/* Copyright 2012-2020 David Robillard Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ /* A demonstration of using multiple top-level windows. */ #include "cube_view.h" #include "demo_utils.h" #include "test/test_utils.h" #include "pugl/gl.h" #include "pugl/pugl.h" #include #include #include typedef struct { PuglView* view; double xAngle; double yAngle; double lastMouseX; double lastMouseY; double lastDrawTime; float dist; bool entered; } CubeView; typedef struct { PuglWorld* world; CubeView cubes[2]; int quit; bool continuous; bool verbose; } PuglTestApp; static const double pad = 64.0; static void onDisplay(PuglView* view) { PuglWorld* world = puglGetWorld(view); PuglTestApp* app = (PuglTestApp*)puglGetWorldHandle(world); CubeView* cube = (CubeView*)puglGetHandle(view); const double thisTime = puglGetTime(app->world); if (app->continuous) { const double dTime = thisTime - cube->lastDrawTime; cube->xAngle = fmod(cube->xAngle + dTime * 100.0, 360.0); cube->yAngle = fmod(cube->yAngle + dTime * 100.0, 360.0); } displayCube( view, cube->dist, (float)cube->xAngle, (float)cube->yAngle, cube->entered); cube->lastDrawTime = thisTime; } static void onKeyPress(PuglView* view, const PuglKeyEvent* event) { PuglWorld* world = puglGetWorld(view); PuglTestApp* app = (PuglTestApp*)puglGetWorldHandle(world); PuglRect frame = puglGetFrame(view); if (event->key == 'q' || event->key == PUGL_KEY_ESCAPE) { app->quit = 1; } else if (event->state & PUGL_MOD_SHIFT) { if (event->key == PUGL_KEY_UP) { frame.height += 10; } else if (event->key == PUGL_KEY_DOWN) { frame.height -= 10; } else if (event->key == PUGL_KEY_LEFT) { frame.width -= 10; } else if (event->key == PUGL_KEY_RIGHT) { frame.width += 10; } else { return; } puglSetFrame(view, frame); } else { if (event->key == PUGL_KEY_UP) { frame.y -= 10; } else if (event->key == PUGL_KEY_DOWN) { frame.y += 10; } else if (event->key == PUGL_KEY_LEFT) { frame.x -= 10; } else if (event->key == PUGL_KEY_RIGHT) { frame.x += 10; } else { return; } puglSetFrame(view, frame); } } static void redisplayView(PuglTestApp* app, PuglView* view) { if (!app->continuous) { puglPostRedisplay(view); } } static PuglStatus onEvent(PuglView* view, const PuglEvent* event) { PuglWorld* world = puglGetWorld(view); PuglTestApp* app = (PuglTestApp*)puglGetWorldHandle(world); CubeView* cube = (CubeView*)puglGetHandle(view); const char* const prefix = cube == &app->cubes[0] ? "View 1: " : "View 2: "; printEvent(event, prefix, app->verbose); switch (event->type) { case PUGL_CONFIGURE: reshapeCube((float)event->configure.width, (float)event->configure.height); break; case PUGL_UPDATE: if (app->continuous) { puglPostRedisplay(view); } break; case PUGL_EXPOSE: onDisplay(view); break; case PUGL_CLOSE: app->quit = 1; break; case PUGL_KEY_PRESS: onKeyPress(view, &event->key); break; case PUGL_MOTION: cube->xAngle -= event->motion.x - cube->lastMouseX; cube->yAngle += event->motion.y - cube->lastMouseY; cube->lastMouseX = event->motion.x; cube->lastMouseY = event->motion.y; redisplayView(app, view); break; case PUGL_SCROLL: cube->dist = fmaxf(10.0f, cube->dist + (float)event->scroll.dy); redisplayView(app, view); break; case PUGL_POINTER_IN: cube->entered = true; redisplayView(app, view); break; case PUGL_POINTER_OUT: cube->entered = false; redisplayView(app, view); break; case PUGL_FOCUS_IN: case PUGL_FOCUS_OUT: redisplayView(app, view); break; default: break; } return PUGL_SUCCESS; } int main(int argc, char** argv) { PuglTestApp app = {0}; const PuglTestOptions opts = puglParseTestOptions(&argc, &argv); if (opts.help) { puglPrintTestUsage(argv[0], ""); return 1; } app.continuous = opts.continuous; app.verbose = opts.verbose; app.world = puglNewWorld(PUGL_PROGRAM, 0); app.cubes[0].view = puglNewView(app.world); app.cubes[1].view = puglNewView(app.world); puglSetWorldHandle(app.world, &app); puglSetClassName(app.world, "Pugl Test"); PuglStatus st = PUGL_SUCCESS; for (unsigned i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { CubeView* cube = &app.cubes[i]; PuglView* view = cube->view; const PuglRect frame = { pad + (128.0 + pad) * i, pad + (128.0 + pad) * i, 512.0, 512.0}; cube->dist = 10; puglSetWindowTitle(view, "Pugl Window Demo"); puglSetFrame(view, frame); puglSetDefaultSize(view, 512, 512); puglSetMinSize(view, 128, 128); puglSetMaxSize(view, 2048, 2048); puglSetBackend(view, puglGlBackend()); puglSetViewHint(view, PUGL_USE_DEBUG_CONTEXT, opts.errorChecking); puglSetViewHint(view, PUGL_RESIZABLE, opts.resizable); puglSetViewHint(view, PUGL_SAMPLES, opts.samples); puglSetViewHint(view, PUGL_DOUBLE_BUFFER, opts.doubleBuffer); puglSetViewHint(view, PUGL_SWAP_INTERVAL, opts.sync); puglSetViewHint(view, PUGL_IGNORE_KEY_REPEAT, opts.ignoreKeyRepeat); puglSetHandle(view, cube); puglSetEventFunc(view, onEvent); if (i == 1) { puglSetTransientParent(app.cubes[1].view, puglGetNativeWindow(app.cubes[0].view)); } if ((st = puglRealize(view))) { return logError("Failed to create window (%s)\n", puglStrerror(st)); } puglShow(view); } PuglFpsPrinter fpsPrinter = {puglGetTime(app.world)}; unsigned framesDrawn = 0; while (!app.quit) { puglUpdate(app.world, app.continuous ? 0.0 : -1.0); ++framesDrawn; if (app.continuous) { puglPrintFps(app.world, &fpsPrinter, &framesDrawn); } } for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { puglFreeView(app.cubes[i].view); } puglFreeWorld(app.world); return 0; }