// // Plug-in: "mda ThruZero" v1.0 // // Copyright(c)1999-2000 Paul Kellett (maxim digital audio) // #include "mdaThruZero.h" #include #include #include #include AudioEffect *createEffectInstance(audioMasterCallback audioMaster) { return new mdaThruZero(audioMaster); } mdaThruZeroProgram::mdaThruZeroProgram() ///default program settings { param[0] = 0.30f; //rate param[1] = 0.43f; //depth param[2] = 0.47f; //mix param[3] = 0.30f; //feedback param[4] = 1.00f; //minimum delay to stop LF buildup with feedback strcpy(name, "Thru-Zero Flanger"); } mdaThruZero::mdaThruZero(audioMasterCallback audioMaster): AudioEffectX(audioMaster, NPROGS, NPARAMS) { setNumInputs(2); setNumOutputs(2); setUniqueID("mdaZ"); ///identify plug-in here DECLARE_LVZ_DEPRECATED(canMono) (); canProcessReplacing(); programs = new mdaThruZeroProgram[numPrograms]; ///////////////TODO: programs setProgram(0); ///differences from default program... programs[1].param[0] = 0.50f; programs[1].param[1] = 0.20f; programs[1].param[2] = 0.47f; strcpy(programs[1].name,"Phase Canceller"); programs[2].param[0] = 0.60f; programs[2].param[1] = 0.60f; programs[2].param[2] = 0.35f; programs[2].param[4] = 0.70f; strcpy(programs[2].name,"Chorus Doubler"); programs[3].param[0] = 0.75f; programs[3].param[1] = 1.00f; programs[3].param[2] = 0.50f; programs[3].param[3] = 0.75f; programs[3].param[4] = 1.00f; strcpy(programs[3].name,"Mad Modulator"); ///initialise... bufpos = 0; buffer = new float[BUFMAX]; buffer2 = new float[BUFMAX]; phi = fb = fb1 = fb2 = deps = 0.0f; suspend(); } bool mdaThruZero::getProductString(char* text) { strcpy(text, "mda ThruZero"); return true; } bool mdaThruZero::getVendorString(char* text) { strcpy(text, "mda"); return true; } bool mdaThruZero::getEffectName(char* name) { strcpy(name, "ThruZero"); return true; } void mdaThruZero::resume() ///update internal parameters... { rat = (float)(pow(10.0f, 3.f * param[0] - 2.f) * 2.f / getSampleRate()); dep = 2000.0f * param[1] * param[1]; dem = dep - dep * param[4]; dep -= dem; wet = param[2]; dry = 1.f - wet; if(param[0]<0.01f) { rat=0.0f; phi=(float)0.0f; } fb = 1.9f * param[3] - 0.95f; } void mdaThruZero::suspend() ///clear any buffers... { if(buffer) memset(buffer , 0, BUFMAX * sizeof(float)); if(buffer2) memset(buffer2, 0, BUFMAX * sizeof(float)); }//^^^being cautious as was crashing in AudioMulch when unloaded mdaThruZero::~mdaThruZero() ///destroy any buffers... { if(buffer) delete [] buffer; if(buffer2) delete [] buffer2; if(programs) delete[] programs; } void mdaThruZero::setProgram(LvzInt32 program) { int i=0; mdaThruZeroProgram *p = &programs[program]; curProgram = program; setProgramName(p->name); for(i=0; iparam[i]; resume(); } void mdaThruZero::setParameter(LvzInt32 index, float value) { if(index==3) phi=0.0f; //reset cycle param[index] = value; resume(); } float mdaThruZero::getParameter(LvzInt32 index) { return param[index]; } void mdaThruZero::setProgramName(char *name) { strcpy(programName, name); } void mdaThruZero::getProgramName(char *name) { strcpy(name, programName); } void mdaThruZero::getParameterName(LvzInt32 index, char *label) { switch(index) { case 0: strcpy(label, "Rate"); break; case 1: strcpy(label, "Depth"); break; case 2: strcpy(label, "Mix"); break; case 4: strcpy(label, "DepthMod"); break; default: strcpy(label, "Feedback"); } } void mdaThruZero::getParameterDisplay(LvzInt32 index, char *text) { char string[16]; switch(index) { case 0: if(param[0]<0.01f) strcpy (string, "-"); else sprintf(string, "%.2f", (float)pow(10.0f ,2.0f - 3.0f * param[index])); break; case 1: sprintf(string, "%.2f", 1000.f * dep / getSampleRate()); break; case 3: sprintf(string, "%.0f", 200.0f * param[index] - 100.0f); break; default: sprintf(string, "%.0f", 100.0f * param[index]); } string[8] = 0; strcpy(text, (char *)string); } void mdaThruZero::getParameterLabel(LvzInt32 index, char *label) { switch(index) { case 0: strcpy(label, "sec"); break; case 1: strcpy(label, "ms"); break; default: strcpy(label, "%"); } } void mdaThruZero::process(float **inputs, float **outputs, LvzInt32 sampleFrames) { float *in1 = inputs[0]; float *in2 = inputs[1]; float *out1 = outputs[0]; float *out2 = outputs[1]; float a, b, c, d; --in1; --in2; --out1; --out2; while(--sampleFrames >= 0) { a = *++in1; b = *++in2; c = out1[1]; d = out2[1]; c += a; ///process here d += b; *++out1 = c; *++out2 = d; } } void mdaThruZero::processReplacing(float **inputs, float **outputs, LvzInt32 sampleFrames) { float *in1 = inputs[0]; float *in2 = inputs[1]; float *out1 = outputs[0]; float *out2 = outputs[1]; float a, b, f=fb, f1=fb1, f2=fb2, ph=phi; float ra=rat, de=dep, we=wet, dr=dry, ds=deps, dm=dem; long tmp, tmpi, bp=bufpos; float tmpf, dpt; --in1; --in2; --out1; --out2; while(--sampleFrames >= 0) { a = *++in1; b = *++in2; ph += ra; if(ph>1.0f) ph -= 2.0f; bp--; bp &= 0x7FF; *(buffer + bp) = a + f * f1; *(buffer2 + bp) = b + f * f2; //ds = 0.995f * (ds - de) + de; //smoothed depth change ...try inc not mult dpt = tmpf = dm + de * (1.0f - ph * ph); //delay mod shape tmp = int(tmpf); tmpf -= tmp; tmp = (tmp + bp) & 0x7FF; tmpi = (tmp + 1) & 0x7FF; f1 = *(buffer + tmp); //try adding a constant to reduce denormalling f2 = *(buffer2 + tmp); f1 = tmpf * (*(buffer + tmpi) - f1) + f1; //linear interpolation f2 = tmpf * (*(buffer2 + tmpi) - f2) + f2; a = a * dr - f1 * we; b = b * dr - f2 * we; *++out1 = a; *++out2 = b; } if(fabs(f1)>1.0e-10) { fb1 = f1; fb2 = f2; } else fb1 = fb2 = 0.0f; //catch denormals phi = ph; deps = ds; bufpos = bp; }