// Copyright 2021 David Robillard <d@drobilla.net>
// SPDX-License-Identifier: ISC


#include "serd/node.h"
#include "zix/string_view.h"

   A lightweight "specification" of a node.

   This is essentially the arguments needed to construct any node combined into
   a single structure.  Since it only refers to strings elsewhere, it is
   convenient as a way to completely specify a node without having to actually
   allocate one.
typedef struct {
  SerdNodeType  type;   ///< Basic type of this node
  ZixStringView string; ///< String contents of this node
  SerdNodeFlags flags;  ///< Additional node flags
  ZixStringView meta;   ///< String contents of datatype or language node
} NodeSpec;

static inline NodeSpec
token_spec(const SerdNodeType type, const ZixStringView string)
  NodeSpec spec = {type, string, 0U, zix_empty_string()};
  return spec;

static inline NodeSpec
literal_spec(const ZixStringView string,
             const SerdNodeFlags flags,
             const ZixStringView meta)
  NodeSpec spec = {SERD_LITERAL, string, flags, meta};
  return spec;