///< Directory for snapshots of external files char* link_dir; ///< Directory for links to external files char* label; ///< State/Preset label ZixTree* abs2rel; ///< PathMap sorted by abs ZixTree* rel2abs; ///< PathMap sorted by rel Property* props; ///< State properties PortValue* values; ///< Port values uint32_t atom_Path; ///< atom:Path URID uint32_t num_props; ///< Number of state properties uint32_t num_values; ///< Number of port values }; static int abs_cmp(const void* a, const void* b, void* user_data) { return strcmp(((const PathMap*)a)->abs, ((const PathMap*)b)->abs); } static int rel_cmp(const void* a, const void* b, void* user_data) { return strcmp(((const PathMap*)a)->rel, ((const PathMap*)b)->rel); } static int property_cmp(const void* a, const void* b) { return ((const Property*)a)->key - ((const Property*)b)->key; } static int value_cmp(const void* a, const void* b) { return strcmp(((const PortValue*)a)->symbol, ((const PortValue*)b)->symbol); } static void path_rel_free(void* ptr) { free(((PathMap*)ptr)->abs); free(((PathMap*)ptr)->rel); free(ptr); } static PortValue* append_port_value(LilvState* state, const char* port_symbol, const void* value, uint32_t size, uint32_t type) { if (value) { state->values = (PortValue*)realloc( state->values, (++state->num_values) * sizeof(PortValue)); PortValue* pv = &state->values[state->num_values - 1]; pv->symbol = lilv_strdup(port_symbol); pv->value = malloc(size); pv->size = size; pv->type = type; memcpy(pv->value, value, size); return pv; } return NULL; } static const char* lilv_state_rel2abs(const LilvState* state, const char* path) { ZixTreeIter* iter = NULL; const PathMap key = { NULL, (char*)path }; if (state->rel2abs && !zix_tree_find(state->rel2abs, &key, &iter)) { return ((const PathMap*)zix_tree_get(iter))->abs; } return path; } static LV2_State_Status store_callback(LV2_State_Handle handle, uint32_t key, const void* value, size_t size, uint32_t type, uint32_t flags) { LilvState* const state = (LilvState*)handle; state->props = (Property*)realloc( state->props, (++state->num_props) * sizeof(Property)); Property* const prop = &state->props[state->num_props - 1]; if ((flags & LV2_STATE_IS_POD) || type == state->atom_Path) { prop->value = malloc(size); memcpy(prop->value, value, size); } else { LILV_WARN("Storing non-POD value\n"); prop->value = (void*)value; } prop->size = size; prop->key = key; prop->type = type; prop->flags = flags; return LV2_STATE_SUCCESS; } static const void* retrieve_callback(LV2_State_Handle handle, uint32_t key, size_t* size, uint32_t* type, uint32_t* flags) { const LilvState* const state = (LilvState*)handle; const Property search_key = { NULL, 0, key, 0, 0 }; const Property* const prop = (Property*)bsearch( &search_key, state->props, state->num_props, sizeof(Property), property_cmp); if (prop) { *size = prop->size; *type = prop->type; *flags = prop->flags; return prop->value; } return NULL; } static bool lilv_state_has_path(const char* path, void* state) { return lilv_state_rel2abs((LilvState*)state, path) != path; } static char* make_path(LV2_State_Make_Path_Handle handle, const char* path) { LilvState* state = (LilvState*)handle; if (!lilv_path_exists(state->dir, NULL)) { lilv_mkdir_p(state->dir); } return lilv_path_join(state->dir, path); } static char* abstract_path(LV2_State_Map_Path_Handle handle, const char* absolute_path) { LilvState* state = (LilvState*)handle; char* path = NULL; char* real_path = lilv_realpath(absolute_path); const PathMap key = { (char*)real_path, NULL }; ZixTreeIter* iter = NULL; if (absolute_path[0] == '\0') { return lilv_strdup(absolute_path); } else if (!zix_tree_find(state->abs2rel, &key, &iter)) { // Already mapped path in a previous call PathMap* pm = (PathMap*)zix_tree_get(iter); free(real_path); return lilv_strdup(pm->rel); } else if (lilv_path_is_child(real_path, state->dir)) { // File in state directory (loaded, or created by plugin during save path = lilv_path_relative_to(real_path, state->dir); } else if (lilv_path_is_child(real_path, state->file_dir)) { // File created by plugin earlier path = lilv_path_relative_to(real_path, state->file_dir); if (state->copy_dir) { if (!lilv_path_exists(state->copy_dir, NULL)) { lilv_mkdir_p(state->copy_dir); } char* cpath = lilv_path_join(state->copy_dir, path); char* copy = lilv_get_latest_copy(real_path, cpath); if (!copy || !lilv_file_equals(real_path, copy)) { // No recent enough copy, make a new one copy = lilv_find_free_path(cpath, lilv_path_exists, NULL); lilv_copy_file(real_path, copy); } free(real_path); free(cpath); // Refer to the latest copy in plugin state real_path = copy; } } else { // New path outside state directory const char* slash = strrchr(real_path, '/'); const char* name = slash ? (slash + 1) : real_path; // Find a free name in the (virtual) state directory path = lilv_find_free_path(name, lilv_state_has_path, state); } // Add record to path mapping PathMap* pm = (PathMap*)malloc(sizeof(PathMap)); pm->abs = real_path; pm->rel = lilv_strdup(path); zix_tree_insert(state->abs2rel, pm, NULL); zix_tree_insert(state->rel2abs, pm, NULL); return path; } static char* absolute_path(LV2_State_Map_Path_Handle handle, const char* abstract_path) { LilvState* state = (LilvState*)handle; char* path = NULL; if (lilv_path_is_absolute(abstract_path)) { // Absolute path, return identical path path = lilv_strdup(abstract_path); } else if (state->dir) { // Relative path inside state directory path = lilv_path_join(state->dir, abstract_path); } else { // State has not been saved, unmap path = lilv_strdup(lilv_state_rel2abs(state, abstract_path)); } return path; } /** Return a new features array which is @c feature added to @c features. */ const LV2_Feature** add_features(const LV2_Feature *const * features, const LV2_Feature* map, const LV2_Feature* make) { size_t n_features = 0; for (; features && features[n_features]; ++n_features) {} const LV2_Feature** ret = (const LV2_Feature**)calloc( n_features + 3, sizeof(LV2_Feature*)); if (features) { memcpy(ret, features, n_features * sizeof(LV2_Feature*)); } ret[n_features] = map; ret[n_features + 1] = make; return ret; } static char* absolute_dir(const char* path) { char* abs_path = lilv_path_absolute(path); char* base = lilv_path_join(abs_path, NULL); free(abs_path); return base; } LILV_API LilvState* lilv_state_new_from_instance(const LilvPlugin* plugin, LilvInstance* instance, LV2_URID_Map* map, const char* file_dir, const char* copy_dir, const char* link_dir, const char* save_dir, LilvGetPortValueFunc get_value, void* user_data, uint32_t flags, const LV2_Feature *const * features) { const LV2_Feature** sfeatures = NULL; LilvWorld* const world = plugin->world; LilvState* const state = (LilvState*)malloc(sizeof(LilvState)); memset(state, '\0', sizeof(LilvState)); state->plugin_uri = lilv_node_duplicate(lilv_plugin_get_uri(plugin)); state->abs2rel = zix_tree_new(false, abs_cmp, NULL, path_rel_free); state->rel2abs = zix_tree_new(false, rel_cmp, NULL, NULL); state->file_dir = file_dir ? absolute_dir(file_dir) : NULL; state->copy_dir = copy_dir ? absolute_dir(copy_dir) : NULL; state->link_dir = link_dir ? absolute_dir(link_dir) : NULL; state->dir = save_dir ? absolute_dir(save_dir) : NULL; state->atom_Path = map->map(map->handle, LV2_ATOM__Path); LV2_State_Map_Path pmap = { state, abstract_path, absolute_path }; LV2_Feature pmap_feature = { LV2_STATE__mapPath, &pmap }; LV2_State_Make_Path pmake = { state, make_path }; LV2_Feature pmake_feature = { LV2_STATE__makePath, &pmake }; features = sfeatures = add_features(features, &pmap_feature, save_dir ? &pmake_feature : NULL); // Store port values if (get_value) { LilvNode* lv2_ControlPort = lilv_new_uri(world, LILV_URI_CONTROL_PORT); LilvNode* lv2_InputPort = lilv_new_uri(world, LILV_URI_INPUT_PORT); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < plugin->num_ports; ++i) { const LilvPort* const port = plugin->ports[i]; if (lilv_port_is_a(plugin, port, lv2_ControlPort) && lilv_port_is_a(plugin, port, lv2_InputPort)) { uint32_t size, type; const char* sym = lilv_node_as_string(port->symbol); const void* value = get_value(sym, user_data, &size, &type); append_port_value(state, sym, value, size, type); } } lilv_node_free(lv2_ControlPort); lilv_node_free(lv2_InputPort); } // Store properties const LV2_Descriptor* desc = instance->lv2_descriptor; const LV2_State_Interface* iface = (desc->extension_data) ? (LV2_State_Interface*)desc->extension_data(LV2_STATE__interface) : NULL; if (iface) { iface->save(instance->lv2_handle, store_callback, state, flags, features); } qsort(state->props, state->num_props, sizeof(Property), property_cmp); qsort(state->values, state->num_values, sizeof(PortValue), value_cmp); free(sfeatures); return state; } LILV_API void lilv_state_restore(const LilvState* state, LilvInstance* instance, LilvSetPortValueFunc set_value, void* user_data, uint32_t flags, const LV2_Feature *const * features) { LV2_State_Map_Path map_path = { (LilvState*)state, abstract_path, absolute_path }; LV2_Feature map_feature = { LV2_STATE__mapPath, &map_path }; const LV2_Feature** sfeatures = add_features(features, &map_feature, NULL); const LV2_Descriptor* desc = instance->lv2_descriptor; const LV2_State_Interface* iface = (desc->extension_data) ? (LV2_State_Interface*)desc->extension_data(LV2_STATE__interface) : NULL; if (iface) { iface->restore(instance->lv2_handle, retrieve_callback, (LV2_State_Handle)state, flags, sfeatures); } free(sfeatures); if (set_value) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < state->num_values; ++i) { const PortValue* val = &state->values[i]; set_value(val->symbol, user_data, val->value, val->size, val->type); } } } static SordNode* get1(SordModel* model, const SordNode* s, const SordNode* p) { SordIter* const i = sord_search(model, s, p, 0, 0); SordNode* const node = i ? sord_node_copy(sord_iter_get_node(i, SORD_OBJECT)) : NULL; sord_iter_free(i); return node; } static LilvState* new_state_from_model(LilvWorld* world, LV2_URID_Map* map, SordModel* model, const SordNode* node, const char* dir) { LilvState* const state = (LilvState*)malloc(sizeof(LilvState)); memset(state, '\0', sizeof(LilvState)); state->dir = lilv_strdup(dir); state->atom_Path = map->map(map->handle, LV2_ATOM__Path); // Get the plugin URI this state applies to SordIter* i = sord_search(model, node, world->uris.lv2_appliesTo, 0, 0); if (i) { const SordNode* object = sord_iter_get_node(i, SORD_OBJECT); const SordNode* graph = sord_iter_get_node(i, SORD_GRAPH); state->plugin_uri = lilv_node_new_from_node(world, object); if (!state->dir && graph) { state->dir = lilv_strdup((const char*)sord_node_get_string(graph)); } sord_iter_free(i); } else { LILV_ERRORF("State %s missing lv2:appliesTo property\n", sord_node_get_string(node)); } // Get the state label i = sord_search(model, node, world->uris.rdfs_label, NULL, NULL); if (i) { const SordNode* object = sord_iter_get_node(i, SORD_OBJECT); const SordNode* graph = sord_iter_get_node(i, SORD_GRAPH); state->label = lilv_strdup((const char*)sord_node_get_string(object)); if (!state->dir) { state->dir = lilv_strdup((const char*)sord_node_get_string(graph)); } sord_iter_free(i); } Sratom* sratom = sratom_new(map); SerdChunk chunk = { NULL, 0 }; LV2_Atom_Forge forge; lv2_atom_forge_init(&forge, map); lv2_atom_forge_set_sink( &forge, sratom_forge_sink, sratom_forge_deref, &chunk); // Get port values SordIter* ports = sord_search(model, node, world->uris.lv2_port, 0, 0); FOREACH_MATCH(ports) { const SordNode* port = sord_iter_get_node(ports, SORD_OBJECT); const SordNode* label = get1(model, port, world->uris.rdfs_label); const SordNode* symbol = get1(model, port, world->uris.lv2_symbol); const SordNode* value = get1(model, port, world->uris.pset_value); if (!symbol) { LILV_ERRORF("State `%s' port missing symbol.\n", sord_node_get_string(node)); } else if (!value) { LILV_ERRORF("State `%s' port `%s' missing value.\n", sord_node_get_string(symbol), sord_node_get_string(node)); } else { chunk.len = 0; sratom_read(sratom, &forge, world->world, model, value); LV2_Atom* atom = (LV2_Atom*)chunk.buf; append_port_value(state, (const char*)sord_node_get_string(symbol), LV2_ATOM_BODY(atom), atom->size, atom->type); if (label) { lilv_state_set_label(state, (const char*)sord_node_get_string(label)); } } } sord_iter_free(ports); // Get properties SordNode* statep = sord_new_uri(world->world, USTR(LV2_STATE__state)); const SordNode* state_node = get1(model, node, statep); if (state_node) { SordIter* props = sord_search(model, state_node, 0, 0, 0); FOREACH_MATCH(props) { const SordNode* p = sord_iter_get_node(props, SORD_PREDICATE); const SordNode* o = sord_iter_get_node(props, SORD_OBJECT); chunk.len = 0; lv2_atom_forge_set_sink( &forge, sratom_forge_sink, sratom_forge_deref, &chunk); sratom_read(sratom, &forge, world->world, model, o); LV2_Atom* atom = (LV2_Atom*)chunk.buf; uint32_t flags = LV2_STATE_IS_POD|LV2_STATE_IS_PORTABLE; Property prop = { NULL, 0, 0, 0, flags }; prop.key = map->map(map->handle, (const char*)sord_node_get_string(p)); prop.type = atom->type; prop.size = atom->size; prop.value = malloc(atom->size); memcpy(prop.value, LV2_ATOM_BODY(atom), atom->size); if (atom->type == forge.Path) { prop.flags = LV2_STATE_IS_PORTABLE; } if (prop.value) { state->props = (Property*)realloc( state->props, (++state->num_props) * sizeof(Property)); state->props[state->num_props - 1] = prop; } } sord_iter_free(props); } sord_node_free(world->world, statep); free((void*)chunk.buf); sratom_free(sratom); qsort(state->props, state->num_props, sizeof(Property), property_cmp); qsort(state->values, state->num_values, sizeof(PortValue), value_cmp); return state; } LILV_API LilvState* lilv_state_new_from_world(LilvWorld* world, LV2_URID_Map* map, const LilvNode* node) { if (!lilv_node_is_uri(node) && !lilv_node_is_blank(node)) { LILV_ERRORF("Subject `%s' is not a URI or blank node.\n", lilv_node_as_string(node)); return NULL; } LilvState* state = new_state_from_model( world, map, world->model, node->val.uri_val, NULL); return state; } LILV_API LilvState* lilv_state_new_from_file(LilvWorld* world, LV2_URID_Map* map, const LilvNode* subject, const char* path) { if (subject && !lilv_node_is_uri(subject) && !lilv_node_is_blank(subject)) { LILV_ERRORF("Subject `%s' is not a URI or blank node.\n", lilv_node_as_string(subject)); return NULL; } uint8_t* abs_path = (uint8_t*)lilv_path_absolute(path); SerdNode node = serd_node_new_file_uri(abs_path, NULL, NULL, 0); SerdEnv* env = serd_env_new(&node); SordModel* model = sord_new(world->world, SORD_SPO, false); SerdReader* reader = sord_new_reader(model, env, SERD_TURTLE, NULL); serd_reader_read_file(reader, node.buf); SordNode* subject_node = (subject) ? subject->val.uri_val : sord_node_from_serd_node(world->world, env, &node, NULL, NULL); char* dirname = lilv_dirname(path); char* real_path = lilv_realpath(dirname); LilvState* state = new_state_from_model( world, map, model, subject_node, real_path); free(dirname); free(real_path); serd_node_free(&node); free(abs_path); serd_reader_free(reader); sord_free(model); serd_env_free(env); return state; } static void set_prefixes(SerdEnv* env) { serd_env_set_prefix_from_strings(env, USTR("atom"), USTR(NS_ATOM)); serd_env_set_prefix_from_strings(env, USTR("lv2"), USTR(LILV_NS_LV2)); serd_env_set_prefix_from_strings(env, USTR("pset"), USTR(NS_PSET)); serd_env_set_prefix_from_strings(env, USTR("rdf"), USTR(LILV_NS_RDF)); serd_env_set_prefix_from_strings(env, USTR("rdfs"), USTR(LILV_NS_RDFS)); serd_env_set_prefix_from_strings(env, USTR("state"), USTR(NS_STATE)); serd_env_set_prefix_from_strings(env, USTR("xsd"), USTR(LILV_NS_XSD)); } LILV_API LilvState* lilv_state_new_from_string(LilvWorld* world, LV2_URID_Map* map, const char* str) { SerdNode base = SERD_NODE_NULL; SerdEnv* env = serd_env_new(&base); SordModel* model = sord_new(world->world, SORD_SPO|SORD_OPS, false); SerdReader* reader = sord_new_reader(model, env, SERD_TURTLE, NULL); set_prefixes(env); serd_reader_read_string(reader, USTR(str)); const SordNode* p = sord_new_uri(world->world, USTR(LILV_NS_RDF "type")); const SordNode* o = sord_new_uri(world->world, USTR(NS_PSET "Preset")); SordIter* const i = sord_search(model, NULL, p, o, NULL); const SordNode* s = sord_iter_get_node(i, SORD_SUBJECT); LilvState* state = new_state_from_model(world, map, model, s, NULL); sord_iter_free(i); serd_reader_free(reader); sord_free(model); serd_env_free(env); return state; } static SerdWriter* ttl_writer(SerdSink sink, void* stream, const SerdNode* base, SerdEnv** new_env) { SerdURI base_uri = SERD_URI_NULL; if (base && base->buf) { serd_uri_parse(base->buf, &base_uri); } SerdEnv* env = serd_env_new(base); set_prefixes(env); SerdWriter* writer = serd_writer_new( SERD_TURTLE, (SerdStyle)(SERD_STYLE_RESOLVED|SERD_STYLE_ABBREVIATED|SERD_STYLE_CURIED), env, &base_uri, sink, stream); *new_env = env; return writer; } static SerdWriter* ttl_file_writer(FILE* fd, const SerdNode* node, SerdEnv** env) { SerdWriter* writer = ttl_writer(serd_file_sink, fd, node, env); fseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END); if (ftell(fd) == 0) { serd_env_foreach(*env, (SerdPrefixSink)serd_writer_set_prefix, writer); } else { fprintf(fd, "\n"); } return writer; } static int add_state_to_manifest(const LilvNode* plugin_uri, const char* manifest_path, const char* state_uri, const char* state_path) { FILE* fd = fopen((char*)manifest_path, "a"); if (!fd) { LILV_ERRORF("Failed to open %s (%s)\n", manifest_path, strerror(errno)); return 4; } lilv_flock(fd, true); SerdNode file = serd_node_new_file_uri(USTR(state_path), 0, 0, 0); SerdNode manifest = serd_node_new_file_uri(USTR(manifest_path), 0, 0, 0); SerdEnv* env = NULL; SerdWriter* writer = ttl_file_writer(fd, &manifest, &env); if (!state_uri) { state_uri = (const char*)file.buf; } // <state> a pset:Preset SerdNode s = serd_node_from_string(SERD_URI, USTR(state_uri)); SerdNode p = serd_node_from_string(SERD_URI, USTR(LILV_NS_RDF "type")); SerdNode o = serd_node_from_string(SERD_URI, USTR(NS_PSET "Preset")); serd_writer_write_statement(writer, 0, NULL, &s, &p, &o, NULL, NULL); // <state> rdfs:seeAlso <file> p = serd_node_from_string(SERD_URI, USTR(LILV_NS_RDFS "seeAlso")); serd_writer_write_statement(writer, 0, NULL, &s, &p, &file, NULL, NULL); // <state> lv2:appliesTo <plugin> p = serd_node_from_string(SERD_URI, USTR(LILV_NS_LV2 "appliesTo")); o = serd_node_from_string( SERD_URI, USTR(lilv_node_as_string(plugin_uri))); serd_writer_write_statement(writer, 0, NULL, &s, &p, &o, NULL, NULL); serd_node_free(&file); serd_node_free(&manifest); serd_writer_free(writer); serd_env_free(env); lilv_flock(fd, false); fclose(fd); return 0; } static bool link_exists(const char* path, void* data) { const char* target = (const char*)data; if (!lilv_path_exists(path, NULL)) { return false; } char* real_path = lilv_realpath(path); bool matches = !strcmp(real_path, target); free(real_path); return !matches; } static int lilv_state_write(LilvWorld* world, LV2_URID_Map* map, LV2_URID_Unmap* unmap, const LilvState* state, SerdWriter* writer, const char* uri, const char* dir) { SerdNode lv2_appliesTo = serd_node_from_string( SERD_CURIE, USTR("lv2:appliesTo")); const SerdNode* plugin_uri = sord_node_to_serd_node( state->plugin_uri->val.uri_val); SerdNode subject = serd_node_from_string(SERD_URI, USTR(uri ? uri : "")); // <subject> a pset:Preset SerdNode p = serd_node_from_string(SERD_URI, USTR(LILV_NS_RDF "type")); SerdNode o = serd_node_from_string(SERD_URI, USTR(NS_PSET "Preset")); serd_writer_write_statement(writer, 0, NULL, &subject, &p, &o, NULL, NULL); // <subject> lv2:appliesTo <http://example.org/plugin> serd_writer_write_statement(writer, 0, NULL, &subject, &lv2_appliesTo, plugin_uri, NULL, NULL); // <subject> rdfs:label label if (state->label) { p = serd_node_from_string(SERD_URI, USTR(LILV_NS_RDFS "label")); o = serd_node_from_string(SERD_LITERAL, USTR(state->label)); serd_writer_write_statement(writer, 0, NULL, &subject, &p, &o, NULL, NULL); } SerdEnv* env = serd_writer_get_env(writer); const SerdNode* base = serd_env_get_base_uri(env, NULL); Sratom* sratom = sratom_new(map); sratom_set_sink(sratom, (const char*)base->buf, (SerdStatementSink)serd_writer_write_statement, (SerdEndSink)serd_writer_end_anon, writer); // Write port values as pretty numbers sratom_set_pretty_numbers(sratom, true); // Write port values for (uint32_t i = 0; i < state->num_values; ++i) { PortValue* const value = &state->values[i]; const SerdNode port = serd_node_from_string( SERD_BLANK, USTR(value->symbol)); // <> lv2:port _:symbol p = serd_node_from_string(SERD_URI, USTR(LILV_NS_LV2 "port")); serd_writer_write_statement(writer, SERD_ANON_O_BEGIN, NULL, &subject, &p, &port, NULL, NULL); // _:symbol lv2:symbol "symbol" p = serd_node_from_string(SERD_URI, USTR(LILV_NS_LV2 "symbol")); o = serd_node_from_string(SERD_LITERAL, USTR(value->symbol)); serd_writer_write_statement(writer, SERD_ANON_CONT, NULL, &port, &p, &o, NULL, NULL); // _:symbol pset:value value p = serd_node_from_string(SERD_URI, USTR(NS_PSET "value")); sratom_write(sratom, unmap, SERD_ANON_CONT, &port, &p, value->type, value->size, value->value); serd_writer_end_anon(writer, &port); } // Write property values with precise types sratom_set_pretty_numbers(sratom, false); // Write properties const SerdNode state_node = serd_node_from_string(SERD_BLANK, USTR("2state")); if (state->num_props > 0) { p = serd_node_from_string(SERD_URI, USTR(LV2_STATE__state)); serd_writer_write_statement(writer, SERD_ANON_O_BEGIN, NULL, &subject, &p, &state_node, NULL, NULL); } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < state->num_props; ++i) { Property* prop = &state->props[i]; const char* key = unmap->unmap(unmap->handle, prop->key); p = serd_node_from_string(SERD_URI, USTR(key)); if (prop->type == state->atom_Path && !dir) { const char* path = (const char*)prop->value; const char* abs_path = lilv_state_rel2abs(state, path); sratom_write(sratom, unmap, SERD_ANON_CONT, &state_node, &p, prop->type, strlen(abs_path) + 1, abs_path); } else { sratom_write(sratom, unmap, SERD_ANON_CONT, &state_node, &p, prop->type, prop->size, prop->value); } } if (state->num_props > 0) { serd_writer_end_anon(writer, &state_node); } sratom_free(sratom); return 0; } static void lilv_state_make_links(const LilvState* state, const char* dir) { // Create symlinks to files for (ZixTreeIter* i = zix_tree_begin(state->abs2rel); i != zix_tree_end(state->abs2rel); i = zix_tree_iter_next(i)) { const PathMap* pm = (const PathMap*)zix_tree_get(i); char* path = lilv_path_join(dir, pm->rel); if (lilv_path_is_child(pm->abs, state->copy_dir) && strcmp(state->copy_dir, dir)) { // Link directly to snapshot in the copy directory char* target = lilv_path_relative_to(pm->abs, dir); lilv_symlink(target, path); free(target); } else if (!lilv_path_is_child(pm->abs, dir)) { const char* link_dir = state->link_dir ? state->link_dir : dir; char* pat = lilv_path_join(link_dir, pm->rel); if (!strcmp(dir, link_dir)) { // Link directory is save directory, make link at exact path remove(pat); lilv_symlink(pm->abs, pat); } else { // Make a link in the link directory to external file char* lpath = lilv_find_free_path(pat, link_exists, pm->abs); if (!lilv_path_exists(lpath, NULL)) { lilv_symlink(pm->abs, lpath); } // Make a link in the save directory to the external link char* target = lilv_path_relative_to(lpath, dir); lilv_symlink(target, path); free(target); free(lpath); } free(pat); } free(path); } } LILV_API int lilv_state_save(LilvWorld* world, LV2_URID_Map* map, LV2_URID_Unmap* unmap, const LilvState* state, const char* uri, const char* dir, const char* filename) { if (!filename || !dir || lilv_mkdir_p(dir)) { return 1; } char* abs_dir = absolute_dir(dir); char* const path = lilv_path_join(abs_dir, filename); FILE* fd = fopen(path, "w"); if (!fd) { LILV_ERRORF("Failed to open %s (%s)\n", path, strerror(errno)); free(abs_dir); free(path); return 4; } // FIXME: make parameter non-const? if (state->dir && strcmp(state->dir, abs_dir)) { free(state->dir); ((LilvState*)state)->dir = lilv_strdup(abs_dir); } // Create symlinks to files if necessary lilv_state_make_links(state, abs_dir); // Write state to Turtle file SerdNode file = serd_node_new_file_uri(USTR(path), NULL, NULL, false); SerdEnv* env = NULL; SerdWriter* writer = ttl_file_writer(fd, &file, &env); SerdNode node = uri ? serd_node_from_string(SERD_URI, USTR(uri)) : file; int ret = lilv_state_write( world, map, unmap, state, writer, (const char*)node.buf, dir); serd_node_free(&file); serd_writer_free(writer); serd_env_free(env); fclose(fd); char* const manifest = lilv_path_join(abs_dir, "manifest.ttl"); add_state_to_manifest(state->plugin_uri, manifest, uri, path); free(manifest); free(abs_dir); free(path); return ret; } LILV_API char* lilv_state_to_string(LilvWorld* world, LV2_URID_Map* map, LV2_URID_Unmap* unmap, const LilvState* state, const char* uri, const char* base_uri) { SerdChunk chunk = { NULL, 0 }; SerdEnv* env = NULL; SerdNode base = serd_node_from_string(SERD_URI, USTR(base_uri)); SerdWriter* writer = ttl_writer(serd_chunk_sink, &chunk, &base, &env); lilv_state_write(world, map, unmap, state, writer, uri, NULL); serd_writer_free(writer); serd_env_free(env); return (char*)serd_chunk_sink_finish(&chunk); } LILV_API void lilv_state_free(LilvState* state) { if (state) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < state->num_props; ++i) { free(state->props[i].value); } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < state->num_values; ++i) { free(state->values[i].value); free(state->values[i].symbol); } lilv_node_free(state->plugin_uri); zix_tree_free(state->abs2rel); zix_tree_free(state->rel2abs); free(state->props); free(state->values); free(state->label); free(state->dir); free(state->file_dir); free(state->copy_dir); free(state->link_dir); free(state); } } LILV_API bool lilv_state_equals(const LilvState* a, const LilvState* b) { if (!lilv_node_equals(a->plugin_uri, b->plugin_uri) || (a->label && !b->label) || (b->label && !a->label) || (a->label && b->label && strcmp(a->label, b->label)) || a->num_props != b->num_props || a->num_values != b->num_values) { return false; } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < a->num_values; ++i) { PortValue* const av = &a->values[i]; PortValue* const bv = &b->values[i]; if (av->size != bv->size || av->type != bv->type || strcmp(av->symbol, bv->symbol) || memcmp(av->value, bv->value, av->size)) { return false; } } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < a->num_props; ++i) { Property* const ap = &a->props[i]; Property* const bp = &b->props[i]; if (ap->key != bp->key || ap->type != bp->type || ap->flags != bp->flags) { return false; } else if (ap->type == a->atom_Path) { if (!lilv_file_equals(lilv_state_rel2abs(a, (char*)ap->value), lilv_state_rel2abs(b, (char*)bp->value))) { return false; } } else if (ap->size != bp->size || memcmp(ap->value, bp->value, ap->size)) { return false; } } return true; } LILV_API unsigned lilv_state_get_num_properties(const LilvState* state) { return state->num_props; } LILV_API const LilvNode* lilv_state_get_plugin_uri(const LilvState* state) { return state->plugin_uri; } LILV_API const char* lilv_state_get_label(const LilvState* state) { return state->label; } LILV_API void lilv_state_set_label(LilvState* state, const char* label) { const size_t len = strlen(label); state->label = (char*)realloc(state->label, len + 1); memcpy(state->label, label, len + 1); }