// Copyright 2007-2020 David Robillard // SPDX-License-Identifier: ISC #undef NDEBUG #include "lilv_test_uri_map.h" #include "lilv_test_utils.h" #include "lilv/lilv.h" #include "lv2/core/lv2.h" #include "lv2/state/state.h" #include "lv2/urid/urid.h" #include "serd/serd.h" #include "zix/allocator.h" #include "zix/filesystem.h" #include "zix/path.h" #ifdef _WIN32 # include # define mkdir(path, flags) _mkdir(path) #else # include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #define TEST_PLUGIN_URI "http://example.org/lilv-test-plugin" typedef struct { LilvTestEnv* env; LilvTestUriMap uri_map; LV2_URID_Map map; LV2_Feature map_feature; LV2_URID_Unmap unmap; LV2_Feature unmap_feature; LV2_State_Free_Path free_path; LV2_Feature free_path_feature; const LV2_Feature* features[4]; LV2_URID atom_Float; float in; float out; float control; } TestContext; typedef struct { char* top; ///< Temporary directory that contains everything char* shared; ///< Common parent for shared directoryes (top/shared) char* scratch; ///< Scratch file directory (top/shared/scratch) char* copy; ///< Copy directory (top/shared/scratch) char* link; ///< Link directory (top/shared/scratch) } TestDirectories; static void lilv_free_path(LV2_State_Free_Path_Handle handle, char* path) { (void)handle; lilv_free(path); } static TestContext* test_context_new(void) { TestContext* ctx = (TestContext*)calloc(1, sizeof(TestContext)); lilv_test_uri_map_init(&ctx->uri_map); ctx->env = lilv_test_env_new(); ctx->map.handle = &ctx->uri_map; ctx->map.map = map_uri; ctx->map_feature.URI = LV2_URID_MAP_URI; ctx->map_feature.data = &ctx->map; ctx->unmap.handle = &ctx->uri_map; ctx->unmap.unmap = unmap_uri; ctx->unmap_feature.URI = LV2_URID_UNMAP_URI; ctx->unmap_feature.data = &ctx->unmap; ctx->free_path.free_path = lilv_free_path; ctx->free_path_feature.URI = LV2_STATE__freePath; ctx->free_path_feature.data = &ctx->free_path; ctx->features[0] = &ctx->map_feature; ctx->features[1] = &ctx->unmap_feature; ctx->features[2] = &ctx->free_path_feature; ctx->features[3] = NULL; ctx->atom_Float = map_uri(&ctx->uri_map, "http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/atom#Float"); ctx->in = 1.0; ctx->out = 42.0; ctx->control = 1234.0; return ctx; } static void test_context_free(TestContext* ctx) { lilv_test_uri_map_clear(&ctx->uri_map); lilv_test_env_free(ctx->env); free(ctx); } static TestDirectories create_test_directories(void) { TestDirectories dirs; char* const top = lilv_create_temporary_directory("lilv_XXXXXX"); assert(top); /* On MacOS, temporary directories from mkdtemp involve symlinks, so resolve it here so that path comparisons in tests work. */ dirs.top = zix_canonical_path(NULL, top); dirs.shared = zix_path_join(NULL, dirs.top, "shared"); dirs.scratch = zix_path_join(NULL, dirs.shared, "scratch"); dirs.copy = zix_path_join(NULL, dirs.shared, "copy"); dirs.link = zix_path_join(NULL, dirs.shared, "link"); assert(!mkdir(dirs.shared, 0700)); assert(!mkdir(dirs.scratch, 0700)); assert(!mkdir(dirs.copy, 0700)); assert(!mkdir(dirs.link, 0700)); free(top); return dirs; } static TestDirectories no_test_directories(void) { TestDirectories dirs = {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}; return dirs; } static void remove_file(const char* path, const char* name, void* data) { (void)data; char* const full_path = zix_path_join(NULL, path, name); assert(!zix_remove(full_path)); free(full_path); } static void cleanup_test_directories(const TestDirectories dirs) { zix_dir_for_each(dirs.scratch, NULL, remove_file); zix_dir_for_each(dirs.copy, NULL, remove_file); zix_dir_for_each(dirs.link, NULL, remove_file); assert(!zix_remove(dirs.link)); assert(!zix_remove(dirs.copy)); assert(!zix_remove(dirs.scratch)); assert(!zix_remove(dirs.shared)); assert(!zix_remove(dirs.top)); zix_free(NULL, dirs.link); zix_free(NULL, dirs.copy); zix_free(NULL, dirs.scratch); zix_free(NULL, dirs.shared); free(dirs.top); } static const void* get_port_value(const char* port_symbol, void* user_data, uint32_t* size, uint32_t* type) { TestContext* ctx = (TestContext*)user_data; if (!strcmp(port_symbol, "input")) { *size = sizeof(float); *type = ctx->atom_Float; return &ctx->in; } else if (!strcmp(port_symbol, "output")) { *size = sizeof(float); *type = ctx->atom_Float; return &ctx->out; } else if (!strcmp(port_symbol, "control")) { *size = sizeof(float); *type = ctx->atom_Float; return &ctx->control; } else { fprintf( stderr, "error: get_port_value for nonexistent port `%s'\n", port_symbol); *size = *type = 0; return NULL; } } static void set_port_value(const char* port_symbol, void* user_data, const void* value, uint32_t size, uint32_t type) { (void)size; (void)type; TestContext* ctx = (TestContext*)user_data; if (!strcmp(port_symbol, "input")) { ctx->in = *(const float*)value; } else if (!strcmp(port_symbol, "output")) { ctx->out = *(const float*)value; } else if (!strcmp(port_symbol, "control")) { ctx->control = *(const float*)value; } else { fprintf( stderr, "error: set_port_value for nonexistent port `%s'\n", port_symbol); } } static char* make_scratch_path(LV2_State_Make_Path_Handle handle, const char* path) { TestDirectories* dirs = (TestDirectories*)handle; return zix_path_join(NULL, dirs->scratch, path); } static const LilvPlugin* load_test_plugin(const TestContext* const ctx) { LilvWorld* world = ctx->env->world; LilvNode* bundle_uri = lilv_new_file_uri(world, NULL, LILV_TEST_BUNDLE); LilvNode* plugin_uri = lilv_new_uri(world, TEST_PLUGIN_URI); lilv_world_load_bundle(world, bundle_uri); const LilvPlugins* plugins = lilv_world_get_all_plugins(world); const LilvPlugin* plugin = lilv_plugins_get_by_uri(plugins, plugin_uri); lilv_node_free(plugin_uri); lilv_node_free(bundle_uri); assert(plugin); return plugin; } static LilvState* state_from_instance(const LilvPlugin* const plugin, LilvInstance* const instance, TestContext* const ctx, const TestDirectories* const dirs, const char* const bundle_path) { return lilv_state_new_from_instance(plugin, instance, &ctx->map, dirs->scratch, dirs->copy, dirs->link, bundle_path, get_port_value, ctx, 0, NULL); } static void test_instance_state(void) { TestContext* const ctx = test_context_new(); const TestDirectories dirs = no_test_directories(); const LilvPlugin* const plugin = load_test_plugin(ctx); LilvInstance* const instance = lilv_plugin_instantiate(plugin, 48000.0, ctx->features); assert(instance); // Get instance state LilvState* const state = state_from_instance(plugin, instance, ctx, &dirs, NULL); // Check that state contains properties saved by the plugin assert(lilv_state_get_num_properties(state) == 8); // Check that state has no URI assert(!lilv_state_get_uri(state)); // Check that state can't be saved without a URI assert(!lilv_state_to_string( ctx->env->world, &ctx->map, &ctx->unmap, state, NULL, NULL)); // Check that we can't delete unsaved state assert(lilv_state_delete(ctx->env->world, state)); lilv_state_free(state); lilv_instance_free(instance); test_context_free(ctx); } static void test_equal(void) { TestContext* const ctx = test_context_new(); const TestDirectories dirs = no_test_directories(); const LilvPlugin* const plugin = load_test_plugin(ctx); LilvInstance* const instance = lilv_plugin_instantiate(plugin, 48000.0, ctx->features); assert(instance); // Get instance state LilvState* const state_1 = state_from_instance(plugin, instance, ctx, &dirs, NULL); // Get another instance state LilvState* const state_2 = state_from_instance(plugin, instance, ctx, &dirs, NULL); // Ensure they are equal assert(lilv_state_equals(state_1, state_2)); // Set a label on the second state assert(lilv_state_get_label(state_2) == NULL); lilv_state_set_label(state_2, "Test State Old Label"); // Ensure they are no longer equal assert(!lilv_state_equals(state_1, state_2)); lilv_state_free(state_2); lilv_state_free(state_1); lilv_instance_free(instance); test_context_free(ctx); } static void test_changed_plugin_data(void) { TestContext* const ctx = test_context_new(); const TestDirectories dirs = no_test_directories(); const LilvPlugin* const plugin = load_test_plugin(ctx); LilvInstance* const instance = lilv_plugin_instantiate(plugin, 48000.0, ctx->features); assert(instance); // Get initial state LilvState* const initial_state = state_from_instance(plugin, instance, ctx, &dirs, NULL); // Run plugin to change internal state lilv_instance_activate(instance); lilv_instance_connect_port(instance, 0, &ctx->in); lilv_instance_connect_port(instance, 1, &ctx->out); lilv_instance_run(instance, 1); assert(ctx->in == 1.0); assert(ctx->out == 1.0); // Get a new instance state (which should now differ) LilvState* const changed_state = state_from_instance(plugin, instance, ctx, &dirs, NULL); // Ensure state has changed assert(!lilv_state_equals(initial_state, changed_state)); lilv_state_free(changed_state); lilv_state_free(initial_state); lilv_instance_free(instance); test_context_free(ctx); } static void test_changed_metadata(void) { TestContext* const ctx = test_context_new(); const TestDirectories dirs = no_test_directories(); LV2_URID_Map* const map = &ctx->map; const LilvPlugin* const plugin = load_test_plugin(ctx); LilvInstance* const instance = lilv_plugin_instantiate(plugin, 48000.0, ctx->features); assert(instance); // Get initial state LilvState* const initial_state = state_from_instance(plugin, instance, ctx, &dirs, NULL); // Save initial state to a string char* const initial_string = lilv_state_to_string(ctx->env->world, &ctx->map, &ctx->unmap, initial_state, "http://example.org/initial", NULL); // Get another state LilvState* const changed_state = state_from_instance(plugin, instance, ctx, &dirs, NULL); // Set a metadata property const LV2_URID key = map->map(map->handle, "http://example.org/extra"); const int32_t value = 1; const LV2_URID type = map->map(map->handle, "http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/atom#Int"); lilv_state_set_metadata(changed_state, key, &value, sizeof(value), type, LV2_STATE_IS_PORTABLE | LV2_STATE_IS_POD); // Save changed state to a string char* const changed_string = lilv_state_to_string(ctx->env->world, &ctx->map, &ctx->unmap, changed_state, "http://example.org/changed", NULL); // Ensure that strings differ (metadata does not affect state equality) assert(strcmp(initial_string, changed_string)); free(changed_string); lilv_state_free(changed_state); free(initial_string); lilv_state_free(initial_state); lilv_instance_free(instance); test_context_free(ctx); } static void test_to_string(void) { TestContext* const ctx = test_context_new(); const TestDirectories dirs = no_test_directories(); const LilvPlugin* const plugin = load_test_plugin(ctx); LilvInstance* const instance = lilv_plugin_instantiate(plugin, 48000.0, ctx->features); assert(instance); // Get initial state LilvState* const initial_state = state_from_instance(plugin, instance, ctx, &dirs, NULL); // Run plugin to change internal state lilv_instance_activate(instance); lilv_instance_connect_port(instance, 0, &ctx->in); lilv_instance_connect_port(instance, 1, &ctx->out); lilv_instance_run(instance, 1); assert(ctx->in == 1.0); assert(ctx->out == 1.0); // Restore instance state to original state lilv_state_restore(initial_state, instance, set_port_value, ctx, 0, NULL); // Take a new snapshot of the state LilvState* const restored = state_from_instance(plugin, instance, ctx, &dirs, NULL); // Check that new state matches the initial state assert(lilv_state_equals(initial_state, restored)); lilv_state_free(restored); lilv_state_free(initial_state); lilv_instance_free(instance); test_context_free(ctx); } static void test_string_round_trip(void) { TestContext* const ctx = test_context_new(); const TestDirectories dirs = no_test_directories(); const LilvPlugin* const plugin = load_test_plugin(ctx); LilvInstance* const instance = lilv_plugin_instantiate(plugin, 48000.0, ctx->features); assert(instance); // Get initial state LilvState* const initial_state = state_from_instance(plugin, instance, ctx, &dirs, NULL); // Save state to a string char* const string = lilv_state_to_string(ctx->env->world, &ctx->map, &ctx->unmap, initial_state, "http://example.org/string", NULL); // Restore from string LilvState* const restored = lilv_state_new_from_string(ctx->env->world, &ctx->map, string); // Ensure they are equal assert(lilv_state_equals(initial_state, restored)); // Check that the restored state refers to the correct plugin const LilvNode* state_plugin_uri = lilv_state_get_plugin_uri(restored); assert(!strcmp(lilv_node_as_string(state_plugin_uri), TEST_PLUGIN_URI)); lilv_state_free(restored); free(string); lilv_state_free(initial_state); lilv_instance_free(instance); test_context_free(ctx); } static SerdStatus count_sink(void* const handle, const SerdStatementFlags flags, const SerdNode* const graph, const SerdNode* const subject, const SerdNode* const predicate, const SerdNode* const object, const SerdNode* const object_datatype, const SerdNode* const object_lang) { (void)flags; (void)graph; (void)subject; (void)predicate; (void)object; (void)object_datatype; (void)object_lang; size_t* const n_statements = (size_t*)handle; ++(*n_statements); return SERD_SUCCESS; } static size_t count_statements(const char* path) { size_t n_statements = 0; SerdReader* reader = serd_reader_new( SERD_TURTLE, &n_statements, NULL, NULL, NULL, count_sink, NULL); SerdNode uri = serd_node_new_file_uri((const uint8_t*)path, NULL, NULL, true); assert(!serd_reader_read_file(reader, uri.buf)); serd_node_free(&uri); serd_reader_free(reader); return n_statements; } static void test_to_files(void) { TestContext* const ctx = test_context_new(); TestDirectories dirs = create_test_directories(); const LilvPlugin* const plugin = load_test_plugin(ctx); LV2_State_Make_Path make_path = {&dirs, make_scratch_path}; LV2_Feature make_path_feature = {LV2_STATE__makePath, &make_path}; const LV2_Feature* const instance_features[] = { &ctx->map_feature, &ctx->free_path_feature, &make_path_feature, NULL}; LilvInstance* const instance = lilv_plugin_instantiate(plugin, 48000.0, instance_features); assert(instance); // Run plugin to generate some recording file data lilv_instance_activate(instance); lilv_instance_connect_port(instance, 0, &ctx->in); lilv_instance_connect_port(instance, 1, &ctx->out); lilv_instance_run(instance, 1); lilv_instance_run(instance, 2); assert(ctx->in == 1.0); assert(ctx->out == 1.0); // Check that the test plugin has made its recording scratch file char* const recfile_path = zix_path_join(NULL, dirs.scratch, "recfile"); assert(zix_file_type(recfile_path) == ZIX_FILE_TYPE_REGULAR); // Get state char* const bundle_1_path = zix_path_join(NULL, dirs.top, "state1.lv2"); LilvState* const state_1 = state_from_instance(plugin, instance, ctx, &dirs, bundle_1_path); // Check that state contains properties saved by the plugin (with files) assert(lilv_state_get_num_properties(state_1) == 10); // Check that a snapshop of the recfile was created char* const recfile_copy_1 = zix_path_join(NULL, dirs.copy, "recfile"); assert(zix_file_type(recfile_copy_1) == ZIX_FILE_TYPE_REGULAR); // Save state to a bundle assert(!lilv_state_save(ctx->env->world, &ctx->map, &ctx->unmap, state_1, "http://example.org/state1", bundle_1_path, "state.ttl")); // Check that a manifest exists char* const manifest_path = zix_path_join(NULL, bundle_1_path, "manifest.ttl"); assert(zix_file_type(manifest_path) == ZIX_FILE_TYPE_REGULAR); // Check that the expected statements are in the manifest file assert(count_statements(manifest_path) == 3); // Check that a link to the recfile exists in the saved bundle char* const recfile_link_1 = zix_path_join(NULL, bundle_1_path, "recfile"); assert(zix_file_type(recfile_link_1) == ZIX_FILE_TYPE_REGULAR); #ifndef _WIN32 assert(zix_symlink_type(recfile_link_1) == ZIX_FILE_TYPE_SYMLINK); #endif // Check that link points to the corresponding copy assert(zix_file_equals(NULL, recfile_link_1, recfile_copy_1)); // Run plugin again to modify recording file data lilv_instance_run(instance, 2); // Get updated state char* const bundle_2_path = zix_path_join(NULL, dirs.top, "state2.lv2"); LilvState* const state_2 = state_from_instance(plugin, instance, ctx, &dirs, bundle_2_path); // Save updated state to a bundle assert(!lilv_state_save(ctx->env->world, &ctx->map, &ctx->unmap, state_2, NULL, bundle_2_path, "state.ttl")); // Check that a new snapshop of the recfile was created char* const recfile_copy_2 = zix_path_join(NULL, dirs.copy, "recfile.2"); assert(zix_file_type(recfile_copy_2) == ZIX_FILE_TYPE_REGULAR); // Check that a link to the recfile exists in the updated bundle char* const recfile_link_2 = zix_path_join(NULL, bundle_2_path, "recfile"); assert(zix_file_type(recfile_link_2) == ZIX_FILE_TYPE_REGULAR); #ifndef _WIN32 assert(zix_symlink_type(recfile_link_2) == ZIX_FILE_TYPE_SYMLINK); #endif // Check that link points to the corresponding copy assert(zix_file_equals(NULL, recfile_link_2, recfile_copy_2)); lilv_instance_free(instance); zix_dir_for_each(bundle_2_path, NULL, remove_file); zix_dir_for_each(bundle_1_path, NULL, remove_file); assert(!zix_remove(bundle_2_path)); assert(!zix_remove(bundle_1_path)); cleanup_test_directories(dirs); zix_free(NULL, recfile_link_2); zix_free(NULL, recfile_copy_2); lilv_state_free(state_2); zix_free(NULL, bundle_2_path); zix_free(NULL, recfile_link_1); zix_free(NULL, manifest_path); zix_free(NULL, recfile_copy_1); lilv_state_free(state_1); zix_free(NULL, bundle_1_path); zix_free(NULL, recfile_path); test_context_free(ctx); } static void test_multi_save(void) { TestContext* const ctx = test_context_new(); TestDirectories dirs = create_test_directories(); const LilvPlugin* const plugin = load_test_plugin(ctx); LV2_State_Make_Path make_path = {&dirs, make_scratch_path}; LV2_Feature make_path_feature = {LV2_STATE__makePath, &make_path}; const LV2_Feature* const instance_features[] = { &ctx->map_feature, &ctx->free_path_feature, &make_path_feature, NULL}; LilvInstance* const instance = lilv_plugin_instantiate(plugin, 48000.0, instance_features); assert(instance); // Get state char* const bundle_1_path = zix_path_join(NULL, dirs.top, "state1.lv2"); LilvState* const state_1 = state_from_instance(plugin, instance, ctx, &dirs, bundle_1_path); // Save state to a bundle assert(!lilv_state_save(ctx->env->world, &ctx->map, &ctx->unmap, state_1, "http://example.org/state1", bundle_1_path, "state.ttl")); // Check that a manifest exists char* const manifest_path = zix_path_join(NULL, bundle_1_path, "manifest.ttl"); assert(zix_file_type(manifest_path) == ZIX_FILE_TYPE_REGULAR); // Check that the state file exists char* const state_path = zix_path_join(NULL, bundle_1_path, "state.ttl"); assert(zix_file_type(state_path) == ZIX_FILE_TYPE_REGULAR); // Check that the expected statements are in the files assert(count_statements(manifest_path) == 3); assert(count_statements(state_path) == 21); // Save state again to the same bundle assert(!lilv_state_save(ctx->env->world, &ctx->map, &ctx->unmap, state_1, "http://example.org/state1", bundle_1_path, "state.ttl")); // Check that everything is the same assert(zix_file_type(manifest_path) == ZIX_FILE_TYPE_REGULAR); assert(zix_file_type(state_path) == ZIX_FILE_TYPE_REGULAR); assert(count_statements(manifest_path) == 3); assert(count_statements(state_path) == 21); lilv_instance_free(instance); zix_dir_for_each(bundle_1_path, NULL, remove_file); zix_remove(bundle_1_path); cleanup_test_directories(dirs); free(state_path); free(manifest_path); lilv_state_free(state_1); free(bundle_1_path); test_context_free(ctx); } static void test_files_round_trip(void) { TestContext* const ctx = test_context_new(); TestDirectories dirs = create_test_directories(); const LilvPlugin* const plugin = load_test_plugin(ctx); LV2_State_Make_Path make_path = {&dirs, make_scratch_path}; LV2_Feature make_path_feature = {LV2_STATE__makePath, &make_path}; const LV2_Feature* const instance_features[] = { &ctx->map_feature, &ctx->free_path_feature, &make_path_feature, NULL}; LilvInstance* const instance = lilv_plugin_instantiate(plugin, 48000.0, instance_features); assert(instance); // Run plugin to generate some recording file data lilv_instance_activate(instance); lilv_instance_connect_port(instance, 0, &ctx->in); lilv_instance_connect_port(instance, 1, &ctx->out); lilv_instance_run(instance, 1); lilv_instance_run(instance, 2); assert(ctx->in == 1.0); assert(ctx->out == 1.0); // Save first state to a bundle char* const bundle_1_1_path = zix_path_join(NULL, dirs.top, "state1_1.lv2"); LilvState* const state_1_1 = state_from_instance(plugin, instance, ctx, &dirs, bundle_1_1_path); assert(!lilv_state_save(ctx->env->world, &ctx->map, &ctx->unmap, state_1_1, NULL, bundle_1_1_path, "state.ttl")); // Save first state to another bundle char* const bundle_1_2_path = zix_path_join(NULL, dirs.top, "state1_2.lv2"); LilvState* const state_1_2 = state_from_instance(plugin, instance, ctx, &dirs, bundle_1_2_path); assert(!lilv_state_save(ctx->env->world, &ctx->map, &ctx->unmap, state_1_2, NULL, bundle_1_2_path, "state.ttl")); // Load both first state bundles and check that the results are equal char* const state_1_1_path = zix_path_join(NULL, bundle_1_1_path, "state.ttl"); char* const state_1_2_path = zix_path_join(NULL, bundle_1_2_path, "state.ttl"); LilvState* state_1_1_loaded = lilv_state_new_from_file(ctx->env->world, &ctx->map, NULL, state_1_1_path); LilvState* state_1_2_loaded = lilv_state_new_from_file(ctx->env->world, &ctx->map, NULL, state_1_2_path); assert(state_1_1_loaded); assert(state_1_2_loaded); assert(lilv_state_equals(state_1_1_loaded, state_1_2_loaded)); // Run plugin again to modify recording file data lilv_instance_run(instance, 2); // Save updated state to a bundle char* const bundle_2_path = zix_path_join(NULL, dirs.top, "state2.lv2"); LilvState* const state_2 = state_from_instance(plugin, instance, ctx, &dirs, bundle_2_path); assert(!lilv_state_save(ctx->env->world, &ctx->map, &ctx->unmap, state_2, NULL, bundle_2_path, "state.ttl")); // Load updated state bundle and check that it differs from the others char* const state_2_path = zix_path_join(NULL, bundle_2_path, "state.ttl"); LilvState* state_2_loaded = lilv_state_new_from_file(ctx->env->world, &ctx->map, NULL, state_2_path); assert(state_2_loaded); assert(!lilv_state_equals(state_1_1_loaded, state_2_loaded)); lilv_instance_free(instance); zix_dir_for_each(bundle_1_1_path, NULL, remove_file); zix_dir_for_each(bundle_1_2_path, NULL, remove_file); zix_dir_for_each(bundle_2_path, NULL, remove_file); zix_remove(bundle_1_1_path); zix_remove(bundle_1_2_path); zix_remove(bundle_2_path); cleanup_test_directories(dirs); lilv_state_free(state_2_loaded); free(state_2_path); lilv_state_free(state_2); free(bundle_2_path); lilv_state_free(state_1_2_loaded); lilv_state_free(state_1_1_loaded); free(state_1_2_path); free(state_1_1_path); lilv_state_free(state_1_2); free(bundle_1_2_path); lilv_state_free(state_1_1); free(bundle_1_1_path); test_context_free(ctx); } static void test_world_round_trip(void) { TestContext* const ctx = test_context_new(); LilvWorld* const world = ctx->env->world; TestDirectories dirs = create_test_directories(); const LilvPlugin* const plugin = load_test_plugin(ctx); static const char* const state_uri = "http://example.org/worldState"; LV2_State_Make_Path make_path = {&dirs, make_scratch_path}; LV2_Feature make_path_feature = {LV2_STATE__makePath, &make_path}; const LV2_Feature* const instance_features[] = { &ctx->map_feature, &ctx->free_path_feature, &make_path_feature, NULL}; LilvInstance* const instance = lilv_plugin_instantiate(plugin, 48000.0, instance_features); assert(instance); // Run plugin to generate some recording file data lilv_instance_activate(instance); lilv_instance_connect_port(instance, 0, &ctx->in); lilv_instance_connect_port(instance, 1, &ctx->out); lilv_instance_run(instance, 1); lilv_instance_run(instance, 2); assert(ctx->in == 1.0); assert(ctx->out == 1.0); // Save state to a bundle char* const bundle_path = zix_path_join(NULL, dirs.top, "state.lv2/"); LilvState* const start_state = state_from_instance(plugin, instance, ctx, &dirs, bundle_path); assert(!lilv_state_save(ctx->env->world, &ctx->map, &ctx->unmap, start_state, state_uri, bundle_path, "state.ttl")); // Load state bundle into world SerdNode bundle_uri = serd_node_new_file_uri((const uint8_t*)bundle_path, 0, 0, true); LilvNode* const bundle_node = lilv_new_uri(world, (const char*)bundle_uri.buf); LilvNode* const state_node = lilv_new_uri(world, state_uri); lilv_world_load_bundle(world, bundle_node); lilv_world_load_resource(world, state_node); // Ensure the state loaded from the world matches LilvState* const restored = lilv_state_new_from_world(world, &ctx->map, state_node); assert(lilv_state_equals(start_state, restored)); // Unload state from world lilv_world_unload_resource(world, state_node); lilv_world_unload_bundle(world, bundle_node); // Ensure that it is no longer present assert(!lilv_state_new_from_world(world, &ctx->map, state_node)); lilv_instance_free(instance); lilv_state_delete(world, start_state); cleanup_test_directories(dirs); lilv_state_free(restored); lilv_node_free(state_node); lilv_node_free(bundle_node); serd_node_free(&bundle_uri); lilv_state_free(start_state); free(bundle_path); test_context_free(ctx); } static void test_label_round_trip(void) { TestContext* const ctx = test_context_new(); const TestDirectories dirs = create_test_directories(); const LilvPlugin* const plugin = load_test_plugin(ctx); LilvInstance* const instance = lilv_plugin_instantiate(plugin, 48000.0, ctx->features); assert(instance); // Get initial state LilvState* const state = state_from_instance(plugin, instance, ctx, &dirs, NULL); // Set a label lilv_state_set_label(state, "Monopoly on violence"); // Save to a bundle char* const bundle_path = zix_path_join(NULL, dirs.top, "state.lv2/"); assert(!lilv_state_save(ctx->env->world, &ctx->map, &ctx->unmap, state, NULL, bundle_path, "state.ttl")); // Load bundle and check the label and that the states are equal char* const state_path = zix_path_join(NULL, bundle_path, "state.ttl"); LilvState* const loaded = lilv_state_new_from_file(ctx->env->world, &ctx->map, NULL, state_path); assert(loaded); assert(lilv_state_equals(state, loaded)); assert(!strcmp(lilv_state_get_label(loaded), "Monopoly on violence")); lilv_instance_free(instance); lilv_state_delete(ctx->env->world, state); cleanup_test_directories(dirs); lilv_state_free(loaded); free(state_path); free(bundle_path); lilv_state_free(state); test_context_free(ctx); } static void test_bad_subject(void) { TestContext* const ctx = test_context_new(); LilvNode* const string = lilv_new_string(ctx->env->world, "Not a URI"); LilvState* const file_state = lilv_state_new_from_file( ctx->env->world, &ctx->map, string, "/I/do/not/matter"); assert(!file_state); LilvState* const world_state = lilv_state_new_from_world(ctx->env->world, &ctx->map, string); assert(!world_state); lilv_node_free(string); test_context_free(ctx); } static void count_file(const char* path, const char* name, void* data) { (void)path; (void)name; *(unsigned*)data += 1; } static void test_delete(void) { TestContext* const ctx = test_context_new(); TestDirectories dirs = create_test_directories(); const LilvPlugin* const plugin = load_test_plugin(ctx); LV2_State_Make_Path make_path = {&dirs, make_scratch_path}; LV2_Feature make_path_feature = {LV2_STATE__makePath, &make_path}; const LV2_Feature* const instance_features[] = { &ctx->map_feature, &ctx->free_path_feature, &make_path_feature, NULL}; LilvInstance* const instance = lilv_plugin_instantiate(plugin, 48000.0, instance_features); assert(instance); // Run plugin to generate some recording file data lilv_instance_activate(instance); lilv_instance_connect_port(instance, 0, &ctx->in); lilv_instance_connect_port(instance, 1, &ctx->out); lilv_instance_run(instance, 1); lilv_instance_run(instance, 2); assert(ctx->in == 1.0); assert(ctx->out == 1.0); // Save state to a bundle char* const bundle_path = zix_path_join(NULL, dirs.top, "state.lv2/"); LilvState* const state = state_from_instance(plugin, instance, ctx, &dirs, bundle_path); assert(!lilv_state_save(ctx->env->world, &ctx->map, &ctx->unmap, state, NULL, bundle_path, "state.ttl")); // Count the number of shared files before doing anything unsigned n_shared_files_before = 0; zix_dir_for_each(dirs.shared, &n_shared_files_before, count_file); lilv_instance_free(instance); // Delete the state assert(!lilv_state_delete(ctx->env->world, state)); // Ensure the number of shared files is the same after deletion unsigned n_shared_files_after = 0; zix_dir_for_each(dirs.shared, &n_shared_files_after, count_file); assert(n_shared_files_before == n_shared_files_after); // Ensure the state directory has been deleted assert(zix_file_type(bundle_path) == ZIX_FILE_TYPE_NONE); cleanup_test_directories(dirs); lilv_state_free(state); free(bundle_path); test_context_free(ctx); } int main(void) { test_instance_state(); test_equal(); test_changed_plugin_data(); test_changed_metadata(); test_to_string(); test_string_round_trip(); test_to_files(); test_multi_save(); test_files_round_trip(); test_world_round_trip(); test_label_round_trip(); test_bad_subject(); test_delete(); return 0; }