/* Copyright 2007-2011 David Robillard <http://drobilla.net> Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include <locale.h> #include <math.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "lilv/lilv.h" #include "lilv-config.h" LilvNode* event_class = NULL; LilvNode* control_class = NULL; LilvNode* in_group_pred = NULL; LilvNode* role_pred = NULL; LilvNode* preset_pred = NULL; LilvNode* title_pred = NULL; LilvNode* supports_event_pred = NULL; void print_group(const LilvPlugin* p, const LilvNode* group, LilvNode* type, LilvNode* symbol) { printf("\n\tGroup %s:\n", lilv_node_as_string(group)); printf("\t\tType: %s\n", lilv_node_as_string(type)); printf("\t\tSymbol: %s\n", lilv_node_as_string(symbol)); } void print_port(const LilvPlugin* p, uint32_t index, float* mins, float* maxes, float* defaults) { const LilvPort* port = lilv_plugin_get_port_by_index(p, index); printf("\n\tPort %d:\n", index); if (!port) { printf("\t\tERROR: Illegal/nonexistent port\n"); return; } bool first = true; const LilvNodes* classes = lilv_port_get_classes(p, port); printf("\t\tType: "); LILV_FOREACH(nodes, i, classes) { const LilvNode* value = lilv_nodes_get(classes, i); if (!first) { printf("\n\t\t "); } printf("%s", lilv_node_as_uri(value)); first = false; } if (lilv_port_is_a(p, port, event_class)) { LilvNodes* supported = lilv_port_get_value( p, port, supports_event_pred); if (lilv_nodes_size(supported) > 0) { printf("\n\t\tSupported events:\n"); LILV_FOREACH(nodes, i, supported) { const LilvNode* value = lilv_nodes_get(supported, i); printf("\t\t\t%s\n", lilv_node_as_uri(value)); } } lilv_nodes_free(supported); } LilvScalePoints* points = lilv_port_get_scale_points(p, port); if (points) printf("\n\t\tScale Points:\n"); LILV_FOREACH(scale_points, i, points) { const LilvScalePoint* p = lilv_scale_points_get(points, i); printf("\t\t\t%s = \"%s\"\n", lilv_node_as_string(lilv_scale_point_get_value(p)), lilv_node_as_string(lilv_scale_point_get_label(p))); } lilv_scale_points_free(points); const LilvNode* sym = lilv_port_get_symbol(p, port); printf("\n\t\tSymbol: %s\n", lilv_node_as_string(sym)); LilvNode* name = lilv_port_get_name(p, port); printf("\t\tName: %s\n", lilv_node_as_string(name)); lilv_node_free(name); LilvNodes* groups = lilv_port_get_value(p, port, in_group_pred); if (lilv_nodes_size(groups) > 0) printf("\t\tGroup: %s\n", lilv_node_as_string( lilv_nodes_get(groups, lilv_nodes_begin(groups)))); lilv_nodes_free(groups); LilvNodes* roles = lilv_port_get_value(p, port, role_pred); if (lilv_nodes_size(roles) > 0) printf("\t\tRole: %s\n", lilv_node_as_string( lilv_nodes_get(roles, lilv_nodes_begin(roles)))); lilv_nodes_free(roles); if (lilv_port_is_a(p, port, control_class)) { if (!isnan(mins[index])) printf("\t\tMinimum: %f\n", mins[index]); if (!isnan(mins[index])) printf("\t\tMaximum: %f\n", maxes[index]); if (!isnan(mins[index])) printf("\t\tDefault: %f\n", defaults[index]); } LilvNodes* properties = lilv_port_get_properties(p, port); if (lilv_nodes_size(properties) > 0) printf("\t\tProperties: "); first = true; LILV_FOREACH(nodes, i, properties) { if (!first) { printf("\t\t "); } printf("%s\n", lilv_node_as_uri(lilv_nodes_get(properties, i))); first = false; } if (lilv_nodes_size(properties) > 0) printf("\n"); lilv_nodes_free(properties); } void print_plugin(LilvWorld* world, const LilvPlugin* p) { LilvNode* val = NULL; printf("%s\n\n", lilv_node_as_uri(lilv_plugin_get_uri(p))); val = lilv_plugin_get_name(p); if (val) { printf("\tName: %s\n", lilv_node_as_string(val)); lilv_node_free(val); } const LilvPluginClass* pclass = lilv_plugin_get_class(p); const LilvNode* class_label = lilv_plugin_class_get_label(pclass); if (class_label) { printf("\tClass: %s\n", lilv_node_as_string(class_label)); } val = lilv_plugin_get_author_name(p); if (val) { printf("\tAuthor: %s\n", lilv_node_as_string(val)); lilv_node_free(val); } val = lilv_plugin_get_author_email(p); if (val) { printf("\tAuthor Email: %s\n", lilv_node_as_uri(val)); lilv_node_free(val); } val = lilv_plugin_get_author_homepage(p); if (val) { printf("\tAuthor Homepage: %s\n", lilv_node_as_uri(val)); lilv_node_free(val); } if (lilv_plugin_has_latency(p)) { uint32_t latency_port = lilv_plugin_get_latency_port_index(p); printf("\tHas latency: yes, reported by port %d\n", latency_port); } else { printf("\tHas latency: no\n"); } printf("\tBundle: %s\n", lilv_node_as_uri(lilv_plugin_get_bundle_uri(p))); const LilvNode* binary_uri = lilv_plugin_get_library_uri(p); if (binary_uri) { printf("\tBinary: %s\n", lilv_node_as_uri(lilv_plugin_get_library_uri(p))); } LilvUIs* uis = lilv_plugin_get_uis(p); if (lilv_nodes_size(uis) > 0) { printf("\tUI: "); LILV_FOREACH(uis, i, uis) { const LilvUI* ui = lilv_uis_get(uis, i); printf("%s\n", lilv_node_as_uri(lilv_ui_get_uri(ui))); const char* binary = lilv_node_as_uri(lilv_ui_get_binary_uri(ui)); const LilvNodes* types = lilv_ui_get_classes(ui); LILV_FOREACH(nodes, i, types) { printf("\t Class: %s\n", lilv_node_as_uri(lilv_nodes_get(types, i))); } if (binary) printf("\t Binary: %s\n", binary); printf("\t Bundle: %s\n", lilv_node_as_uri(lilv_ui_get_bundle_uri(ui))); } } lilv_uis_free(uis); printf("\tData URIs: "); const LilvNodes* data_uris = lilv_plugin_get_data_uris(p); bool first = true; LILV_FOREACH(nodes, i, data_uris) { if (!first) { printf("\n\t "); } printf("%s", lilv_node_as_uri(lilv_nodes_get(data_uris, i))); first = false; } printf("\n"); /* Required Features */ LilvNodes* features = lilv_plugin_get_required_features(p); if (features) printf("\tRequired Features: "); first = true; LILV_FOREACH(nodes, i, features) { if (!first) { printf("\n\t "); } printf("%s", lilv_node_as_uri(lilv_nodes_get(features, i))); first = false; } if (features) printf("\n"); lilv_nodes_free(features); /* Optional Features */ features = lilv_plugin_get_optional_features(p); if (features) printf("\tOptional Features: "); first = true; LILV_FOREACH(nodes, i, features) { if (!first) { printf("\n\t "); } printf("%s", lilv_node_as_uri(lilv_nodes_get(features, i))); first = false; } if (features) printf("\n"); lilv_nodes_free(features); /* Presets */ LilvNodes* presets = lilv_plugin_get_value(p, preset_pred); if (presets) printf("\tPresets: \n"); LILV_FOREACH(nodes, i, presets) { LilvNodes* titles = lilv_world_find_nodes(world, lilv_nodes_get(presets, i), title_pred, NULL); if (titles) { const LilvNode* title = lilv_nodes_get(titles, lilv_nodes_begin(titles)); printf("\t %s\n", lilv_node_as_string(title)); } } /* Ports */ const uint32_t num_ports = lilv_plugin_get_num_ports(p); float* mins = calloc(num_ports, sizeof(float)); float* maxes = calloc(num_ports, sizeof(float)); float* defaults = calloc(num_ports, sizeof(float)); lilv_plugin_get_port_ranges_float(p, mins, maxes, defaults); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_ports; ++i) print_port(p, i, mins, maxes, defaults); free(mins); free(maxes); free(defaults); } void print_version(void) { printf( "lv2info (lilv) " LILV_VERSION "\n" "Copyright 2007-2011 David Robillard <http://drobilla.net>\n" "License: <http://www.opensource.org/licenses/isc-license>\n" "This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.\n" "There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.\n"); } void print_usage(void) { printf("Usage: lv2info PLUGIN_URI\n"); printf("Show information about an installed LV2 plugin.\n"); } int main(int argc, char** argv) { int ret = 0; setlocale (LC_ALL, ""); LilvWorld* world = lilv_world_new(); lilv_world_load_all(world); #define NS_DC "http://dublincore.org/documents/dcmi-namespace/" #define NS_PG "http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/port-groups#" #define NS_PSET "http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/presets#" #define NS_EV "http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/event#" control_class = lilv_new_uri(world, LILV_URI_CONTROL_PORT); event_class = lilv_new_uri(world, LILV_URI_EVENT_PORT); in_group_pred = lilv_new_uri(world, NS_PG "inGroup"); preset_pred = lilv_new_uri(world, NS_PSET "hasPreset"); role_pred = lilv_new_uri(world, NS_PG "role"); title_pred = lilv_new_uri(world, NS_DC "title"); supports_event_pred = lilv_new_uri(world, NS_EV "supportsEvent"); if (argc != 2) { print_usage(); ret = 1; goto done; } if (!strcmp(argv[1], "--version")) { print_version(); ret = 0; goto done; } else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "--help")) { print_usage(); ret = 0; goto done; } else if (argv[1][0] == '-') { print_usage(); ret = 2; goto done; } const LilvPlugins* plugins = lilv_world_get_all_plugins(world); LilvNode* uri = lilv_new_uri(world, argv[1]); const LilvPlugin* p = lilv_plugins_get_by_uri(plugins, uri); if (p) { print_plugin(world, p); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Plugin not found.\n"); } ret = (p != NULL ? 0 : -1); lilv_node_free(uri); done: lilv_node_free(title_pred); lilv_node_free(role_pred); lilv_node_free(preset_pred); lilv_node_free(in_group_pred); lilv_node_free(event_class); lilv_node_free(control_class); lilv_world_free(world); return ret; }