#!/usr/bin/env python

import glob
import os
import shutil
import sys

from waflib import Build, Options, Logs
from waflib.extras import autowaf

# Library and package version (UNIX style major, minor, micro)
# major increment <=> incompatible changes
# minor increment <=> compatible changes (additions)
# micro increment <=> no interface changes
LILV_VERSION       = '0.24.9'

# Mandatory waf variables
APPNAME = 'lilv'        # Package name for waf dist
VERSION = LILV_VERSION  # Package version for waf dist
top     = '.'           # Source directory
out     = 'build'       # Build directory

# Release variables
uri          = 'http://drobilla.net/sw/lilv'
dist_pattern = 'http://download.drobilla.net/lilv-%d.%d.%d.tar.bz2'
post_tags    = ['Hacking', 'LAD', 'LV2', 'Lilv']

tests = [

test_plugins = [

def options(ctx):
    opt = ctx.configuration_options()
        {'no-utils':           'do not build command line utilities',
         'no-bindings':        'do not build python bindings',
         'dyn-manifest':       'build support for dynamic manifests',
         'no-bash-completion': 'do not install bash completion script',
         'static':             'build static library',
         'no-shared':          'do not build shared library',
         'static-progs':       'build programs as static binaries'})

    opt.add_option('--default-lv2-path', type='string', default='',
                   help='default LV2 path to use if LV2_PATH is unset')

def configure(conf):
    conf.load('compiler_c', cache=True)
        conf.load('compiler_cxx', cache=True)
        conf.define('LILV_CXX', True)
    except Exception:

    if not Options.options.no_bindings:
            conf.load('python', cache=True)
            conf.check_python_version((2, 6, 0))
            conf.env.LILV_PYTHON = 1
        except Exception as e:
            Logs.warn('Failed to configure Python (%s)\n' % e)

    conf.load('autowaf', cache=True)
    autowaf.set_c_lang(conf, 'c99')

    conf.env.BASH_COMPLETION = not Options.options.no_bash_completion
    conf.env.BUILD_UTILS     = not Options.options.no_utils
    conf.env.BUILD_SHARED    = not Options.options.no_shared
    conf.env.STATIC_PROGS    = Options.options.static_progs
    conf.env.BUILD_STATIC    = (Options.options.static or

    if not conf.env.BUILD_SHARED and not conf.env.BUILD_STATIC:
        conf.fatal('Neither a shared nor a static build requested')

    if Options.options.strict:
        # Check for programs used by lint target
        conf.find_program("flake8", var="FLAKE8", mandatory=False)
        conf.find_program("clang-tidy", var="CLANG_TIDY", mandatory=False)
        conf.find_program("iwyu_tool", var="IWYU_TOOL", mandatory=False)

    if Options.options.ultra_strict:
        autowaf.add_compiler_flags(conf.env, '*', {
            'clang': [

        autowaf.add_compiler_flags(conf.env, 'c', {
            'clang': [
            'gcc': [
            'msvc': [
                '/wd4061',  # enumerator in switch is not explicitly handled
                '/wd4365',  # signed/unsigned mismatch
                '/wd4514',  # unreferenced inline function has been removed
                '/wd4774',  # format string is not a string literal
                '/wd4820',  # padding added after construct
                '/wd4996',  # POSIX name for this item is deprecated

        autowaf.add_compiler_flags(conf.env, 'cxx', {
            'clang': [
            'gcc': [

    conf.check_pkg('lv2 >= 1.18.0', uselib_store='LV2')
    conf.check_pkg('serd-0 >= 0.30.0', uselib_store='SERD')
    conf.check_pkg('sord-0 >= 0.14.0', uselib_store='SORD')
    conf.check_pkg('sratom-0 >= 0.4.0', uselib_store='SRATOM')
    conf.check_pkg('sndfile >= 1.0.0', uselib_store='SNDFILE', mandatory=False)

    defines = ['_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200809L', '_BSD_SOURCE', '_DEFAULT_SOURCE']
    if conf.env.DEST_OS == 'darwin':
        defines += ['_DARWIN_C_SOURCE']

    rt_lib  = ['rt']
    if conf.env.DEST_OS == 'darwin' or conf.env.DEST_OS == 'win32':
        rt_lib = []

    conf.check_function('c', 'lstat',
                        header_name = ['sys/stat.h'],
                        defines     = defines,
                        define_name = 'HAVE_LSTAT',
                        return_type = 'int',
                        arg_types   = 'const char*, struct stat*',
                        mandatory   = False)

    conf.check_function('c', 'flock',
                        header_name = 'sys/file.h',
                        defines     = defines,
                        define_name = 'HAVE_FLOCK',
                        return_type = 'int',
                        arg_types   = 'int, int',
                        mandatory   = False)

    conf.check_function('c', 'fileno',
                        header_name = 'stdio.h',
                        defines     = defines,
                        define_name = 'HAVE_FILENO',
                        return_type = 'int',
                        arg_types   = 'FILE*',
                        mandatory   = False)

    conf.check_function('c', 'clock_gettime',
                        header_name  = ['sys/time.h', 'time.h'],
                        defines      = ['_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200809L'],
                        define_name  = 'HAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME',
                        uselib_store = 'CLOCK_GETTIME',
                        lib          = rt_lib,
                        return_type  = 'int',
                        arg_types    = 'clockid_t, struct timespec*',
                        mandatory    = False)

    conf.check_cc(define_name = 'HAVE_LIBDL',
                  lib         = 'dl',
                  mandatory   = False)

    if conf.env.DEST_OS == 'win32':
        conf.check_function('c', 'CreateSymbolicLink',
                            header_name = ['windows.h'],
                            define_name = 'HAVE_CREATESYMBOLICLINK',
                            return_type = 'BOOLEAN',
                            arg_types   = 'LPCSTR, LPCSTR, DWORD',
                            mandatory   = False)

    if Options.options.dyn_manifest:
        conf.define('LILV_DYN_MANIFEST', 1)

    lilv_path_sep = ':'
    lilv_dir_sep  = '/'
    if conf.env.DEST_OS == 'win32':
        lilv_path_sep = ';'
        lilv_dir_sep = '\\\\'

    conf.define('LILV_PATH_SEP', lilv_path_sep)
    conf.define('LILV_DIR_SEP',  lilv_dir_sep)

    # Set default LV2 path
    lv2_path = Options.options.default_lv2_path
    if lv2_path == '':
        if conf.env.DEST_OS == 'darwin':
            lv2_path = lilv_path_sep.join(['~/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/LV2',
        elif conf.env.DEST_OS == 'haiku':
            lv2_path = lilv_path_sep.join(['~/.lv2',
        elif conf.env.DEST_OS == 'win32':
            lv2_path = lilv_path_sep.join(['%APPDATA%\\\\LV2',
            libdirname = os.path.basename(conf.env.LIBDIR)
            lv2_path = lilv_path_sep.join(['~/.lv2',
                                           '/usr/%s/lv2' % libdirname,
                                           '/usr/local/%s/lv2' % libdirname])
    conf.define('LILV_DEFAULT_LV2_PATH', lv2_path)

    autowaf.set_lib_env(conf, 'lilv', LILV_VERSION)
    conf.write_config_header('lilv_config.h', remove=False)

    conf.undefine('LILV_DEFAULT_LV2_PATH')  # Cmd line errors with VC++

        {'Default LV2_PATH':         lv2_path,
         'Utilities':                bool(conf.env.BUILD_UTILS),
         'Unit tests':               bool(conf.env.BUILD_TESTS),
         'Dynamic manifest support': conf.is_defined('LILV_DYN_MANIFEST'),
         'Python bindings':          bool(conf.env.LILV_PYTHON)})

def build_util(bld, name, defines, libs=''):
    obj = bld(features     = 'c cprogram',
              source       = name + '.c',
              includes     = ['.', './src', './utils'],
              use          = 'liblilv',
              uselib       = 'SERD SORD SRATOM LV2 ' + libs,
              target       = name,
              defines      = defines,
              install_path = '${BINDIR}')
    if not bld.env.BUILD_SHARED or bld.env.STATIC_PROGS:
        obj.use = 'liblilv_static'
    if bld.env.STATIC_PROGS:
        if not bld.env.MSVC_COMPILER:
            obj.lib = ['m']
            obj.env.SHLIB_MARKER = obj.env.STLIB_MARKER
            obj.linkflags        = ['-static', '-Wl,--start-group']
    return obj

def build(bld):
    # C/C++ Headers
    includedir = '${INCLUDEDIR}/lilv-%s/lilv' % LILV_MAJOR_VERSION
    bld.install_files(includedir, bld.path.ant_glob('lilv/*.h'))
    bld.install_files(includedir, bld.path.ant_glob('lilv/*.hpp'))

    lib_source = '''

    lib      = []
    libflags = ['-fvisibility=hidden']
    defines  = []
    if bld.is_defined('HAVE_LIBDL'):
        lib    += ['dl']
    if bld.env.DEST_OS == 'win32':
        lib = []
    if bld.env.MSVC_COMPILER:
        libflags = []

    # Pkgconfig file
    autowaf.build_pc(bld, 'LILV', LILV_VERSION, LILV_MAJOR_VERSION, [],
                      'LILV_PKG_DEPS': 'lv2 serd-0 sord-0 sratom-0',
                      'LILV_PKG_LIBS': ' -l'.join([''] + lib)})

    # Shared Library
    if bld.env.BUILD_SHARED:
        obj = bld(features        = 'c cshlib',
                  export_includes = ['.'],
                  source          = lib_source,
                  includes        = ['.', './src'],
                  name            = 'liblilv',
                  target          = 'lilv-%s' % LILV_MAJOR_VERSION,
                  vnum            = LILV_VERSION,
                  install_path    = '${LIBDIR}',
                  defines         = ['LILV_SHARED', 'LILV_INTERNAL'],
                  cflags          = libflags,
                  lib             = lib,
                  uselib          = 'SERD SORD SRATOM LV2')

    # Static library
    if bld.env.BUILD_STATIC:
        obj = bld(features        = 'c cstlib',
                  export_includes = ['.'],
                  source          = lib_source,
                  includes        = ['.', './src'],
                  name            = 'liblilv_static',
                  target          = 'lilv-%s' % LILV_MAJOR_VERSION,
                  vnum            = LILV_VERSION,
                  install_path    = '${LIBDIR}',
                  defines         = defines + ['LILV_INTERNAL'],
                  uselib          = 'SERD SORD SRATOM LV2')

    # Python bindings
    if bld.env.LILV_PYTHON:
        bld(features     = 'subst',
            is_copy      = True,
            source       = 'bindings/python/lilv.py',
            target       = 'lilv.py',
            install_path = '${PYTHONDIR}')

    if bld.env.BUILD_TESTS:
        import re

        test_libs      = lib
        test_cflags    = ['']
        test_linkflags = ['']
        if not bld.env.NO_COVERAGE:
            test_cflags    += ['--coverage']
            test_linkflags += ['--coverage']

        # Copy skeleton LV2 bundle for tests
        for name in ('manifest.ttl', 'lv2core.ttl'):
            bld(features     = 'subst',
                is_copy      = True,
                source       = 'test/core.lv2/' + name,
                target       = 'test/test_lv2_path/core.lv2/' + name,
                install_path = None)

        # Make a pattern for shared objects without the 'lib' prefix
        module_pattern = re.sub('^lib', '', bld.env.cshlib_PATTERN)
        shlib_ext = module_pattern[module_pattern.rfind('.'):]

        for p in ['test'] + test_plugins:
            obj = bld(features     = 'c cshlib',
                      source       = 'test/%s.lv2/%s.c' % (p, p),
                      name         = p,
                      target       = 'test/%s.lv2/%s' % (p, p),
                      install_path = None,
                      defines      = defines,
                      cflags       = test_cflags,
                      linkflags    = test_linkflags,
                      lib          = test_libs,
                      uselib       = 'LV2')
            obj.env.cshlib_PATTERN = module_pattern

        for p in test_plugins:
            if not bld.path.find_node('test/%s.lv2/test_%s.c' % (p, p)):

            obj = bld(features     = 'c cprogram',
                      source       = 'test/%s.lv2/test_%s.c' % (p, p),
                      target       = 'test/test_%s' % p,
                      includes     = ['.', './src'],
                      use          = 'liblilv_profiled',
                      install_path = None,
                      defines      = defines,
                      cflags       = test_cflags,
                      linkflags    = test_linkflags,
                      lib          = test_libs,
                      uselib       = 'SERD SORD SRATOM LV2')

        # Test plugin data files
        for p in ['test'] + test_plugins:
            for i in ['manifest.ttl.in', p + '.ttl.in']:
                bundle = 'test/%s.lv2/' % p
                bld(features     = 'subst',
                    source       = bundle + i,
                    target       = bundle + i.replace('.in', ''),
                    install_path = None,
                    SHLIB_EXT    = shlib_ext)

        # Static profiled library (for unit test code coverage)
        obj = bld(features     = 'c cstlib',
                  source       = lib_source,
                  includes     = ['.', './src'],
                  name         = 'liblilv_profiled',
                  target       = 'lilv_profiled',
                  install_path = None,
                  defines      = defines + ['LILV_INTERNAL'],
                  cflags       = test_cflags,
                  linkflags    = test_linkflags,
                  lib          = test_libs,
                  uselib       = 'SERD SORD SRATOM LV2')

        # Unit test program
        testdir = bld.path.get_bld().make_node('test').abspath()
        bpath   = os.path.join(testdir, 'test.lv2')
        bpath   = bpath.replace('\\', '/')
        testdir = testdir.replace('\\', '/')
        for test in tests:
            obj = bld(features     = 'c cprogram',
                      source       = ['test/lilv_test_utils.c',
                                      'test/%s.c' % test],
                      includes     = ['.', './src'],
                      use          = 'liblilv_profiled',
                      lib          = test_libs,
                      uselib       = 'SERD SORD SRATOM LV2',
                      target       = 'test/' + test,
                      install_path = None,
                      defines      = (defines +
                                      ['LILV_TEST_BUNDLE=\"%s/\"' % bpath] +
                                      ['LILV_TEST_DIR=\"%s/\"' % testdir]),
                      cflags       = test_cflags,
                      linkflags    = test_linkflags)

        # C++ API test
        if 'COMPILER_CXX' in bld.env:
            obj = bld(features     = 'cxx cxxprogram',
                      source       = 'test/lilv_cxx_test.cpp',
                      includes     = ['.', './src'],
                      use          = 'liblilv_profiled',
                      lib          = test_libs,
                      uselib       = 'SERD SORD SRATOM LV2',
                      target       = 'test/lilv_cxx_test',
                      install_path = None,
                      cxxflags     = test_cflags,
                      linkflags    = test_linkflags)

        if bld.env.LILV_PYTHON:
            test_bundle = 'bindings/bindings_test_plugin.lv2/'

            # Copy Python unittest files
            for i in ['test_api.py']:
                bld(features     = 'subst',
                    is_copy      = True,
                    source       = 'bindings/test/python/' + i,
                    target       = 'bindings/' + i,
                    install_path = None)

            # Build bindings test plugin
            obj = bld(features     = 'c cshlib',
                      source       = 'bindings/test/bindings_test_plugin.c',
                      name         = 'bindings_test_plugin',
                      target       = test_bundle + '/bindings_test_plugin',
                      install_path = None,
                      defines      = defines,
                      cflags       = test_cflags,
                      linkflags    = test_linkflags,
                      lib          = test_libs,
                      uselib       = 'LV2')
            obj.env.cshlib_PATTERN = module_pattern

            # Bindings test plugin data files
            for i in ['manifest.ttl.in', 'bindings_test_plugin.ttl.in']:
                bld(features     = 'subst',
                    source       = 'bindings/test/' + i,
                    target       = test_bundle + i.replace('.in', ''),
                    install_path = None,
                    SHLIB_EXT    = shlib_ext)

    # Utilities
    if bld.env.BUILD_UTILS:
        utils = '''
        for i in utils.split():
            build_util(bld, i, defines)

        if bld.env.HAVE_SNDFILE:
            obj = build_util(bld, 'utils/lv2apply', defines, 'SNDFILE')

        # lv2bench (less portable than other utilities)
        if (bld.env.DEST_OS != 'win32' and
            bld.is_defined('HAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME') and
            not bld.env.STATIC_PROGS):
            obj = build_util(bld, 'utils/lv2bench', defines)
            if bld.env.DEST_OS != 'darwin':
                obj.lib = ['rt']

    # Documentation
    autowaf.build_dox(bld, 'LILV', LILV_VERSION, top, out)

    # Man pages
    bld.install_files('${MANDIR}/man1', bld.path.ant_glob('doc/*.1'))

    # Bash completion
    if bld.env.BASH_COMPLETION:


def test(tst):
    with tst.group('unit') as check:
        for test in tests:
            if not (sys.platform == 'win32' and test == 'test_state'):
                check(['./test/' + test])

        if tst.is_defined('LILV_CXX'):

    if tst.env.LILV_PYTHON:
        with tst.group('python') as check:
            check(['python', '-m', 'unittest', 'discover', 'bindings/'])

    with tst.group('plugin') as check:
        for p in test_plugins:
            prog_name = tst.env.cprogram_PATTERN % ('test_' + p)
            if os.path.exists(os.path.join('test', prog_name)):
                check(['./test/test_' + p, 'test/%s.lv2/' % p])

    except Exception:

class LintContext(Build.BuildContext):
    fun = cmd = 'lint'

def lint(ctx):
    "checks code for style issues"
    import subprocess

    st = 0

    if "FLAKE8" in ctx.env:
        Logs.info("Running flake8")
        st = subprocess.call([ctx.env.FLAKE8[0],
        Logs.warn("Not running flake8")

    if "IWYU_TOOL" in ctx.env:
        Logs.info("Running include-what-you-use")
        cmd = [ctx.env.IWYU_TOOL[0], "-o", "clang", "-p", "build"]
        output = subprocess.check_output(cmd).decode('utf-8')
        if 'error: ' in output:
            st += 1
        Logs.warn("Not running include-what-you-use")

    if "CLANG_TIDY" in ctx.env and "clang" in ctx.env.CC[0]:
        Logs.info("Running clang-tidy")
        sources = glob.glob('src/*.c') + glob.glob('tests/*.c')
        sources = list(map(os.path.abspath, sources))
        procs = []
        for source in sources:
            cmd = [ctx.env.CLANG_TIDY[0], "--quiet", "-p=.", source]
            procs += [subprocess.Popen(cmd, cwd="build")]

        for proc in procs:
            stdout, stderr = proc.communicate()
            st += proc.returncode
        Logs.warn("Not running clang-tidy")

    if st != 0: