path: root/bindings/cpp/include/serd
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Diffstat (limited to 'bindings/cpp/include/serd')
6 files changed, 3048 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bindings/cpp/include/serd/Flags.hpp b/bindings/cpp/include/serd/Flags.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a332ee73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/cpp/include/serd/Flags.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+// Copyright 2019-2021 David Robillard <d@drobilla.net>
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: ISC
+#include <type_traits>
+namespace serd {
+ @defgroup serdpp_flags Flags
+ @ingroup serdpp
+ @{
+ Type-safe bit flags
+ This is a minimal interface for type-safe bit flags, which only allows
+ values from the corresponding flags enum to be set. It functions like a
+ normal unsigned integer bit field, but attempting to get or set a flag with
+ the incorrect type will fail to compile.
+ @tparam Flag Strong enumeration type for flag values.
+template<class Flag>
+class Flags
+ static_assert(std::is_enum<Flag>::value, "");
+ using Value = std::make_unsigned_t<std::underlying_type_t<Flag>>;
+ /// Construct with no flags set
+ constexpr Flags() noexcept = default;
+ /// Construct from a raw bit field value
+ constexpr explicit Flags(const Value value) noexcept
+ : _value{value}
+ {}
+ /// Construct from a single flag
+ // NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor, hicpp-explicit-conversions)
+ constexpr Flags(const Flag f) noexcept
+ : _value{static_cast<Value>(f)}
+ {}
+ /// Set a flag
+ constexpr Flags operator|(const Flag rhs) const noexcept
+ {
+ return Flags{_value | static_cast<Value>(rhs)};
+ }
+ /// Set all the flags from another set of flags
+ constexpr Flags operator|(const Flags rhs) const noexcept
+ {
+ return Flags{_value | rhs._value};
+ }
+ /// Return true if only the given flag is set
+ constexpr bool operator==(const Flag rhs) const noexcept
+ {
+ return _value == static_cast<Value>(rhs);
+ }
+ // NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor, hicpp-explicit-conversions)
+ constexpr operator Value() const noexcept { return _value; }
+ Value _value{};
+/// Make a new Flags by combining two individual flags
+template<class Flag>
+inline constexpr Flags<Flag>
+operator|(const Flag lhs, const Flag rhs) noexcept
+ return Flags<Flag>{lhs} | rhs;
+ @}
+} // namespace serd
+#endif // SERD_FLAGS_HPP
diff --git a/bindings/cpp/include/serd/Optional.hpp b/bindings/cpp/include/serd/Optional.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..965e5f1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/cpp/include/serd/Optional.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+// Copyright 2019-2021 David Robillard <d@drobilla.net>
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: ISC
+#include <cassert>
+#include <type_traits>
+#include <utility>
+namespace serd {
+ @defgroup serdpp_optional Optional
+ @ingroup serdpp
+ @{
+struct ConstructNullOptional {};
+/// Special tag for constructing an unset Optional
+struct Nullopt {
+ enum class Construct { internal };
+ explicit constexpr Nullopt(Construct) {}
+ A simple optional wrapper around a wrapped type with a pointer-like API
+ This works like a typical optional type, but only works with Wrapper types,
+ and exploits the fact that these are interally just pointers to avoid adding
+ space overhead for an "is_set" flag, like a generic optional class would.
+ Types must explicitly opt-in to being optional by providing a constructor
+ that takes a single ContructNullOptional argument. This constructor should
+ only be used by the Optional implementation, which guarantees that such an
+ object will not be used except by calling its cobj() method.
+template<class T>
+class Optional
+ /// The type of the underlying C object
+ using CType = typename T::CType;
+ /// Constructs an empty optional
+ Optional() = default;
+ /// Constructs an empty optional
+ // NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor, hicpp-explicit-conversions)
+ Optional(Nullopt) {}
+ /// Constructs an optional that contains the given value
+ // NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor, hicpp-explicit-conversions)
+ Optional(T value)
+ : _value{std::move(value)}
+ {}
+ /// Constructs an optional that contains a converted value
+ template<
+ typename U,
+ typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<U, T>::value>::type>
+ // NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor, hicpp-explicit-conversions)
+ Optional(U&& value)
+ : _value{std::forward<U>(value)}
+ {}
+ /// Destroys any contained value
+ void reset() { _value = T{nullptr}; }
+ /// Accesses the contained value
+ const T& operator*() const
+ {
+ assert(_value.cobj());
+ return _value;
+ }
+ /// Accesses the contained value
+ T& operator*()
+ {
+ assert(_value.cobj());
+ return _value;
+ }
+ /// Accesses the contained value
+ const T* operator->() const
+ {
+ assert(_value.cobj());
+ return &_value;
+ }
+ /// Accesses the contained value
+ T* operator->()
+ {
+ assert(_value.cobj());
+ return &_value;
+ }
+ /// Tests if optional objects are equal
+ bool operator==(const Optional& optional)
+ {
+ return (!*this && !optional) ||
+ (*this && optional && _value == optional._value);
+ }
+ /// Tests if optional objects are not equal
+ bool operator!=(const Optional& optional) { return !operator==(optional); }
+ /// Returns true if this optional contains a value
+ explicit operator bool() const { return _value.cobj(); }
+ /// Returns true if this optional does not contain a value
+ bool operator!() const { return !_value.cobj(); }
+ /// Return a pointer to the underlying C object, or null
+ CType* cobj() { return _value.cobj(); }
+ /// Return a pointer to the underlying C object, or null
+ const CType* cobj() const { return _value.cobj(); }
+ T _value{nullptr};
+/// Creates an optional object from `value`
+template<class T>
+constexpr Optional<std::decay_t<T>>
+make_optional(T&& value)
+ return Optional<T>{std::forward<T>(value)};
+/// Creates an optional object with a value constructed in-place from `args`
+template<class T, class... Args>
+constexpr Optional<T>
+make_optional(Args&&... args)
+ return Optional<T>{std::forward<Args>(args)...};
+/// Constant that represents an empty optional
+static constexpr Nullopt nullopt{Nullopt::Construct::internal};
+ @}
+} // namespace serd
diff --git a/bindings/cpp/include/serd/StringView.hpp b/bindings/cpp/include/serd/StringView.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..baf6f225
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/cpp/include/serd/StringView.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+// Copyright 2019-2021 David Robillard <d@drobilla.net>
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: ISC
+#include "serd/serd.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <ostream>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <string>
+namespace serd {
+ @defgroup serdpp_string_view String View
+ @ingroup serdpp
+ @{
+ Immutable slice of a string.
+ This is a minimal implementation that is compatible with std::string_view
+ and std::string for most basic use cases. This could be replaced with
+ std::string_view once C++17 support can be relied on.
+class StringView
+ using char_type = char;
+ using size_type = size_t;
+ using traits_type = std::char_traits<char>;
+ using value_type = char;
+ using pointer = value_type*;
+ using const_pointer = const value_type*;
+ using reference = value_type&;
+ using const_reference = const value_type&;
+ using iterator = const char*;
+ using const_iterator = const char*;
+ static constexpr size_type npos = static_cast<size_t>(-1);
+ constexpr StringView() noexcept = default;
+ constexpr StringView(const char* const str, const size_t len) noexcept
+ : _str{str}
+ , _len{len}
+ {}
+ // NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor, hicpp-explicit-conversions)
+ StringView(const char* const str) noexcept
+ : _str{str}
+ , _len{str ? strlen(str) : 0}
+ {}
+ // NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor, hicpp-explicit-conversions)
+ StringView(const std::string& str) noexcept
+ : _str{str.c_str()}
+ , _len{str.length()}
+ {}
+ constexpr size_t size() const { return _len; }
+ constexpr size_t length() const { return _len; }
+ constexpr bool empty() const { return _len == 0; }
+ constexpr const char* c_str() const { return _str; }
+ constexpr const char* data() const { return _str; }
+ constexpr const char& front() const { return _str[0]; }
+ constexpr const char& back() const { return _str[_len - 1]; }
+ constexpr const_iterator begin() const { return _str; }
+ constexpr const_iterator end() const { return _str + _len; }
+ constexpr const_iterator cbegin() const { return begin(); }
+ constexpr const_iterator cend() const { return end(); }
+ constexpr const char& operator[](const size_t pos) const { return _str[pos]; }
+ const char& at(const size_t pos) const
+ {
+ if (pos >= size()) {
+ throw std::out_of_range("serd::StringView::at pos");
+ }
+ return _str[pos];
+ }
+ StringView substr(const size_t pos) const
+ {
+ if (pos > size()) {
+ throw std::out_of_range("serd::StringView::substr pos");
+ }
+ return StringView{data() + pos, size() - pos};
+ }
+ StringView substr(const size_t pos, const size_t n) const
+ {
+ if (pos > size()) {
+ throw std::out_of_range("serd::StringView::substr pos");
+ }
+ return StringView{data() + pos, std::min(size() - pos, n)};
+ }
+ int compare(StringView rhs) const noexcept
+ {
+ if (!data() && !rhs.data()) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (!data()) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (!rhs.data()) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ const size_type len = std::min(size(), rhs.size());
+ const int cmp = strncmp(data(), rhs.data(), len);
+ if (cmp) {
+ return cmp;
+ }
+ if (size() == rhs.size()) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (size() < rhs.size()) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ template<class Alloc = std::allocator<char>>
+ std::basic_string<char, traits_type, Alloc> str() const
+ {
+ return std::basic_string<char, traits_type, Alloc>(data(), size(), Alloc{});
+ }
+ template<class Alloc = std::allocator<char>>
+ std::basic_string<char, traits_type, Alloc> str(const Alloc& alloc) const
+ {
+ return std::basic_string<char, traits_type, Alloc>(data(), size(), alloc);
+ }
+ explicit operator std::string() const { return str(); }
+ explicit operator const char*() const { return _str; }
+ // NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor, hicpp-explicit-conversions)
+ operator ZixStringView() const { return ZixStringView{_str, _len}; }
+ const char* const _str{};
+ const size_t _len{};
+inline bool
+operator==(const StringView& lhs, const StringView& rhs)
+ return !lhs.compare(rhs);
+inline bool
+operator==(const StringView& lhs, const std::string& rhs)
+ return lhs.length() == rhs.length() &&
+ !strncmp(lhs.c_str(), rhs.c_str(), lhs.length());
+inline bool
+operator==(const StringView& lhs, const char* rhs)
+ return !strncmp(lhs.c_str(), rhs, lhs.length());
+inline bool
+operator!=(const StringView& lhs, const StringView& rhs)
+ return lhs.compare(rhs);
+inline bool
+operator!=(const StringView& lhs, const std::string& rhs)
+ return lhs.length() != rhs.length() ||
+ !!strncmp(lhs.c_str(), rhs.c_str(), lhs.length());
+inline bool
+operator!=(const StringView& lhs, const char* rhs)
+ return !!strncmp(lhs.c_str(), rhs, lhs.length());
+inline bool
+operator<(const StringView& lhs, const StringView& rhs)
+ return lhs.compare(rhs) < 0;
+inline bool
+operator<(const StringView& lhs, const std::string& rhs)
+ return lhs.c_str() < StringView(rhs);
+inline bool
+operator<(const StringView& lhs, const char* rhs)
+ return strncmp(lhs.c_str(), rhs, lhs.length()) < 0;
+inline std::ostream&
+operator<<(std::ostream& os, const StringView& str)
+ os.write(str.data(), static_cast<std::streamsize>(str.size()));
+ return os;
+ @}
+} // namespace serd
diff --git a/bindings/cpp/include/serd/detail/Copyable.hpp b/bindings/cpp/include/serd/detail/Copyable.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5a5b5cde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/cpp/include/serd/detail/Copyable.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+// Copyright 2019-2021 David Robillard <d@drobilla.net>
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: ISC
+// IWYU pragma: no_include "serd/serd.h"
+#include "serd/detail/Wrapper.hpp"
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <memory>
+#include <type_traits>
+#include <utility>
+namespace serd {
+namespace detail {
+ @addtogroup serdpp_detail
+ @{
+/// Copy function for an allocator-managed C object
+template<class T>
+using CopyFunc = Mutable<T>* (*)(ZixAllocator*, const T*);
+/// Equality comparison function for C objects
+template<class T>
+using EqualsFunc = bool (*)(const T*, const T*);
+template<class T, CopyFunc<T> copy_func>
+typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_const<T>::value, T>*
+copy_cobj(const T* ptr)
+ return ptr; // Constant wrapper, do not copy
+template<class T, CopyFunc<T> copy_func>
+typename std::enable_if_t<!std::is_const<T>::value, T>*
+copy_cobj(const T* ptr)
+ return ptr ? copy_func(nullptr, ptr) : nullptr; // Mutable wrapper, copy
+ Generic wrapper for a "basic" copyable object.
+ This wraps objects with simple ownership semantics where a const pointer is
+ never owned, and a mutable pointer is owned. This has no space overhead
+ compared to a raw pointer since the ownership is encoded in the type.
+template<class T, class Deleter, CopyFunc<T> copy, EqualsFunc<T> equals>
+class Copyable : public Wrapper<T, Deleter>
+ using Base = Wrapper<T, Deleter>;
+ explicit Copyable(T* ptr)
+ : Base{ptr}
+ {}
+ Copyable(const Copyable& wrapper)
+ : Base(copy_cobj<T, copy>(wrapper.cobj()))
+ {}
+ template<class U, class UDeleter>
+ explicit Copyable(const Copyable<U, UDeleter, copy, equals>& wrapper)
+ : Base(copy_cobj<T, copy>(wrapper.cobj()))
+ {}
+ Copyable(Copyable&&) noexcept = default;
+ Copyable& operator=(Copyable&&) noexcept = default;
+ ~Copyable() noexcept = default;
+ Copyable& operator=(const Copyable& wrapper)
+ {
+ if (&wrapper != this) {
+ this->_ptr =
+ std::unique_ptr<T, Deleter>(copy_cobj<T, copy>(wrapper.cobj()));
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template<class U, class UDeleter, Mutable<T>* UCopy(ZixAllocator*, const T*)>
+ bool operator==(const Copyable<U, UDeleter, UCopy, equals>& wrapper) const
+ {
+ return equals(this->cobj(), wrapper.cobj());
+ }
+ template<class U, class UDeleter, Mutable<T>* UCopy(ZixAllocator*, const T*)>
+ bool operator!=(const Copyable<U, UDeleter, UCopy, equals>& wrapper) const
+ {
+ return !operator==(wrapper);
+ }
+ @}
+} // namespace detail
+} // namespace serd
diff --git a/bindings/cpp/include/serd/detail/Wrapper.hpp b/bindings/cpp/include/serd/detail/Wrapper.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..887e6643
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/cpp/include/serd/detail/Wrapper.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+// Copyright 2019-2021 David Robillard <d@drobilla.net>
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: ISC
+// IWYU pragma: no_include "serd/serd.h"
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <memory>
+#include <type_traits>
+#include <utility>
+namespace serd {
+/// Utility template for a mutable type which removes const if necessary
+template<class T>
+class Optional;
+/// Detail namespace
+namespace detail {
+ @defgroup serdpp_detail API Details
+ Internal C++ wrapper details that should not be used directly by clients.
+ @ingroup serdpp
+ @{
+/// Utility template for a mutable type which removes const if necessary
+template<class T>
+using Mutable = typename std::remove_const_t<T>;
+/// Generic C++ wrapper for a C object
+template<class T, class Deleter>
+class Wrapper
+ using CType = T;
+ explicit Wrapper(T* ptr)
+ : _ptr{ptr, Deleter{}}
+ {}
+ Wrapper(T* ptr, Deleter deleter)
+ : _ptr{ptr, std::move(deleter)}
+ {}
+ explicit Wrapper(std::unique_ptr<T, Deleter> ptr)
+ : _ptr{std::move(ptr)}
+ {}
+ Wrapper(Wrapper&&) noexcept = default;
+ Wrapper& operator=(Wrapper&&) noexcept = default;
+ Wrapper(const Wrapper&) = delete;
+ Wrapper& operator=(const Wrapper&) = delete;
+ ~Wrapper() = default;
+ /// Return a pointer to the underlying C object
+ T* cobj() { return _ptr.get(); }
+ /// Return a pointer to the underlying C object
+ const T* cobj() const { return _ptr.get(); }
+ friend class Optional<T>;
+ explicit Wrapper(std::nullptr_t)
+ : _ptr{nullptr}
+ {}
+ void reset() { _ptr.reset(); }
+ std::unique_ptr<T, Deleter> _ptr;
+/// Free function for an object that can free itself
+template<class T>
+using StandaloneFreeFunc = void(Mutable<T>*);
+/// Free function for an object managed via an allocator
+template<class T>
+using AllocatedFreeFunc = void(ZixAllocator*, Mutable<T>*);
+ Simple overhead-free deleter for a C object.
+ Can be used with const or mutable pointers, but only mutable pointers will
+ be freed. In other words, mutability implies ownership, and this can not
+ handle unowned mutable pointers.
+ @ingroup serdpp_detail
+template<class T, StandaloneFreeFunc<T> free>
+struct StandaloneDeleter {
+ template<class = std::enable_if<!std::is_const<T>::value>>
+ void operator()(Mutable<T>* const ptr)
+ {
+ free(ptr);
+ }
+ template<class = std::enable_if<std::is_const<T>::value>>
+ void operator()(const T*)
+ {}
+ Simple overhead-free deleter for a C object.
+ Can be used with const or mutable pointers, but only mutable pointers will
+ be freed. In other words, mutability implies ownership, and this can not
+ handle unowned mutable pointers.
+ @ingroup serdpp_detail
+template<class T, AllocatedFreeFunc<T> free>
+struct AllocatedDeleter {
+ template<class = std::enable_if<!std::is_const<T>::value>>
+ void operator()(Mutable<T>* const ptr)
+ {
+ free(nullptr, ptr);
+ }
+ template<class = std::enable_if<std::is_const<T>::value>>
+ void operator()(const T*)
+ {}
+ @}
+} // namespace detail
+} // namespace serd
diff --git a/bindings/cpp/include/serd/serd.hpp b/bindings/cpp/include/serd/serd.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3e316a07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/cpp/include/serd/serd.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,2332 @@
+// Copyright 2019-2021 David Robillard <d@drobilla.net>
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: ISC
+#ifndef SERD_SERD_HPP
+#define SERD_SERD_HPP
+#include "serd/Flags.hpp" // IWYU pragma: export
+#include "serd/Optional.hpp" // IWYU pragma: export
+#include "serd/StringView.hpp" // IWYU pragma: export
+#include "serd/detail/Copyable.hpp" // IWYU pragma: export
+#include "serd/detail/Wrapper.hpp" // IWYU pragma: export
+#include "serd/serd.h"
+#include <cassert>
+#include <cstdarg>
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <functional>
+#include <map>
+#include <memory>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <string>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+namespace serd {
+ @defgroup serdpp Serd C++ API
+ @{
+ @defgroup serdpp_status Status Codes
+ @{
+/// @copydoc SerdStatus
+enum class Status {
+ success = SERD_SUCCESS, ///< @copydoc SERD_SUCCESS
+ failure = SERD_FAILURE, ///< @copydoc SERD_FAILURE
+ unknown_error = SERD_UNKNOWN_ERROR, ///< @copydoc SERD_UNKNOWN_ERROR
+ no_data = SERD_NO_DATA, ///< @copydoc SERD_NO_DATA
+ overflow = SERD_OVERFLOW, ///< @copydoc SERD_OVERFLOW
+ bad_alloc = SERD_BAD_ALLOC, ///< @copydoc SERD_BAD_ALLOC
+ bad_arg = SERD_BAD_ARG, ///< @copydoc SERD_BAD_ARG
+ bad_call = SERD_BAD_CALL, ///< @copydoc SERD_BAD_CALL
+ bad_curie = SERD_BAD_CURIE, ///< @copydoc SERD_BAD_CURIE
+ bad_cursor = SERD_BAD_CURSOR, ///< @copydoc SERD_BAD_CURSOR
+ bad_event = SERD_BAD_EVENT, ///< @copydoc SERD_BAD_EVENT
+ bad_index = SERD_BAD_INDEX, ///< @copydoc SERD_BAD_INDEX
+ bad_label = SERD_BAD_LABEL, ///< @copydoc SERD_BAD_LABEL
+ bad_literal = SERD_BAD_LITERAL, ///< @copydoc SERD_BAD_LITERAL
+ bad_pattern = SERD_BAD_PATTERN, ///< @copydoc SERD_BAD_PATTERN
+ bad_read = SERD_BAD_READ, ///< @copydoc SERD_BAD_READ
+ bad_stack = SERD_BAD_STACK, ///< @copydoc SERD_BAD_STACK
+ bad_syntax = SERD_BAD_SYNTAX, ///< @copydoc SERD_BAD_SYNTAX
+ bad_text = SERD_BAD_TEXT, ///< @copydoc SERD_BAD_TEXT
+ bad_uri = SERD_BAD_URI, ///< @copydoc SERD_BAD_URI
+ bad_write = SERD_BAD_WRITE, ///< @copydoc SERD_BAD_WRITE
+ bad_data = SERD_BAD_DATA, ///< @copydoc SERD_BAD_DATA
+/// @copydoc serd_strerror
+inline const char*
+strerror(const Status status)
+ return serd_strerror(static_cast<SerdStatus>(status));
+ @}
+ @defgroup serdpp_string String Utilities
+ @{
+// FIXME: grouping?
+static inline size_t
+stream_write(const void* buf, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void* sink) noexcept
+ (void)size;
+ assert(size == 1);
+ std::ostream& os = *static_cast<std::ostream*>(sink);
+ try {
+ os.write(static_cast<const char*>(buf),
+ static_cast<std::streamsize>(nmemb));
+ return os.good() ? nmemb : 0U;
+ } catch (...) {
+ }
+ return 0;
+ @}
+ @defgroup serdpp_syntax Syntax Utilities
+ @{
+/// @copydoc SerdSyntax
+enum class Syntax {
+ empty = SERD_SYNTAX_EMPTY, ///< @copydoc SERD_SYNTAX_EMPTY
+ Turtle = SERD_TURTLE, ///< @copydoc SERD_TURTLE
+ NTriples = SERD_NTRIPLES, ///< @copydoc SERD_NTRIPLES
+ NQuads = SERD_NQUADS, ///< @copydoc SERD_NQUADS
+ TriG = SERD_TRIG ///< @copydoc SERD_TRIG
+/// @copydoc serd_syntax_by_name
+inline Syntax
+syntax_by_name(StringView name)
+ return static_cast<Syntax>(serd_syntax_by_name(name.c_str()));
+/// @copydoc serd_guess_syntax
+inline Syntax
+guess_syntax(StringView filename)
+ return static_cast<Syntax>(serd_guess_syntax(filename.c_str()));
+ Return whether a syntax can represent multiple graphs.
+ @return True for @ref Syntax::NQuads and @ref Syntax::TriG, false otherwise.
+inline bool
+syntax_has_graphs(const Syntax syntax)
+ return serd_syntax_has_graphs(static_cast<SerdSyntax>(syntax));
+ @}
+ @defgroup serdpp_data Data
+ @{
+ @defgroup serdpp_uri URI
+ @{
+ Get the unescaped path and hostname from a file URI.
+ The returned path and `*hostname` must be freed with serd_free().
+ @param uri A file URI.
+ @param hostname If non-null, set to the hostname, if present.
+ @return A filesystem path.
+inline std::string
+parse_file_uri(StringView uri, std::string* hostname = nullptr)
+ char* c_hostname = nullptr;
+ char* c_path = serd_parse_file_uri(nullptr, uri.data(), &c_hostname);
+ if (hostname && c_hostname) {
+ *hostname = c_hostname;
+ }
+ std::string path{c_path};
+ zix_free(nullptr, c_hostname);
+ zix_free(nullptr, c_path);
+ return path;
+/// @copydoc serd_uri_string_has_scheme
+inline bool
+uri_string_has_scheme(StringView string)
+ return serd_uri_string_has_scheme(string.c_str());
+ A parsed URI.
+ This directly refers to slices in other strings, it does not own any memory
+ itself. Thus, URIs can be parsed and/or resolved against a base URI
+ in-place without allocating memory.
+class URI
+ /**
+ Component of a URI.
+ Note that there is a distinction between a component being non-present
+ and present but empty. For example, "file:///path" has an empty
+ authority, while "file:/path" has no authority. A non-present component
+ has its `data()` pointer set to null, while an empty component has a
+ data pointer, but length zero.
+ */
+ using Component = StringView;
+ /// Construct a URI by parsing a URI string
+ explicit URI(StringView str)
+ : _uri{serd_parse_uri(str.data())}
+ {}
+ /// Construct a URI from a C URI view
+ explicit URI(const SerdURIView& uri)
+ : _uri{uri}
+ {}
+ /// Return the scheme of this URI
+ Component scheme() const { return make_component(_uri.scheme); }
+ /// Return the authority of this URI
+ Component authority() const { return make_component(_uri.authority); }
+ /// Return the path prefix of this URI, which is set if it has been resolved
+ Component path_prefix() const { return make_component(_uri.path_prefix); }
+ /// Return the path (suffix) of this URI
+ Component path() const { return make_component(_uri.path); }
+ /// Return the query
+ Component query() const { return make_component(_uri.query); }
+ /// Return the fragment of this URI
+ Component fragment() const { return make_component(_uri.fragment); }
+ /// Return this URI resolved against `base`
+ URI resolve(const URI& base) const
+ {
+ return URI{serd_resolve_uri(_uri, base._uri)};
+ }
+ /// Return URI as a string
+ std::string string() const
+ {
+ std::ostringstream ss;
+ serd_write_uri(_uri, stream_write, &ss);
+ return ss.str();
+ }
+ /// Return this URI as a string relative to `base`
+ std::string relative_string(const URI& base) const
+ {
+ std::ostringstream ss;
+ const SerdURIView rel = serd_relative_uri(_uri, base._uri);
+ serd_write_uri(rel, stream_write, &ss);
+ return ss.str();
+ }
+ /**
+ Return this URI as a string relative to `base` but constrained to `root`.
+ The returned URI string is relative iff this URI is a child of both `base`
+ and `root`. The `root` must be a prefix of `base` and can be used keep
+ up-references ("../") within a certain namespace.
+ */
+ std::string relative_string(const URI& base, const URI& root) const
+ {
+ if (serd_uri_is_within(_uri, root._uri)) {
+ return relative_string(base);
+ }
+ return string();
+ }
+ /// Return a pointer to the underlying C object
+ const SerdURIView* cobj() const { return &_uri; }
+ static Component make_component(const ZixStringView slice)
+ {
+ return slice.data ? Component{slice.data, slice.length} : Component{};
+ }
+ SerdURIView _uri;
+inline std::ostream&
+operator<<(std::ostream& os, const URI& uri)
+ serd_write_uri(*uri.cobj(), stream_write, &os);
+ return os;
+ @}
+ @defgroup serdpp_node Node
+ @{
+/// @copydoc SerdValue
+using Value = SerdValue;
+template<class T>
+inline SerdValue
+value(T value);
+inline SerdValue
+value(const bool value)
+ return serd_bool(value);
+inline SerdValue
+value(const double value)
+ return serd_double(value);
+inline SerdValue
+value(const float value)
+ return serd_float(value);
+inline SerdValue
+value(const int64_t value)
+ return serd_long(value);
+inline SerdValue
+value(const int32_t value)
+ return serd_int(value);
+inline SerdValue
+value(const int16_t value)
+ return serd_short(value);
+inline SerdValue
+value(const int8_t value)
+ return serd_byte(value);
+inline SerdValue
+value(const uint64_t value)
+ return serd_ulong(value);
+inline SerdValue
+value(const uint32_t value)
+ return serd_uint(value);
+inline SerdValue
+value(const uint16_t value)
+ return serd_ushort(value);
+inline SerdValue
+value(const uint8_t value)
+ return serd_ubyte(value);
+/// @copydoc SerdNodeType
+enum class NodeType {
+ literal = SERD_LITERAL, ///< @copydoc SERD_LITERAL
+ URI = SERD_URI, ///< @copydoc SERD_URI
+ blank = SERD_BLANK, ///< @copydoc SERD_BLANK
+ variable = SERD_VARIABLE, ///< @copydoc SERD_VARIABLE
+/// @copydoc SerdNodeFlag
+enum class NodeFlag {
+ is_long = SERD_IS_LONG, ///< @copydoc SERD_IS_LONG
+ has_datatype = SERD_HAS_DATATYPE, ///< @copydoc SERD_HAS_DATATYPE
+ has_language = SERD_HAS_LANGUAGE, ///< @copydoc SERD_HAS_LANGUAGE
+/// Bitwise OR of NodeFlag values
+using NodeFlags = Flags<NodeFlag>;
+template<typename CPtr>
+using NodeDeleter = detail::AllocatedDeleter<CPtr, serd_node_free>;
+template<typename CPtr>
+using NodeHandle =
+ detail::Copyable<CPtr, NodeDeleter<CPtr>, serd_node_copy, serd_node_equals>;
+class NodeView;
+/// Common base class for any wrapped node
+template<typename CPtr>
+class NodeWrapper : public NodeHandle<CPtr>
+ template<class C>
+ explicit NodeWrapper(const NodeWrapper<C>& node)
+ : NodeHandle<CPtr>{node}
+ {}
+ /// @copydoc serd_node_type
+ NodeType type() const
+ {
+ return static_cast<NodeType>(serd_node_type(this->cobj()));
+ }
+ /// @copydoc serd_node_string
+ const char* c_str() const { return serd_node_string(this->cobj()); }
+ /// @copydoc serd_node_string
+ StringView str() const { return StringView{c_str(), length()}; }
+ /// @copydoc serd_node_length
+ size_t size() const { return serd_node_length(this->cobj()); }
+ /// @copydoc serd_node_length
+ size_t length() const { return serd_node_length(this->cobj()); }
+ /// @copydoc serd_node_datatype
+ Optional<NodeView> datatype() const;
+ /// @copydoc serd_node_language
+ Optional<NodeView> language() const;
+ /// @copydoc serd_node_string_view
+ StringView string_view() const { return StringView{c_str(), length()}; }
+ /// @copydoc serd_node_uri_view
+ SerdURIView uri_view() const { return serd_node_uri_view(this->cobj()); }
+ /// @copydoc serd_node_decoded_size
+ size_t decoded_size() const { return serd_node_decoded_size(this->cobj()); }
+ /// @copydoc serd_node_decode
+ SerdWriteResult decode(const size_t buf_size, void* const buf) const
+ {
+ return serd_node_decode(this->cobj(), buf_size, buf);
+ }
+ /// Returns a newly allocated copy of the node's string
+ explicit operator std::string() const
+ {
+ return std::string{c_str(), length()};
+ }
+ // NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor, hicpp-explicit-conversions)
+ explicit operator StringView() const { return StringView(c_str(), length()); }
+ // NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor, hicpp-explicit-conversions)
+ explicit operator ZixStringView() const
+ {
+ return ZixStringView{c_str(), length()};
+ }
+ /// Return a pointer to the first character in the node's string
+ const char* begin() const { return c_str(); }
+ /// Return a pointer to the null terminator at the end of the node's string
+ const char* end() const { return c_str() + length(); }
+ /// Return true if the node's string is empty
+ bool empty() const { return length() == 0; }
+ explicit NodeWrapper(CPtr* const ptr)
+ : NodeHandle<CPtr>{ptr}
+ {}
+/// A non-owning constant view of some other node
+class NodeView : public NodeWrapper<const SerdNode>
+ /// Create a view of a C node pointer
+ // NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor, hicpp-explicit-conversions)
+ NodeView(const SerdNode* const ptr)
+ : NodeWrapper{ptr}
+ {}
+ /// Create a view of some other node
+ template<class C>
+ // NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor, hicpp-explicit-conversions)
+ NodeView(const NodeWrapper<C>& node)
+ : NodeWrapper{node}
+ {}
+/// @copydoc serd_node_datatype
+template<typename CPtr>
+inline Optional<NodeView>
+NodeWrapper<CPtr>::datatype() const
+ return NodeView{serd_node_datatype(this->cobj())};
+/// @copydoc serd_node_language
+template<typename CPtr>
+inline Optional<NodeView>
+NodeWrapper<CPtr>::language() const
+ return NodeView{serd_node_language(this->cobj())};
+ Compare two nodes.
+ Nodes are ordered first by type, then by string value, then by language or
+ datatype, if present.
+inline bool
+operator<(const NodeView& lhs, const NodeView& rhs)
+ return serd_node_compare(lhs.cobj(), rhs.cobj()) < 0;
+/// An RDF node
+class Node : public NodeWrapper<SerdNode>
+ /// Create a node by taking ownership of a C node
+ explicit Node(SerdNode* const node)
+ : NodeWrapper<SerdNode>{node}
+ {}
+ /// Create a node by copying another node
+ explicit Node(const NodeView& node)
+ : NodeWrapper<SerdNode>{node}
+ {}
+ explicit Node(const Value& value)
+ : NodeWrapper{serd_node_new(nullptr, serd_a_primitive(value))}
+ {}
+ /// Create an xsd:boolean node from a ``bool``
+ explicit Node(const bool b)
+ : NodeWrapper{serd_node_new(nullptr, serd_a_primitive(serd_bool(b)))}
+ {}
+ /// Create an xsd:double node from a ``double``
+ explicit Node(const double d)
+ : NodeWrapper{serd_node_new(nullptr, serd_a_primitive(serd_double(d)))}
+ {}
+ /// Create an xsd:float node from a ``float``
+ explicit Node(const float f)
+ : NodeWrapper{serd_node_new(nullptr, serd_a_primitive(serd_float(f)))}
+ {}
+ /// Create an xsd:long node from a ``int64_t``
+ explicit Node(const int64_t i)
+ : NodeWrapper{serd_node_new(nullptr, serd_a_primitive(serd_long(i)))}
+ {}
+ /// Create an xsd:int node from a ``int32_t``
+ explicit Node(const int32_t i)
+ : NodeWrapper{serd_node_new(nullptr, serd_a_primitive(serd_int(i)))}
+ {}
+ /// Create an xsd:short node from a ``int16_t``
+ explicit Node(const int16_t i)
+ : NodeWrapper{serd_node_new(nullptr, serd_a_primitive(serd_short(i)))}
+ {}
+ /// Create an xsd:byte node from a ``int8_t``
+ explicit Node(const int8_t i)
+ : NodeWrapper{serd_node_new(nullptr, serd_a_primitive(serd_byte(i)))}
+ {}
+ /// Create an xsd:unsignedLong node from a ``int64_t``
+ explicit Node(const uint64_t i)
+ : NodeWrapper{serd_node_new(nullptr, serd_a_primitive(serd_ulong(i)))}
+ {}
+ /// Create an xsd:unsignedInt node from a ``int32_t``
+ explicit Node(const uint32_t i)
+ : NodeWrapper{serd_node_new(nullptr, serd_a_primitive(serd_uint(i)))}
+ {}
+ /// Create an xsd:unsignedShort node from a ``int16_t``
+ explicit Node(const uint16_t i)
+ : NodeWrapper{serd_node_new(nullptr, serd_a_primitive(serd_ushort(i)))}
+ {}
+ /// Create an xsd:unsignedByte node from a ``int8_t``
+ explicit Node(const uint8_t i)
+ : NodeWrapper{serd_node_new(nullptr, serd_a_primitive(serd_ubyte(i)))}
+ {}
+ Node(const Node& node) = default;
+ Node& operator=(const Node& node) = default;
+ Node(Node&& node) = default;
+ Node& operator=(Node&& node) = default;
+ ~Node() = default;
+ friend class Optional<Node>;
+ friend class Caret;
+ explicit Node(std::nullptr_t)
+ : NodeWrapper{nullptr}
+ {}
+inline std::ostream&
+operator<<(std::ostream& os, const NodeView& node)
+ return os << node.c_str();
+/// Create a new simple "token" node
+inline Node
+make_token(const NodeType type, StringView str)
+ return Node{
+ serd_node_new(nullptr, serd_a_token(static_cast<SerdNodeType>(type), str))};
+/// Create a new plain literal node with no language from `str`
+inline Node
+make_string(StringView str)
+ return Node{serd_node_new(nullptr, serd_a_string_view(str))};
+/// @copydoc serd_a_uri
+inline Node
+make_uri(StringView uri)
+ return Node{serd_node_new(nullptr, serd_a_uri(uri))};
+/// @copydoc serd_a_parsed_uri
+inline Node
+make_uri(SerdURIView uri)
+ return Node{serd_node_new(nullptr, serd_a_parsed_uri(uri))};
+/// @copydoc serd_a_parsed_uri
+inline Node
+make_uri(URI uri)
+ return Node{serd_node_new(nullptr, serd_a_parsed_uri(*uri.cobj()))};
+/// Create a new file URI node from a local filesystem path
+inline Node
+make_file_uri(StringView path)
+ return Node{
+ serd_node_new(nullptr, serd_a_file_uri(path, zix_empty_string()))};
+/// Create a new file URI node from a filesystem path on some host
+inline Node
+make_file_uri(StringView path, StringView hostname)
+ return Node{serd_node_new(nullptr, serd_a_file_uri(path, hostname))};
+/// @copydoc serd_a_literal
+inline Node
+make_literal(StringView string, NodeFlags flags, StringView meta)
+ return Node{serd_node_new(
+ nullptr, serd_a_literal(string, static_cast<SerdNodeFlags>(flags), meta))};
+/// Create a new blank node from a local name
+inline Node
+make_blank(StringView str)
+ return Node{serd_node_new(nullptr, serd_a_blank(str))};
+/// Create a new plain literal with an optional language tag
+inline Node
+make_plain_literal(StringView str, StringView lang)
+ return Node{serd_node_new(nullptr, serd_a_plain_literal(str, lang))};
+/// Create a new typed literal node from `str`
+inline Node
+make_typed_literal(StringView str, const StringView datatype)
+ return Node{serd_node_new(nullptr, serd_a_typed_literal(str, datatype))};
+ Create a new literal from a number.
+ This supports `bool`, `float`, `double`, and both signed and unsigned
+ integers from 8 to 64 bits wide. The returned node will have the
+ corresponding xsd datatype, for example, `uint16_t` will produce an
+ `xsd:unsignedShort` literal.
+template<class T>
+inline Node
+make(const T v)
+ return Node{value(v)};
+/// @copydoc serd_a_decimal
+inline Node
+make_decimal(double d)
+ return Node{serd_node_new(nullptr, serd_a_decimal(d))};
+/// @copydoc serd_a_integer
+inline Node
+make_integer(int64_t i)
+ return Node{serd_node_new(nullptr, serd_a_integer(i))};
+ Create a new canonical xsd:base64Binary literal.
+ This function can be used to make a node out of arbitrary binary data, which
+ can be decoded using Node::decode().
+ @param buf Raw binary data to encode in node.
+ @param size Size of `buf` in bytes.
+inline Node
+make_base64(const void* buf, size_t size)
+ return Node{serd_node_new(nullptr, serd_a_base64(size, buf))};
+/// Prototype for Node get() templates
+template<class T>
+inline T
+get(NodeView node);
+/// Return the value of `node` coerced to a boolean
+inline bool
+get<bool>(NodeView node)
+ return serd_node_value_as(node.cobj(), SERD_BOOL, true).data.as_bool;
+/// Return the value of `node` coerced to a double
+inline double
+get<double>(NodeView node)
+ return serd_node_value_as(node.cobj(), SERD_DOUBLE, true).data.as_double;
+/// Return the value of `node` coerced to a float
+inline float
+get<float>(NodeView node)
+ return serd_node_value_as(node.cobj(), SERD_FLOAT, true).data.as_float;
+/// Return the value of `node` coerced to a int64_t
+inline int64_t
+get<int64_t>(NodeView node)
+ return serd_node_value_as(node.cobj(), SERD_LONG, true).data.as_long;
+/// Return the value of `node` coerced to a uint64_t
+inline uint64_t
+get<uint64_t>(NodeView node)
+ return serd_node_value_as(node.cobj(), SERD_ULONG, true).data.as_ulong;
+ @}
+ @defgroup serdpp_nodes Nodes
+ @{
+// TODO
+ @}
+ @defgroup serdpp_caret Caret
+ @{
+/// Deleter for a Caret wrapper
+template<typename CPtr>
+using CaretDeleter = detail::AllocatedDeleter<CPtr, serd_caret_free>;
+/// Caret handle
+template<typename CPtr>
+using CaretHandle = detail::
+ Copyable<CPtr, CaretDeleter<CPtr>, serd_caret_copy, serd_caret_equals>;
+/// Caret wrapper
+template<typename CPtr>
+class CaretWrapper : public CaretHandle<CPtr>
+ explicit CaretWrapper(CPtr* caret)
+ : CaretHandle<CPtr>{caret}
+ {}
+ template<class C>
+ explicit CaretWrapper(const CaretWrapper<C>& caret)
+ : CaretHandle<CPtr>{caret.cobj()}
+ {}
+ /// @copydoc serd_caret_document
+ NodeView document() const
+ {
+ return NodeView(serd_caret_document(this->cobj()));
+ }
+ /// @copydoc serd_caret_line
+ unsigned line() const { return serd_caret_line(this->cobj()); }
+ /// @copydoc serd_caret_column
+ unsigned column() const { return serd_caret_column(this->cobj()); }
+/// A non-owning constant view of a caret
+class CaretView : public CaretWrapper<const SerdCaret>
+ /// Create a view of a C caret pointer
+ // NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor, hicpp-explicit-conversions)
+ CaretView(const SerdCaret* const ptr)
+ : CaretWrapper{ptr}
+ {}
+ /// Create a view of some other caret
+ template<class C>
+ // NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor, hicpp-explicit-conversions)
+ CaretView(const CaretWrapper<C>& caret)
+ : CaretWrapper{caret}
+ {}
+/// Extra data managed by mutable (user created) Caret
+struct CaretData {
+ Node name_node;
+/// @copydoc SerdCaret
+class Caret
+ : private CaretData
+ , public CaretWrapper<SerdCaret>
+ /**
+ Create a new caret.
+ @param name The name of the document or stream (usually a file URI)
+ @param line The line number in the document (1-based)
+ @param col The column number in the document (1-based)
+ */
+ Caret(const NodeView& name, const unsigned line, const unsigned col)
+ : CaretData{Node{name}}
+ , CaretWrapper{serd_caret_new(nullptr, name_node.cobj(), line, col)}
+ {}
+ explicit Caret(const CaretView& caret)
+ : Caret(caret.document(), caret.line(), caret.column())
+ {}
+ friend class Optional<Caret>;
+ friend class Statement;
+ explicit Caret(std::nullptr_t)
+ : CaretData{Node{nullptr}}
+ , CaretWrapper{nullptr}
+ {}
+ @}
+ @defgroup serdpp_statement Statement
+ @{
+/// @copydoc SerdField
+enum class Field {
+ subject = SERD_SUBJECT, ///< @copydoc SERD_SUBJECT
+ predicate = SERD_PREDICATE, ///< @copydoc SERD_PREDICATE
+ object = SERD_OBJECT, ///< @copydoc SERD_OBJECT
+ graph = SERD_GRAPH ///< @copydoc SERD_GRAPH
+/// Deleter for a Statement wrapper
+template<typename CPtr>
+using StatementDeleter = detail::AllocatedDeleter<CPtr, serd_statement_free>;
+template<typename CPtr>
+using StatementHandle = detail::Copyable<CPtr,
+ StatementDeleter<CPtr>,
+ serd_statement_copy,
+ serd_statement_equals>;
+template<typename CPtr>
+class StatementWrapper;
+/// Extra data managed by mutable (user created) Statement
+struct StatementData {
+ Node _subject;
+ Node _predicate;
+ Node _object;
+ Optional<Node> _graph;
+ Optional<Caret> _caret;
+/// Statement wrapper
+template<typename CPtr>
+class StatementWrapper : public StatementHandle<CPtr>
+ explicit StatementWrapper(CPtr* statement)
+ : StatementHandle<CPtr>{statement}
+ {}
+ template<class C>
+ explicit StatementWrapper(const StatementWrapper<C>& statement)
+ : StatementHandle<CPtr>{statement}
+ {}
+ /// @copydoc serd_statement_node
+ NodeView node(Field field) const
+ {
+ return NodeView{
+ serd_statement_node(this->cobj(), static_cast<SerdField>(field))};
+ }
+ /// @copydoc serd_statement_subject
+ NodeView subject() const
+ {
+ return NodeView{serd_statement_subject(this->cobj())};
+ }
+ /// @copydoc serd_statement_predicate
+ NodeView predicate() const
+ {
+ return NodeView{serd_statement_predicate(this->cobj())};
+ }
+ /// @copydoc serd_statement_object
+ NodeView object() const
+ {
+ return NodeView{serd_statement_object(this->cobj())};
+ }
+ /// @copydoc serd_statement_graph
+ Optional<NodeView> graph() const
+ {
+ return NodeView{serd_statement_graph(this->cobj())};
+ }
+ /// @copydoc serd_statement_caret
+ Optional<CaretView> caret() const
+ {
+ return CaretView{serd_statement_caret(this->cobj())};
+ }
+ /// @copydoc serd_statement_matches
+ bool matches(Optional<NodeView> subject,
+ Optional<NodeView> predicate,
+ Optional<NodeView> object,
+ Optional<NodeView> graph = {}) const
+ {
+ return serd_statement_matches(this->cobj(),
+ subject.cobj(),
+ predicate.cobj(),
+ object.cobj(),
+ graph.cobj());
+ }
+ friend class Cursor;
+ StatementWrapper()
+ : StatementHandle<CPtr>{nullptr}
+ {}
+template<typename CPtr>
+class CursorWrapper;
+/// A non-owning constant view of a statement
+class StatementView final : public StatementWrapper<const SerdStatement>
+ /// Create a view of a C statement
+ explicit StatementView(const SerdStatement* const ptr)
+ : StatementWrapper<const SerdStatement>{ptr}
+ {}
+ /// Create a view of some other statement
+ // NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor, hicpp-explicit-conversions)
+ StatementView(const StatementWrapper<SerdStatement>& statement)
+ : StatementWrapper<const SerdStatement>{statement.cobj()}
+ {}
+ // FIXME
+ // private:
+ // friend class CursorWrapper<const SerdStatement>;
+ // friend class CursorWrapper<SerdStatement>;
+ // StatementView(std::nullptr_t)
+ // : StatementWrapper<const SerdStatement>{nullptr}
+ // {}
+/// @copydoc SerdStatement
+class Statement
+ : public StatementData
+ , public StatementWrapper<SerdStatement>
+ Statement(const NodeView& s,
+ const NodeView& p,
+ const NodeView& o,
+ const NodeView& g)
+ : StatementData{Node{s}, Node{p}, Node{o}, Node{g}, {}}
+ , StatementWrapper{serd_statement_new(nullptr,
+ _subject.cobj(),
+ _predicate.cobj(),
+ _object.cobj(),
+ _graph.cobj(),
+ nullptr)}
+ {}
+ Statement(const NodeView& s,
+ const NodeView& p,
+ const NodeView& o,
+ const NodeView& g,
+ const CaretView& caret)
+ : StatementData{Node{s}, Node{p}, Node{o}, Node{g}, Caret{caret}}
+ , StatementWrapper{serd_statement_new(nullptr,
+ _subject.cobj(),
+ _predicate.cobj(),
+ _object.cobj(),
+ _graph.cobj(),
+ _caret.cobj())}
+ {}
+ Statement(const NodeView& s, const NodeView& p, const NodeView& o)
+ : StatementData{Node{s}, Node{p}, Node{o}, {}, {}}
+ , StatementWrapper{serd_statement_new(nullptr,
+ _subject.cobj(),
+ _predicate.cobj(),
+ _object.cobj(),
+ nullptr,
+ nullptr)}
+ {}
+ Statement(const NodeView& s,
+ const NodeView& p,
+ const NodeView& o,
+ const CaretView& caret)
+ : StatementData{Node{s}, Node{p}, Node{o}, {}, Caret{caret}}
+ , StatementWrapper{serd_statement_new(nullptr,
+ _subject.cobj(),
+ _predicate.cobj(),
+ _object.cobj(),
+ nullptr,
+ _caret.cobj())}
+ {}
+ explicit Statement(const StatementView& statement)
+ : StatementData{Node{statement.subject()},
+ Node{statement.predicate()},
+ Node{statement.object()},
+ statement.graph() ? Node{*statement.graph()}
+ : Optional<Node>{},
+ statement.caret() ? Caret{*statement.caret()}
+ : Optional<Caret>{}}
+ , StatementWrapper{statement}
+ {}
+ @}
+ @}
+ @defgroup serdpp_world World
+ @{
+/// @copydoc SerdLogLevel
+enum class LogLevel {
+/// Extended fields for a log message
+using LogFields = std::map<StringView, StringView>;
+/// User-provided callback function for handling a log message
+using LogFunc = std::function<Status(LogLevel, LogFields, std::string&&)>;
+/// Deleter for a World wrapper
+using WorldDeleter = detail::StandaloneDeleter<SerdWorld, serd_world_free>;
+using WorldHandle = detail::Wrapper<SerdWorld, WorldDeleter>;
+/// @copydoc SerdWorld
+class World : public WorldHandle
+ World()
+ : WorldHandle{serd_world_new(nullptr)}
+ {}
+ NodeView get_blank()
+ {
+ return static_cast<NodeView>(serd_world_get_blank(cobj()));
+ }
+ void set_message_func(LogFunc log_func)
+ {
+ _log_func = std::move(log_func);
+ serd_set_log_func(cobj(), s_log_func, this);
+ }
+ Status log(const LogLevel level,
+ const LogFields& fields,
+ const char* const fmt,
+ ...)
+ {
+ va_list args;
+ va_start(args, fmt);
+ std::vector<SerdLogField> c_fields(fields.size());
+ size_t index = 0;
+ for (const auto& f : fields) {
+ c_fields[index].key = f.first.c_str();
+ c_fields[index].value = f.second.c_str();
+ ++index;
+ }
+ const SerdStatus st = serd_vxlogf(cobj(),
+ static_cast<SerdLogLevel>(level),
+ fields.size(),
+ c_fields.data(),
+ fmt,
+ args);
+ va_end(args);
+ return static_cast<Status>(st);
+ }
+ static std::string format(const char* fmt, va_list args) noexcept
+ {
+ va_list args_copy;
+ va_copy(args_copy, args);
+ const auto n_bytes = vsnprintf(nullptr, 0, fmt, args_copy);
+ va_end(args_copy);
+ const auto buffer_size = static_cast<size_t>(n_bytes) + 1U;
+#if __cplusplus >= 201703L
+ std::string result(static_cast<size_t>(n_bytes), '\0');
+ if (vsnprintf(result.data(), buffer_size, fmt, args) != n_bytes) {
+ return "";
+ }
+ std::vector<char> str(buffer_size, '\0');
+ if (vsnprintf(str.data(), buffer_size, fmt, args) != n_bytes) {
+ return "";
+ }
+ std::string result(str.data(), static_cast<size_t>(n_bytes));
+ return result;
+ }
+ static SerdStatus s_log_func(void* handle,
+ const SerdLogLevel level,
+ const size_t n_fields,
+ const SerdLogField* const fields,
+ const ZixStringView message) noexcept
+ {
+ const auto* const self = static_cast<const World*>(handle);
+ try {
+ LogFields cpp_fields;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < n_fields; ++i) {
+ cpp_fields.emplace(fields[i].key, fields[i].value);
+ }
+ return static_cast<SerdStatus>(
+ self->_log_func(static_cast<LogLevel>(level),
+ cpp_fields,
+ std::string(message.data, message.length)));
+ } catch (...) {
+ }
+ }
+ LogFunc _log_func{};
+ @}
+ @defgroup serdpp_streaming Data Streaming
+ @{
+ @defgroup serdpp_event Events
+ @{
+// TODO
+/// @copydoc SerdStatementFlag
+enum class StatementFlag {
+ empty_S = SERD_EMPTY_S, ///< @copydoc SERD_EMPTY_S
+ anon_S = SERD_ANON_S, ///< @copydoc SERD_ANON_S
+ anon_O = SERD_ANON_O, ///< @copydoc SERD_ANON_O
+ list_S = SERD_LIST_S, ///< @copydoc SERD_LIST_S
+ list_O = SERD_LIST_O, ///< @copydoc SERD_LIST_O
+ terse_S = SERD_TERSE_S, ///< @copydoc SERD_TERSE_S
+ terse_O = SERD_TERSE_O ///< @copydoc SERD_TERSE_O
+/// Bitwise OR of StatementFlag values
+using StatementFlags = Flags<StatementFlag>;
+/// @copydoc SerdEventType
+enum class EventType {
+ base = SERD_BASE, ///< @copydoc SERD_BASE
+ prefix = SERD_PREFIX, ///< @copydoc SERD_PREFIX
+ statement = SERD_STATEMENT, ///< @copydoc SERD_STATEMENT
+ end = SERD_END ///< @copydoc SERD_END
+struct BaseEvent {
+ NodeView uri; ///< Base URI
+struct PrefixEvent {
+ NodeView name; ///< Prefix name
+ NodeView uri; ///< Namespace URI
+struct StatementEvent {
+ StatementFlags flags; ///< Flags for pretty-printing
+ StatementView statement; ///< Statement
+struct EndEvent {
+ NodeView node; ///< Anonymous node that is finished
+class Event
+ explicit Event(const SerdEvent* const e)
+ : _event{*e}
+ {}
+ EventType type() const { return static_cast<EventType>(_event.type); }
+ BaseEvent base() const
+ {
+ assert(_event.type == SERD_BASE);
+ return {NodeView{_event.base.uri}};
+ }
+ PrefixEvent prefix() const
+ {
+ assert(_event.type == SERD_PREFIX);
+ return {NodeView{_event.prefix.name}, NodeView{_event.prefix.uri}};
+ }
+ StatementEvent statement() const
+ {
+ assert(_event.type == SERD_STATEMENT);
+ return {StatementFlags{_event.statement.flags},
+ StatementView{_event.statement.statement}};
+ }
+ EndEvent end() const
+ {
+ assert(_event.type == SERD_END);
+ return {NodeView{_event.end.node}};
+ }
+ SerdEvent _event;
+ // union {
+ // BaseEvent base;
+ // PrefixEvent prefix;
+ // StatementEvent statement;
+ // EndEvent end;
+ // } event;
+ @}
+ @defgroup serdpp_sink Sink
+ @{
+/// A function called when the base URI changes
+using BaseFunc = std::function<Status(NodeView)>;
+/// A function called when a namespace prefix is defined
+using PrefixFunc = std::function<Status(NodeView name, NodeView uri)>;
+/// A function called when a statement is emitted
+using StatementFunc = std::function<Status(StatementFlags, StatementView)>;
+/// A function called at the end of anonymous node descriptions
+using EndFunc = std::function<Status(NodeView)>;
+/// Deleter for a Sink wrapper
+template<class CPtr>
+using SinkDeleter = detail::StandaloneDeleter<CPtr, serd_sink_free>;
+template<class CPtr>
+using SinkHandle = detail::Wrapper<CPtr, SinkDeleter<CPtr>>;
+/// Common base class for any wrapped sink
+template<class CPtr>
+class SinkWrapper : public SinkHandle<CPtr>
+ /// @copydoc serd_sink_write_base
+ Status base(const NodeView& uri) const
+ {
+ return static_cast<Status>(serd_sink_write_base(this->cobj(), uri.cobj()));
+ }
+ /// @copydoc serd_sink_write_prefix
+ Status prefix(NodeView name, const NodeView& uri) const
+ {
+ return static_cast<Status>(
+ serd_sink_write_prefix(this->cobj(), name.cobj(), uri.cobj()));
+ }
+ /// @copydoc serd_sink_write_statement
+ Status statement(StatementFlags flags, StatementView statement) const
+ {
+ return static_cast<Status>(
+ serd_sink_write_statement(this->cobj(), flags, statement.cobj()));
+ }
+ /// @copydoc serd_sink_write
+ Status write(StatementFlags flags,
+ const NodeView& subject,
+ const NodeView& predicate,
+ const NodeView& object,
+ Optional<NodeView> graph = {}) const
+ {
+ return static_cast<Status>(serd_sink_write(this->cobj(),
+ flags,
+ subject.cobj(),
+ predicate.cobj(),
+ object.cobj(),
+ graph.cobj()));
+ }
+ /// @copydoc serd_sink_write_end
+ Status end(const NodeView& node) const
+ {
+ return static_cast<Status>(serd_sink_write_end(this->cobj(), node.cobj()));
+ }
+ explicit SinkWrapper(CPtr* const ptr)
+ : SinkHandle<CPtr>{ptr}
+ {}
+/// A non-owning constant view of some other sink
+class SinkView final : public SinkWrapper<const SerdSink>
+ /// Create a view of a C sink
+ explicit SinkView(const SerdSink* const ptr)
+ : SinkWrapper<const SerdSink>{ptr}
+ {}
+ /// Create a view of some other sink
+ // NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor, hicpp-explicit-conversions)
+ SinkView(const SinkWrapper<SerdSink>& sink)
+ : SinkWrapper<const SerdSink>{sink.cobj()}
+ {}
+/// @copydoc SerdSink
+class Sink final : public SinkWrapper<SerdSink>
+ explicit Sink(const World& world)
+ : SinkWrapper{serd_sink_new(serd_world_allocator(world.cobj()),
+ this,
+ s_event,
+ nullptr)}
+ {}
+ explicit Sink(SerdSink* const ptr)
+ : SinkWrapper{ptr}
+ {}
+ /// Set a function to be called when the base URI changes
+ void set_base_func(BaseFunc base_func) { _base_func = std::move(base_func); }
+ /// Set a function to be called when a namespace prefix changes
+ void set_prefix_func(PrefixFunc prefix_func)
+ {
+ _prefix_func = std::move(prefix_func);
+ }
+ /// Set a function to be called for every statement
+ void set_statement_func(StatementFunc statement_func)
+ {
+ _statement_func = std::move(statement_func);
+ }
+ /// Set a function to be called at the end of an anonymous node
+ void set_end_func(EndFunc end_func) { _end_func = std::move(end_func); }
+ static SerdStatus s_base(void* handle, const SerdNode* uri) noexcept
+ {
+ const auto* const sink = static_cast<const Sink*>(handle);
+ return sink->_base_func ? SerdStatus(sink->_base_func(NodeView(uri)))
+ }
+ static SerdStatus s_prefix(void* handle,
+ const SerdNode* name,
+ const SerdNode* uri) noexcept
+ {
+ const auto* const sink = static_cast<const Sink*>(handle);
+ return sink->_prefix_func
+ ? SerdStatus(sink->_prefix_func(NodeView(name), NodeView(uri)))
+ }
+ static SerdStatus s_statement(void* handle,
+ SerdStatementFlags flags,
+ const SerdStatement* statement) noexcept
+ {
+ const auto* const sink = static_cast<const Sink*>(handle);
+ return sink->_statement_func
+ ? SerdStatus(sink->_statement_func(StatementFlags(flags),
+ StatementView(statement)))
+ }
+ static SerdStatus s_end(void* handle, const SerdNode* node) noexcept
+ {
+ const auto* const sink = static_cast<const Sink*>(handle);
+ return sink->_end_func ? SerdStatus(sink->_end_func(NodeView(node)))
+ }
+ static SerdStatus s_event(void* handle, const SerdEvent* event) noexcept
+ {
+ const auto* const sink = static_cast<const Sink*>(handle);
+ switch (event->type) {
+ case SERD_BASE:
+ return sink->_base_func
+ ? SerdStatus(sink->_base_func(NodeView(event->base.uri)))
+ return sink->_prefix_func
+ ? SerdStatus(sink->_prefix_func(NodeView(event->prefix.name),
+ NodeView(event->prefix.uri)))
+ return sink->_statement_func
+ ? SerdStatus(sink->_statement_func(
+ StatementFlags(event->statement.flags),
+ StatementView(event->statement.statement)))
+ case SERD_END:
+ return sink->_end_func
+ ? SerdStatus(sink->_end_func(NodeView(event->end.node)))
+ }
+ return SERD_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ BaseFunc _base_func{};
+ PrefixFunc _prefix_func{};
+ StatementFunc _statement_func{};
+ EndFunc _end_func{};
+ @}
+ @defgroup serdpp_canon Canon
+ @{
+/// @copydoc SerdCanonFlag
+enum class CanonFlag {
+ lax = SERD_CANON_LAX ///< @copydoc SERD_CANON_LAX
+/// @copydoc SerdCanonFlags
+using CanonFlags = Flags<CanonFlag>;
+/// @copydoc serd_canon_new
+inline Sink
+make_canon(const World& world, SinkView target, const CanonFlags flags)
+ return Sink{serd_canon_new(world.cobj(), target.cobj(), flags)};
+ @}
+ @defgroup serdpp_filter Filter
+ @{
+/// @copydoc serd_filter_new
+inline Sink
+make_filter(const World& world,
+ SinkView target,
+ Optional<NodeView> subject,
+ Optional<NodeView> predicate,
+ Optional<NodeView> object,
+ Optional<NodeView> graph,
+ const bool inclusive)
+ return Sink{serd_filter_new(world.cobj(),
+ target.cobj(),
+ subject.cobj(),
+ predicate.cobj(),
+ object.cobj(),
+ graph.cobj(),
+ inclusive)};
+ @}
+ @}
+ @defgroup serdpp_env Environment
+ @{
+/// Deleter for an Env wrapper
+template<typename CPtr>
+using EnvDeleter = detail::StandaloneDeleter<CPtr, serd_env_free>;
+template<typename CPtr>
+using EnvHandle =
+ detail::Copyable<CPtr, EnvDeleter<CPtr>, serd_env_copy, serd_env_equals>;
+/// Env wrapper
+template<typename CPtr>
+class EnvWrapper : public EnvHandle<CPtr>
+ /// Return the base URI
+ NodeView base_uri() const
+ {
+ return NodeView(serd_env_base_uri(this->cobj()));
+ }
+ /// Set the base URI
+ Status set_base_uri(const StringView& uri)
+ {
+ return static_cast<Status>(serd_env_set_base_uri(this->cobj(), uri));
+ }
+ /// Set a namespace prefix
+ Status set_prefix(StringView name, StringView uri)
+ {
+ return static_cast<Status>(serd_env_set_prefix(this->cobj(), name, uri));
+ }
+ /// Expand `node` into an absolute URI if possible
+ Optional<Node> expand(const NodeView& node) const
+ {
+ return Node{serd_env_expand_node(this->cobj(), node.cobj())};
+ }
+ /// Send all prefixes to `sink`
+ void write_prefixes(SinkView sink) const
+ {
+ serd_env_write_prefixes(this->cobj(), sink.cobj());
+ }
+ explicit EnvWrapper(std::unique_ptr<CPtr> ptr)
+ : EnvHandle<CPtr>{std::move(ptr)}
+ {}
+ explicit EnvWrapper(CPtr* const ptr)
+ : EnvHandle<CPtr>{ptr}
+ {}
+/// EnvView
+using EnvView = EnvWrapper<const SerdEnv>;
+/// @copydoc SerdEnv
+class Env : public EnvWrapper<SerdEnv>
+ explicit Env(World& world)
+ : EnvWrapper{
+ serd_env_new(serd_world_allocator(world.cobj()), zix_empty_string())}
+ {}
+ explicit Env(World& world, const NodeView& base)
+ : EnvWrapper{
+ serd_env_new(serd_world_allocator(world.cobj()), base.string_view())}
+ {}
+ @}
+ @defgroup serdpp_syntax_io Reading and Writing
+ @{
+ @defgroup serdpp_byte_source Byte Source
+ @{
+/// @copydoc SerdInputStream
+class InputStream : public SerdInputStream
+ explicit InputStream(SerdInputStream is)
+ : SerdInputStream{is}
+ {}
+ InputStream(const InputStream&) = delete;
+ InputStream& operator=(const InputStream&) = delete;
+ InputStream(InputStream&&) = default;
+ InputStream& operator=(InputStream&&) = default;
+ ~InputStream() { serd_close_input(this); }
+static inline size_t
+istream_read(void* const buf,
+ const size_t size,
+ const size_t nmemb,
+ void* const stream) noexcept
+ std::istream& is = *static_cast<std::istream*>(stream);
+ const size_t len = size * nmemb;
+ try {
+ is.read(static_cast<char*>(buf), static_cast<std::streamsize>(len));
+ } catch (...) {
+ return 0U;
+ }
+ return is.fail() ? 0U : len;
+static inline int
+istream_error(void* const stream)
+ std::istream& is = *static_cast<std::istream*>(stream);
+ return !is.good();
+inline InputStream
+open_input_stream(std::istream& is)
+ return InputStream{
+ serd_open_input_stream(istream_read, istream_error, nullptr, &is)};
+// InputStream
+// open_input_string(StringView string)
+// {
+// return InputStream{
+// serd_open_input_string(stream(istream_read, istream_error, nullptr,
+// &is)};
+// }
+ @}
+ @defgroup serdpp_reader Reader
+ @{
+/// @copydoc SerdReaderFlag
+enum class ReaderFlag {
+ lax = SERD_READ_LAX, ///< @copydoc SERD_READ_LAX
+ variables = SERD_READ_VARIABLES, ///< @copydoc SERD_READ_VARIABLES
+ relative = SERD_READ_RELATIVE, ///< @copydoc SERD_READ_RELATIVE
+ global = SERD_READ_GLOBAL, ///< @copydoc SERD_READ_GLOBAL
+/// @copydoc SerdReaderFlags
+using ReaderFlags = Flags<ReaderFlag>;
+/// Deleter for a Reader wrapper
+using ReaderDeleter = detail::StandaloneDeleter<SerdReader, serd_reader_free>;
+using ReaderHandle = detail::Wrapper<SerdReader, ReaderDeleter>;
+/// @copydoc SerdReader
+class Reader : public ReaderHandle
+ Reader(World& world,
+ const Syntax syntax,
+ const ReaderFlags flags,
+ Env& env,
+ SinkView sink)
+ : ReaderHandle{serd_reader_new(world.cobj(),
+ static_cast<SerdSyntax>(syntax),
+ flags,
+ env.cobj(),
+ sink.cobj())}
+ {}
+ Status start(SerdInputStream& in,
+ const NodeView& input_name,
+ const size_t block_size)
+ {
+ return static_cast<Status>(
+ serd_reader_start(cobj(), &in, input_name.cobj(), block_size));
+ }
+ /// @copydoc serd_reader_read_chunk
+ Status read_chunk()
+ {
+ return static_cast<Status>(serd_reader_read_chunk(cobj()));
+ }
+ /// @copydoc serd_reader_read_document
+ Status read_document()
+ {
+ return static_cast<Status>(serd_reader_read_document(cobj()));
+ }
+ /// @copydoc serd_reader_finish
+ Status finish() { return static_cast<Status>(serd_reader_finish(cobj())); }
+ static inline size_t s_stream_read(void* buf,
+ size_t size,
+ size_t nmemb,
+ void* stream) noexcept
+ {
+ assert(size == 1);
+ (void)size;
+ try {
+ auto* const s = static_cast<std::istream*>(stream);
+ s->read(static_cast<char*>(buf), static_cast<std::streamsize>(nmemb));
+ if (s->good()) {
+ return nmemb;
+ }
+ } catch (...) {
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ static inline int s_stream_error(void* stream) noexcept
+ {
+ try {
+ auto* const s = static_cast<std::istream*>(stream);
+ return (!(s->good()));
+ } catch (...) {
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ @}
+ @defgroup serdpp_byte_sink Byte Sink
+ @{
+ Sink function for string output.
+ Similar semantics to `SerdWriteFunc` (and in turn `fwrite`), but takes char*
+ for convenience and may set errno for more informative error reporting than
+ supported by `SerdStreamErrorFunc`.
+ @return Number of elements (bytes) written, which is short on error.
+using WriteFunc = std::function<size_t(const char*, size_t)>;
+/// @copydoc SerdOutputStream
+class OutputStream : public SerdOutputStream
+ explicit OutputStream(SerdOutputStream os)
+ : SerdOutputStream{os}
+ {}
+ OutputStream(const OutputStream&) = delete;
+ OutputStream& operator=(const OutputStream&) = delete;
+ OutputStream(OutputStream&&) = default;
+ OutputStream& operator=(OutputStream&&) = default;
+ ~OutputStream() { close(); }
+ /// @copydoc serd_close_output
+ Status close() { return static_cast<Status>(serd_close_output(this)); }
+static inline size_t
+ostream_write(const void* const buf,
+ const size_t size,
+ const size_t nmemb,
+ void* const stream) noexcept
+ std::ostream& os = *static_cast<std::ostream*>(stream);
+ const size_t len = size * nmemb;
+ try {
+ os.write(static_cast<const char*>(buf), static_cast<std::streamsize>(len));
+ } catch (...) {
+ return 0U;
+ }
+ return os.fail() ? 0U : len;
+inline OutputStream
+open_output_stream(std::ostream& os)
+ return OutputStream{
+ serd_open_output_stream(ostream_write, nullptr, nullptr, &os)};
+inline OutputStream
+open_output_file(const StringView path)
+ return OutputStream{serd_open_output_file(path.c_str())};
+ @}
+ @defgroup serdpp_writer Writer
+ @{
+/// @copydoc SerdWriterFlag
+enum class WriterFlag {
+ ascii = SERD_WRITE_ASCII, ///< @copydoc SERD_WRITE_ASCII
+ terse = SERD_WRITE_TERSE, ///< @copydoc SERD_WRITE_TERSE
+ lax = SERD_WRITE_LAX, ///< @copydoc SERD_WRITE_LAX
+ escapes = SERD_WRITE_ESCAPES, ///< @copydoc SERD_WRITE_ESCAPES
+/// @copydoc SerdWriterFlags
+using WriterFlags = Flags<WriterFlag>;
+/// Deleter for a Writer wrapper
+using WriterDeleter = detail::StandaloneDeleter<SerdWriter, serd_writer_free>;
+using WriterHandle = detail::Wrapper<SerdWriter, WriterDeleter>;
+/// @copydoc SerdWriter
+class Writer : public WriterHandle
+ /**
+ Create a writer that writes syntax to the given byte sink.
+ @param world The world that this writer is a part of.
+ @param syntax Syntax to write.
+ @param flags Flags to control writer behaviour.
+ @param env Environment used for expansion and abbreviation. The writer
+ uses a reference to this, so the environment must outlive the writer.
+ @param out Stream where output is written. The writer uses a reference to
+ this, so the stream must outlive the writer.
+ @param block_size Number of bytes to write to the output stream at once.
+ */
+ Writer(World& world,
+ const Syntax syntax,
+ const WriterFlags flags,
+ Env& env,
+ OutputStream& out,
+ const size_t block_size = 1U)
+ : WriterHandle{serd_writer_new(world.cobj(),
+ static_cast<SerdSyntax>(syntax),
+ flags,
+ env.cobj(),
+ &out,
+ block_size)}
+ {}
+ /// Return a sink that can be used to write data
+ SinkView sink() { return SinkView{serd_writer_sink(cobj())}; }
+ /// @copydoc serd_writer_set_root_uri
+ Status set_root_uri(const StringView uri)
+ {
+ return static_cast<Status>(serd_writer_set_root_uri(cobj(), uri));
+ }
+ /// @copydoc serd_writer_finish
+ Status finish() { return static_cast<Status>(serd_writer_finish(cobj())); }
+ @}
+ @}
+ @defgroup serdpp_storage Storage
+ @{
+ @defgroup serdpp_cursor Cursor
+ @{
+/// Deleter for a CursorHandle
+template<typename CPtr>
+using CursorDeleter = detail::AllocatedDeleter<CPtr, serd_cursor_free>;
+/// Owning handle to a cursor (const or mutable)
+template<typename CPtr>
+using CursorHandle = detail::
+ Copyable<CPtr, CursorDeleter<CPtr>, serd_cursor_copy, serd_cursor_equals>;
+/// A read-only view of a cursor
+class CursorView;
+/// @copydoc SerdCursor
+template<typename CPtr>
+class CursorWrapper : public CursorHandle<CPtr>
+ template<class C>
+ explicit CursorWrapper(const CursorWrapper<C>& cursor)
+ : CursorHandle<CPtr>{cursor}
+ {}
+ const StatementView& operator*() const
+ {
+ _statement = StatementView{serd_cursor_get(this->cobj())};
+ return _statement;
+ }
+ const StatementView* operator->() const
+ {
+ _statement = StatementView{serd_cursor_get(this->cobj())};
+ return &_statement;
+ }
+ explicit CursorWrapper(CPtr* const ptr)
+ : CursorHandle<CPtr>{ptr}
+ {}
+ mutable StatementView _statement{nullptr};
+/// A non-owning constant view of a cursor
+class CursorView : public CursorWrapper<const SerdCursor>
+ /// Create a view of a C cursor pointer
+ // NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor, hicpp-explicit-conversions)
+ CursorView(const SerdCursor* const ptr)
+ : CursorWrapper<const SerdCursor>{ptr}
+ {}
+ /// Create a view of some other cursor
+ template<class C>
+ // NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor, hicpp-explicit-conversions)
+ CursorView(const CursorWrapper<C>& cursor)
+ : CursorWrapper<const SerdCursor>{cursor}
+ {}
+/// An owning handle to a cursor
+class Cursor : public CursorWrapper<SerdCursor>
+ /// Create a cursor by taking ownership of a C cursor
+ explicit Cursor(SerdCursor* const ptr)
+ : CursorWrapper<SerdCursor>{ptr}
+ {}
+ /// Create a cursor by copying another cursor
+ explicit Cursor(const CursorView& ptr)
+ : CursorWrapper<SerdCursor>{ptr}
+ {}
+ Cursor(const Cursor&) = default;
+ Cursor& operator=(const Cursor&) = default;
+ Cursor(Cursor&&) = default;
+ Cursor& operator=(Cursor&&) = default;
+ ~Cursor() = default;
+ Cursor& operator++()
+ {
+ serd_cursor_advance(this->cobj());
+ return *this;
+ }
+ @}
+ @defgroup serdpp_range Range
+ @{
+/// @copydoc SerdDescribeFlag
+enum class DescribeFlag {
+ no_type_first = SERD_NO_TYPE_FIRST ///< @copydoc SERD_NO_TYPE_FIRST
+/// Bitwise OR of DescribeFlag values
+using DescribeFlags = Flags<DescribeFlag>;
+ @}
+ @defgroup serdpp_model Model
+ @{
+/// @copydoc SerdModelFlag
+enum class ModelFlag {
+ store_graphs = SERD_STORE_GRAPHS, ///< @copydoc SERD_STORE_GRAPHS
+ store_carets = SERD_STORE_CARETS ///< @copydoc SERD_STORE_CARETS
+/// Bitwise OR of ModelFlag values
+using ModelFlags = Flags<ModelFlag>;
+/// @copydoc SerdStatementOrder
+enum class StatementOrder {
+ SPO, ///< @copydoc SERD_ORDER_SPO
+ SOP, ///< @copydoc SERD_ORDER_SOP
+ OPS, ///< @copydoc SERD_ORDER_OPS
+ OSP, ///< @copydoc SERD_ORDER_OSP
+ PSO, ///< @copydoc SERD_ORDER_PSO
+ POS, ///< @copydoc SERD_ORDER_POS
+ GSPO, ///< @copydoc SERD_ORDER_GSPO
+ GSOP, ///< @copydoc SERD_ORDER_GSOP
+ GOPS, ///< @copydoc SERD_ORDER_GOPS
+ GOSP, ///< @copydoc SERD_ORDER_GOSP
+ GPSO, ///< @copydoc SERD_ORDER_GPSO
+ GPOS ///< @copydoc SERD_ORDER_GPOS
+/// A wrapper for a cursor that acts as a collection
+class ModelRange
+ ModelRange(Cursor begin, Cursor end)
+ : _begin(std::move(begin))
+ , _end(std::move(end))
+ {}
+ const Cursor& begin() const { return _begin; }
+ Cursor& begin() { return _begin; }
+ const Cursor& end() const { return _end; }
+ Cursor _begin;
+ Cursor _end;
+/// Deleter for a Model wrapper
+using ModelDeleter = detail::StandaloneDeleter<SerdModel, serd_model_free>;
+using ModelHandle =
+ detail::Copyable<SerdModel, ModelDeleter, serd_model_copy, serd_model_equals>;
+/// @copydoc SerdModel
+class Model : public ModelHandle
+ using Range = ModelRange;
+ using value_type = Statement; ///< Element value type (ala std)
+ using iterator = Cursor; ///< Iterator type (ala std)
+ using const_iterator = Cursor; ///< Const iterator type (ala std)
+ Model(World& world,
+ const StatementOrder default_order,
+ const ModelFlags flags)
+ : ModelHandle{serd_model_new(world.cobj(),
+ static_cast<SerdStatementOrder>(default_order),
+ flags)}
+ , _end{serd_model_end(cobj())}
+ {}
+ /// @copydoc serd_model_size
+ size_t size() const { return serd_model_size(cobj()); }
+ /// @copydoc serd_model_empty
+ bool empty() const { return serd_model_empty(cobj()); }
+ /// @copydoc serd_model_add_index
+ Status add_index(const StatementOrder order)
+ {
+ return static_cast<Status>(
+ serd_model_add_index(cobj(), static_cast<SerdStatementOrder>(order)));
+ }
+ /// @copydoc serd_model_drop_index
+ Status drop_index(const StatementOrder order)
+ {
+ return static_cast<Status>(
+ serd_model_drop_index(cobj(), static_cast<SerdStatementOrder>(order)));
+ }
+ /// @copydoc serd_model_insert
+ Status insert(StatementView s)
+ {
+ return static_cast<Status>(serd_model_insert(cobj(), s.cobj()));
+ }
+ /// @copydoc serd_model_add
+ Status insert(const NodeView& s,
+ const NodeView& p,
+ const NodeView& o,
+ Optional<NodeView> g = {})
+ {
+ return static_cast<Status>(
+ serd_model_add(cobj(), s.cobj(), p.cobj(), o.cobj(), g.cobj()));
+ }
+ /// @copydoc serd_model_insert_statements
+ Status insert_statements(Cursor&& range)
+ {
+ return static_cast<Status>(
+ serd_model_insert_statements(cobj(), range.cobj()));
+ }
+ /**
+ Remove a statement from a model via an iterator.
+ Calling this function invalidates all iterators on `model` except `iter`.
+ @param iter Iterator to the element to erase.
+ @returns An iterator to the statement following the erased statement,
+ or the end iterator if the statement was the last or an error occurred.
+ */
+ Cursor erase(Cursor iter)
+ {
+ if (!serd_model_erase(cobj(), iter.cobj())) {
+ return iter;
+ }
+ return iter;
+ }
+ /**
+ Remove a range from a model.
+ Calling this function invalidates all iterators on `model` except `iter`.
+ @param range Range to erase.
+ */
+ Status erase_statements(Cursor range)
+ {
+ return static_cast<Status>(
+ serd_model_erase_statements(cobj(), range.cobj()));
+ }
+ /// Search for statements that match a pattern
+ ModelRange find(Optional<NodeView> s,
+ Optional<NodeView> p,
+ Optional<NodeView> o,
+ Optional<NodeView> g = {}) const
+ {
+ return ModelRange{
+ Cursor{serd_model_find(
+ nullptr, cobj(), s.cobj(), p.cobj(), o.cobj(), g.cobj())},
+ end()};
+ }
+ /// @copydoc serd_model_get
+ Optional<NodeView> get(Optional<NodeView> s,
+ Optional<NodeView> p,
+ Optional<NodeView> o,
+ Optional<NodeView> g = {}) const
+ {
+ return NodeView(
+ serd_model_get(cobj(), s.cobj(), p.cobj(), o.cobj(), g.cobj()));
+ }
+ /// @copydoc serd_model_get_statement
+ Optional<StatementView> get_statement(Optional<NodeView> s,
+ Optional<NodeView> p,
+ Optional<NodeView> o,
+ Optional<NodeView> g = {}) const
+ {
+ return StatementView(
+ serd_model_get_statement(cobj(), s.cobj(), p.cobj(), o.cobj(), g.cobj()));
+ }
+ /// @copydoc serd_model_ask
+ bool ask(Optional<NodeView> s,
+ Optional<NodeView> p,
+ Optional<NodeView> o,
+ Optional<NodeView> g = {}) const
+ {
+ return serd_model_ask(cobj(), s.cobj(), p.cobj(), o.cobj(), g.cobj());
+ }
+ /// @copydoc serd_model_count
+ size_t count(Optional<NodeView> s,
+ Optional<NodeView> p,
+ Optional<NodeView> o,
+ Optional<NodeView> g = {}) const
+ {
+ return serd_model_count(cobj(), s.cobj(), p.cobj(), o.cobj(), g.cobj());
+ }
+ /// @copydoc serd_model_begin_ordered
+ Cursor begin_ordered(StatementOrder order) const
+ {
+ return Cursor{serd_model_begin_ordered(
+ nullptr, cobj(), static_cast<SerdStatementOrder>(order))};
+ }
+ /// @copydoc serd_model_begin
+ Cursor begin() const { return Cursor{serd_model_begin(nullptr, cobj())}; }
+ /// @copydoc serd_model_end
+ const Cursor& end() const { return _end; }
+ friend class Optional<Model>;
+ explicit Model(std::nullptr_t)
+ : ModelHandle{nullptr}
+ , _end{nullptr}
+ {}
+ Cursor _end;
+ @}
+ @defgroup serdpp_inserter Inserter
+ @{
+ Create an inserter that inserts statements into a model.
+ @param model The model to insert received statements into.
+inline Sink
+make_inserter(Model& model)
+ return Sink{serd_inserter_new(model.cobj(), nullptr)};
+ Create an inserter that inserts statements into a specific graph in a model.
+ @param model The model to insert received statements into.
+ @param default_graph The default graph to set for any statements that have
+ no graph. This allows, for example, loading a Turtle document into an
+ isolated graph in the model.
+inline Sink
+make_inserter(Model& model, NodeView default_graph)
+ return Sink{serd_inserter_new(model.cobj(), default_graph.cobj())};
+ @}
+ @}
+ @}
+} // namespace serd
+#endif // SERD_SERD_HPP