/* Copyright 2011-2020 David Robillard <d@drobilla.net> Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include "cursor.h" #include "model.h" #include "world.h" // Define the types used in the hash interface for more type safety #define ZIX_HASH_KEY_TYPE const SerdNode #define ZIX_HASH_RECORD_TYPE const SerdNode #include "serd/serd.h" #include "zix/common.h" #include "zix/digest.h" #include "zix/hash.h" #include <assert.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <stddef.h> typedef enum { NAMED, ANON_S, ANON_O, LIST_S, LIST_O } NodeStyle; typedef struct { const SerdModel* model; // Model to read from const SerdSink* sink; // Sink to write description to ZixHash* list_subjects; // Nodes written in the current list or null SerdDescribeFlags flags; // Flags to control description } DescribeContext; static SerdStatus write_range_statement(const DescribeContext* ctx, unsigned depth, SerdStatementFlags statement_flags, const SerdStatement* statement, const SerdNode* last_subject, bool write_types); static NodeStyle get_node_style(const SerdModel* const model, const SerdNode* const node) { if (serd_node_type(node) != SERD_BLANK) { return NAMED; // Non-blank node can't be anonymous } const size_t n_as_object = serd_model_count(model, NULL, NULL, node, NULL); if (n_as_object > 1) { return NAMED; // Blank node referred to several times } if (serd_model_count(model, node, model->world->rdf_first, NULL, NULL) == 1 && serd_model_count(model, node, model->world->rdf_rest, NULL, NULL) == 1 && !serd_model_ask(model, NULL, model->world->rdf_rest, node, NULL)) { return n_as_object == 0 ? LIST_S : LIST_O; } return n_as_object == 0 ? ANON_S : ANON_O; } static const SerdNode* identity(const SerdNode* const record) { return record; } static ZixHashCode ptr_hash(const SerdNode* const ptr) { return zix_digest(0u, &ptr, sizeof(SerdNode*)); } static bool ptr_equals(const SerdNode* const a, const SerdNode* const b) { return *(const void* const*)a == *(const void* const*)b; } static SerdStatus write_pretty_range(const DescribeContext* const ctx, const unsigned depth, SerdCursor* const range, const SerdNode* last_subject, bool write_types) { SerdStatus st = SERD_SUCCESS; const SerdStatement* statement = serd_cursor_get(range); while (statement) { // Write this statement (and possibly more to describe anonymous nodes) if ((st = write_range_statement( ctx, depth, 0u, statement, last_subject, write_types))) { break; } // Update the last subject and advance the cursor last_subject = serd_statement_subject(statement); st = serd_cursor_advance(range); statement = serd_cursor_get(range); } return st > SERD_FAILURE ? st : SERD_SUCCESS; } static SerdStatus write_list(const DescribeContext* const ctx, const unsigned depth, SerdStatementFlags flags, const SerdNode* object, const SerdNode* const graph) { const SerdModel* const model = ctx->model; const SerdWorld* const world = model->world; const SerdSink* const sink = ctx->sink; const SerdNode* const rdf_first = world->rdf_first; const SerdNode* const rdf_rest = world->rdf_rest; const SerdNode* const rdf_nil = world->rdf_nil; SerdStatus st = SERD_SUCCESS; const SerdStatement* fs = serd_model_get_statement(model, object, rdf_first, NULL, graph); assert(fs); // Shouldn't get here if it doesn't at least have an rdf:first while (!st && !serd_node_equals(object, rdf_nil)) { // Write rdf:first statement for this node if ((st = write_range_statement(ctx, depth, flags, fs, NULL, false))) { return st; } // Get rdf:rest statement const SerdStatement* const rs = serd_model_get_statement(model, object, rdf_rest, NULL, graph); if (!rs) { // Terminate malformed list with missing rdf:rest return serd_sink_write(sink, 0, object, rdf_rest, rdf_nil, graph); } // Terminate if the next node has no rdf:first const SerdNode* const next = serd_statement_object(rs); if (!(fs = serd_model_get_statement(model, next, rdf_first, NULL, graph))) { return serd_sink_write(sink, 0, object, rdf_rest, rdf_nil, graph); } // Write rdf:next statement and move to the next node st = serd_sink_write_statement(sink, 0, rs); object = next; flags = 0u; } return st; } static bool skip_range_statement(const SerdModel* const model, const SerdStatement* const statement) { const SerdNode* const subject = serd_statement_subject(statement); const NodeStyle subject_style = get_node_style(model, subject); const SerdNode* const predicate = serd_statement_predicate(statement); if (subject_style == ANON_O || subject_style == LIST_O) { return true; // Skip subject that will be inlined elsewhere } if (subject_style == LIST_S && (serd_node_equals(predicate, model->world->rdf_first) || serd_node_equals(predicate, model->world->rdf_rest))) { return true; // Skip list statement that write_list will handle } return false; } static SerdStatus write_subject_types(const DescribeContext* const ctx, const unsigned depth, const SerdNode* const subject, const SerdNode* const graph) { SerdStatus st = SERD_SUCCESS; SerdCursor* const t = serd_model_find( ctx->model, subject, ctx->model->world->rdf_type, NULL, graph); if (t) { st = write_pretty_range(ctx, depth + 1, t, subject, true); } serd_cursor_free(t); return st; } static bool types_first_for_subject(const DescribeContext* const ctx, const NodeStyle style) { return style != LIST_S && !(ctx->flags & SERD_NO_TYPE_FIRST); } static SerdStatus write_range_statement(const DescribeContext* const ctx, const unsigned depth, SerdStatementFlags statement_flags, const SerdStatement* SERD_NONNULL statement, const SerdNode* SERD_NULLABLE last_subject, const bool write_types) { const SerdModel* const model = ctx->model; const SerdSink* const sink = ctx->sink; const SerdNode* const subject = serd_statement_subject(statement); const NodeStyle subject_style = get_node_style(model, subject); const SerdNode* const predicate = serd_statement_predicate(statement); const SerdNode* const object = serd_statement_object(statement); const NodeStyle object_style = get_node_style(model, object); const SerdNode* const graph = serd_statement_graph(statement); SerdStatus st = SERD_SUCCESS; if (depth == 0u) { if (skip_range_statement(model, statement)) { return SERD_SUCCESS; // Skip subject that will be inlined elsewhere } if (subject_style == LIST_S) { // First write inline list subject, which this statement will follow if (zix_hash_insert(ctx->list_subjects, subject) != ZIX_STATUS_EXISTS) { st = write_list(ctx, 2, statement_flags | SERD_LIST_S, subject, graph); } } } if (st) { return st; } // If this is a new subject, write types first if necessary const bool types_first = types_first_for_subject(ctx, subject_style); if (subject != last_subject && types_first) { st = write_subject_types(ctx, depth, subject, graph); } // Skip type statement if it would be written another time (just above) if (subject_style != LIST_S && !write_types && serd_node_equals(predicate, model->world->rdf_type)) { return st; } // Set up the flags for this statement statement_flags |= (((subject_style == ANON_S) * (SerdStatementFlags)SERD_EMPTY_S) | ((object_style == ANON_O) * (SerdStatementFlags)SERD_ANON_O) | ((object_style == LIST_O) * (SerdStatementFlags)SERD_LIST_O)); // Finally write this statement if ((st = serd_sink_write_statement(sink, statement_flags, statement))) { return st; } if (object_style == ANON_O) { // Follow an anonymous object with its description like "[ ... ]" SerdCursor* const iter = serd_model_find(model, object, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (!(st = write_pretty_range(ctx, depth + 1, iter, last_subject, false))) { st = serd_sink_write_end(sink, object); } serd_cursor_free(iter); } else if (object_style == LIST_O) { // Follow a list object with its description like "( ... )" st = write_list(ctx, depth + 1, 0u, object, graph); } return st; } SerdStatus serd_describe_range(const SerdCursor* const range, const SerdSink* sink, const SerdDescribeFlags flags) { if (serd_cursor_is_end(range)) { return SERD_SUCCESS; } assert(sink); SerdStatus st = SERD_SUCCESS; SerdCursor copy = *range; ZixHash* const list_subjects = zix_hash_new(identity, ptr_hash, ptr_equals); DescribeContext ctx = {range->model, sink, list_subjects, flags}; st = write_pretty_range(&ctx, 0, ©, NULL, (flags & SERD_NO_TYPE_FIRST)); zix_hash_free(list_subjects); return st; }