// Copyright 2012-2023 David Robillard // Copyright 2017 Hanspeter Portner // SPDX-License-Identifier: ISC #define GL_SILENCE_DEPRECATION 1 #include "mac.h" #include "internal.h" #include "platform.h" #include "pugl/pugl.h" #import #include #include #ifndef __MAC_10_10 typedef NSUInteger NSEventModifierFlags; typedef NSUInteger NSEventSubtype; #endif #ifndef __MAC_10_12 typedef NSUInteger NSWindowStyleMask; #endif typedef struct { const char* uti; const char* mimeType; } Datatype; #define NUM_DATATYPES 16 static const Datatype datatypes[NUM_DATATYPES + 1] = { {"com.apple.pasteboard.promised-file-url", "text/uri-list"}, {"org.7-zip.7-zip-archive", "application/x-7z-compressed"}, {"org.gnu.gnu-zip-tar-archive", "application/tar+gzip"}, {"public.7z-archive", "application/x-7z-compressed"}, {"public.cpio-archive", "application/x-cpio"}, {"public.deb-archive", "application/vnd.debian.binary-package"}, {"public.file-url", "text/uri-list"}, {"public.html", "text/html"}, {"public.png", "image/png"}, {"public.rar-archive", "application/x-rar-compressed"}, {"public.rpm-archive", "application/x-rpm"}, {"public.rtf", "text/rtf"}, {"public.url", "text/uri-list"}, {"public.utf8-plain-text", "text/plain"}, {"public.utf8-tab-separated-values-text", "text/tab-separated-values"}, {"public.xz-archive", "application/x-xz"}, {NULL, NULL}, }; static NSString* mimeTypeForUti(const NSString* const uti) { const char* const utiString = [uti UTF8String]; // First try internal map to override types the system won't convert sensibly for (const Datatype* datatype = datatypes; datatype->uti; ++datatype) { if (!strcmp(utiString, datatype->uti)) { return [NSString stringWithUTF8String:datatype->mimeType]; } } // Try to get the MIME type from the system return (NSString*)CFBridgingRelease(UTTypeCopyPreferredTagWithClass( (__bridge CFStringRef)uti, kUTTagClassMIMEType)); } static NSString* utiForMimeType(const NSString* const mimeType) { const char* const mimeTypeString = [mimeType UTF8String]; // First try internal map to override types the system won't convert sensibly for (const Datatype* datatype = datatypes; datatype->mimeType; ++datatype) { if (!strcmp(mimeTypeString, datatype->mimeType)) { return [NSString stringWithUTF8String:datatype->uti]; } } // Try to get the UTI from the system CFStringRef uti = UTTypeCreatePreferredIdentifierForTag( kUTTagClassMIMEType, (__bridge CFStringRef)mimeType, NULL); return (uti && UTTypeIsDynamic(uti)) ? (NSString*)CFBridgingRelease(uti) : NULL; } static NSRect rectToScreen(const NSScreen* screen, NSRect rect) { const double screenHeight = [screen frame].size.height; rect.origin.y = screenHeight - rect.origin.y - rect.size.height; return rect; } static NSRect rectFromScreen(const NSScreen* screen, NSRect rect) { /* The math happens to work out to the same expression because this is just an inversion of the Y axis based on the screen height. This function is preserved to make the code clearer and more future-proof since the use cases are distinctly either a "from" or "to" conversion. */ return rectToScreen(screen, rect); } static NSScreen* viewScreen(const PuglView* view) { return view->impl->window ? [view->impl->window screen] : [view->impl->wrapperView window] ? [[view->impl->wrapperView window] screen] : [NSScreen mainScreen]; } static NSRect nsRectToPoints(PuglView* view, const NSRect rect) { const double scaleFactor = [viewScreen(view) backingScaleFactor]; return NSMakeRect(rect.origin.x / scaleFactor, rect.origin.y / scaleFactor, rect.size.width / scaleFactor, rect.size.height / scaleFactor); } static NSRect nsRectFromPoints(PuglView* view, const NSRect rect) { const double scaleFactor = [viewScreen(view) backingScaleFactor]; return NSMakeRect(rect.origin.x * scaleFactor, rect.origin.y * scaleFactor, rect.size.width * scaleFactor, rect.size.height * scaleFactor); } static NSPoint nsPointFromPoints(PuglView* view, const NSPoint point) { const double scaleFactor = [viewScreen(view) backingScaleFactor]; return NSMakePoint(point.x * scaleFactor, point.y * scaleFactor); } static NSRect rectToNsRect(const PuglRect rect) { return NSMakeRect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height); } static NSSize sizePoints(PuglView* view, const double width, const double height) { const double scaleFactor = [viewScreen(view) backingScaleFactor]; return NSMakeSize(width / scaleFactor, height / scaleFactor); } static PuglViewStyleFlags getCurrentViewStyleFlags(PuglView* const view) { const bool isResizing = view->resizing; if (!view->impl->window) { return (isResizing ? PUGL_VIEW_STYLE_RESIZING : 0U); } const NSWindowStyleMask styleMask = [view->impl->window styleMask]; const bool isFullScreen = styleMask & NSWindowStyleMaskFullScreen; const bool isMiniaturized = [view->impl->window isMiniaturized]; const bool isZoomed = [view->impl->window isZoomed]; const bool isVisible = [view->impl->window isVisible]; return (isVisible ? PUGL_VIEW_STYLE_MAPPED : 0U) | (isFullScreen ? PUGL_VIEW_STYLE_FULLSCREEN : 0U) | (isMiniaturized ? PUGL_VIEW_STYLE_HIDDEN : 0U) | (isZoomed ? (PUGL_VIEW_STYLE_TALL | PUGL_VIEW_STYLE_WIDE) : 0U) | (isResizing ? PUGL_VIEW_STYLE_RESIZING : 0U); } static PuglStatus dispatchCurrentChildViewConfiguration(PuglView* const view) { const NSRect framePt = [view->impl->wrapperView frame]; const NSRect framePx = nsRectFromPoints(view, framePt); if (view->stage < PUGL_VIEW_STAGE_REALIZED) { return PUGL_SUCCESS; } const PuglConfigureEvent ev = { PUGL_CONFIGURE, 0, (PuglCoord)framePx.origin.x, (PuglCoord)framePx.origin.y, (PuglSpan)framePx.size.width, (PuglSpan)framePx.size.height, getCurrentViewStyleFlags(view), }; PuglEvent configureEvent; configureEvent.configure = ev; return puglDispatchEvent(view, &configureEvent); } @implementation PuglWindow { @public PuglView* puglview; } - (id)initWithContentRect:(NSRect)contentRect styleMask:(NSWindowStyleMask)aStyle backing:(NSBackingStoreType)bufferingType defer:(BOOL)flag { (void)flag; NSWindow* result = [super initWithContentRect:contentRect styleMask:aStyle backing:bufferingType defer:NO]; [result setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents:YES]; return (PuglWindow*)result; } - (PuglStatus)dispatchCurrentConfiguration { if (puglview->stage < PUGL_VIEW_STAGE_REALIZED) { return PUGL_SUCCESS; } const NSRect screenFramePt = [[NSScreen mainScreen] frame]; const NSRect screenFramePx = nsRectFromPoints(puglview, screenFramePt); const NSRect framePt = [self frame]; const NSRect contentPt = [self contentRectForFrameRect:framePt]; const NSRect contentPx = nsRectFromPoints(puglview, contentPt); const double screenHeight = screenFramePx.size.height; const PuglConfigureEvent ev = { PUGL_CONFIGURE, 0, (PuglCoord)contentPx.origin.x, (PuglCoord)(screenHeight - contentPx.origin.y - contentPx.size.height), (PuglSpan)contentPx.size.width, (PuglSpan)contentPx.size.height, getCurrentViewStyleFlags(puglview), }; PuglEvent configureEvent; configureEvent.configure = ev; return puglDispatchEvent(puglview, &configureEvent); } - (BOOL)canBecomeKeyWindow { return YES; } - (BOOL)canBecomeMainWindow { return YES; } - (void)setIsVisible:(BOOL)flag { [super setIsVisible:flag]; if (flag != (puglview->lastConfigure.style & PUGL_VIEW_STYLE_MAPPED)) { [self dispatchCurrentConfiguration]; } } - (void)setIsZoomed:(BOOL)flag { [super setIsZoomed:flag]; const bool wasZoomed = (puglview->lastConfigure.style & (PUGL_VIEW_STYLE_TALL | PUGL_VIEW_STYLE_WIDE)); if (flag != wasZoomed) { [self dispatchCurrentConfiguration]; } } @end @implementation PuglWrapperView { @public PuglView* puglview; NSTrackingArea* trackingArea; NSMutableAttributedString* markedText; NSMutableDictionary* userTimers; id dragSource; NSDragOperation dragOperation; size_t dragTypeIndex; NSString* droppedUriList; bool reshaped; } - (void)dispatchExpose:(NSRect)rect { const double scaleFactor = [[NSScreen mainScreen] backingScaleFactor]; if (reshaped) { if (puglview->impl->window) { [puglview->impl->window dispatchCurrentConfiguration]; } else { dispatchCurrentChildViewConfiguration(puglview); } reshaped = false; } if (![[puglview->impl->drawView window] isVisible]) { return; } const PuglExposeEvent ev = { PUGL_EXPOSE, 0, (PuglCoord)(rect.origin.x * scaleFactor), (PuglCoord)(rect.origin.y * scaleFactor), (PuglSpan)(rect.size.width * scaleFactor), (PuglSpan)(rect.size.height * scaleFactor), }; PuglEvent exposeEvent; exposeEvent.expose = ev; puglDispatchEvent(puglview, &exposeEvent); } - (NSSize)intrinsicContentSize { const PuglViewSize defaultSize = puglview->sizeHints[PUGL_DEFAULT_SIZE]; return puglIsValidSize(defaultSize) ? sizePoints(puglview, defaultSize.width, defaultSize.height) : NSMakeSize(NSViewNoInstrinsicMetric, NSViewNoInstrinsicMetric); } - (BOOL)isFlipped { return YES; } - (BOOL)acceptsFirstResponder { return YES; } - (void)setReshaped { reshaped = true; } static uint32_t getModifiers(const NSEvent* const ev) { const NSEventModifierFlags modifierFlags = [ev modifierFlags]; return (((modifierFlags & NSShiftKeyMask) ? PUGL_MOD_SHIFT : 0) | ((modifierFlags & NSControlKeyMask) ? PUGL_MOD_CTRL : 0) | ((modifierFlags & NSAlternateKeyMask) ? PUGL_MOD_ALT : 0) | ((modifierFlags & NSCommandKeyMask) ? PUGL_MOD_SUPER : 0)); } static PuglKey keySymToSpecial(const NSEvent* const ev) { NSString* chars = [ev charactersIgnoringModifiers]; if ([chars length] == 1) { const unichar sym = [chars characterAtIndex:0]; if (sym >= NSF1FunctionKey && sym <= NSF12FunctionKey) { return (PuglKey)(PUGL_KEY_F1 + (sym - NSF1FunctionKey)); } switch (sym) { case NSDeleteCharacter: return PUGL_KEY_BACKSPACE; case NSDeleteFunctionKey: return PUGL_KEY_DELETE; case NSLeftArrowFunctionKey: return PUGL_KEY_LEFT; case NSUpArrowFunctionKey: return PUGL_KEY_UP; case NSRightArrowFunctionKey: return PUGL_KEY_RIGHT; case NSDownArrowFunctionKey: return PUGL_KEY_DOWN; case NSPageUpFunctionKey: return PUGL_KEY_PAGE_UP; case NSPageDownFunctionKey: return PUGL_KEY_PAGE_DOWN; case NSHomeFunctionKey: return PUGL_KEY_HOME; case NSEndFunctionKey: return PUGL_KEY_END; case NSInsertFunctionKey: return PUGL_KEY_INSERT; case NSMenuFunctionKey: return PUGL_KEY_MENU; case NSScrollLockFunctionKey: return PUGL_KEY_SCROLL_LOCK; case NSClearLineFunctionKey: return PUGL_KEY_NUM_LOCK; case NSPrintScreenFunctionKey: return PUGL_KEY_PRINT_SCREEN; case NSPauseFunctionKey: return PUGL_KEY_PAUSE; } // SHIFT, CTRL, ALT, and SUPER are handled in [flagsChanged] } switch ([ev keyCode]) { case 0x41: return PUGL_KEY_PAD_DECIMAL; case 0x43: return PUGL_KEY_PAD_MULTIPLY; case 0x45: return PUGL_KEY_PAD_ADD; case 0x4B: return PUGL_KEY_PAD_DIVIDE; case 0x4C: return PUGL_KEY_PAD_ENTER; case 0x4E: return PUGL_KEY_PAD_SUBTRACT; case 0x51: return PUGL_KEY_PAD_EQUAL; case 0x52: return PUGL_KEY_PAD_0; case 0x53: return PUGL_KEY_PAD_1; case 0x54: return PUGL_KEY_PAD_2; case 0x55: return PUGL_KEY_PAD_3; case 0x56: return PUGL_KEY_PAD_4; case 0x57: return PUGL_KEY_PAD_5; case 0x58: return PUGL_KEY_PAD_6; case 0x59: return PUGL_KEY_PAD_7; case 0x5B: return PUGL_KEY_PAD_8; case 0x5C: return PUGL_KEY_PAD_9; } return (PuglKey)0; } - (void)updateTrackingAreas { if (trackingArea != nil) { [self removeTrackingArea:trackingArea]; [trackingArea release]; } const int opts = (NSTrackingMouseEnteredAndExited | NSTrackingMouseMoved | NSTrackingActiveAlways); trackingArea = [[NSTrackingArea alloc] initWithRect:[self bounds] options:opts owner:self userInfo:nil]; [self addTrackingArea:trackingArea]; [super updateTrackingAreas]; } - (NSPoint)eventLocation:(NSEvent*)event { return nsPointFromPoints( puglview, [self convertPoint:[event locationInWindow] fromView:nil]); } static void handleCrossing(PuglWrapperView* view, NSEvent* event, const PuglEventType type) { const NSPoint wloc = [view eventLocation:event]; const NSPoint rloc = [NSEvent mouseLocation]; const PuglCrossingEvent ev = { type, 0, [event timestamp], wloc.x, wloc.y, rloc.x, [[NSScreen mainScreen] frame].size.height - rloc.y, getModifiers(event), PUGL_CROSSING_NORMAL, }; PuglEvent crossingEvent; crossingEvent.crossing = ev; puglDispatchEvent(view->puglview, &crossingEvent); } - (void)mouseEntered:(NSEvent*)event { handleCrossing(self, event, PUGL_POINTER_IN); [puglview->impl->cursor set]; puglview->impl->mouseTracked = true; } - (void)mouseExited:(NSEvent*)event { [[NSCursor arrowCursor] set]; handleCrossing(self, event, PUGL_POINTER_OUT); puglview->impl->mouseTracked = false; } - (void)cursorUpdate:(NSEvent*)event { (void)event; [puglview->impl->cursor set]; } - (void)mouseMoved:(NSEvent*)event { const NSPoint wloc = [self eventLocation:event]; const NSPoint rloc = [NSEvent mouseLocation]; const PuglMotionEvent ev = { PUGL_MOTION, 0, [event timestamp], wloc.x, wloc.y, rloc.x, [[NSScreen mainScreen] frame].size.height - rloc.y, getModifiers(event), }; PuglEvent motionEvent; motionEvent.motion = ev; puglDispatchEvent(puglview, &motionEvent); } - (void)mouseDragged:(NSEvent*)event { [self mouseMoved:event]; } - (void)rightMouseDragged:(NSEvent*)event { [self mouseMoved:event]; } - (void)otherMouseDragged:(NSEvent*)event { [self mouseMoved:event]; } - (void)mouseDown:(NSEvent*)event { const NSPoint wloc = [self eventLocation:event]; const NSPoint rloc = [NSEvent mouseLocation]; const PuglButtonEvent ev = { PUGL_BUTTON_PRESS, 0, [event timestamp], wloc.x, wloc.y, rloc.x, [[NSScreen mainScreen] frame].size.height - rloc.y, getModifiers(event), (uint32_t)[event buttonNumber], }; PuglEvent pressEvent; pressEvent.button = ev; puglDispatchEvent(puglview, &pressEvent); } - (void)mouseUp:(NSEvent*)event { const NSPoint wloc = [self eventLocation:event]; const NSPoint rloc = [NSEvent mouseLocation]; const PuglButtonEvent ev = { PUGL_BUTTON_RELEASE, 0, [event timestamp], wloc.x, wloc.y, rloc.x, [[NSScreen mainScreen] frame].size.height - rloc.y, getModifiers(event), (uint32_t)[event buttonNumber], }; PuglEvent releaseEvent; releaseEvent.button = ev; puglDispatchEvent(puglview, &releaseEvent); } - (void)rightMouseDown:(NSEvent*)event { [self mouseDown:event]; } - (void)rightMouseUp:(NSEvent*)event { [self mouseUp:event]; } - (void)otherMouseDown:(NSEvent*)event { [self mouseDown:event]; } - (void)otherMouseUp:(NSEvent*)event { [self mouseUp:event]; } - (void)scrollWheel:(NSEvent*)event { const NSPoint wloc = [self eventLocation:event]; const NSPoint rloc = [NSEvent mouseLocation]; const double dx = [event scrollingDeltaX]; const double dy = [event scrollingDeltaY]; const PuglScrollDirection dir = ((dx == 0.0 && dy > 0.0) ? PUGL_SCROLL_UP : ((dx == 0.0 && dy < 0.0) ? PUGL_SCROLL_DOWN : ((dy == 0.0 && dx > 0.0) ? PUGL_SCROLL_RIGHT : ((dy == 0.0 && dx < 0.0) ? PUGL_SCROLL_LEFT : PUGL_SCROLL_SMOOTH)))); const PuglScrollEvent ev = { PUGL_SCROLL, 0, [event timestamp], wloc.x, wloc.y, rloc.x, [[NSScreen mainScreen] frame].size.height - rloc.y, getModifiers(event), [event hasPreciseScrollingDeltas] ? PUGL_SCROLL_SMOOTH : dir, dx, dy, }; PuglEvent scrollEvent; scrollEvent.scroll = ev; puglDispatchEvent(puglview, &scrollEvent); } - (void)keyDown:(NSEvent*)event { if (puglview->hints[PUGL_IGNORE_KEY_REPEAT] && [event isARepeat]) { return; } const NSPoint wloc = [self eventLocation:event]; const NSPoint rloc = [NSEvent mouseLocation]; const PuglKey spec = keySymToSpecial(event); const NSString* chars = [event charactersIgnoringModifiers]; const char* str = [[chars lowercaseString] UTF8String]; const uint32_t code = (spec ? spec : puglDecodeUTF8((const uint8_t*)str)); const PuglKeyEvent ev = { PUGL_KEY_PRESS, 0, [event timestamp], wloc.x, wloc.y, rloc.x, [[NSScreen mainScreen] frame].size.height - rloc.y, puglFilterMods(getModifiers(event), spec), [event keyCode], (code != 0xFFFD) ? code : 0, }; PuglEvent pressEvent; pressEvent.key = ev; puglDispatchEvent(puglview, &pressEvent); if (!spec) { [self interpretKeyEvents:@[event]]; } } - (void)keyUp:(NSEvent*)event { const NSPoint wloc = [self eventLocation:event]; const NSPoint rloc = [NSEvent mouseLocation]; const PuglKey spec = keySymToSpecial(event); const NSString* chars = [event charactersIgnoringModifiers]; const char* str = [[chars lowercaseString] UTF8String]; const uint32_t code = (spec ? spec : puglDecodeUTF8((const uint8_t*)str)); const PuglKeyEvent ev = { PUGL_KEY_RELEASE, 0, [event timestamp], wloc.x, wloc.y, rloc.x, [[NSScreen mainScreen] frame].size.height - rloc.y, puglFilterMods(getModifiers(event), spec), [event keyCode], (code != 0xFFFD) ? code : 0, }; PuglEvent releaseEvent; releaseEvent.key = ev; puglDispatchEvent(puglview, &releaseEvent); } - (BOOL)hasMarkedText { return [markedText length] > 0; } - (NSRange)markedRange { return (([markedText length] > 0) ? NSMakeRange(0, [markedText length] - 1) : NSMakeRange(NSNotFound, 0)); } - (NSRange)selectedRange { return NSMakeRange(NSNotFound, 0); } - (void)setMarkedText:(id)string selectedRange:(NSRange)selected replacementRange:(NSRange)replacement { (void)selected; (void)replacement; [markedText release]; markedText = ([(NSObject*)string isKindOfClass:[NSAttributedString class]] ? [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithAttributedString:string] : [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString:string]); } - (void)unmarkText { [[markedText mutableString] setString:@""]; } - (NSArray*)validAttributesForMarkedText { return @[]; } - (NSAttributedString*)attributedSubstringForProposedRange:(NSRange)range actualRange: (NSRangePointer)actual { (void)range; (void)actual; return nil; } - (NSUInteger)characterIndexForPoint:(NSPoint)point { (void)point; return 0; } - (NSRect)firstRectForCharacterRange:(NSRange)range actualRange:(NSRangePointer)actual { (void)range; (void)actual; const NSRect frame = [self bounds]; return NSMakeRect(frame.origin.x, frame.origin.y, 0.0, 0.0); } - (void)doCommandBySelector:(SEL)selector { (void)selector; } - (void)insertText:(id)string replacementRange:(NSRange)replacement { (void)replacement; NSEvent* const event = [NSApp currentEvent]; NSString* const characters = ([(NSObject*)string isKindOfClass:[NSAttributedString class]] ? [(NSAttributedString*)string string] : (NSString*)string); const NSPoint wloc = [self eventLocation:event]; const NSPoint rloc = [NSEvent mouseLocation]; for (size_t i = 0; i < [characters length]; ++i) { const uint32_t code = [characters characterAtIndex:i]; char utf8[8] = {0}; NSUInteger len = 0; [characters getBytes:utf8 maxLength:sizeof(utf8) usedLength:&len encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding options:0 range:NSMakeRange(i, i + 1) remainingRange:nil]; PuglTextEvent ev = { PUGL_TEXT, 0, [event timestamp], wloc.x, wloc.y, rloc.x, [[NSScreen mainScreen] frame].size.height - rloc.y, getModifiers(event), [event keyCode], code, { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, }; memcpy(ev.string, utf8, len); PuglEvent textEvent; textEvent.text = ev; puglDispatchEvent(puglview, &textEvent); } } - (void)flagsChanged:(NSEvent*)event { const uint32_t mods = getModifiers(event); PuglEventType type = PUGL_NOTHING; PuglKey special = (PuglKey)0; if ((mods & PUGL_MOD_SHIFT) != (puglview->impl->mods & PUGL_MOD_SHIFT)) { type = mods & PUGL_MOD_SHIFT ? PUGL_KEY_PRESS : PUGL_KEY_RELEASE; special = PUGL_KEY_SHIFT_L; } else if ((mods & PUGL_MOD_CTRL) != (puglview->impl->mods & PUGL_MOD_CTRL)) { type = mods & PUGL_MOD_CTRL ? PUGL_KEY_PRESS : PUGL_KEY_RELEASE; special = PUGL_KEY_CTRL_L; } else if ((mods & PUGL_MOD_ALT) != (puglview->impl->mods & PUGL_MOD_ALT)) { type = mods & PUGL_MOD_ALT ? PUGL_KEY_PRESS : PUGL_KEY_RELEASE; special = PUGL_KEY_ALT_L; } else if ((mods & PUGL_MOD_SUPER) != (puglview->impl->mods & PUGL_MOD_SUPER)) { type = mods & PUGL_MOD_SUPER ? PUGL_KEY_PRESS : PUGL_KEY_RELEASE; special = PUGL_KEY_SUPER_L; } if (special != 0) { const NSPoint wloc = [self eventLocation:event]; const NSPoint rloc = [NSEvent mouseLocation]; const PuglKeyEvent ev = {type, 0, [event timestamp], wloc.x, wloc.y, rloc.x, [[NSScreen mainScreen] frame].size.height - rloc.y, puglFilterMods(mods, special), [event keyCode], special}; PuglEvent keyEvent; keyEvent.key = ev; puglDispatchEvent(puglview, &keyEvent); } puglview->impl->mods = mods; } - (BOOL)preservesContentInLiveResize { return NO; } - (void)viewWillStartLiveResize { puglDispatchSimpleEvent(puglview, PUGL_LOOP_ENTER); } - (void)viewDidEndLiveResize { puglDispatchSimpleEvent(puglview, PUGL_LOOP_LEAVE); } - (void)viewWillDraw { puglDispatchSimpleEvent(puglview, PUGL_UPDATE); [super viewWillDraw]; } - (void)timerTick:(NSTimer*)userTimer { const NSNumber* userInfo = userTimer.userInfo; const PuglTimerEvent ev = {PUGL_TIMER, 0, userInfo.unsignedLongValue}; PuglEvent timerEvent; timerEvent.timer = ev; puglDispatchEvent(puglview, &timerEvent); } @end @interface PuglWindowDelegate : NSObject - (instancetype)initWithPuglWindow:(PuglWindow*)window; - (void)beginLiveResize:(NSNotification*)notification; - (void)endLiveResize:(NSNotification*)notification; @end @implementation PuglWindowDelegate { PuglWindow* window; } - (instancetype)initWithPuglWindow:(PuglWindow*)puglWindow { if ((self = [super init])) { window = puglWindow; } return self; } - (void)beginLiveResize:(NSNotification*)notification { (void)notification; window->puglview->resizing = true; [window dispatchCurrentConfiguration]; } - (void)endLiveResize:(NSNotification*)notification { (void)notification; window->puglview->resizing = false; [window dispatchCurrentConfiguration]; } - (BOOL)windowShouldClose:(id)sender { (void)sender; puglDispatchSimpleEvent(window->puglview, PUGL_CLOSE); return YES; } - (void)windowDidMove:(NSNotification*)notification { (void)notification; [window dispatchCurrentConfiguration]; } - (void)windowDidBecomeKey:(NSNotification*)notification { (void)notification; PuglEvent ev = {{PUGL_FOCUS_IN, 0}}; ev.focus.mode = PUGL_CROSSING_NORMAL; puglDispatchEvent(window->puglview, &ev); } - (void)windowDidResignKey:(NSNotification*)notification { (void)notification; PuglEvent ev = {{PUGL_FOCUS_OUT, 0}}; ev.focus.mode = PUGL_CROSSING_NORMAL; puglDispatchEvent(window->puglview, &ev); } - (void)windowWillStartLiveResize:(NSNotification*)notification { [self beginLiveResize:notification]; } - (void)windowDidEndLiveResize:(NSNotification*)notification { [self endLiveResize:notification]; } - (void)windowWillMiniaturize:(NSNotification*)notification { [self beginLiveResize:notification]; } - (void)windowDidMiniaturize:(NSNotification*)notification { [self endLiveResize:notification]; } - (void)windowWillDeminiaturize:(NSNotification*)notification { [self beginLiveResize:notification]; } - (void)windowDidDeminiaturize:(NSNotification*)notification { [self endLiveResize:notification]; } - (void)windowWillEnterFullScreen:(NSNotification*)notification { [self beginLiveResize:notification]; } - (void)windowDidEnterFullScreen:(NSNotification*)notification { [self endLiveResize:notification]; } - (void)windowWillExitFullScreen:(NSNotification*)notification { [self beginLiveResize:notification]; } - (void)windowDidExitFullScreen:(NSNotification*)notification { [self endLiveResize:notification]; } @end PuglWorldInternals* puglInitWorldInternals(PuglWorldType type, PuglWorldFlags PUGL_UNUSED(flags)) { PuglWorldInternals* impl = (PuglWorldInternals*)calloc(1, sizeof(PuglWorldInternals)); impl->app = [NSApplication sharedApplication]; if (mach_timebase_info(&impl->timebaseInfo)) { return NULL; } if (type == PUGL_PROGRAM) { impl->autoreleasePool = [NSAutoreleasePool new]; [impl->app setActivationPolicy:NSApplicationActivationPolicyRegular]; } return impl; } void puglFreeWorldInternals(PuglWorld* world) { if (world->impl->autoreleasePool) { [world->impl->autoreleasePool drain]; } free(world->impl); } void* puglGetNativeWorld(PuglWorld* world) { return world->impl->app; } PuglInternals* puglInitViewInternals(PuglWorld* PUGL_UNUSED(world)) { PuglInternals* impl = (PuglInternals*)calloc(1, sizeof(PuglInternals)); impl->cursor = [NSCursor arrowCursor]; return impl; } static NSLayoutConstraint* puglConstraint(const id item, const NSLayoutAttribute attribute, const NSLayoutRelation relation, const float constant) { return [NSLayoutConstraint constraintWithItem:item attribute:attribute relatedBy:relation toItem:nil attribute:NSLayoutAttributeNotAnAttribute multiplier:1.0 constant:(CGFloat)constant]; } static PuglStatus updateSizeHint(PuglView* const view, const PuglSizeHint hint) { const PuglSpan width = view->sizeHints[hint].width; const PuglSpan height = view->sizeHints[hint].height; if (!puglIsValidSize(view->sizeHints[hint])) { return PUGL_FAILURE; } switch (hint) { case PUGL_DEFAULT_SIZE: break; case PUGL_MIN_SIZE: [view->impl->window setContentMinSize:sizePoints(view, width, height)]; break; case PUGL_MAX_SIZE: [view->impl->window setContentMaxSize:sizePoints(view, width, height)]; break; case PUGL_FIXED_ASPECT: [view->impl->window setContentAspectRatio:sizePoints(view, width, height)]; break; case PUGL_MIN_ASPECT: case PUGL_MAX_ASPECT: break; } return PUGL_SUCCESS; } static void updateSizeHints(PuglView* const view) { for (unsigned i = 0U; i < PUGL_NUM_SIZE_HINTS; ++i) { updateSizeHint(view, (PuglSizeHint)i); } } static PuglRect getInitialFrame(PuglView* const view) { if (view->lastConfigure.type == PUGL_CONFIGURE) { // Use the last configured frame const PuglRect frame = {view->lastConfigure.x, view->lastConfigure.y, view->lastConfigure.width, view->lastConfigure.height}; return frame; } const int x = view->defaultX; const int y = view->defaultY; if (x >= INT16_MIN && x <= INT16_MAX && y >= INT16_MIN && y <= INT16_MAX) { // Use the default position set with puglSetPosition while unrealized const PuglRect frame = {(PuglCoord)x, (PuglCoord)y, view->sizeHints[PUGL_DEFAULT_SIZE].width, view->sizeHints[PUGL_DEFAULT_SIZE].height}; return frame; } // Get a bounding rect from the transient parent or the screen const NSScreen* const screen = viewScreen(view); const NSRect boundsPt = rectFromScreen(screen, view->transientParent ? [[(const NSView*)view->transientParent window] frame] : [screen frame]); // Center the frame around the center of the bounding rectangle const PuglViewSize defaultSize = view->sizeHints[PUGL_DEFAULT_SIZE]; const NSRect boundsPx = nsRectFromPoints(view, boundsPt); const double centerX = boundsPx.origin.x + boundsPx.size.width / 2; const double centerY = boundsPx.origin.y + boundsPx.size.height / 2; const PuglRect frame = {(PuglCoord)(centerX - (defaultSize.width / 2U)), (PuglCoord)(centerY - (defaultSize.height / 2U)), view->sizeHints[PUGL_DEFAULT_SIZE].width, view->sizeHints[PUGL_DEFAULT_SIZE].height}; return frame; } PuglStatus puglRealize(PuglView* view) { PuglInternals* impl = view->impl; PuglStatus st = PUGL_SUCCESS; // Ensure that we're unrealized if (impl->wrapperView) { return PUGL_FAILURE; } // Check that the basic required configuration has been done if ((st = puglPreRealize(view))) { return st; } const NSScreen* const screen = [NSScreen mainScreen]; const double scaleFactor = [screen backingScaleFactor]; // Getting depth from the display mode seems tedious, just set usual values puglEnsureHint(view, PUGL_RED_BITS, 8); puglEnsureHint(view, PUGL_GREEN_BITS, 8); puglEnsureHint(view, PUGL_BLUE_BITS, 8); puglEnsureHint(view, PUGL_ALPHA_BITS, 8); CGDirectDisplayID displayId = CGMainDisplayID(); CGDisplayModeRef mode = CGDisplayCopyDisplayMode(displayId); // Try to get refresh rate from mode (usually fails) view->hints[PUGL_REFRESH_RATE] = (int)CGDisplayModeGetRefreshRate(mode); CGDisplayModeRelease(mode); if (view->hints[PUGL_REFRESH_RATE] == 0) { // Get refresh rate from a display link // TODO: Keep and actually use the display link for something? CVDisplayLinkRef link; CVDisplayLinkCreateWithCGDisplay(displayId, &link); const CVTime p = CVDisplayLinkGetNominalOutputVideoRefreshPeriod(link); const double r = p.timeScale / (double)p.timeValue; view->hints[PUGL_REFRESH_RATE] = (int)lrint(r); CVDisplayLinkRelease(link); } // Get the initial frame to use from the defaults or last configuration const PuglRect initialFrame = getInitialFrame(view); // Convert frame to points const NSRect framePx = rectToNsRect(initialFrame); const NSRect framePt = NSMakeRect(framePx.origin.x / scaleFactor, framePx.origin.y / scaleFactor, framePx.size.width / scaleFactor, framePx.size.height / scaleFactor); // Create wrapper view to handle input impl->wrapperView = [PuglWrapperView alloc]; impl->wrapperView->puglview = view; impl->wrapperView->userTimers = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; impl->wrapperView->markedText = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] init]; [impl->wrapperView setAutoresizesSubviews:YES]; [impl->wrapperView initWithFrame:framePt]; [impl->wrapperView addConstraint:puglConstraint(impl->wrapperView, NSLayoutAttributeWidth, NSLayoutRelationGreaterThanOrEqual, view->sizeHints[PUGL_MIN_SIZE].width)]; [impl->wrapperView addConstraint:puglConstraint(impl->wrapperView, NSLayoutAttributeHeight, NSLayoutRelationGreaterThanOrEqual, view->sizeHints[PUGL_MIN_SIZE].height)]; if (puglIsValidSize(view->sizeHints[PUGL_MAX_SIZE])) { [impl->wrapperView addConstraint:puglConstraint(impl->wrapperView, NSLayoutAttributeWidth, NSLayoutRelationLessThanOrEqual, view->sizeHints[PUGL_MAX_SIZE].width)]; [impl->wrapperView addConstraint:puglConstraint(impl->wrapperView, NSLayoutAttributeHeight, NSLayoutRelationLessThanOrEqual, view->sizeHints[PUGL_MAX_SIZE].height)]; } // Create draw view to be rendered to if ((st = view->backend->configure(view)) || (st = view->backend->create(view))) { return st; } // Add draw view to wrapper view [impl->wrapperView addSubview:impl->drawView]; [impl->wrapperView setHidden:NO]; [impl->drawView setHidden:NO]; if (view->parent) { NSView* pview = (NSView*)view->parent; [pview addSubview:impl->wrapperView]; [impl->drawView setHidden:NO]; [[impl->drawView window] makeFirstResponder:impl->wrapperView]; } else { unsigned style = (NSClosableWindowMask | NSTitledWindowMask | NSMiniaturizableWindowMask); if (view->hints[PUGL_RESIZABLE]) { style |= NSResizableWindowMask; } PuglWindow* window = [[[PuglWindow alloc] initWithContentRect:rectToScreen([NSScreen mainScreen], framePt) styleMask:style backing:NSBackingStoreBuffered defer:NO] retain]; window->puglview = view; impl->window = window; [window setContentSize:framePt.size]; const char* const title = view->strings[PUGL_WINDOW_TITLE]; if (title) { NSString* titleString = [[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:title length:strlen(title) encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; [window setTitle:titleString]; } ((NSWindow*)window).delegate = [[PuglWindowDelegate alloc] initWithPuglWindow:window]; // Set basic window hints and attributes puglSetFrame(view, initialFrame); puglSetTransientParent(view, view->transientParent); updateSizeHints(view); [window setContentView:impl->wrapperView]; [view->world->impl->app activateIgnoringOtherApps:YES]; [window makeFirstResponder:impl->wrapperView]; [window makeKeyAndOrderFront:window]; [impl->window setIsVisible:NO]; } [impl->wrapperView updateTrackingAreas]; return puglDispatchSimpleEvent(view, PUGL_REALIZE); } PuglStatus puglUnrealize(PuglView* const view) { PuglInternals* const impl = view->impl; if (!impl || !impl->wrapperView) { return PUGL_FAILURE; } puglDispatchSimpleEvent(view, PUGL_UNREALIZE); if (view->backend) { view->backend->destroy(view); } if (impl->wrapperView) { [impl->wrapperView removeFromSuperview]; } if (impl->window) { [impl->window close]; } if (impl->wrapperView) { [impl->wrapperView release]; impl->wrapperView = NULL; } if (impl->window) { [impl->window release]; impl->window = NULL; } memset(&view->lastConfigure, 0, sizeof(PuglConfigureEvent)); return PUGL_SUCCESS; } PuglStatus puglShow(PuglView* view, const PuglShowCommand command) { if (!view->impl->wrapperView) { const PuglStatus st = puglRealize(view); if (st) { return st; } } NSWindow* const window = [view->impl->wrapperView window]; if (![window isVisible]) { [window setIsVisible:YES]; [view->impl->drawView setNeedsDisplay:YES]; } switch (command) { case PUGL_SHOW_PASSIVE: break; case PUGL_SHOW_RAISE: [window orderFront:view->impl->wrapperView]; break; case PUGL_SHOW_FORCE_RAISE: [window orderFrontRegardless]; break; } return PUGL_SUCCESS; } PuglStatus puglHide(PuglView* view) { [view->impl->window setIsVisible:NO]; return PUGL_SUCCESS; } void puglFreeViewInternals(PuglView* view) { if (view) { if (view->backend) { view->backend->destroy(view); } if (view->impl) { if (view->impl->wrapperView) { [view->impl->wrapperView removeFromSuperview]; view->impl->wrapperView->puglview = NULL; } if (view->impl->window) { [view->impl->window close]; } if (view->impl->wrapperView) { [view->impl->wrapperView release]; } if (view->impl->window) { [view->impl->window release]; } free(view->impl); } } } PuglStatus puglGrabFocus(PuglView* view) { NSWindow* window = [view->impl->wrapperView window]; [window makeKeyWindow]; [window makeFirstResponder:view->impl->wrapperView]; return PUGL_SUCCESS; } bool puglHasFocus(const PuglView* view) { PuglInternals* const impl = view->impl; return ([[impl->wrapperView window] isKeyWindow] && [[impl->wrapperView window] firstResponder] == impl->wrapperView); } static bool styleIsMaximized(const PuglViewStyleFlags flags) { return (flags & PUGL_VIEW_STYLE_TALL) && (flags & PUGL_VIEW_STYLE_WIDE); } PuglStatus puglSetViewStyle(PuglView* const view, const PuglViewStyleFlags flags) { NSWindow* const window = view->impl->window; const PuglViewStyleFlags oldFlags = puglGetViewStyle(view); if (!window) { return PUGL_FAILURE; } for (uint32_t mask = 1U; mask <= PUGL_MAX_VIEW_STYLE_FLAG; mask <<= 1U) { const bool oldValue = oldFlags & mask; const bool newValue = flags & mask; if (oldValue == newValue) { continue; } switch (mask) { case PUGL_VIEW_STYLE_MODAL: case PUGL_VIEW_STYLE_TALL: case PUGL_VIEW_STYLE_WIDE: break; case PUGL_VIEW_STYLE_HIDDEN: if (newValue) { [window miniaturize:window]; } else { [window deminiaturize:window]; } break; case PUGL_VIEW_STYLE_FULLSCREEN: if (newValue != ([window styleMask] & NSFullScreenWindowMask)) { [window toggleFullScreen:nil]; } break; case PUGL_VIEW_STYLE_ABOVE: case PUGL_VIEW_STYLE_BELOW: break; case PUGL_VIEW_STYLE_DEMANDING: if (![window isKeyWindow]) { [view->world->impl->app requestUserAttention:NSInformationalRequest]; } break; case PUGL_VIEW_STYLE_RESIZING: case PUGL_VIEW_STYLE_MAPPED: break; } } // Handle maximization (MacOS doesn't have tall/wide styles) const bool oldMaximized = styleIsMaximized(oldFlags); const bool newMaximized = styleIsMaximized(flags); if (oldMaximized != newMaximized) { [window zoom:window]; } return PUGL_SUCCESS; } PuglStatus puglStartTimer(PuglView* view, uintptr_t id, double timeout) { puglStopTimer(view, id); NSNumber* idNumber = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLong:id]; NSTimer* timer = [NSTimer timerWithTimeInterval:timeout target:view->impl->wrapperView selector:@selector(timerTick:) userInfo:idNumber repeats:YES]; [[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] addTimer:timer forMode:NSRunLoopCommonModes]; view->impl->wrapperView->userTimers[idNumber] = timer; return PUGL_SUCCESS; } PuglStatus puglStopTimer(PuglView* view, uintptr_t id) { NSNumber* idNumber = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLong:id]; NSTimer* timer = view->impl->wrapperView->userTimers[idNumber]; if (timer) { [view->impl->wrapperView->userTimers removeObjectForKey:timer]; [timer invalidate]; return PUGL_SUCCESS; } return PUGL_UNKNOWN_ERROR; } PuglStatus puglSendEvent(PuglView* view, const PuglEvent* event) { if (event->type == PUGL_CLIENT) { PuglEvent copiedEvent = *event; CFRunLoopObserverRef observer = CFRunLoopObserverCreateWithHandler( NULL, kCFRunLoopBeforeSources, false, 0, ^(CFRunLoopObserverRef ref, CFRunLoopActivity activity) { (void)ref; (void)activity; puglDispatchEvent(view, &copiedEvent); }); CFRunLoopAddObserver(CFRunLoopGetMain(), observer, kCFRunLoopCommonModes); CFRelease(observer); return PUGL_SUCCESS; } if (event->type == PUGL_CLOSE) { [view->impl->window close]; return PUGL_SUCCESS; } return PUGL_UNSUPPORTED; } #ifndef PUGL_DISABLE_DEPRECATED PuglStatus puglWaitForEvent(PuglView* view) { return puglPollEvents(view->world, -1.0); } #endif PuglStatus puglUpdate(PuglWorld* world, const double timeout) { @autoreleasepool { if (world->type == PUGL_PROGRAM) { NSDate* date = ((timeout < 0) ? [NSDate distantFuture] : [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:timeout]); for (NSEvent* ev = NULL; (ev = [world->impl->app nextEventMatchingMask:NSAnyEventMask untilDate:date inMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode dequeue:YES]);) { [world->impl->app sendEvent:ev]; if (timeout < 0) { // Now that we've got an event, mark the date to avoid looping forever date = [NSDate date]; } } } for (size_t i = 0; i < world->numViews; ++i) { PuglView* const view = world->views[i]; if ([[view->impl->drawView window] isVisible]) { puglDispatchSimpleEvent(view, PUGL_UPDATE); } [view->impl->drawView displayIfNeeded]; } } return PUGL_SUCCESS; } #ifndef PUGL_DISABLE_DEPRECATED PuglStatus puglProcessEvents(PuglView* view) { return puglDispatchEvents(view->world); } #endif double puglGetTime(const PuglWorld* world) { const struct mach_timebase_info base = world->impl->timebaseInfo; const double rate = (1.0E9 / base.numer) * base.denom; const double period = 1.0 / rate; return (double)mach_absolute_time() * period; } PuglStatus puglPostRedisplay(PuglView* view) { [view->impl->drawView setNeedsDisplay:YES]; return PUGL_SUCCESS; } PuglStatus puglPostRedisplayRect(PuglView* view, const PuglRect rect) { const NSRect rectPx = { {(double)rect.x, (double)view->lastConfigure.height - (rect.y + rect.height)}, {(double)rect.width, (double)rect.height}, }; [view->impl->drawView setNeedsDisplayInRect:nsRectToPoints(view, rectPx)]; return PUGL_SUCCESS; } PuglNativeView puglGetNativeView(PuglView* view) { return (PuglNativeView)view->impl->wrapperView; } PuglStatus puglViewStringChanged(PuglView* const view, const PuglStringHint key, const char* const value) { if (!view->impl->window) { return PUGL_SUCCESS; } switch (key) { case PUGL_CLASS_NAME: return PUGL_UNSUPPORTED; case PUGL_WINDOW_TITLE: if (view->impl->window) { NSString* const titleString = [[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:value length:strlen(value) encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; [view->impl->window setTitle:titleString]; } break; } return PUGL_SUCCESS; } double puglGetScaleFactor(const PuglView* const view) { return [viewScreen(view) backingScaleFactor]; } PuglStatus puglSetFrame(PuglView* view, const PuglRect frame) { PuglInternals* const impl = view->impl; const NSRect framePx = rectToNsRect(frame); const NSRect framePt = nsRectToPoints(view, framePx); if (!impl->wrapperView) { // Set defaults to be used when realized view->defaultX = frame.x; view->defaultY = frame.y; view->sizeHints[PUGL_DEFAULT_SIZE].width = (PuglSpan)frame.width; view->sizeHints[PUGL_DEFAULT_SIZE].height = (PuglSpan)frame.height; return PUGL_SUCCESS; } if (impl->window) { const NSRect screenPt = rectToScreen(viewScreen(view), framePt); // Move and resize window to fit new content rect const NSRect winFrame = [impl->window frameRectForContentRect:screenPt]; [impl->window setFrame:winFrame display:NO]; // Resize views const NSRect sizePx = NSMakeRect(0, 0, frame.width, frame.height); const NSRect sizePt = [impl->drawView convertRectFromBacking:sizePx]; [impl->wrapperView setFrame:sizePt]; [impl->drawView setFrame:sizePt]; [impl->window dispatchCurrentConfiguration]; return PUGL_SUCCESS; } // Resize view const NSRect sizePx = NSMakeRect(0, 0, frame.width, frame.height); const NSRect sizePt = [impl->drawView convertRectFromBacking:sizePx]; [impl->wrapperView setFrame:framePt]; [impl->drawView setFrame:sizePt]; return dispatchCurrentChildViewConfiguration(view); } PuglStatus puglSetPosition(PuglView* const view, const int x, const int y) { if (x < INT16_MIN || x > INT16_MAX || y < INT16_MIN || y > INT16_MAX) { return PUGL_BAD_PARAMETER; } PuglInternals* const impl = view->impl; if (!impl->wrapperView) { // Set defaults to be used when realized view->defaultX = x; view->defaultY = y; return PUGL_SUCCESS; } const PuglRect frame = {(PuglCoord)x, (PuglCoord)y, view->lastConfigure.width, view->lastConfigure.height}; if (impl->window) { // Adjust top-level window frame return puglSetFrame(view, frame); } // Set wrapper view origin const NSRect framePx = rectToNsRect(frame); const NSRect framePt = nsRectToPoints(view, framePx); [impl->wrapperView setFrameOrigin:framePt.origin]; // Set draw view origin const NSRect drawPx = NSMakeRect(0, 0, frame.width, frame.height); const NSRect drawPt = [impl->drawView convertRectFromBacking:drawPx]; [impl->drawView setFrameOrigin:drawPt.origin]; // Dispatch new configuration return dispatchCurrentChildViewConfiguration(view); } PuglStatus puglSetSize(PuglView* const view, const unsigned width, const unsigned height) { if (width > INT16_MAX || height > INT16_MAX) { return PUGL_BAD_PARAMETER; } PuglInternals* const impl = view->impl; if (!impl->wrapperView) { // Set defaults to be used when realized view->sizeHints[PUGL_DEFAULT_SIZE].width = (PuglSpan)width; view->sizeHints[PUGL_DEFAULT_SIZE].height = (PuglSpan)height; return PUGL_SUCCESS; } if (impl->window) { // Adjust top-level window frame PuglRect frame = puglGetFrame(view); frame.width = (PuglSpan)width; frame.height = (PuglSpan)height; return puglSetFrame(view, frame); } // Set wrapper view size const double scaleFactor = [viewScreen(view) backingScaleFactor]; const CGSize frameSizePt = {width / scaleFactor, height / scaleFactor}; [impl->wrapperView setFrameSize:frameSizePt]; // Set draw view size const NSRect drawPx = NSMakeRect(0, 0, width, height); const NSRect drawPt = [impl->drawView convertRectFromBacking:drawPx]; [impl->drawView setFrameSize:drawPt.size]; // Dispatch new configuration return dispatchCurrentChildViewConfiguration(view); } PuglStatus puglSetSizeHint(PuglView* const view, const PuglSizeHint hint, const PuglSpan width, const PuglSpan height) { if ((unsigned)hint >= PUGL_NUM_SIZE_HINTS) { return PUGL_BAD_PARAMETER; } view->sizeHints[hint].width = width; view->sizeHints[hint].height = height; return view->impl->window ? updateSizeHint(view, hint) : PUGL_SUCCESS; } PuglStatus puglSetTransientParent(PuglView* view, PuglNativeView parent) { if (view->parent) { return PUGL_FAILURE; } view->transientParent = parent; if (parent && view->impl->window) { NSWindow* parentWindow = [(NSView*)parent window]; if (parentWindow) { [parentWindow addChildWindow:view->impl->window ordered:NSWindowAbove]; return PUGL_SUCCESS; } } return PUGL_FAILURE; } PuglStatus puglPaste(PuglView* const view) { const PuglDataOfferEvent offer = { PUGL_DATA_OFFER, 0, puglGetTime(view->world), }; PuglEvent offerEvent; offerEvent.offer = offer; puglDispatchEvent(view, &offerEvent); return PUGL_SUCCESS; } uint32_t puglGetNumClipboardTypes(const PuglView* PUGL_UNUSED(view)) { NSPasteboard* const pasteboard = [NSPasteboard generalPasteboard]; return pasteboard ? (uint32_t)[[pasteboard types] count] : 0; } const char* puglGetClipboardType(const PuglView* PUGL_UNUSED(view), const uint32_t typeIndex) { NSPasteboard* const pasteboard = [NSPasteboard generalPasteboard]; if (!pasteboard) { return NULL; } const NSArray* const types = [pasteboard types]; if (typeIndex >= [types count]) { return NULL; } NSString* const uti = [types objectAtIndex:typeIndex]; NSString* const mimeType = mimeTypeForUti(uti); // FIXME: lifetime? return mimeType ? [mimeType UTF8String] : [uti UTF8String]; } PuglStatus puglAcceptOffer(PuglView* const view, const PuglDataOfferEvent* const PUGL_UNUSED(offer), const uint32_t typeIndex) { PuglWrapperView* const wrapper = view->impl->wrapperView; NSPasteboard* const pasteboard = [NSPasteboard generalPasteboard]; if (!pasteboard) { return PUGL_BAD_PARAMETER; } const NSArray* const types = [pasteboard types]; if (typeIndex >= [types count]) { return PUGL_BAD_PARAMETER; } wrapper->dragOperation = NSDragOperationCopy; wrapper->dragTypeIndex = typeIndex; const PuglDataEvent data = { PUGL_DATA, 0U, puglGetTime(view->world), (uint32_t)typeIndex}; PuglEvent dataEvent; dataEvent.data = data; puglDispatchEvent(view, &dataEvent); return PUGL_SUCCESS; } const void* puglGetClipboard(PuglView* const view, const uint32_t typeIndex, size_t* const len) { *len = 0; NSPasteboard* const pasteboard = [NSPasteboard generalPasteboard]; if (!pasteboard) { return NULL; } const NSArray* const types = [pasteboard types]; if (typeIndex >= [types count]) { return NULL; } NSString* const uti = [types objectAtIndex:typeIndex]; if ([uti isEqualToString:@"public.file-url"] || [uti isEqualToString:@"com.apple.pasteboard.promised-file-url"]) { *len = [view->impl->wrapperView->droppedUriList length]; return [view->impl->wrapperView->droppedUriList UTF8String]; } const NSData* const data = [pasteboard dataForType:uti]; *len = [data length]; return [data bytes]; } static NSCursor* extendedCursor(const SEL cursorSelector) { if (cursorSelector && [NSCursor respondsToSelector:cursorSelector]) { const id object = [NSCursor performSelector:cursorSelector]; if ([object isKindOfClass:[NSCursor class]]) { return (NSCursor*)object; } } return NULL; } static NSCursor* puglGetNsCursor(const PuglCursor cursor) { switch (cursor) { case PUGL_CURSOR_ARROW: return [NSCursor arrowCursor]; case PUGL_CURSOR_CARET: return [NSCursor IBeamCursor]; case PUGL_CURSOR_CROSSHAIR: return [NSCursor crosshairCursor]; case PUGL_CURSOR_HAND: return [NSCursor pointingHandCursor]; case PUGL_CURSOR_NO: return [NSCursor operationNotAllowedCursor]; case PUGL_CURSOR_LEFT_RIGHT: return [NSCursor resizeLeftRightCursor]; case PUGL_CURSOR_UP_DOWN: return [NSCursor resizeUpDownCursor]; case PUGL_CURSOR_UP_LEFT_DOWN_RIGHT: return extendedCursor(@selector(_windowResizeNorthWestSouthEastCursor)); case PUGL_CURSOR_UP_RIGHT_DOWN_LEFT: return extendedCursor(@selector(_windowResizeNorthEastSouthWestCursor)); case PUGL_CURSOR_ALL_SCROLL: return [NSCursor closedHandCursor]; } return NULL; } PuglStatus puglSetCursor(PuglView* view, PuglCursor cursor) { PuglInternals* const impl = view->impl; NSCursor* const cur = puglGetNsCursor(cursor); if (!cur) { return PUGL_FAILURE; } impl->cursor = cur; if (impl->mouseTracked) { [cur set]; } return PUGL_SUCCESS; } PuglStatus puglSetClipboard(PuglView* PUGL_UNUSED(view), const char* const type, const void* const data, const size_t len) { NSPasteboard* const pasteboard = [NSPasteboard generalPasteboard]; NSString* const mimeType = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:type]; NSString* const uti = utiForMimeType(mimeType); NSData* const blob = [NSData dataWithBytes:data length:len]; [pasteboard declareTypes:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:uti, nil] owner:nil]; if ([pasteboard setData:blob forType:uti]) { return PUGL_SUCCESS; } return PUGL_FAILURE; }