// Copyright 2012-2023 David Robillard <d@drobilla.net>
// SPDX-License-Identifier: ISC

#ifndef PUGL_GL_H
#define PUGL_GL_H

#include <pugl/attributes.h>
#include <pugl/pugl.h>

// IWYU pragma: begin_exports

/* Unfortunately, GL includes vary across platforms, so include them here to
   enable pure portable programs. */

#  ifdef __APPLE__
#    include <OpenGL/gl.h>
#  else
#    ifdef _WIN32
#      include <windows.h>
#    endif
#    include <GL/gl.h>
#  endif

// IWYU pragma: end_exports


   @defgroup pugl_gl OpenGL
   OpenGL graphics support.
   @ingroup pugl

   OpenGL extension function.
typedef void (*PuglGlFunc)(void);

   Return the address of an OpenGL extension function.
puglGetProcAddress(const char* name);

   Enter the OpenGL context.

   This can be used to enter the graphics context in unusual situations, for
   doing things like loading textures.  Note that this must not be used for
   drawing, which may only be done while processing an expose event.
PUGL_API PuglStatus
puglEnterContext(PuglView* view);

   Leave the OpenGL context.

   This must only be called after puglEnterContext().
PUGL_API PuglStatus
puglLeaveContext(PuglView* view);

   OpenGL graphics backend.

   Pass the returned value to puglSetBackend() to draw to a view with OpenGL.
PUGL_CONST_API const PuglBackend*



#endif // PUGL_GL_H