// Copyright 2012-2022 David Robillard // SPDX-License-Identifier: ISC #include "implementation.h" #include "types.h" #include "pugl/pugl.h" #include #include #include #include const char* puglStrerror(const PuglStatus status) { // clang-format off switch (status) { case PUGL_SUCCESS: return "Success"; case PUGL_FAILURE: return "Non-fatal failure"; case PUGL_UNKNOWN_ERROR: return "Unknown system error"; case PUGL_BAD_BACKEND: return "Invalid or missing backend"; case PUGL_BAD_CONFIGURATION: return "Invalid view configuration"; case PUGL_BAD_PARAMETER: return "Invalid parameter"; case PUGL_BACKEND_FAILED: return "Backend initialisation failed"; case PUGL_REGISTRATION_FAILED: return "Class registration failed"; case PUGL_REALIZE_FAILED: return "View creation failed"; case PUGL_SET_FORMAT_FAILED: return "Failed to set pixel format"; case PUGL_CREATE_CONTEXT_FAILED: return "Failed to create drawing context"; case PUGL_UNSUPPORTED: return "Unsupported operation"; } // clang-format on return "Unknown error"; } void puglSetString(char** dest, const char* string) { if (*dest != string) { const size_t len = strlen(string); *dest = (char*)realloc(*dest, len + 1); strncpy(*dest, string, len + 1); } } void puglSetBlob(PuglBlob* const dest, const void* const data, const size_t len) { if (data) { dest->len = len; dest->data = realloc(dest->data, len + 1); memcpy(dest->data, data, len); ((char*)dest->data)[len] = 0; } else { dest->len = 0; dest->data = NULL; } } static void puglSetDefaultHints(PuglHints hints) { hints[PUGL_USE_COMPAT_PROFILE] = PUGL_TRUE; hints[PUGL_CONTEXT_VERSION_MAJOR] = 2; hints[PUGL_CONTEXT_VERSION_MINOR] = 0; hints[PUGL_RED_BITS] = 8; hints[PUGL_GREEN_BITS] = 8; hints[PUGL_BLUE_BITS] = 8; hints[PUGL_ALPHA_BITS] = 8; hints[PUGL_DEPTH_BITS] = 0; hints[PUGL_STENCIL_BITS] = 0; hints[PUGL_SAMPLES] = 0; hints[PUGL_DOUBLE_BUFFER] = PUGL_TRUE; hints[PUGL_SWAP_INTERVAL] = PUGL_DONT_CARE; hints[PUGL_RESIZABLE] = PUGL_FALSE; hints[PUGL_IGNORE_KEY_REPEAT] = PUGL_FALSE; hints[PUGL_REFRESH_RATE] = PUGL_DONT_CARE; } PuglWorld* puglNewWorld(PuglWorldType type, PuglWorldFlags flags) { PuglWorld* world = (PuglWorld*)calloc(1, sizeof(PuglWorld)); if (!world || !(world->impl = puglInitWorldInternals(type, flags))) { free(world); return NULL; } world->startTime = puglGetTime(world); puglSetString(&world->className, "Pugl"); return world; } void puglFreeWorld(PuglWorld* const world) { puglFreeWorldInternals(world); free(world->className); free(world->views); free(world); } void puglSetWorldHandle(PuglWorld* world, PuglWorldHandle handle) { world->handle = handle; } PuglWorldHandle puglGetWorldHandle(PuglWorld* world) { return world->handle; } PuglStatus puglSetClassName(PuglWorld* const world, const char* const name) { puglSetString(&world->className, name); return PUGL_SUCCESS; } const char* puglGetClassName(const PuglWorld* world) { return world->className; } PuglView* puglNewView(PuglWorld* const world) { PuglView* view = (PuglView*)calloc(1, sizeof(PuglView)); if (!view || !(view->impl = puglInitViewInternals())) { free(view); return NULL; } view->world = world; view->sizeHints[PUGL_MIN_SIZE].width = 1; view->sizeHints[PUGL_MIN_SIZE].height = 1; puglSetDefaultHints(view->hints); // Add to world view list ++world->numViews; world->views = (PuglView**)realloc(world->views, world->numViews * sizeof(PuglView*)); world->views[world->numViews - 1] = view; return view; } void puglFreeView(PuglView* view) { if (view->eventFunc && view->backend) { puglDispatchSimpleEvent(view, PUGL_DESTROY); } // Remove from world view list PuglWorld* world = view->world; for (size_t i = 0; i < world->numViews; ++i) { if (world->views[i] == view) { if (i == world->numViews - 1) { world->views[i] = NULL; } else { memmove(world->views + i, world->views + i + 1, sizeof(PuglView*) * (world->numViews - i - 1)); world->views[world->numViews - 1] = NULL; } --world->numViews; } } free(view->title); free(view->clipboard.data); puglFreeViewInternals(view); free(view); } PuglWorld* puglGetWorld(PuglView* view) { return view->world; } PuglStatus puglSetViewHint(PuglView* view, PuglViewHint hint, int value) { if (value == PUGL_DONT_CARE) { switch (hint) { case PUGL_USE_COMPAT_PROFILE: case PUGL_USE_DEBUG_CONTEXT: case PUGL_CONTEXT_VERSION_MAJOR: case PUGL_CONTEXT_VERSION_MINOR: case PUGL_SWAP_INTERVAL: return PUGL_BAD_PARAMETER; default: break; } } if (hint < PUGL_NUM_VIEW_HINTS) { view->hints[hint] = value; return PUGL_SUCCESS; } return PUGL_BAD_PARAMETER; } int puglGetViewHint(const PuglView* view, PuglViewHint hint) { return (hint < PUGL_NUM_VIEW_HINTS) ? view->hints[hint] : PUGL_DONT_CARE; } const char* puglGetWindowTitle(const PuglView* const view) { return view->title; } PuglStatus puglSetParentWindow(PuglView* view, PuglNativeView parent) { view->parent = parent; return PUGL_SUCCESS; } PuglNativeView puglGetParentWindow(const PuglView* const view) { return view->parent; } PuglNativeView puglGetTransientParent(const PuglView* const view) { return view->transientParent; } PuglStatus puglSetBackend(PuglView* view, const PuglBackend* backend) { view->backend = backend; return PUGL_SUCCESS; } const PuglBackend* puglGetBackend(const PuglView* view) { return view->backend; } void puglSetHandle(PuglView* view, PuglHandle handle) { view->handle = handle; } PuglHandle puglGetHandle(PuglView* view) { return view->handle; } bool puglGetVisible(const PuglView* view) { return view->visible; } PuglRect puglGetFrame(const PuglView* view) { return view->frame; } void* puglGetContext(PuglView* view) { return view->backend->getContext(view); } #ifndef PUGL_DISABLE_DEPRECATED PuglStatus puglPollEvents(PuglWorld* world, double timeout) { return puglUpdate(world, timeout); } PuglStatus puglDispatchEvents(PuglWorld* world) { return puglUpdate(world, 0.0); } PuglStatus puglShowWindow(PuglView* view) { return puglShow(view); } PuglStatus puglHideWindow(PuglView* view) { return puglHide(view); } #endif PuglStatus puglSetEventFunc(PuglView* view, PuglEventFunc eventFunc) { view->eventFunc = eventFunc; return PUGL_SUCCESS; } /// Return the code point for buf, or the replacement character on error uint32_t puglDecodeUTF8(const uint8_t* buf) { #define FAIL_IF(cond) \ do { \ if (cond) \ return 0xFFFD; \ } while (0) // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-8 if (buf[0] < 0x80) { return buf[0]; } if (buf[0] < 0xC2) { return 0xFFFD; } if (buf[0] < 0xE0) { FAIL_IF((buf[1] & 0xC0u) != 0x80); return ((uint32_t)buf[0] << 6u) + buf[1] - 0x3080u; } if (buf[0] < 0xF0) { FAIL_IF((buf[1] & 0xC0u) != 0x80); FAIL_IF(buf[0] == 0xE0 && buf[1] < 0xA0); FAIL_IF((buf[2] & 0xC0u) != 0x80); return ((uint32_t)buf[0] << 12u) + // ((uint32_t)buf[1] << 6u) + // ((uint32_t)buf[2] - 0xE2080u); } if (buf[0] < 0xF5) { FAIL_IF((buf[1] & 0xC0u) != 0x80); FAIL_IF(buf[0] == 0xF0 && buf[1] < 0x90); FAIL_IF(buf[0] == 0xF4 && buf[1] >= 0x90); FAIL_IF((buf[2] & 0xC0u) != 0x80u); FAIL_IF((buf[3] & 0xC0u) != 0x80u); return (((uint32_t)buf[0] << 18u) + // ((uint32_t)buf[1] << 12u) + // ((uint32_t)buf[2] << 6u) + // ((uint32_t)buf[3] - 0x3C82080u)); } return 0xFFFD; } static inline bool puglMustConfigure(PuglView* view, const PuglConfigureEvent* configure) { return !!memcmp(configure, &view->lastConfigure, sizeof(PuglConfigureEvent)); } PuglStatus puglDispatchSimpleEvent(PuglView* view, const PuglEventType type) { assert(type == PUGL_CREATE || type == PUGL_DESTROY || type == PUGL_MAP || type == PUGL_UNMAP || type == PUGL_UPDATE || type == PUGL_CLOSE || type == PUGL_LOOP_ENTER || type == PUGL_LOOP_LEAVE); const PuglEvent event = {{type, 0}}; return puglDispatchEvent(view, &event); } PuglStatus puglConfigure(PuglView* view, const PuglEvent* event) { PuglStatus st = PUGL_SUCCESS; assert(event->type == PUGL_CONFIGURE); view->frame.x = event->configure.x; view->frame.y = event->configure.y; view->frame.width = event->configure.width; view->frame.height = event->configure.height; if (puglMustConfigure(view, &event->configure)) { st = view->eventFunc(view, event); view->lastConfigure = event->configure; } return st; } PuglStatus puglExpose(PuglView* view, const PuglEvent* event) { return (event->expose.width > 0.0 && event->expose.height > 0.0) ? view->eventFunc(view, event) : PUGL_SUCCESS; } PuglStatus puglDispatchEvent(PuglView* view, const PuglEvent* event) { PuglStatus st0 = PUGL_SUCCESS; PuglStatus st1 = PUGL_SUCCESS; switch (event->type) { case PUGL_NOTHING: break; case PUGL_CREATE: case PUGL_DESTROY: if (!(st0 = view->backend->enter(view, NULL))) { st0 = view->eventFunc(view, event); st1 = view->backend->leave(view, NULL); } break; case PUGL_CONFIGURE: if (puglMustConfigure(view, &event->configure)) { if (!(st0 = view->backend->enter(view, NULL))) { st0 = puglConfigure(view, event); st1 = view->backend->leave(view, NULL); } } break; case PUGL_MAP: if (!view->visible) { view->visible = true; st0 = view->eventFunc(view, event); } break; case PUGL_UNMAP: if (view->visible) { view->visible = false; st0 = view->eventFunc(view, event); } break; case PUGL_EXPOSE: if (!(st0 = view->backend->enter(view, &event->expose))) { st0 = puglExpose(view, event); st1 = view->backend->leave(view, &event->expose); } break; default: st0 = view->eventFunc(view, event); } return st0 ? st0 : st1; } const void* puglGetInternalClipboard(const PuglView* const view, const char** const type, size_t* const len) { if (len) { *len = view->clipboard.len; } if (type) { *type = "text/plain"; } return view->clipboard.data; } PuglStatus puglSetInternalClipboard(PuglView* const view, const char* const type, const void* const data, const size_t len) { if (type && !!strcmp(type, "text/plain")) { return PUGL_UNSUPPORTED; } puglSetBlob(&view->clipboard, data, len); return PUGL_SUCCESS; }