/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * VSTGUI for X11/LV2/PNG * Author: David Robillard * Released under the revised BSD license, as below * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Based on: * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * VSTGUIL: Graphical User Interface Framework for VST plugins on LINUX * Version: 0.1, Date: 2007/01/21 * Author: kRAkEn/gORe * * Which was based on: * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * VSTGUI: Graphical User Interface Framework for VST plugins * Version 3.0 $Date: 2005/08/12 12:45:00 $ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * VSTGUI LICENSE * 2004, Steinberg Media Technologies, All Rights Reserved * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the Steinberg Media Technologies nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, * OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF * THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef __vstgui__ #define __vstgui__ // define global defines #define MOTIF 1 #define PNG 1 #include "audioeffectx.h" #include <X11/Xlib.h> #include <X11/extensions/Xdbe.h> #include <png.h> #include <string> // VSTGUI Version #define VSTGUI_VERSION_MAJOR 3 #define VSTGUI_VERSION_MINOR 0 struct ERect { VstInt16 left; VstInt16 top; VstInt16 right; VstInt16 bottom; }; /** Table of PNG resources (by filename). * This is ugly and weird, but designed to allow for easy porting * from "motif" ported plugins (via simple search/replacing). */ struct CResTableEntry { int id; ///< Resource ID (same as motif) const char* path; ///< Filename (was char** xpmdata for motif) }; typedef CResTableEntry CResTable[]; extern CResTable pngResources; //---------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------- namespace VSTGUI { extern char* bundlePath; void setBundlePath(const char* path); class CFrame; class CDrawContext; class COffscreenContext; class CControl; class CBitmap; } // namespace VSTGUI class AudioEffect; #ifndef __aeffeditor__ #include "AEffEditor.hpp" #endif //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // AEffGUIEditor Declaration //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class AEffGUIEditor : public AEffEditor { public: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- AEffGUIEditor (AudioEffect* effect); ~AEffGUIEditor (); // get the CFrame object VSTGUI::CFrame* getFrame () { return frame; } virtual void setParameter (VstInt32 index, float value); virtual void beginEdit (VstInt32 index); virtual void endEdit (VstInt32 index); // feedback to application virtual void doIdleStuff (); // wait (in ms) void wait (unsigned int ms); // get the current time (in ms) unsigned int getTicks (); // get version of this VSTGUI static int getVstGuiVersion () { return (VSTGUI_VERSION_MAJOR << 16) + VSTGUI_VERSION_MINOR; } // get the knob mode static VstInt32 getKnobMode () { return knobMode; } long getRect (ERect** rect); void idle (); void update (); #if VST_2_1_EXTENSIONS long onKeyDown (VstKeyCode& keyCode); long onKeyUp (VstKeyCode& keyCode); bool onWheel (float distance); long setKnobMode (VstInt32 val); #endif //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- protected: ERect rect; unsigned int lLastTicks; bool inIdleStuff; static VstInt32 knobMode; friend class VSTGUI::CFrame; VSTGUI::CFrame* frame; }; //---------------------------------------------------- #include <sys/time.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <X11/Xlib.h> #include <X11/Xutil.h> #include <X11/Intrinsic.h> inline unsigned int _getTicks () { // gettimeofday is not what we need here, checkout API for hw time struct timeval tv; struct timezone tz; gettimeofday (&tv, &tz); return tv.tv_sec * 1000 + tv.tv_usec / 1000; } struct VstKeyCode; namespace VSTGUI { struct CPoint; #define CLASS_METHODS(name, parent) \ virtual bool isTypeOf (const char* s) const \ { return (!strcmp (s, (#name))) ? true : parent::isTypeOf (s); }\ #ifdef VSTGUI_FLOAT_COORDINATES typedef float CCoord; #else typedef long CCoord; #endif //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Structure CRect //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct CRect { CRect (CCoord l = 0, CCoord t = 0, CCoord r = 0, CCoord b = 0) : left (l), top (t), right (r), bottom (b) {} CRect (const CRect& r) : left (r.left), top (r.top), right (r.right), bottom (r.bottom) {} CRect& operator () (CCoord l, CCoord t, CCoord r, CCoord b) { if (l < r) this->left = l, this->right = r; else this->left = r, this->right = l; if (top < bottom) this->top = t, this->bottom = b; else this->top = b, this->bottom = t; return *this; } bool operator != (const CRect& other) const { return (left != other.left || right != other.right || top != other.top || bottom != other.bottom); } bool operator == (const CRect& other) const { return (left == other.left && right == other.right && top == other.top && bottom == other.bottom); } inline CCoord width () const { return right - left; } inline CCoord height () const { return bottom - top; } inline CCoord getWidth () const { return right - left; } inline CCoord getHeight () const { return bottom - top; } inline void setWidth (CCoord w) { right = left + w; } inline void setHeight (CCoord h) { bottom = top + h; } CRect &offset (CCoord off_x, CCoord off_y) { left += off_x; right += off_x; top += off_y; bottom += off_y; return *this; } CRect &inset (CCoord deltaX, CCoord deltaY) { left += deltaX; right -= deltaX; top += deltaY; bottom -= deltaY; return *this; } CRect &moveTo (CCoord dest_x, CCoord dest_y) { CCoord vDiff = dest_y - top; CCoord hDiff = dest_x - left; top += vDiff; bottom += vDiff; left += hDiff; right += hDiff; return *this; } bool pointInside (const CPoint& where) const; // Checks if point is inside this rect bool isEmpty () const; bool rectOverlap (const CRect& rect) const { if (right < rect.left) return false; if (left > rect.right) return false; if (bottom < rect.top) return false; if (top > rect.bottom) return false; return true; } void bound (const CRect& rect); union { CCoord left; CCoord x;}; union { CCoord top; CCoord y;}; union { CCoord right; CCoord x2;}; union { CCoord bottom; CCoord y2;}; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Structure CPoint //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct CPoint { CPoint (CCoord a_h = 0, CCoord a_v = 0) : h (a_h), v (a_v) {} CPoint& operator () (CCoord a_h, CCoord a_v) { this->h = a_h; this->v = a_v; return *this; } bool isInside (CRect& r) const { return h >= r.left && h <= r.right && v >= r.top && v <= r.bottom; } bool operator != (const CPoint &other) const { return (h != other.h || v != other.v); } bool operator == (const CPoint &other) const { return (h == other.h && v == other.v); } CPoint &offset (CCoord off_h, CCoord off_v) { this->h += off_h; this->v += off_v; return *this; } union { CCoord h; CCoord x;}; union { CCoord v; CCoord y;}; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Structure CColor //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct CColor { CColor& operator () (unsigned char red, unsigned char green, unsigned char blue, unsigned char alpha) { this->red = red; this->green = green; this->blue = blue; this->alpha = alpha; return *this; } CColor& operator = (const CColor& newColor) { red = newColor.red; green = newColor.green; blue = newColor.blue; alpha = newColor.alpha; return *this; } CColor operator ~ () { CColor c; c.red = ~red; c.green = ~green; c.blue = ~blue; c.alpha = ~alpha; return c; } bool operator != (const CColor &other) const { return (red != other.red || green != other.green || blue != other.blue || alpha != other.alpha); } bool operator == (const CColor &other) const { return (red == other.red && green == other.green && blue == other.blue && alpha == other.alpha); } unsigned char red; unsigned char green; unsigned char blue; unsigned char alpha; }; // define some basic colors extern CColor kTransparentCColor; extern CColor kBlackCColor; extern CColor kWhiteCColor; extern CColor kGreyCColor; extern CColor kRedCColor; extern CColor kGreenCColor; extern CColor kBlueCColor; extern CColor kYellowCColor; extern CColor kCyanCColor; extern CColor kMagentaCColor; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Definitions of special characters in a platform independent way #define kDegreeSymbol "\xB0" #define kInfiniteSymbol "oo" #define kCopyrightSymbol "\xA9" #define kTrademarkSymbol "\x99" #define kRegisteredSymbol "\xAE" #define kMicroSymbol "\x85" #define kPerthousandSymbol "\x89" class CDragContainer; class CCView; class CAttributeListEntry; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef intptr_t CViewAttributeID; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Attributes // all attributes where the first letter is lowercase are reserved for the vstgui lib extern const CViewAttributeID kCViewAttributeReferencePointer; // 'cvrp' //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------- // Font Type //----------- enum CFont { kSystemFont = 0, kNormalFontVeryBig, kNormalFontBig, kNormalFont, kNormalFontSmall, kNormalFontSmaller, kNormalFontVerySmall, kSymbolFont, kNumStandardFonts }; //----------- // Text Face //----------- enum CTxtFace { kNormalFace = 0, kBoldFace = 1, kItalicFace = 2, kUnderlineFace = 4 }; //----------- // Line Style //----------- enum CLineStyle { kLineSolid = 0, kLineOnOffDash }; //----------- // Draw Mode //----------- enum CDrawMode { kCopyMode = 0, kOrMode, kXorMode, kAntialias }; //---------------------------- // Text Alignment (Horizontal) //---------------------------- enum CHoriTxtAlign { kLeftText = 0, kCenterText, kRightText }; //---------------------------- // Buttons Type (+modifiers) //---------------------------- enum CButton { kLButton = 1, kMButton = 2, kRButton = 4, kShift = 8, kControl = 16, kAlt = 32, kApple = 64 }; //---------------------------- // Cursor Type //---------------------------- enum CCursorType { kCursorDefault = 0, kCursorWait, kCursorHSize, kCursorVSize, kCursorSizeAll, kCursorNESWSize, kCursorNWSESize, kCursorCopy, kCursorNotAllowed, kCursorHand }; //---------------------------- // Knob Mode //---------------------------- enum CKnobMode { kCircularMode = 0, kRelativCircularMode, kLinearMode }; //---------------------------- // Draw Style //---------------------------- enum CDrawStyle { kDrawStroked = 0, kDrawFilled, kDrawFilledAndStroked }; enum CMouseWheelAxis { kMouseWheelAxisX = 0, kMouseWheelAxisY }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CReferenceCounter Declaration (Reference Counting) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CReferenceCounter { public: CReferenceCounter () : nbReference (1) {} virtual ~CReferenceCounter () {} virtual void forget () { nbReference--; if (nbReference == 0) delete this; } virtual void remember () { nbReference++; } long getNbReference () const { return nbReference; } private: long nbReference; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CDrawContext Declaration //! A drawing context encapsulates the drawing context of the underlying OS. It implements the drawing functions. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CDrawContext : public CReferenceCounter { public: CDrawContext (CFrame *pFrame, void *pSystemContext, void *pWindow = 0); virtual ~CDrawContext (); void moveTo (const CPoint &point); ///< move line position to point void lineTo (const CPoint &point); ///< draw a line from current position to point void drawLines (const CPoint* points, const long& numberOfLines); ///< draw multiple lines at once void drawPolygon (const CPoint *pPoints, long numberOfPoints, const CDrawStyle drawStyle = kDrawStroked); ///< draw a polygon void polyLine (const CPoint *pPoint, long numberOfPoints); ///< draw a stroked polygon void fillPolygon (const CPoint *pPoint, long numberOfPoints); ///< draw a filled polygon void drawRect (const CRect &rect, const CDrawStyle drawStyle = kDrawStroked); ///< draw a stroked rect void fillRect (const CRect &rect); ///< draw a filled rect void drawArc (const CRect &rect, const float startAngle1, const float endAngle2, const CDrawStyle drawStyle = kDrawStroked); ///< draw a stroked arc, where the angles are in degree void drawArc (const CRect &rect, const CPoint &point1, const CPoint &point2); ///< draw a stroked arc between point1 and point2 void fillArc (const CRect &rect, const CPoint &point1, const CPoint &point2); ///< draw a filled arc between point1 and point2 void drawEllipse (const CRect &rect, const CDrawStyle drawStyle = kDrawStroked); ///< draw an ellipse void fillEllipse (const CRect &rect); ///< draw a filled ellipse void drawPoint (const CPoint &point, CColor color); ///< draw a point CColor getPoint (const CPoint& point); ///< \deprecated void floodFill (const CPoint& start); ///< \deprecated void setLineStyle (CLineStyle style); ///< set the current line style CLineStyle getLineStyle () const { return lineStyle; } ///< get the current line style void setLineWidth (CCoord width); ///< set the current line width CCoord getLineWidth () const { return frameWidth; } ///< get the current line width void setDrawMode (CDrawMode mode); ///< set the current draw mode, see CDrawMode CDrawMode getDrawMode () const { return drawMode; } ///< get the current draw mode, see CDrawMode void setClipRect (const CRect &clip); ///< set the current clip CRect &getClipRect (CRect &clip) const { clip = clipRect; clip.offset (-offset.h, -offset.v); return clip; } ///< get the current clip void resetClipRect (); ///< reset the clip to the default state void setFillColor (const CColor color); ///< set current fill color CColor getFillColor () const { return fillColor; } ///< get current fill color void setFrameColor (const CColor color); ///< set current stroke color CColor getFrameColor () const { return frameColor; } ///< get current stroke color void setFontColor (const CColor color); ///< set current font color CColor getFontColor () const { return fontColor; } ///< get current font color void setFont (CFont fontID, const long size = 0, long style = 0); ///< set current font CFont getFont () const { return fontId; } ///< get current font long getFontSize () const { return fontSize; } ///< get current font size CCoord getStringWidth (const char* pStr); ///< get the width of a string void drawString (const char *pString, const CRect &rect, const short opaque = false, const CHoriTxtAlign hAlign = kCenterText); ///< draw a string long getMouseButtons (); ///< get current mouse buttons void getMouseLocation (CPoint &point); ///< get current mouse location. should not be used, see CView::getMouseLocation bool waitDoubleClick (); ///< check if another mouse click occurs in the near future bool waitDrag (); ///< check if the mouse will be dragged #if MOTIF long getIndexColor (CColor color); Colormap getColormap (); Visual *getVisual (); unsigned int getDepth (); static long nbNewColor; #endif void *getWindow () { return pWindow; } void setWindow (void *ptr) { pWindow = ptr; } void getLoc (CPoint &where) const { where = penLoc; } CFrame* getFrame () const { return pFrame; } CPoint offsetScreen; CPoint offset; void *getSystemContext () const { return pSystemContext; } virtual void forget (); //------------------------------------------- protected: friend class CBitmap; friend class COffscreenContext; void *pSystemContext; void *pWindow; CFrame *pFrame; long fontSize; long fontStyle; CFont fontId; CColor fontColor; CPoint penLoc; CCoord frameWidth; CColor frameColor; CColor fillColor; CLineStyle lineStyle; CDrawMode drawMode; CRect clipRect; #if MOTIF XFontStruct *pFontInfoStruct; #endif }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // COffscreenContext Declaration //! A drawing device which uses a pixmap as its drawing surface. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class COffscreenContext : public CDrawContext { public: COffscreenContext (CDrawContext *pContext, CBitmap *pBitmap, bool drawInBitmap = false); COffscreenContext (CFrame *pFrame, long width, long height, const CColor backgroundColor = kBlackCColor); virtual ~COffscreenContext (); void copyFrom (CDrawContext *pContext, CRect destRect, CPoint srcOffset = CPoint (0, 0)); ///< copy from offscreen to pContext void copyTo (CDrawContext* pContext, CRect& srcRect, CPoint destOffset = CPoint (0, 0)); ///< copy to offscreen from pContext inline CCoord getWidth () const { return width; } inline CCoord getHeight () const { return height; } //------------------------------------------- protected: CBitmap *pBitmap; CBitmap *pBitmapBg; CCoord height; CCoord width; bool bDestroyPixmap; CColor backgroundColor; #if MOTIF Display *pXdisplay; #endif }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CBitmap Declaration //! Encapsulates various platform depended kinds of bitmaps. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CBitmap : public CReferenceCounter { public: CBitmap (long resourceID); ///< Create from a filename CBitmap (CFrame &frame, CCoord width, CCoord height); ///< Create a pixmap with a given size. virtual ~CBitmap (); virtual void draw (CDrawContext *pContext, CRect &rect, const CPoint &offset = CPoint (0, 0)); ///< Draw the pixmap using a given rect as output position and a given offset of its source pixmap. virtual void drawTransparent (CDrawContext *pContext, CRect &rect, const CPoint &offset = CPoint (0, 0)); virtual void drawAlphaBlend (CDrawContext *pContext, CRect &rect, const CPoint &offset = CPoint (0, 0), unsigned char alpha = 128); ///< Same as CBitmap::draw except that it uses the alpha value to draw the bitmap alpha blended. inline CCoord getWidth () const { return width; } inline CCoord getHeight () const { return height; } bool isLoaded () const; void *getHandle () const; void setTransparentColor (const CColor color); CColor getTransparentColor () const { return transparentCColor; } void setTransparencyMask (CDrawContext* pContext, const CPoint& offset = CPoint (0, 0)); void setNoAlpha (bool state) { noAlpha = state; } bool getNoAlpha () const { return noAlpha; } //------------------------------------------- protected: CBitmap (); virtual void dispose (); virtual bool loadFromResource (long resourceID); virtual bool loadFromPath (const void* platformPath); // platformPath is a C string long resourceID; CCoord width; CCoord height; CColor transparentCColor; bool noAlpha; #if PNG void *createPixmapFromPng (CDrawContext *pContext); bool openPng (const char* path); bool closePng (); std::string pngPath; png_structp pngRead; png_infop pngInfo; FILE* pngFp; #endif #if MOTIF void *createPixmapFromXpm (CDrawContext *pContext); char **ppDataXpm; void *pHandle; void *pMask; #endif }; enum { kMessageUnknown = 0, kMessageNotified = 1 }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CView Declaration //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CView : public CReferenceCounter { public: CView (const CRect &size); virtual ~CView (); virtual void draw (CDrawContext *pContext); ///< called if the view should draw itself virtual void drawRect (CDrawContext *pContext, const CRect& updateRect) { draw (pContext); } ///< called if the view should draw itself virtual bool checkUpdate (CRect& updateRect) const { return updateRect.rectOverlap (size); } virtual void mouse (CDrawContext *pContext, CPoint &where, long buttons = -1); ///< called if a mouse click event occurs virtual void setBackground (CBitmap *background); ///< set the background image of this view virtual CBitmap *getBackground () const { return pBackground; } ///< get the background image of this view virtual long onKeyDown (VstKeyCode& keyCode); ///< called if a key down event occurs and this view has focus virtual long onKeyUp (VstKeyCode& keyCode); ///< called if a key up event occurs and this view has focus virtual bool onWheel (CDrawContext *pContext, const CPoint &where, float distance); ///< called if a mouse wheel event is happening over this view virtual bool onWheel (CDrawContext *pContext, const CPoint &where, const CMouseWheelAxis axis, float distance); ///< called if a mouse wheel event is happening over this view virtual bool onDrop (CDrawContext* context, CDragContainer* drag, const CPoint& where) { return false; } ///< called if a drag is dropped onto this view virtual void onDragEnter (CDrawContext* context, CDragContainer* drag, const CPoint& where) {} ///< called if a drag is entering this view virtual void onDragLeave (CDrawContext* context, CDragContainer* drag, const CPoint& where) {} ///< called if a drag is leaving this view virtual void onDragMove (CDrawContext* context, CDragContainer* drag, const CPoint& where) {} ///< called if a drag is current moved over this view virtual void looseFocus (CDrawContext *pContext = 0); ///< called if view should loose focus virtual void takeFocus (CDrawContext *pContext = 0); ///< called if view should take focus virtual bool isDirty () const { return bDirty; } ///< check if view is dirty virtual void setDirty (const bool val = true) { bDirty = val; } ///< set the view to dirty so that it is redrawn in the next idle. Thread Safe ! virtual bool isVisible () const { return bVisible; } ///< check if view is dirty virtual void setVisible (const bool val = true) { bVisible = val; } ///< set the view to dirty so that it is redrawn in the next idle. Thread Safe ! virtual void setMouseEnabled (const bool bEnable = true) { bMouseEnabled = bEnable; } ///< turn on/off mouse usage for this view virtual bool getMouseEnabled () const { return bMouseEnabled; } ///< get the state of wheather this view uses the mouse or not virtual void setMouseableArea (const CRect &rect) { mouseableArea = rect; } ///< set the area in which the view reacts to the mouse virtual CRect &getMouseableArea (CRect &rect) const { rect = mouseableArea; return rect;} ///< get the area in which the view reacts to the mouse virtual bool hitTest (const CPoint& where, const long buttons = -1) { return where.isInside (mouseableArea); } ///< check if where hits this view virtual void setTransparency (bool val) { bTransparencyEnabled = val; } ///< set views transparent state virtual bool getTransparency () const { return bTransparencyEnabled; } ///< is view transparent ? CCoord getHeight () const { return size.height (); } ///< get the height of the view CCoord getWidth () const { return size.width (); } ///< get the width of the view virtual void setViewSize (CRect &rect); ///< set views size virtual CRect &getViewSize (CRect &rect) const { rect = size; return rect; } ///< returns the current view size virtual const CRect &getViewSize () const { return size; } ///< returns the current view size virtual bool removed (CView* parent) { return true; } ///< view is removed from parent view virtual bool attached (CView* view) { return true; } ///< view is attached to a parent view virtual void getMouseLocation (CDrawContext* context, CPoint &point); ///< get current mouse location in local view coordinates virtual CPoint& frameToLocal (CPoint& point) const; ///< conversion from frame coordinates to local view coordinates virtual CPoint& localToFrame (CPoint& point) const; ///< conversion from local view coordinates to frame coordinates bool getAttributeSize (const CViewAttributeID id, long& outSize) const; ///< get the size of an attribute bool getAttribute (const CViewAttributeID id, const long inSize, void* outData, long& outSize) const; ///< get an attribute bool setAttribute (const CViewAttributeID id, const long inSize, void* inData); ///< set an attribute CView *getParentView () const { return pParentView; } CFrame *getParent () const { return pParentFrame; } CFrame *getFrame () const { return pParentFrame; } virtual void *getEditor () const; virtual long notify (CView* sender, const char* message); void redraw (); virtual void redrawRect (CDrawContext* context, const CRect& rect); virtual bool wantsFocus () const { return bWantsFocus; } ///< check if view supports focus virtual void setWantsFocus (bool state) { bWantsFocus = state; } ///< set focus support on/off #if DEBUG virtual void dumpInfo (); #endif virtual bool isTypeOf (const char* s) const { return (!strcmp (s, "CView")); } virtual void update (CDrawContext *pContext); // don't call this !!! //------------------------------------------- protected: friend class CControl; friend class CFrame; friend class CViewContainer; CRect size; CRect mouseableArea; CFrame *pParentFrame; CView *pParentView; bool bDirty; bool bMouseEnabled; bool bTransparencyEnabled; bool bWantsFocus; bool bVisible; CBitmap* pBackground; CAttributeListEntry* pAttributeList; }; // Message to check if View is a CViewContainer const extern char* kMsgCheckIfViewContainer; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CViewContainer Declaration //! Container Class of CView objects. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CViewContainer : public CView { public: CViewContainer (const CRect &size, CFrame *pParent, CBitmap *pBackground = 0); virtual ~CViewContainer (); virtual void addView (CView *pView); ///< add a child view virtual void addView (CView *pView, CRect &mouseableArea, bool mouseEnabled = true); ///< add a child view virtual void removeView (CView *pView, const bool &withForget = true); ///< remove a child view virtual void removeAll (const bool &withForget = true); ///< remove all child views virtual bool isChild (CView *pView) const; ///< check if pView is a child view of this container virtual long getNbViews () const; ///< get the number of child views virtual CView *getView (long index) const; ///< get the child view at index virtual void setBackgroundColor (const CColor color); ///< set the background color (will only be drawn if this container is not set to transparent and does not have a background bitmap) virtual CColor getBackgroundColor () const { return backgroundColor; } ///< get the background color virtual void setBackgroundOffset (const CPoint &p) { backgroundOffset = p; } ///< set the offset of the background bitmap virtual const CPoint& getBackgroundOffset () const { return backgroundOffset; } ///< get the offset of the background bitmap virtual void drawBackgroundRect (CDrawContext *pContext, CRect& _updateRect); ///< draw the background enum { kNormalUpdate = 0, ///< this mode redraws the whole container if something is dirty kOnlyDirtyUpdate ///< this mode only redraws the views which are dirty }; virtual void setMode (long val) { mode = val; } ///< set the update mode virtual long getMode () const { return mode; } ///< get the update mode virtual void useOffscreen (bool b); ///< turn on/off using an offscreen virtual CView *getCurrentView () const; ///< get the current view under the mouse virtual CView *getViewAt (const CPoint& where, bool deep = false) const; ///< get the view at point where void modifyDrawContext (CCoord save[4], CDrawContext* pContext); void restoreDrawContext (CDrawContext* pContext, CCoord save[4]); // CView virtual void draw (CDrawContext *pContext); virtual void drawRect (CDrawContext *pContext, const CRect& updateRect); virtual void mouse (CDrawContext *pContext, CPoint &where, long buttons = -1); virtual bool onWheel (CDrawContext *pContext, const CPoint &where, float distance); virtual bool onWheel (CDrawContext *pContext, const CPoint &where, const CMouseWheelAxis axis, float distance); virtual void update (CDrawContext *pContext); virtual bool hitTest (const CPoint& where, const long buttons = -1); virtual long onKeyDown (VstKeyCode& keyCode); virtual long onKeyUp (VstKeyCode& keyCode); virtual long notify (CView* sender, const char* message); virtual bool onDrop (CDrawContext* context, CDragContainer* drag, const CPoint& where); virtual void onDragEnter (CDrawContext* context, CDragContainer* drag, const CPoint& where); virtual void onDragLeave (CDrawContext* context, CDragContainer* drag, const CPoint& where); virtual void onDragMove (CDrawContext* context, CDragContainer* drag, const CPoint& where); virtual void looseFocus (CDrawContext *pContext = 0); virtual void takeFocus (CDrawContext *pContext = 0); virtual bool advanceNextFocusView (CView* oldFocus, bool reverse = false); virtual bool isDirty () const; virtual void setViewSize (CRect &rect); virtual bool removed (CView* parent); virtual bool attached (CView* view); virtual CPoint& frameToLocal (CPoint& point) const; virtual CPoint& localToFrame (CPoint& point) const; virtual void redrawRect (CDrawContext* context, const CRect& rect); CLASS_METHODS(CViewContainer, CView) #if DEBUG virtual void dumpInfo (); virtual void dumpHierarchy (); #endif //------------------------------------------- protected: bool hitTestSubViews (const CPoint& where, const long buttons = -1); CCView *pFirstView; CCView *pLastView; long mode; COffscreenContext *pOffscreenContext; CColor backgroundColor; CPoint backgroundOffset; bool bDrawInOffscreen; CView* currentDragView; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CFrame Declaration //! The CFrame is the parent container of all views. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CFrame : public CViewContainer { public: CFrame (const CRect &size, void *pSystemWindow, void *pEditor); virtual ~CFrame (); virtual bool open (); virtual bool close (); virtual bool isOpen () const { return bOpenFlag; } virtual void idle (); virtual void doIdleStuff (); virtual unsigned long getTicks () const; ///< get the current time (in ms) virtual long getKnobMode () const; ///< get hosts knob mode virtual bool setPosition (CCoord x, CCoord y); virtual bool getPosition (CCoord &x, CCoord &y) const; virtual bool setSize (CCoord width, CCoord height); virtual bool getSize (CRect *pSize) const; virtual bool getSize (CRect &pSize) const; virtual long setModalView (CView *pView); virtual CView *getModalView () const { return pModalView; } virtual void beginEdit (long index); virtual void endEdit (long index); virtual bool getCurrentLocation (CPoint &where); virtual void setCursor (CCursorType type); virtual void setFocusView (CView *pView); virtual CView *getFocusView () const { return pFocusView; } virtual bool advanceNextFocusView (CView* oldFocus, bool reverse = false); virtual bool setDropActive (bool val); virtual bool isDropActive () const { return bDropActive; }; CDrawContext* createDrawContext (); virtual void setOpenFlag (bool val) { bOpenFlag = val;}; virtual bool getOpenFlag () const { return bOpenFlag; }; virtual void invalidate (const CRect &rect); virtual bool updatesDisabled () const { return bUpdatesDisabled; } virtual bool updatesDisabled (bool state) { bool before = bUpdatesDisabled; bUpdatesDisabled = state; return before; } void *getSystemWindow () const { return (void*)pSystemWindow; } void *getParentSystemWindow () const { return (void*)pSystemWindow; } void setParentSystemWindow (void *val) { pSystemWindow = (XdbeBackBuffer)val; } // CView virtual void draw (CDrawContext *pContext); virtual void drawRect (CDrawContext *pContext, const CRect& updateRect); virtual void draw (CView *pView = 0); virtual void mouse (CDrawContext *pContext, CPoint &where, long buttons = -1); virtual bool onWheel (CDrawContext *pContext, const CPoint &where, float distance); virtual bool onWheel (CDrawContext *pContext, const CPoint &where, const CMouseWheelAxis axis, float distance); virtual long onKeyDown (VstKeyCode& keyCode); virtual long onKeyUp (VstKeyCode& keyCode); virtual void update (CDrawContext *pContext); virtual void setViewSize (CRect& inRect); virtual CView *getCurrentView () const; virtual void *getEditor () const { return pEditor; } #if MOTIF Colormap getColormap () const { return colormap; } Visual *getVisual () const { return pVisual; } unsigned int getDepth () const { return depth; } Window getWindow () const { return window; } Drawable getBackBuffer () const { return backBuffer; } void freeGc (); Region region; GC gc; GC getGC () const { return gc; } #endif #if DEBUG virtual void dumpHierarchy (); #endif CLASS_METHODS(CFrame, CViewContainer) //------------------------------------------- protected: bool initFrame (void *pSystemWin); void *pEditor; CView *pModalView; CView *pFocusView; bool bFirstDraw; bool bOpenFlag; bool bDropActive; bool bUpdatesDisabled; #if MOTIF Colormap colormap; Visual *pVisual; Window window; unsigned int depth; XdbeBackBuffer backBuffer; Window pSystemWindow; #endif //------------------------------------------- private: CDrawContext *pFrameContext; bool bAddedWindow; void *defaultCursor; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CDragContainer Declaration //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CDragContainer : public CReferenceCounter { public: CDragContainer (void* platformDrag); ~CDragContainer (); void* first (long& size, long& type); ///< returns pointer on a char array if type is known void* next (long& size, long& type); ///< returns pointer on a char array if type is known long getType (long idx) const; long getCount () const { return nbItems; } enum { kFile = 0, kText, kUnknown = -1 }; protected: void* platformDrag; long nbItems; long iterator; void* lastItem; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CCView Declaration //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CCView { public: CCView (CView *pView); ~CCView (); CView *pView; CCView *pNext; CCView *pPrevious; }; } // namespace VSTGUI // include the control objects #ifndef __vstcontrols__ #include "vstcontrols.h" #endif #ifndef USE_NAMESPACE using namespace VSTGUI; #endif #endif // __vstgui__