@prefix doap: . @prefix lv2: . @prefix mda: . @prefix pg: . @prefix rdfs: . mda:Loudness a lv2:Plugin , lv2:DynamicsPlugin ; lv2:symbol "Loudness" ; doap:name "MDA Loudness" ; doap:shortdesc "Equal loudness contours for bass EQ and mix correction" ; doap:license ; lv2:optionalFeature lv2:hardRTCapable ; pg:mainInput mda:mainIn ; pg:mainOutput mda:mainOut ; rdfs:comment """The ear is less sensitive to low frequencies when listening at low volume. This plug-in is based on the Stevens-Davis equal loudness contours and allows the bass level to be adjusted to simulate or correct for this effect. Example uses: If a mix was made with a very low or very high monitoring level, the amount of bass can sound wrong at a normal monitoring level. Use Loudness to adjust the bass content. Check how a mix would sound at a much louder level by decreasing Loudness. (although the non-linear behaviour of the ear at very high levels is not simulated by this plug-in). Fade out without the sound becoming "tinny" by activating Link and using Loudness to adjust the level without affecting the tonal balance.""" ; lv2:port [ a lv2:InputPort , lv2:ControlPort ; lv2:index 0 ; lv2:name "Loudness" ; lv2:symbol "loudness" ; lv2:default 0.7 ; lv2:minimum 0.0 ; lv2:maximum 1.0 ; rdfs:comment "Source level relative to listening level (based on a 100 dB SPL maximum level)" ] , [ a lv2:InputPort , lv2:ControlPort ; lv2:index 1 ; lv2:name "Output" ; lv2:symbol "output" ; lv2:default 0.5 ; lv2:minimum 0.0 ; lv2:maximum 1.0 ; rdfs:comment "Level trim" ] , [ a lv2:InputPort , lv2:ControlPort ; lv2:index 2 ; lv2:name "Link" ; lv2:symbol "link" ; lv2:default 0.35 ; lv2:minimum 0.0 ; lv2:maximum 1.0 ; rdfs:comment "Automatically adjusts Output to maintain a consistent tonal balance at all levels" ] , [ a lv2:InputPort , lv2:AudioPort ; lv2:index 3 ; lv2:symbol "left_in" ; lv2:name "Left In" ; lv2:designation pg:left ; pg:group mda:mainIn ] , [ a lv2:InputPort , lv2:AudioPort ; lv2:index 4 ; lv2:symbol "right_in" ; lv2:name "Right In" ; lv2:designation pg:right ; pg:group mda:mainIn ] , [ a lv2:OutputPort , lv2:AudioPort ; lv2:index 5 ; lv2:symbol "left_out" ; lv2:name "Left Out" ; lv2:designation pg:left ; pg:group mda:mainOut ] , [ a lv2:OutputPort , lv2:AudioPort ; lv2:index 6 ; lv2:symbol "right_out" ; lv2:name "Right Out" ; lv2:designation pg:right ; pg:group mda:mainOut ] .