/* Lilv Test Plugin Copyright 2011-2022 David Robillard Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include "lv2/atom/atom.h" #include "lv2/core/lv2.h" #include "lv2/state/state.h" #include "lv2/urid/urid.h" #ifdef _WIN32 # define _WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN # include #endif #include #include #include #include #define TEST_URI "http://example.org/lilv-test-plugin" enum { TEST_INPUT = 0, TEST_OUTPUT = 1, TEST_CONTROL = 2 }; typedef struct { LV2_URID_Map* map; LV2_State_Free_Path* free_path; struct { LV2_URID atom_Float; } uris; char* tmp_dir_path; char* rec_file_path; FILE* rec_file; float* input; float* output; unsigned num_runs; } Test; static char* temp_directory_path(void) { #ifdef _WIN32 const DWORD len = GetTempPath(0, NULL); char* const buf = (char*)calloc(len, 1); if (GetTempPath(len, buf) == 0) { free(buf); return NULL; } return buf; #else const char* const tmpdir = getenv("TMPDIR"); if (tmpdir) { const size_t tmpdir_len = strlen(tmpdir); char* const result = (char*)calloc(tmpdir_len + 1, 1); memcpy(result, tmpdir, tmpdir_len + 1); return result; } char* const result = (char*)calloc(6, 1); memcpy(result, "/tmp/", 6); return result; #endif } static void cleanup(LV2_Handle instance) { Test* test = (Test*)instance; if (test->rec_file) { fclose(test->rec_file); } if (test->free_path) { test->free_path->free_path(test->free_path->handle, test->rec_file_path); } free(test->tmp_dir_path); free(instance); } static void connect_port(LV2_Handle instance, uint32_t port, void* data) { Test* test = (Test*)instance; switch (port) { case TEST_INPUT: test->input = (float*)data; break; case TEST_OUTPUT: test->output = (float*)data; break; case TEST_CONTROL: test->output = (float*)data; break; default: break; } } static LV2_Handle instantiate(const LV2_Descriptor* descriptor, double rate, const char* path, const LV2_Feature* const* features) { (void)descriptor; (void)rate; (void)path; Test* test = (Test*)calloc(1, sizeof(Test)); if (!test) { return NULL; } test->tmp_dir_path = temp_directory_path(); LV2_State_Make_Path* make_path = NULL; for (int i = 0; features[i]; ++i) { if (!strcmp(features[i]->URI, LV2_URID_URI "#map")) { test->map = (LV2_URID_Map*)features[i]->data; test->uris.atom_Float = test->map->map(test->map->handle, LV2_ATOM__Float); } else if (!strcmp(features[i]->URI, LV2_STATE__makePath)) { make_path = (LV2_State_Make_Path*)features[i]->data; } else if (!strcmp(features[i]->URI, LV2_STATE__freePath)) { test->free_path = (LV2_State_Free_Path*)features[i]->data; } } if (!test->map) { fprintf(stderr, "Host does not support urid:map\n"); free(test); return NULL; } if (make_path) { if (!test->free_path) { fprintf(stderr, "Host provided make_path without free_path\n"); free(test); return NULL; } test->rec_file_path = make_path->path(make_path->handle, "recfile"); if (!(test->rec_file = fopen(test->rec_file_path, "w"))) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed to open rec file\n"); } fprintf(test->rec_file, "instantiate\n"); } return (LV2_Handle)test; } static void run(LV2_Handle instance, uint32_t sample_count) { Test* test = (Test*)instance; *test->output = *test->input; if (sample_count == 1) { ++test->num_runs; } else if (sample_count == 2 && test->rec_file) { // Append to rec file (changes size) fprintf(test->rec_file, "run\n"); } else if (sample_count == 3 && test->rec_file) { // Change the first byte of rec file (doesn't change size) fseek(test->rec_file, 0, SEEK_SET); fprintf(test->rec_file, "X"); fseek(test->rec_file, 0, SEEK_END); } } static uint32_t map_uri(Test* plugin, const char* uri) { return plugin->map->map(plugin->map->handle, uri); } static LV2_State_Status save(LV2_Handle instance, LV2_State_Store_Function store, void* callback_data, uint32_t flags, const LV2_Feature* const* features) { (void)flags; Test* plugin = (Test*)instance; LV2_State_Map_Path* map_path = NULL; LV2_State_Make_Path* make_path = NULL; LV2_State_Free_Path* free_path = NULL; for (int i = 0; features && features[i]; ++i) { if (!strcmp(features[i]->URI, LV2_STATE__mapPath)) { map_path = (LV2_State_Map_Path*)features[i]->data; } else if (!strcmp(features[i]->URI, LV2_STATE__makePath)) { make_path = (LV2_State_Make_Path*)features[i]->data; } else if (!strcmp(features[i]->URI, LV2_STATE__freePath)) { free_path = (LV2_State_Free_Path*)features[i]->data; } } if (!map_path || !free_path) { return LV2_STATE_ERR_NO_FEATURE; } store(callback_data, map_uri(plugin, "http://example.org/greeting"), "hello", strlen("hello") + 1, map_uri(plugin, LV2_ATOM__String), LV2_STATE_IS_POD | LV2_STATE_IS_PORTABLE); const uint32_t urid = map_uri(plugin, "http://example.org/urivalue"); store(callback_data, map_uri(plugin, "http://example.org/uri"), &urid, sizeof(uint32_t), map_uri(plugin, LV2_ATOM__URID), LV2_STATE_IS_POD | LV2_STATE_IS_PORTABLE); // Try to store second value for the same property (should fail) const uint32_t urid2 = map_uri(plugin, "http://example.org/urivalue2"); if (!store(callback_data, map_uri(plugin, "http://example.org/uri"), &urid2, sizeof(uint32_t), map_uri(plugin, LV2_ATOM__URID), LV2_STATE_IS_POD | LV2_STATE_IS_PORTABLE)) { return LV2_STATE_ERR_UNKNOWN; } // Try to store with a null key (should fail) if (!store(callback_data, 0, &urid2, sizeof(uint32_t), map_uri(plugin, LV2_ATOM__URID), LV2_STATE_IS_POD | LV2_STATE_IS_PORTABLE)) { return LV2_STATE_ERR_UNKNOWN; } store(callback_data, map_uri(plugin, "http://example.org/num-runs"), &plugin->num_runs, sizeof(plugin->num_runs), map_uri(plugin, LV2_ATOM__Int), LV2_STATE_IS_POD | LV2_STATE_IS_PORTABLE); const float two = 2.0f; store(callback_data, map_uri(plugin, "http://example.org/two"), &two, sizeof(two), map_uri(plugin, LV2_ATOM__Float), LV2_STATE_IS_POD | LV2_STATE_IS_PORTABLE); const uint32_t affirmative = 1; store(callback_data, map_uri(plugin, "http://example.org/true"), &affirmative, sizeof(affirmative), map_uri(plugin, LV2_ATOM__Bool), LV2_STATE_IS_POD | LV2_STATE_IS_PORTABLE); const uint32_t negative = 0; store(callback_data, map_uri(plugin, "http://example.org/false"), &negative, sizeof(negative), map_uri(plugin, LV2_ATOM__Bool), LV2_STATE_IS_POD | LV2_STATE_IS_PORTABLE); const uint8_t blob[] = "I am a blob of arbitrary data."; store(callback_data, map_uri(plugin, "http://example.org/blob"), blob, sizeof(blob), map_uri(plugin, "http://example.org/SomeUnknownType"), LV2_STATE_IS_POD | LV2_STATE_IS_PORTABLE); if (map_path) { const char* const file_name = "temp_file.txt"; const size_t file_name_len = strlen(file_name); const size_t dir_path_len = strlen(plugin->tmp_dir_path); char* const tmp_file_path = (char*)calloc(dir_path_len + file_name_len + 1, 1); memcpy(tmp_file_path, plugin->tmp_dir_path, dir_path_len); memcpy(tmp_file_path + dir_path_len, file_name, file_name_len + 1); FILE* file = fopen(tmp_file_path, "w"); if (!file) { fprintf(stderr, "error: Failed to open file %s\n", tmp_file_path); free(tmp_file_path); return LV2_STATE_ERR_UNKNOWN; } fprintf(file, "Hello\n"); fclose(file); char* apath = map_path->abstract_path(map_path->handle, tmp_file_path); char* apath2 = map_path->abstract_path(map_path->handle, tmp_file_path); free(tmp_file_path); if (strcmp(apath, apath2)) { fprintf(stderr, "error: Path %s != %s\n", apath, apath2); } store(callback_data, map_uri(plugin, "http://example.org/extfile"), apath, strlen(apath) + 1, map_uri(plugin, LV2_ATOM__Path), LV2_STATE_IS_POD); free_path->free_path(free_path->handle, apath); free_path->free_path(free_path->handle, apath2); if (plugin->rec_file) { fflush(plugin->rec_file); apath = map_path->abstract_path(map_path->handle, plugin->rec_file_path); store(callback_data, map_uri(plugin, "http://example.org/recfile"), apath, strlen(apath) + 1, map_uri(plugin, LV2_ATOM__Path), LV2_STATE_IS_POD); free_path->free_path(free_path->handle, apath); } if (make_path) { char* spath = make_path->path(make_path->handle, "save"); FILE* sfile = fopen(spath, "w"); fprintf(sfile, "save"); fclose(sfile); apath = map_path->abstract_path(map_path->handle, spath); store(callback_data, map_uri(plugin, "http://example.org/save-file"), apath, strlen(apath) + 1, map_uri(plugin, LV2_ATOM__Path), LV2_STATE_IS_POD); free_path->free_path(free_path->handle, apath); free_path->free_path(free_path->handle, spath); } } return LV2_STATE_SUCCESS; } static LV2_State_Status restore(LV2_Handle instance, LV2_State_Retrieve_Function retrieve, void* callback_data, uint32_t flags, const LV2_Feature* const* features) { (void)flags; Test* plugin = (Test*)instance; LV2_State_Map_Path* map_path = NULL; LV2_State_Free_Path* free_path = NULL; for (int i = 0; features && features[i]; ++i) { if (!strcmp(features[i]->URI, LV2_STATE__mapPath)) { map_path = (LV2_State_Map_Path*)features[i]->data; } else if (!strcmp(features[i]->URI, LV2_STATE__freePath)) { free_path = (LV2_State_Free_Path*)features[i]->data; } } size_t size = 0; uint32_t type = 0; uint32_t valflags = 0; plugin->num_runs = *(int32_t*)retrieve(callback_data, map_uri(plugin, "http://example.org/num-runs"), &size, &type, &valflags); if (!map_path || !free_path) { return LV2_STATE_ERR_NO_FEATURE; } char* apath = (char*)retrieve(callback_data, map_uri(plugin, "http://example.org/extfile"), &size, &type, &valflags); if (valflags != LV2_STATE_IS_POD) { fprintf(stderr, "error: Restored bad file flags\n"); return LV2_STATE_ERR_BAD_FLAGS; } if (apath) { char* path = map_path->absolute_path(map_path->handle, apath); FILE* f = fopen(path, "r"); char str[8]; size_t n_read = fread(str, 1, sizeof(str), f); fclose(f); if (strncmp(str, "Hello\n", n_read)) { fprintf( stderr, "error: Restored bad file contents `%s' != `Hello'\n", str); } free_path->free_path(free_path->handle, path); } apath = (char*)retrieve(callback_data, map_uri(plugin, "http://example.org/save-file"), &size, &type, &valflags); if (apath) { char* spath = map_path->absolute_path(map_path->handle, apath); FILE* sfile = fopen(spath, "r"); if (!sfile) { fprintf(stderr, "error: Failed to open save file %s\n", spath); } else { fclose(sfile); } free_path->free_path(free_path->handle, spath); } else { fprintf(stderr, "error: Failed to restore save file.\n"); } return LV2_STATE_SUCCESS; } static const void* extension_data(const char* uri) { static const LV2_State_Interface state = {save, restore}; if (!strcmp(uri, LV2_STATE__interface)) { return &state; } return NULL; } static const LV2_Descriptor descriptor = {TEST_URI, instantiate, connect_port, NULL, // activate, run, NULL, // deactivate, cleanup, extension_data}; LV2_SYMBOL_EXPORT const LV2_Descriptor* lv2_descriptor(uint32_t index) { switch (index) { case 0: return &descriptor; default: return NULL; } }