// Copyright 2011-2023 David Robillard <d@drobilla.net> // SPDX-License-Identifier: ISC #ifndef SERD_SRC_URI_UTILS_H #define SERD_SRC_URI_UTILS_H #include "string_utils.h" #include "serd/attributes.h" #include "serd/uri.h" #include "zix/string_view.h" #include <stdbool.h> #include <string.h> typedef struct { size_t shared; size_t root; } SlashIndexes; static inline bool slice_equals(const ZixStringView* a, const ZixStringView* b) { return a->length == b->length && !strncmp(a->data, b->data, a->length); } static inline size_t uri_path_len(const SerdURIView* uri) { return uri->path_prefix.length + uri->path.length; } static inline char uri_path_at(const SerdURIView* uri, size_t i) { if (i < uri->path_prefix.length) { return uri->path_prefix.data[i]; } return uri->path.data[i - uri->path_prefix.length]; } /** Return the index of the last slash shared with the root, or `SIZE_MAX`. The index of the next slash found in the root is also returned, so the two can be compared to determine if the URI is within the root (if the shared slash is the last in the root, then the URI is a child of the root, otherwise it may merely share some leading path components). */ static inline ZIX_PURE_FUNC SlashIndexes uri_rooted_index(const SerdURIView* uri, const SerdURIView* root) { SlashIndexes indexes = {SIZE_MAX, SIZE_MAX}; if (!root || !root->scheme.length || !slice_equals(&root->scheme, &uri->scheme) || !slice_equals(&root->authority, &uri->authority)) { return indexes; } const size_t path_len = uri_path_len(uri); const size_t root_len = uri_path_len(root); const size_t min_len = path_len < root_len ? path_len : root_len; for (size_t i = 0; i < min_len; ++i) { const char u = uri_path_at(uri, i); const char r = uri_path_at(root, i); if (u == r) { if (u == '/') { indexes.root = indexes.shared = i; } } else { for (size_t j = i; j < root_len; ++j) { if (uri_path_at(root, j) == '/') { indexes.root = j; break; } } return indexes; } } return indexes; } /** Return true iff `uri` shares path components with `root` */ static inline ZIX_PURE_FUNC bool uri_is_related(const SerdURIView* uri, const SerdURIView* root) { return root && root->scheme.length && slice_equals(&root->scheme, &uri->scheme) && slice_equals(&root->authority, &uri->authority); } /** Return true iff `uri` is within the base of `root` */ static inline ZIX_PURE_FUNC bool uri_is_under(const SerdURIView* uri, const SerdURIView* root) { const SlashIndexes indexes = uri_rooted_index(uri, root); return indexes.shared && indexes.shared != SIZE_MAX && indexes.shared == indexes.root; } static inline bool is_uri_scheme_char(const int c) { switch (c) { case ':': case '+': case '-': case '.': return true; default: return is_alpha(c) || is_digit(c); } } #endif // SERD_SRC_URI_UTILS_H