/* This file is part of Machina. * Copyright 2007-2011 David Robillard * * Machina is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Machina is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Machina. If not, see . */ #include "flowcanvas/Canvas.hpp" #include "machina/Controller.hpp" #include "machina/types.hpp" #include "EdgeView.hpp" #include "MachinaCanvas.hpp" #include "MachinaGUI.hpp" #include "NodeView.hpp" using Machina::URIs; /* probability colour stuff */ #define RGB_TO_UINT(r,g,b) ((((guint)(r))<<16)|(((guint)(g))<<8)|((guint)(b))) #define RGB_TO_RGBA(x,a) (((x) << 8) | ((((guint)a) & 0xff))) #define RGBA_TO_UINT(r,g,b,a) RGB_TO_RGBA(RGB_TO_UINT(r,g,b), a) #define UINT_RGBA_R(x) (((uint32_t)(x))>>24) #define UINT_RGBA_G(x) ((((uint32_t)(x))>>16)&0xff) #define UINT_RGBA_B(x) ((((uint32_t)(x))>>8)&0xff) #define UINT_RGBA_A(x) (((uint32_t)(x))&0xff) #define MONO_INTERPOLATE(v1, v2, t) ((int)rint((v2)*(t)+(v1)*(1-(t)))) #define UINT_INTERPOLATE(c1, c2, t) \ RGBA_TO_UINT( MONO_INTERPOLATE(UINT_RGBA_R(c1), UINT_RGBA_R(c2), t), \ MONO_INTERPOLATE(UINT_RGBA_G(c1), UINT_RGBA_G(c2), t), \ MONO_INTERPOLATE(UINT_RGBA_B(c1), UINT_RGBA_B(c2), t), \ MONO_INTERPOLATE(UINT_RGBA_A(c1), UINT_RGBA_A(c2), t) ) inline static uint32_t edge_color(float prob) { static const uint32_t min = 0xFF4444C0; static const uint32_t mid = 0xFFFF44C0; static const uint32_t max = 0x44FF44C0; if (prob <= 0.5) return UINT_INTERPOLATE(min, mid, prob*2.0); else return UINT_INTERPOLATE(mid, max, (prob-0.5)*2.0); } /* end probability colour stuff */ using namespace FlowCanvas; EdgeView::EdgeView(Canvas& canvas, SharedPtr src, SharedPtr dst, SharedPtr edge) : FlowCanvas::Connection(canvas, src.get(), dst.get(), 0x9FA0A0F4, true) , _edge(edge) { set_color(edge_color(probability())); show_handle(true); edge->signal_property.connect( sigc::mem_fun(this, &EdgeView::on_property)); } float EdgeView::probability() const { return _edge->get(URIs::instance().machina_probability).get_float(); } double EdgeView::length_hint() const { NodeView* tail = dynamic_cast(source()); return tail->node()->get(URIs::instance().machina_duration).get_float() * 10.0; } void EdgeView::show_label(bool show) { show_handle(show); set_color(edge_color(probability())); } bool EdgeView::on_event(GdkEvent* ev) { MachinaCanvas* canvas = dynamic_cast(_canvas); if (ev->type == GDK_BUTTON_PRESS) { if (ev->button.state & GDK_CONTROL_MASK) { if (ev->button.button == 1) { canvas->app()->controller()->set_property( _edge->id(), URIs::instance().machina_probability, Raul::Atom(probability() - 0.1f)); return true; } else if (ev->button.button == 3) { canvas->app()->controller()->set_property( _edge->id(), URIs::instance().machina_probability, Raul::Atom(probability() + 0.1f)); return true; } } } return false; } void EdgeView::on_property(Machina::URIInt key, const Raul::Atom& value) { if (key == URIs::instance().machina_probability) set_color(edge_color(value.get_float())); }