// Copyright 2021-2022 David Robillard // SPDX-License-Identifier: ISC /* Example code that is included in the documentation. Code in the documentation is included from here rather than written inline so that it can be tested and avoid rotting. The code here doesn't make much sense, but is written such that it at least compiles and will run without crashing. */ #include "serd/serd.h" #include "serd/serd.hpp" #include #include #include #if defined(__clang__) # pragma clang diagnostic push # pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable" #elif defined(__GNUC__) # pragma GCC diagnostic push # pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable" # pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-but-set-variable" #endif using namespace serd; // NOLINT(google-build-using-namespace) static void statements() { // begin statement-new Statement triple{make_uri("http://example.org/drobilla"), // Subject make_uri("http://example.org/firstName"), // Predicate make_string("David")}; // Object // end statement-new // begin statement-new-graph Statement quad{make_uri("http://example.org/drobilla"), // Subject make_uri("http://example.org/firstName"), // Predicate make_string("David"), // Object make_uri("http://example.org/userData")}; // Graph // end statement-new-graph // begin statement-new-cursor Node file{make_uri("file:///tmp/userdata.ttl")}; Statement triple2{make_uri("http://example.org/drobilla"), // Subject make_uri("http://example.org/firstName"), // Predicate make_string("David"), // Object Caret{file, 4, 27}}; // Caret // end statement-new-cursor // begin statement-new-graph-cursor Statement quad2{make_uri("http://example.org/drobilla"), // Subject make_uri("http://example.org/firstName"), // Predicate make_string("David"), // Object make_uri("http://example.org/userData"), // Graph Caret{file, 4, 27}}; // Caret // end statement-new-graph-cursor } static void statements_accessing_fields() { Node ss{make_uri("http://example.org/s")}; Node sp{make_uri("http://example.org/p")}; Node so{make_uri("http://example.org/o")}; Statement statement{ss, sp, so}; // begin get-subject NodeView s = statement.node(Field::subject); // end get-subject // begin get-pog NodeView p = statement.predicate(); NodeView o = statement.object(); Optional g = statement.graph(); // end get-pog // begin get-caret Optional c = statement.caret(); // end get-caret } static void statements_comparison() { Node ss{make_uri("http://example.org/s")}; Node sp{make_uri("http://example.org/p")}; Node so{make_uri("http://example.org/o")}; Statement statement1{ss, sp, so}; Statement statement2{ss, sp, so}; // begin statement-equals if (statement1 == statement2) { std::cout << "Match" << std::endl; } // end statement-equals const Statement& statement = statement1; // begin statement-matches if (statement.matches({}, make_uri("http://example.org/name"), {})) { std::cout << statement.subject() << " has name " << statement.object() << std::endl; } // end statement-matches } static void world() { // begin world-new World world; // end world-new // begin get-blank NodeView blank = world.get_blank(); // end get-blank } static void model() { World world; // begin model-new Model model{world, StatementOrder::SPO, {}}; // end model-new // begin fancy-model-new Model other_model{world, StatementOrder::SPO, ModelFlag::store_carets}; other_model.add_index(StatementOrder::PSO); // end fancy-model-new // begin model-copy Model copy{model}; assert(copy == model); copy = other_model; assert(copy == other_model); // end model-copy // begin model-size if (model.empty()) { std::cout << "Model is empty" << std::endl; } else if (model.size() > 9000) { std::cout << "Model has over 9000 statements" << std::endl; } // end model-size // begin model-add Node s{make_uri("http://example.org/thing")}; Node p{make_uri("http://example.org/name")}; Node o{make_string("Thing")}; model.insert(s, p, o); // end model-add // begin model-insert other_model.insert(*model.begin()); // end model-insert // begin model-add-range model.insert_statements(other_model.begin()); // end model-add-range { // begin model-begin-end Cursor i = model.begin(); if (i == model.end()) { std::cout << "Model is empty" << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "First statement subject: " << i->subject() << std::endl; } // end model-begin-end // begin iter-next if (++i != model.end()) { std::cout << "Second statement subject: " << i->subject() << std::endl; } // end iter-next } // begin model-iteration for (const StatementView& statement : model) { std::cout << "Subject: " << statement.subject() << std::endl; } // end model-iteration // begin model-all Cursor all = model.begin(); // end model-all // begin model-ordered for (auto i = other_model.begin_ordered(StatementOrder::PSO); i != model.end(); ++i) { std::cout << "Predicate: " << i->predicate() << std::endl; } // end model-ordered // begin model-ask Node rdf_type = make_uri("http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type"); if (model.ask({}, rdf_type, {}, {})) { std::cout << "Model contains a type statement" << std::endl; } // end model-ask // Add a statement so that the searching examples below work Node inst{make_uri("http://example.org/i")}; Node type{make_uri("http://example.org/T")}; model.insert(inst, rdf_type, type); // begin model-find Model::Range it = model.find({}, rdf_type, {}); NodeView instance = it.begin()->subject(); // end model-find // begin model-count size_t n = model.count(instance, rdf_type, {}); std::cout << "Instance has " << n << " types" << std::endl; // end model-count // begin model-range for (const StatementView& statement : model.find(instance, rdf_type, {})) { std::cout << "Instance has type " << statement.object() << std::endl; } // end model-range // begin model-get Optional t = model.get(instance, rdf_type, {}); if (t) { std::cout << "Instance has type " << *t << std::endl; } // end model-get // begin model-get-statement Optional ts = model.get_statement(instance, rdf_type, {}); if (ts) { std::cout << "Instance " << ts->subject() << " has type " << ts->object() << std::endl; } // end model-get-statement // begin model-erase Model::Range itype = model.find({}, rdf_type, {}); model.erase(itype.begin()); // end model-erase // begin model-erase-range // FIXME // Model::Range all_types = model.find({}, rdf_type, {}); // model.erase_statements(all_types); // end model-erase-range } static void reading_writing() { World world; // begin env-new Node base = make_file_uri("/some/file.ttl"); Env env{world, base}; // end env-new // begin env-set-prefix env.set_prefix("rdf", "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"); // end env-set-prefix // begin byte-sink-new OutputStream out = serd::open_output_file("/tmp/eg.ttl"); // end byte-sink-new // begin writer-new Writer writer{world, serd::Syntax::Turtle, {}, env, out}; // end writer-new // begin reader-new Reader reader{world, Syntax::Turtle, {}, env, writer.sink(), 4096}; // end reader-new // begin read-document Status st = reader.read_document(); if (st != Status::success) { std::cout << "Error reading document: " << strerror(st) << std::endl; } // end read-document // begin byte-sink-close // out.close(); // end byte-sink-close // begin inserter-new Model model{world, StatementOrder::SPO, {}}; Sink inserter = make_inserter(model); // end inserter-new // begin model-reader-new Reader model_reader{world, Syntax::Turtle, {}, env, inserter, 4096}; st = model_reader.read_document(); if (st != Status::success) { std::cout << "Error loading model: " << strerror(st) << std::endl; } // end model-reader-new // begin write-range // FIXME // model.all().write(writer.sink(), {}); // end write-range // begin canon-new Sink canon = make_canon(world, inserter, {}); // end canon-new Node rdf_type = make_uri("http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type"); // begin filter-new Sink filter = make_filter(world, inserter, // Target {}, // Subject rdf_type, // Predicate {}, // Object {}, // Graph true); // Inclusive // end filter-new } int main() { statements(); statements_accessing_fields(); statements_comparison(); world(); model(); reading_writing(); return 0; } #if defined(__clang__) # pragma clang diagnostic pop #elif defined(__GNUC__) # pragma GCC diagnostic pop #endif