/* Copyright 2011-2021 David Robillard <d@drobilla.net> Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include "zix/hash.h" #include <assert.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdlib.h> typedef struct ZixHashEntry { ZixHashCode hash; ///< Non-folded hash value ZixHashRecord* value; ///< Pointer to user-owned record } ZixHashEntry; struct ZixHashImpl { ZixKeyFunc key_func; ///< User-provided key accessor ZixHashFunc hash_func; ///< User-provided hashing function ZixKeyEqualFunc equal_func; ///< User-provided equality comparison function size_t count; ///< Number of records stored in the table size_t mask; ///< Bit mask for fast modulo (n_entries - 1) size_t n_entries; ///< Power of two table size ZixHashEntry* entries; ///< Pointer to dynamically allocated table }; static const size_t min_n_entries = 4u; static const size_t tombstone = 0xDEADu; ZixHash* zix_hash_new(const ZixKeyFunc key_func, const ZixHashFunc hash_func, const ZixKeyEqualFunc equal_func) { ZixHash* const hash = (ZixHash*)malloc(sizeof(ZixHash)); if (!hash) { return NULL; } hash->key_func = key_func; hash->hash_func = hash_func; hash->equal_func = equal_func; hash->count = 0u; hash->n_entries = min_n_entries; hash->mask = hash->n_entries - 1u; hash->entries = (ZixHashEntry*)calloc(hash->n_entries, sizeof(ZixHashEntry)); if (!hash->entries) { free(hash); return NULL; } return hash; } void zix_hash_free(ZixHash* const hash) { if (hash) { free(hash->entries); free(hash); } } ZixHashIter zix_hash_begin(const ZixHash* const hash) { return hash->entries[0u].value ? 0u : zix_hash_next(hash, 0u); } ZixHashIter zix_hash_end(const ZixHash* const hash) { return hash->n_entries; } ZixHashRecord* zix_hash_get(const ZixHash* hash, const ZixHashIter i) { assert(i < hash->n_entries); return hash->entries[i].value; } ZixHashIter zix_hash_next(const ZixHash* const hash, ZixHashIter i) { do { ++i; } while (i < hash->n_entries && !hash->entries[i].value); return i; } size_t zix_hash_size(const ZixHash* const hash) { return hash->count; } static inline size_t fold_hash(const ZixHashCode h_nomod, const size_t mask) { return h_nomod & mask; } static inline bool is_tombstone(const ZixHashEntry* const entry) { return !entry->value && entry->hash == tombstone; } static inline bool is_empty(const ZixHashEntry* const entry) { return !entry->value && !entry->hash; } static inline bool is_match(const ZixHash* const hash, const ZixHashCode code, const size_t entry_index, ZixKeyEqualFunc predicate, const void* const user_data) { const ZixHashEntry* const entry = &hash->entries[entry_index]; return entry->value && entry->hash == code && predicate(hash->key_func(entry->value), user_data); } static inline size_t next_index(const ZixHash* const hash, const size_t i) { return (i == hash->mask) ? 0u : (i + 1u); } static inline ZixHashIter find_entry(const ZixHash* const hash, const ZixHashKey* const key, const size_t h, const ZixHashCode code) { size_t i = h; while (!is_match(hash, code, i, hash->equal_func, key) && !is_empty(&hash->entries[i])) { i = next_index(hash, i); } return i; } static ZixStatus rehash(ZixHash* const hash, const size_t old_n_entries) { ZixHashEntry* const old_entries = hash->entries; const size_t new_n_entries = hash->n_entries; // Replace the array in the hash first so we can use find_entry() normally hash->entries = (ZixHashEntry*)calloc(new_n_entries, sizeof(ZixHashEntry)); if (!hash->entries) { return ZIX_STATUS_NO_MEM; } // Reinsert every element into the new array for (size_t i = 0u; i < old_n_entries; ++i) { ZixHashEntry* const entry = &old_entries[i]; if (entry->value) { assert(hash->mask == hash->n_entries - 1u); const size_t new_h = fold_hash(entry->hash, hash->mask); const size_t new_i = find_entry(hash, entry->value, new_h, entry->hash); hash->entries[new_i] = *entry; } } free(old_entries); return ZIX_STATUS_SUCCESS; } static ZixStatus grow(ZixHash* const hash) { const size_t old_n_entries = hash->n_entries; hash->n_entries <<= 1u; hash->mask = hash->n_entries - 1u; return rehash(hash, old_n_entries); } static ZixStatus shrink(ZixHash* const hash) { if (hash->n_entries > min_n_entries) { const size_t old_n_entries = hash->n_entries; hash->n_entries >>= 1u; hash->mask = hash->n_entries - 1u; return rehash(hash, old_n_entries); } return ZIX_STATUS_SUCCESS; } ZixHashIter zix_hash_find(const ZixHash* const hash, const ZixHashKey* const key) { const ZixHashCode h_nomod = hash->hash_func(key); const size_t h = fold_hash(h_nomod, hash->mask); const ZixHashIter i = find_entry(hash, key, h, h_nomod); return is_empty(&hash->entries[i]) ? hash->n_entries : i; } ZixHashRecord* zix_hash_find_record(const ZixHash* const hash, const ZixHashKey* const key) { const ZixHashCode h_nomod = hash->hash_func(key); const size_t h = fold_hash(h_nomod, hash->mask); return hash->entries[find_entry(hash, key, h, h_nomod)].value; } ZixHashInsertPlan zix_hash_plan_insert_prehashed(const ZixHash* const hash, const ZixHashCode code, const ZixKeyMatchFunc predicate, const void* const user_data) { // Calculate an ideal initial position ZixHashInsertPlan pos = {code, fold_hash(code, hash->mask)}; // Search for a free position starting at the ideal one const size_t start_index = pos.index; size_t first_tombstone = SIZE_MAX; while (!is_empty(&hash->entries[pos.index])) { if (is_match(hash, code, pos.index, predicate, user_data)) { return pos; } if (first_tombstone == SIZE_MAX && is_tombstone(&hash->entries[pos.index])) { first_tombstone = pos.index; // Remember the first/best free index } if ((pos.index = next_index(hash, pos.index)) == start_index) { break; } } // If we found a tombstone before an empty slot, place the new element there pos.index = first_tombstone < SIZE_MAX ? first_tombstone : pos.index; assert(!hash->entries[pos.index].value); return pos; } ZixHashInsertPlan zix_hash_plan_insert(const ZixHash* const hash, const ZixHashKey* const key) { return zix_hash_plan_insert_prehashed( hash, hash->hash_func(key), hash->equal_func, key); } ZixHashRecord* zix_hash_record_at(const ZixHash* const hash, const ZixHashInsertPlan position) { return hash->entries[position.index].value; } ZixStatus zix_hash_insert_at(ZixHash* const hash, const ZixHashInsertPlan position, ZixHashRecord* const record) { if (hash->entries[position.index].value) { return ZIX_STATUS_EXISTS; } // Set entry to new value ZixHashEntry* const entry = &hash->entries[position.index]; assert(!entry->value); entry->hash = position.code; entry->value = record; // Update size and rehash if we exceeded the maximum load const size_t max_load = hash->n_entries / 2u + hash->n_entries / 8u; if (++hash->count >= max_load) { return grow(hash); } return ZIX_STATUS_SUCCESS; } ZixStatus zix_hash_insert(ZixHash* const hash, ZixHashRecord* const record) { const ZixHashKey* const key = hash->key_func(record); const ZixHashInsertPlan position = zix_hash_plan_insert(hash, key); return zix_hash_insert_at(hash, position, record); } ZixStatus zix_hash_erase(ZixHash* const hash, const ZixHashIter i, ZixHashRecord** const removed) { // Replace entry with a tombstone *removed = hash->entries[i].value; hash->entries[i].hash = tombstone; hash->entries[i].value = NULL; // Decrease element count and rehash if necessary --hash->count; if (hash->count < hash->n_entries / 4u) { return shrink(hash); } return ZIX_STATUS_SUCCESS; } ZixStatus zix_hash_remove(ZixHash* const hash, const ZixHashKey* const key, ZixHashRecord** const removed) { const ZixHashIter i = zix_hash_find(hash, key); return i == hash->n_entries ? ZIX_STATUS_NOT_FOUND : zix_hash_erase(hash, i, removed); }