path: root/mdala.lv2/ThruZero.ttl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'mdala.lv2/ThruZero.ttl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 102 deletions
diff --git a/mdala.lv2/ThruZero.ttl b/mdala.lv2/ThruZero.ttl
deleted file mode 100644
index c47881a..0000000
--- a/mdala.lv2/ThruZero.ttl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-@prefix doap: <http://usefulinc.com/ns/doap#> .
-@prefix lv2: <http://lv2plug.in/ns/lv2core#> .
-@prefix mdala: <http://drobilla.net/plugins/mdala/> .
-@prefix pg: <http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/port-groups#> .
-@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
- a lv2:Plugin ,
- lv2:FlangerPlugin ;
- lv2:symbol "ThruZero" ;
- doap:name "Mdala ThruZero" ;
- doap:shortdesc "Classic tape-flanging simulation" ;
- doap:license <http://usefulinc.com/doap/licenses/gpl> ;
- lv2:pluginProperty lv2:hardRTCapable ;
- pg:mainInput mdala:mainIn ;
- pg:mainOutput mdala:mainOut ;
- rdfs:comment """Tape flanger and ADT
-This plug simulates tape-flanging, where two copies of a signal cancel out completely as the tapes pass each other. It can also be used for other "modulated delay" effects such as phasing and simple chorusing.""" ;
- lv2:port [
- a lv2:InputPort ,
- lv2:ControlPort ;
- lv2:index 0 ;
- lv2:name "Rate" ;
- lv2:symbol "rate" ;
- lv2:default 0.3 ;
- lv2:minimum 0.0 ;
- lv2:maximum 1.0 ;
- rdfs:comment "Modulation rate (sine wave) - set to minimum for static comb filtering"
- ] , [
- a lv2:InputPort ,
- lv2:ControlPort ;
- lv2:index 1 ;
- lv2:name "Depth" ;
- lv2:symbol "depth" ;
- lv2:default 0.43 ;
- lv2:minimum 0.0 ;
- lv2:maximum 1.0 ;
- rdfs:comment "Maximum modulation depth"
- ] , [
- a lv2:InputPort ,
- lv2:ControlPort ;
- lv2:index 2 ;
- lv2:name "Mix" ;
- lv2:symbol "mix" ;
- lv2:default 0.47 ;
- lv2:minimum 0.0 ;
- lv2:maximum 1.0 ;
- rdfs:comment "Wet / dry mix - set to 50% for complete cancelling"
- ] , [
- a lv2:InputPort ,
- lv2:ControlPort ;
- lv2:index 3 ;
- lv2:name "Feedback" ;
- lv2:symbol "feedback" ;
- lv2:default 0.3 ;
- lv2:minimum 0.0 ;
- lv2:maximum 1.0 ;
- rdfs:comment """Add positive or negative feedback for harsher or "ringing" sound"""
- ] , [
- a lv2:InputPort ,
- lv2:ControlPort ;
- lv2:index 4 ;
- lv2:name "Depth Mod" ;
- lv2:symbol "depth_mod" ;
- lv2:default 1 ;
- lv2:minimum 0.0 ;
- lv2:maximum 1.0 ;
- rdfs:comment "Modulation depth - set to less than 100% to limit build up of low fequencies with feedback"
- ] , [
- a lv2:InputPort ,
- lv2:AudioPort ;
- lv2:index 5 ;
- lv2:symbol "left_in" ;
- lv2:name "Left In" ;
- lv2:designation pg:left ;
- pg:group mdala:mainIn
- ] , [
- a lv2:InputPort ,
- lv2:AudioPort ;
- lv2:index 6 ;
- lv2:symbol "right_in" ;
- lv2:name "Right In" ;
- lv2:designation pg:right ;
- pg:group mdala:mainIn
- ] , [
- a lv2:OutputPort ,
- lv2:AudioPort ;
- lv2:index 7 ;
- lv2:symbol "left_out" ;
- lv2:name "Left Out" ;
- lv2:designation pg:left ;
- pg:group mdala:mainOut
- ] , [
- a lv2:OutputPort ,
- lv2:AudioPort ;
- lv2:index 8 ;
- lv2:symbol "right_out" ;
- lv2:name "Right Out" ;
- lv2:designation pg:right ;
- pg:group mdala:mainOut
- ] .