/* adenv.c - A LV2 plugin to generate percussive (i.e no sustain time), linear AD envelopes. Copyright 2005 Loki Davison based on ADENV by Mike Rawes This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #define _XOPEN_SOURCE 500 /* strdup */ #include #include #include #include #define ADENV_BASE_ID 2661 #define ADENV_GATE 0 #define ADENV_TRIGGER 1 #define ADENV_ATTACK 2 #define ADENV_DECAY 3 #define ADENV_OUTPUT 4 LV2_Descriptor **dahdsr_descriptors = 0; typedef enum { IDLE, ATTACK, DECAY, } ADENVState; typedef struct { float *gate; float *trigger; float *attack; float *decay; float *output; float srate; float inv_srate; float last_gate; float last_trigger; float from_level; float level; ADENVState state; unsigned long samples; } Dahdsr; static void cleanup(LV2_Handle instance) { free(instance); } static void connect_port(LV2_Handle instance, uint32_t port, void* data) { Dahdsr *plugin = (Dahdsr *) instance; switch (port) { case ADENV_GATE: plugin->gate = data; break; case ADENV_TRIGGER: plugin->trigger = data; break; case ADENV_ATTACK: plugin->attack = data; break; case ADENV_DECAY: plugin->decay = data; break; case ADENV_OUTPUT: plugin->output = data; break; } } static LV2_Handle instantiate(const LV2_Descriptor* descriptor, double sample_rate, const char* bundle_path, const LV2_Feature* const* features) { Dahdsr *plugin = (Dahdsr *) malloc(sizeof(Dahdsr)); plugin->srate = (float) sample_rate; plugin->inv_srate = 1.0f / plugin->srate; return (LV2_Handle) plugin; } static void activate(LV2_Handle instance) { Dahdsr *plugin = (Dahdsr *) instance; plugin->last_gate = 0.0f; plugin->last_trigger = 0.0f; plugin->from_level = 0.0f; plugin->level = 0.0f; plugin->state = IDLE; plugin->samples = 0; } static void run(LV2_Handle instance, uint32_t sample_count) { Dahdsr *plugin = (Dahdsr *) instance; /* Gate */ float *gate = plugin->gate; /* Trigger */ float *trigger = plugin->trigger; /* Attack Time (s) */ float attack = *(plugin->attack); /* Decay Time (s) */ float decay = *(plugin->decay); /* Envelope Out */ float *output = plugin->output; /* Instance Data */ float srate = plugin->srate; float inv_srate = plugin->inv_srate; float last_gate = plugin->last_gate; float last_trigger = plugin->last_trigger; float from_level = plugin->from_level; float level = plugin->level; ADENVState state = plugin->state; unsigned long samples = plugin->samples; float gat, trg, att, dec; float elapsed; unsigned long s; /* Convert times into rates */ att = attack > 0.0f ? inv_srate / attack : srate; dec = decay > 0.0f ? inv_srate / decay : srate; /* cuse's formula ... * ReleaseCoeff = (ln(EndLevel) - ln(StartLevel)) / (EnvelopeDuration * SampleRate) * * while (currentSample < endSample) Level += Level * ReleaseCoeff; */ float ReleaseCoeff = log(0.001) / (decay * srate); for (s = 0; s < sample_count; s++) { gat = gate[s]; trg = trigger[s]; /* Initialise delay phase if gate is opened and was closed, or we received a trigger */ if ((trg > 0.0f && !(last_trigger > 0.0f)) || (gat > 0.0f && !(last_gate > 0.0f))) { //fprintf(stderr, "triggered in control \n"); if (att <= srate) { state = ATTACK; } samples = 0; } if (samples == 0) from_level = level; /* Calculate level of envelope from current state */ switch (state) { case IDLE: level = 0; break; case ATTACK: samples++; elapsed = (float) samples *att; if (elapsed > 1.0f) { state = DECAY; level = 1.0f; samples = 0; } else { level = from_level + elapsed * (1.0f - from_level); } break; case DECAY: samples++; elapsed = (float) samples *dec; if (elapsed > 1.0f) { state = IDLE; level = 0.0f; samples = 0; } else { //fprintf(stderr, "decay, dec %f elapsed %f from level %f level %f\n", dec, elapsed, from_level, level); level += level * ReleaseCoeff; } break; default: /* Should never happen */ fprintf(stderr, "bugger!!!"); level = 0.0f; } output[s] = level; last_gate = gat; last_trigger = trg; } plugin->last_gate = last_gate; plugin->last_trigger = last_trigger; plugin->from_level = from_level; plugin->level = level; plugin->state = state; plugin->samples = samples; } static const LV2_Descriptor descriptor = { "http://drobilla.net/plugins/omins/adenv", instantiate, connect_port, activate, run, NULL, cleanup, NULL, }; LV2_SYMBOL_EXPORT const LV2_Descriptor* lv2_descriptor(uint32_t index) { switch (index) { case 0: return &descriptor; default: return NULL; } }