/* Tuplr: A programming language * Copyright (C) 2008-2009 David Robillard * * Tuplr is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. * * Tuplr is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General * Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with Tuplr. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "tuplr.hpp" using namespace std; using boost::format; Funcs AConsCall::funcs; template ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const Exp& exp) { switch (exp.type) { case Exp::ATOM: out << exp.atom; break; case Exp::LIST: out << "("; for (size_t i = 0; i != exp.size(); ++i) out << exp.at(i) << ((i != exp.size() - 1) ? " " : ""); out << ")"; break; } return out; } /*************************************************************************** * Lexer * ***************************************************************************/ inline int readChar(Cursor& cur, istream& in) { int ch = in.get(); switch (ch) { case '\n': ++cur.line; cur.col = 0; break; default: ++cur.col; } return ch; } SExp readExpression(Cursor& cur, istream& in) { #define PUSH(s, t) { if (t != "") { s.top().push_back(SExp(loc, t)); t = ""; } } #define YIELD(s, t) { if (s.empty()) { return SExp(loc, t); } else PUSH(s, t) } stack stk; string tok; Cursor loc; // start of tok while (int c = readChar(cur, in)) { switch (c) { case EOF: if (!stk.empty()) throw Error("unexpected end of file", cur); return SExp(cur); case ';': while ((c = readChar(cur, in)) != '\n') {} case '\n': case ' ': case '\t': if (tok != "") YIELD(stk, tok); break; case '"': loc = cur; do { tok.push_back(c); } while ((c = readChar(cur, in)) != '"'); YIELD(stk, tok + '"'); break; case '(': stk.push(SExp(cur)); break; case ')': switch (stk.size()) { case 0: throw Error("unexpected `)'", cur); case 1: PUSH(stk, tok); return stk.top(); default: PUSH(stk, tok); SExp l = stk.top(); stk.pop(); stk.top().push_back(l); } break; case '#': if (in.peek() == '|') { while (!(readChar(cur, in) == '|' && readChar(cur, in) == '#')) {} break; } default: if (tok == "") loc = cur; tok += c; } } switch (stk.size()) { case 0: return SExp(loc, tok); case 1: return stk.top(); default: throw Error("missing `)'", cur); } return SExp(cur); } /*************************************************************************** * Macro Functions * ***************************************************************************/ inline SExp macDef(PEnv& penv, const SExp& exp) { if (exp.size() != 3) throw Error("`def' requires exactly 2 arguments", exp.loc); if (exp.at(1).type == SExp::ATOM) { return exp; } else { // (def (f x) y) => (def f (fn (x) y)) SExp argsExp(exp.loc); for (size_t i = 1; i < exp.at(1).size(); ++i) argsExp.push_back(exp.at(1).at(i)); SExp fnExp(exp.at(2).loc); fnExp.push_back(SExp(exp.at(2).loc, "fn")); fnExp.push_back(argsExp); fnExp.push_back(exp.at(2)); SExp ret(exp.loc); ret.push_back(exp.at(0)); ret.push_back(exp.at(1).at(0)); ret.push_back(fnExp); return ret; } } /*************************************************************************** * Parser Functions * ***************************************************************************/ template inline AST* parseCall(PEnv& penv, const SExp& exp, void* arg) { return new C(exp, penv.parseTuple(exp)); } template inline AST* parseLiteral(PEnv& penv, const SExp& exp, void* arg) { return new ALiteral(*reinterpret_cast(arg), exp.loc); } inline AST* parseFn(PEnv& penv, const SExp& exp, void* arg) { if (exp.size() < 2) throw Error("Missing function parameters and body", exp.loc); else if (exp.size() < 3) throw Error("Missing function body", exp.loc); SExp::const_iterator a = exp.begin(); ++a; AClosure* ret = new AClosure(exp.loc, penv.sym("fn"), new ATuple(penv.parseTuple(*a++))); while (a != exp.end()) ret->push_back(penv.parse(*a++)); return ret; } /*************************************************************************** * Standard Definitions * ***************************************************************************/ void initLang(PEnv& penv, TEnv& tenv) { // Types tenv.def(penv.sym("Bool"), make_pair((AST*)NULL, new AType(penv.sym("Bool")))); tenv.def(penv.sym("Int"), make_pair((AST*)NULL, new AType(penv.sym("Int")))); tenv.def(penv.sym("Float"), make_pair((AST*)NULL, new AType(penv.sym("Float")))); // Literals static bool trueVal = true; static bool falseVal = false; penv.reg(false, "#t", PEnv::Handler(parseLiteral, &trueVal)); penv.reg(false, "#f", PEnv::Handler(parseLiteral, &falseVal)); // Macros penv.defmac("def", macDef); // Special forms penv.reg(true, "fn", PEnv::Handler(parseFn)); penv.reg(true, "if", PEnv::Handler(parseCall)); penv.reg(true, "def", PEnv::Handler(parseCall)); penv.reg(true, "cons", PEnv::Handler(parseCall)); penv.reg(true, "car", PEnv::Handler(parseCall)); penv.reg(true, "cdr", PEnv::Handler(parseCall)); // Numeric primitives penv.reg(true, "+", PEnv::Handler(parseCall)); penv.reg(true, "-", PEnv::Handler(parseCall)); penv.reg(true, "*", PEnv::Handler(parseCall)); penv.reg(true, "/", PEnv::Handler(parseCall)); penv.reg(true, "%", PEnv::Handler(parseCall)); penv.reg(true, "and", PEnv::Handler(parseCall)); penv.reg(true, "or", PEnv::Handler(parseCall)); penv.reg(true, "xor", PEnv::Handler(parseCall)); penv.reg(true, "=", PEnv::Handler(parseCall)); penv.reg(true, "!=", PEnv::Handler(parseCall)); penv.reg(true, ">", PEnv::Handler(parseCall)); penv.reg(true, ">=", PEnv::Handler(parseCall)); penv.reg(true, "<", PEnv::Handler(parseCall)); penv.reg(true, "<=", PEnv::Handler(parseCall)); } /*************************************************************************** * EVAL/REPL/MAIN * ***************************************************************************/ int print_usage(char* name, bool error) { ostream& os = error ? cerr : cout; os << "Usage: " << name << " [OPTION]... [FILE]..." << endl; os << "Evaluate and/or compile Tuplr code" << endl; os << endl; os << " -h Display this help and exit" << endl; os << " -r Enter REPL after evaluating files" << endl; os << " -p Pretty-print input only" << endl; os << " -e EXPRESSION Evaluate EXPRESSION" << endl; os << " -o FILE Write output to FILE" << endl; return error ? 1 : 0; } int main(int argc, char** argv) { PEnv penv; TEnv tenv(penv); initLang(penv, tenv); CEnv* cenv = newCenv(penv, tenv); cenv->push(); map args; list files; for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { if (!strncmp(argv[i], "-h", 3)) { return print_usage(argv[0], false); } else if (argv[i][0] != '-') { files.push_back(argv[i]); } else if (!strncmp(argv[i], "-r", 3)) { args.insert(make_pair(argv[i], "")); } else if (!strncmp(argv[i], "-p", 3)) { args.insert(make_pair(argv[i], "")); } else if (i == argc-1 || argv[i+1][0] == '-') { return print_usage(argv[0], true); } else { args.insert(make_pair(argv[i], argv[i+1])); ++i; } } int ret = 0; string output; map::const_iterator a = args.find("-o"); if (a != args.end()) output = a->second; a = args.find("-p"); if (a != args.end()) { ifstream is(files.front().c_str()); if (is.good()) { Cursor loc; SExp exp = readExpression(loc, is); AST* ast = penv.parse(exp); pprint(cout, ast); } return 0; } a = args.find("-e"); if (a != args.end()) { istringstream is(a->second); ret = eval(*cenv, "(command line)", is); } for (list::iterator f = files.begin(); f != files.end(); ++f) { ifstream is(f->c_str()); if (is.good()) { ret = ret | eval(*cenv, *f, is); } else { cerr << argv[0] << ": " << *f << ": " << strerror(errno) << endl; ++ret; } is.close(); } if (args.find("-r") != args.end() || (files.empty() && args.find("-e") == args.end())) ret = repl(*cenv); if (output != "") { ofstream os(output.c_str()); if (os.good()) { cenv->write(os); } else { cerr << argv[0] << ": " << a->second << ": " << strerror(errno) << endl; ++ret; } os.close(); } delete cenv; return ret; }